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8631601 No.8631601 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when your sister has friends over and they eat all your pizza.

>> No.8631606

>That feel when your six year old sister watches you play genius of sappheiros

She's well on her way to becoming a secondary!

>> No.8631609

that feel when older sisters friend sarcastically says we should get married because I'm handsome and she could be sisters with my sisters, but I didn't pick up on the sarcasm and thought we were dating from that point on, causing an extremely awkward moment early in my highschool years that scarred me for life.

Sisters friends, not even once.

>> No.8631639


It's hardly her fault you have autism.

>> No.8631642

I'm not autistic, she was just not very good at conveying her sarcastic tone and was very touchy. Who wouldn't get the wrong idea?

>> No.8631644

I would just assume she's joking. She'd have to have pretty shitty taste in men otherwise.

>> No.8631646


Maybe you had the right idea but just weren't forward and clear enough. 3D bitches, man.

>> No.8631647

Fucking wow. You really are autistic. Don't lie to yourself like that, you're not doing yourself any favours.

>> No.8631653

I was in 10th grade at the time you faggot.

I hate how every time anything slightly out of the ordinary happens it's always "Oh gawd so autism XD!"

>> No.8631655

What happened in highschool, anon?

>> No.8631659

I bet. You must get that a lot!

>> No.8631677

Just how retarded do you have to be to think that.

>> No.8631678

My sister visited me once at my home. She asked to get out of my room so her friends, which she invited without my permission, could sleep in my inner sanctum. I bit her head off like only a big sister type in my animays do, then bad the whole bunch of them sleep in the couch. My PS3 and Wii were off limits as well. I am an asshole, and it feels good.

>> No.8631682

>I hate how every time anything slightly out of the ordinary happens it's always "Oh gawd so autism XD!"
To fail to pick up on social cues and tones like this though is one of the most typical traits of of the autism spectra.

>> No.8631685
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That feel when your onii-chan is a big jerk and never hugged you ;_;

>> No.8631686


obviously you should have made a lewd proposal in order to grant them permission.

>> No.8631689

You were not there, so it's hard to explain it. I've also been locked indoors by my parents my entire life, so it's really a surprise I'd be socially stunted. That has nothing to do with autism, and I've become tremendously good at reading social cues and body language from observing people.

But yeah, keep going on and forcing autism meme. Totally epic for the win, guy.

>> No.8631691

so it's not really*

>> No.8631692

Taking the autism meme seriously is a sure sign of autism.

>> No.8631694

It's just /v/ trash that picked it up from starcraft and made it a buzzword.
You even have people pretending to be autistic now to look "cool". It's the new nerd glasses and culture deal like hipsters were.

>> No.8631719
File: 7 KB, 240x180, 1235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stop you could tell from her post shes a girl, and shes talking about her little sister...

"God I hope I'm right, this is what I feel and I don't wanna be wrong FucK!"

>> No.8631721
File: 57 KB, 240x240, 1323275877098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, anon. We are all girls here.

>> No.8631724

I'm a man. Someone needs to keep you girls in line after all.

>> No.8631727

Damn straight sis! *BUUUUUURP*

>> No.8631728


Don't care, point still stands.

>> No.8631730
File: 58 KB, 361x303, 1329117807309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are really being a bitch and railing on you today huh?
Don't worry I find your situation plausible and awkward.

>> No.8631735

>It's just /v/ trash
Jesus, stop posting.

>> No.8631733
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>> No.8631738

I would find this funny if my sister didn't do the same.

As soon as men are not around them, women seem to degenerate even more than frat boys.

>> No.8631741

I've been farted directly on by my sister. It's not as nice like H Manga makes it out to be. I gagged.

>> No.8631751

When you mention a text book example of actual autism related disorders, you should at least not overreact even if it isn't the case in your case.

>> No.8631753

Shut up, shut up , shut up!

>> No.8631754
File: 44 KB, 251x231, 1323957614213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that shit fucking sucks, makes you wanna run out of the room.

>> No.8631765
File: 468 KB, 700x569, 75d43ab88ed6052f7ff6d817064e59e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, it was real nice at first. she was wearing girl boxers and sitting on my bed while I played videogames. She then wrapped her thighs around my face, so that her right leg inner thigh was on my face, and her left leg inner thigh was on the back of my head. I stayed there for a while since it was really nice, then turned around to face her crotch and tell her to get off me, but right then she farted and tried to hold me in.
I can't even explain how bad it smelled. At least I did get to run my face on her crotch though.

>> No.8632577

Sounds sensual.
