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8631044 No.8631044 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when losing the house you live in and having the threat of not having a place to stay for awhile looming dangerously overheard

/jp/, I have a few weeks before I get kicked out of my living situation. What should I do, download and prepare for or miss on?

>> No.8631047

NTR drug induced mindbreak gangbang porn

>> No.8631049

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8631053
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Sudo, why?

>> No.8631050


Sounds like a plan.

>> No.8631055

Just put yourself out of your misery. You deserve everything you're getting.

>> No.8631060

Do what I do and just l live in your mother's root cellar without her permission. I've been living here for 4 months now and I just eat some of her food and use her house when she is working during the week.

>> No.8631069


I may workup that courage if all else in my life fails.


Wouldn't be a problem if they weren't losing the house as well.

>> No.8631092

Where do you live? You can stay with me.

>> No.8631100


This may be a troll, but in my situation? Eh, it couldn't hurt.

Currently living somewhere within the CST time zone in a land called Missouri.

>> No.8631104

Not trolling, I always offer.

I'm in Australia I'm afraid.

>> No.8631111
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Now is your chance to live the dream.

>> No.8631108
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Ah. That's that then.

May just enjoy my last few weeks /jp/ing it up in comfort while I can while prepare for mass amounts of suck coming my way; and not in the form of cock, dude.

>> No.8631115

Damn that ducks man same thing kinda happened to me no Internet for like almost a year. Libraries helped

>> No.8631118
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I always wondered about this fucker whenever that image was posted. What happens when he turns off the engine? What happens when someone crashes into him? What happens if someone steals his bus? How is his mental state? Who is this man?

Inquiring minds wish to know the wandering Bus /jp/ Traveler.


Indeed mate. Main reason I'm up now is because I can't even sleep without thinking about since I get a nasty sensation in my chest of anxiety. It's only going to get worse in the coming weeks; though I still have the option of trying to get my GED from some sort of program I half-assed. I might see if I can get some type of assistance and cross that transition into adult /jp/ life.

>> No.8631119

Set aside those things you can't do without, then just sell (or pawn) the rest of your crap. You'll need cash more than whatever /jp/ related shit you're into.

And don't worry, all your favorite porn will still be here on the internet when you get settled.

>> No.8631127

It's not a bus. It's a railroad car.

>> No.8631133

The bus isn't actually functioning, it's an empty hull in a scrapyard.

>> No.8631129
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Yeah, I'm intending to sell mostly everything I own save for my Music Player. The second to last thing I would sell is probably my Main Computer since it has TB's of nostalgia, music, video's, documents and a bunch of other bullfuck I have sentimental attachment to. Will probably use my netbook here and there if it comes down to i until I have to sell that.

And yeah, even if I lose a majority of my data, I can still try to back up some things online and offline in addition to just having some common sense and going back to my sources where I once downloaded them; despite how long it will probably take.

Still, I never thought it would happen this quickly. Been like mostly since I was 15, just turned 19 and I suppose it's fairly good it happened earlier rather then when I'm in my late 20's or early 30's.

>> No.8631130

WAIT!! What about whoring yourself for money!?

>> No.8631131

I'm hungry

>> No.8631139


Seriously? For the longest time I thought it was some sort of school bus.


I doubt there is a market for many who are into brown skinned young adult males.


aH, THAT makes more sense.

>> No.8631145

>Seriously? For the longest time I thought it was some sort of school bus.


It's Russian.
I'm Russian too and this is very similar to railroad cars we have. Probably not underground trains, but proper ones.
We don't have school buses here, shit, it looks nothing like our buses.

>> No.8631147


What if he gets crushed in a compacter?

>> No.8631148

I'd do that if I understood how he has power and Internet.

>> No.8631151

If you can make it to Iowa I'd let you live here a few days if you don't mind living with a neckbeard. I'm kind of tight on cash as well, so you may be on your own for food if you don't like ramen noodles.

>> No.8631150
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Probably not the best picture of a school bus, but I spent about five seconds on google and grabbed this. You could see why I thought it was some sort of school bus.


That's a good question as well.

>> No.8631155

>I doubt there is a market for many who are into brown skinned young adult males.

There are fetishes for everything. Try porn or better yet gay strip clubs around the area you'll make bank maybe!

>> No.8631158


Huh, that might actually be doable since it's only one state away from where I am currently living. If all else fails, I may give that shot. And I don't really care since I used to be rather large until I started getting /fit/. Dropped about 100 pounds; so I could probably help you out in that department since I know how it feels to start from there. I'm also fine with the food situation since I know how to stretch and make food last.

>> No.8631161


I may keep that plan as a serious tramp card; though I doubt it'll go anywhere. Doubt I have the personality for that sort of thing.

>> No.8631162

I feel your pain, I truly do. Try not to lose hope, may better days come to you, me and all of /jp/.

>> No.8631165

you just done invited a nigger to yer house boy

>> No.8631168

Email is in the email field if you do need a place to stay.

One of my roommates is black. Doesn't bother me.

>> No.8631171

I want offer you a place to live, but I was a bum for a few months.
Maybe could offer some advice, if there's anything you want to know. Luckily you're in the south, so you won't freeze to death as easily.

>> No.8631172

all im sayin is that some of yer figurines might not be there once he leaves

>> No.8631178
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Why the fuck would you willingly keep apes in your home?

They belong in a zoo.

>> No.8631176

Don't have any figs. I collect Dakimakuras, and I actually have insurance on everything.

>> No.8631180


Kind of needed to hear more remarks like this since I still kind of the willpower to keep moving forward despite being dealt a shitty card. Along with that, I may as well put this youth to use. I figure if I haven't gotten out of this rut in the next 5 years; I'll probably end up an heroing in some kind of way once I gather the nerve for it.

Though, for now, I'm more in the mood for trying to figure out how to get my self out of this sitaution and into a better one instead of doing an end all yet. I have thought about it seriously in the past, but I guess my delusions are propelling me to sustain me from going that far


I lol'd


Alright, I'll see about contacting you soon once I figure out how things occur over the next few weeks. And yeah, prepare for vast quantities of blackness soon. Then again, I am /jp/, so the threat factor is rather low.


Advice may be good along with some stories. And nope, I used to live in the south when we got foreclosed on, but got shipped back to Missouri. So if I don't find a way out of this clitmate by next fall/witner, frozen death here I come to. Which is ironic since one of my online names/persona's refers to cold/winter weather and people in those circles would have a hardy laugh.

>> No.8631185

I know you're "trolling" but still.. The guy is in despair and someone was actually nice enough to offer help. Lets just let it be, for once.

>> No.8631196

Well, you're farther south than I was and I lasted the winter. I don't have any stories I'm ready to share with 4chan, but I do know a thing or two about not dying when you should have.

If I'm going to be of any help I'll need to know everything you've got though. What skills you have, what the area is like, are you in a city or the woods, what resources you have or can get, and anything else that might be useful.

How much money do you have?

>> No.8631237
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Everything I got, eh? Well, I do have a pretty close-nit community that is behind my back. It's an forum thing, but I've known alot of these people for many years. In the past, they have helped me out before and one of them has sent me about 3,000 dollars in gifts before ranging from netbook I have, to a desktop, to Christmas/Birthday gifts and etc. So, if all else, I still have some connection to people and shows I have the potential to be social when needed.

In addition to that I'm fairly good with working on computers since I held a short-lived job at an IT place repairing computers, working on them, cleaning servers and stuff like that before some of my mental history appeared. Started getting heavily depressed, really self conscious of my work, unsure if I wanted to work in that type of field, trying to suffer through years of anxiety + derealization/depersonalition in addition to other underlaying issues my online pals noticed such as Paranoia, Bipolar and shit like that.

I've also had moments where I could zone myself in pure will. This can last anywhere from an hour, to a few months such as when I was juggling that GED program I mentioned in addition to the temp job I had. I know it seems rather lazy to most, but I geniuely just couldn't handle it (Hence why I'm still here) as I felt myself getting weaker once October hit.

>> No.8631243
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I mean, before I entered it I was a complete reculase for awhile apart from the whole trying to lose weight + /fit/ thing. I've had periods in my life where I felt extreme panic so bad I couldn't even leave my room for a period of a time because I could get shaking fits, I'd feel my body freaking out, I'd feel my chest acting like it was going to pass out and overall I felt reality "phasing out" if I can explain that.

And, while battling that job, I also realized I wasn't as lazy as my parents seem to think, but after being depressed, isolated, a freak and etc for most of your life; you tend to get phyiscally drained to the point where you can't even focus as I noticed during the Fall. Someday's, I couldn't even be assed to shower/clean/get food or even think for myself since it felt so bad.

I was thinking of applying for disability, but I'm unsure what those around would think as I'd rather just keep manning up like I tried to do during those late summer months when I got that job + GED.

>> No.8631251
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In any case, slight story time aside, I also live in one of the biggest cities of Missouri; which is Kansas City. As of now, I'm in this program that is offering assistance for those 18-25 for getting a GED, shipping you off to college and finding work for you; though, like I stated, I fucked up and start attending less when my mental bullcrap started effecting my heavily again to the point where I couldn't help it anymore. So, as of now, they got me a disability navigator and I am waiting on a call back today or this week about it; though, if it doesn't happen soon, I may not be able to apply for a bus card which they give out at the end of the month

AND, considering my situation, time is CRITICAL. Other resoruces I have is that tripuser offering me a place to live in another state, one of my online friends possibly seeing if he can help the cause, I have about 30-40 dollars to my name, the area I'm use to it fairly random; in my city you can be doing fine in one neighborhood, and totally nigger fucked in the next. Though, since I've learned not to be a dumbass, I know how to phase through certain parts given the fuck I am black and makes me able to blend into both worlds depending on how I act.

Oh, and I'm also fairly good at writing since on this Forum RP I'm usually considered some type of beast writing since in most of my post I am able to do at least three to five thousand words, I am good at some CSS type code and know my way around certain graphic type programs like Vegas/Adobe.

>> No.8631279


>I was thinking of applying for disability
That's pretty easy modo. Incidentally, it's much easier if you're melatonin enhanced at least around here. But it takes time, like a year's worth of time. Something to think about anyway.

So what's your plan?
Crash with your online pals?
Get a job somewhere and start over?
Hold out until a family member can take you in?
Get a box car, and become the greatest hobo that ever lived?

At any rate, you got the fact you can blend in on your side. The one thing to keep in mind as a bum is to never let people know you're a bum. Teenagers might kill you, cops will hassle, and good luck ever hanging out in a store to warm up, or using the library which is your greatest asset, if word gets out.

In a city "food" can be had easily, and if he can keep getting cash, cheaply.Don't worry too much about food and get used to starving. Water is a big thing, you can't exactly store it on you if it's below freezing out, but it's easy enough to get a hold of with public bathrooms about.

>I have about 30-40 dollars to my name
That's not much. First concern with survival is making sure the elements can't kill you. That will do you in far faster than lack of food or water. Make sure you've got the right winter gear. And make sure you can wear it without looking homeless or like an eskimo.

>> No.8631295



Melanin, the word you were looking for was melanin.

>> No.8631305


And yeah, when I had my job, I did invest in some decent looking clothes and I know of ways to try and keep myself up in appearances. If I can help out, I won't let myself look like a typical homeless person if it comes down to that point.

On the food/water related note, I can also manage to snag some containables for my food in my current house to take with me if it comes down to that. I will probably put in my book bag: a change of clothes, my netbook, charging equipment for my ipod, books to read, food, water, maps if I can find them, cleaning products (Brushes, mouthwash, tooth paste etc) and anything else worth taking I can carry with my bare hands. And since trying to get /fit/, I can bare a fairly decent load to talk around with.

>> No.8631302

I'll assume you know how to layer, and what things like whicking mean. Make sure you grab some wool, and stay the hell away from cotton especially if you plan on being anywhere wet or moving around a lot.

Walking around in a trench coat and wearing a backpack stuffed full tends to turn heads, so find a place to stash your gear where no one will fuck with it. Whether that's a friend's place, a little "base" you set up. or just a random stash in the woods. Keep your non essentials there, but always keep the stuff you'll need to live on you.

You might be able to get foodstamps in a hurry, but kiss them goodbye if they find out you haven't got a home.

Important things to have are a wool sweater and good boots. Your boots are your car if you don't have one, and the biggest heaviest coat you have is your home if you don't have one. Sleeping bags are iffy. They're heavy, hard to carry, and you can't get out of one in a hurry. Not to mention if someone sees you in it, it's obvious what you're doing.

It might seem like a great idea to carry a weapon, but don't even try it. You'll get fucked seven ways to Sunday if you're caught with it.

Anything specific you want to know?

Danke, I've been drinking.

>> No.8631303


My plan? Not entirely sure. I just keep envising myself just trying to do what I can to keep happy. I'd be content with just having a small apartment, decent internet connection and my computer with enough food/heat/AC to keep be over for most of my youth; unsure how I'll feel when older as things can always change, but for now and the next ten years this will be best.

I may try to crash with my online pals, but I'm not really sure if their ready for that either.

As far as jobs? I may just start being more deceitful. Bullshitting some interviews, finding more clothes to make myself presentable; but most important, and if I can help it, find something doesn't make me really want to jump out of the nearest 22nd story floor window.

I may also hold out on the family part; though I was taken in by my half-sister when my folks house got foreclosed on for a year before I fucked that up to. Which makes me think back to that one anon who said I probably deserve the situation I am in. SO, that little voice in my head probably agrees with him and a part of me wants to just wait for death, meanwhile another is ready to take on life full force, another part is scared shitless, other parts are in full survival mode and it's just a whole cluseterfuck in my head at the moment.

>> No.8631337
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Might also end up going to lay down for a bit to get back on my Ipod like I was at the start of this thread; since I've been having spells of extreme tiredness where I can't do anything. I'll probably keep this up from there since I feel exhausted right now, but my thoughts are preventing me from sleeping much given the circumstances I am currently in.

>> No.8631343

You have a desktop, a laptop, an ipod.. Sell all that, use the money to live the next couple months; get a job and get a small place.

I have an almost decade old laptop and a 30euro cellphone.

>> No.8631353
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Will probably part ways with the netbook, secondary computer I had before my friend sent me a summer gift and another computer in my name he got as a Christmas gift from 2010. probably have more to sell, but the last two things I feel I can't sell are my iPod and main computer.

My iPod is only the fact music is what drives me in my workouts, when im trying to think, takes my mind off troubled and so on so forth. I could probably part ways with main computer since it is a custom built and I can take a hard drive out with important data that can be put in an old external case and stored away somewhere until I can use it
