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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 62 KB, 520x411, Obama-Barack-funny-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8628036 No.8628036 [Reply] [Original]

This is absurd.

I just got back from community college and a group of my "friends" (mostly black males) were talking about how the Japanese/Chinese people are pathetic, weak and ugly. They kept going on and on for about an hour laughing loudly and acting like the monkeys they are.

It's just absurd. Completely absurd.

Why is it ok for black people to make fun of other races but not the other way around? No wonder Japan is so xenophobic, fucking niggers can't behave themselves

>> No.8628041

whitu pig go home!

>> No.8628039

It's not absurd. It's natural.

>> No.8628047

hey /b/ y can niggers say nigger but we cannt say nigger bcuz its racist
help pls im 15 and just thort of dis

>> No.8628050

This is completely different, The blackies are offending other races.

>> No.8628048

Part of the blood running through my veins is Japanese for your information.

>> No.8628049
File: 161 KB, 1024x768, 1309953043613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has nothing to do with them being black.
They are just naturally retarded and insecure about themselves.
Ignore them and move on OP

>> No.8628052

While I agree that niggers are subhuman, gooks(japs&chinks) are no better. But at least japs have a redeeming point since they make animu and shit, while chinks and gooks do nothing like a shitty slant-eyed shit they are.

>> No.8628054

Says the wapanese weeaboo try-hard. Face it faggot you will never become a cute Japanese idol.

>> No.8628051

> They are just naturally retarded
But THAT has everything to do with them being black.

>> No.8628057

But my black friends love me. They say that i am so'an a black man.

>> No.8628058

Don't listen to him KO/jp/, follow your dreams.

>> No.8628063

chinks play dota and gooks make good manhwa. while yelloe slant nips are making more pander crap like k-on gooks are busy making stories with a story.

td;lr: chinks=gooks=nips = slant eyed yellows

>> No.8628064
File: 49 KB, 450x338, tsunami-wave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KING OF /jp/
That means your like the king of weeaboos?

That's great. I have a present for you.

>> No.8628072


>> No.8628070

5/5 stars thread of the year all years would post in again A++++++

>> No.8628069

Trust King of /jp/. Main difference is that there was probably not a single agressive asian to stand for his blood, contrary to the huge load of blacks that are usually available in such situations.
Feel free to call the police/sue them though. You have your rights.

>> No.8628073

Yes. Drown that bastard.

>> No.8628074

To those who claims to not know how to differentiate between korean, japs, and chinks ur fucking ignorant, chinese people are the toughest in the world, able to adapt anywhere they go, and fuck those, who call our bitches ugly, i did take an ugly chinese bitch anyday then a airhead blonde, i am not racist, but the more you try to surpress or talk crap about us the harder we rise, havent you learn? Can't keep a chinaman down, we are born warriors biotch. Eat shit kk, keep hatin'.

>> No.8628076
File: 80 KB, 800x567, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arigatou ANON-SAN !!!!

>> No.8628079

Is that really what Obama looks like without makeup?

>> No.8628087

So instead of arguing with them about their ignorance, you go on an imageboard and spew more ignorance like a pussy?

>> No.8628085


>> No.8628102

I'd like to see you confronting a pack of wild niggers internet tough guy.

>> No.8628107

You sound like a pussy.

>> No.8628110

You can do it if you're not white. If you are white, just say you're hispanic and suddenly you're incapable of being racist. Works 100% of the time, given you can make a convincing Spanish accent.
A lot of things are easier that way actually.

>> No.8628111

Don't be silly. Those guys were OP's acquaintances. It's not like you'd be approaching strangers to refute their manners everytime you felt unconfortable.

>> No.8628126
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>> No.8628129
File: 193 KB, 400x300, heyheyhey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pack of wild niggers

>> No.8628139

That doesn't work if you're disgustingly pale.

>> No.8628136

That feel when you cry at the end of the Fat Albert movie

>> No.8628135

>Why is it ok for black people to make fun of other races but not the other way around?

It's not "okay", it never was "okay", it never will. So what's the big deal? A bunch of niggers make racist remarks against other ethnicity? Is that even a news? Blacks have been said shit about whites, asians and latinos for at least one century, and so are doing whites, asians and whatever.

The fact that niggers can be racists isn't something that proves they are worse that whites or asians, if anything it only proves that they are the same.

>> No.8628143

Every race is racist against every other one. The sooner you sheeple just accept that, the sooner the world can evolve.

>> No.8628140


>> No.8628142

but nigger won't go to jail for insulting white man

>> No.8628150

except niggers and yellow monkeys have no right to be racist.

>> No.8628155
File: 177 KB, 500x390, ai-kago-left-nozomi-tsuji--large-msg-116302587774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a wonderfull day when /jp/ agrees racism is bad

>> No.8628160

Fuck you fucker.
You want to be friends with everyone or what?

>> No.8628164

That will never happen. It's just that not all of us are racists.
It's the same as the homophobes, at least half of /jp/ isn't 100% straight but the few homophobes keep thinking that the others are just guests from other boards.

>> No.8628172

that's probably because no normal /jp/er would shit up /jp/ with his LGBT crap. no one gives a slightest shit about how much of a faggot you are.

>> No.8628175

>normal /jp/er
does not compute

>> No.8628176

>, at least half of /jp/ isn't 100% straight

>> No.8628177

>d a group of my "friends" (mostly black males) were talking about how the Japanese/Chinese people are pathetic, weak and ugly

Protip: the truth is not slander when spoken or libel when written

>> No.8628183

Fucking stop with all these abbreviations already.

>> No.8628189

>Fucking stop with all these abbreviations already.


>> No.8628192

>at least half of /jp/ isn't 100% straight but the few homophobes keep thinking that the others are just guests from other boards

I just want to discuss my touhou, loli and eroge in peace. There is a site for freaks like you, please go there


>> No.8628191

you mean, it's natural for a nigger to act like an ape?

I disagree, I believe that there are some niggers who are at least mildly civilized

>> No.8628198

We're here
We're queer
Get used to it

>> No.8628209


I know that feel
when your dear "friends" whom you are forced to observe and occasionally talk to start discussing "serious" matters among each other

>> No.8628219 [DELETED] 

I am total straight but i admit that homosexuality is slight amounts of homosexuality present in all of us. And it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

>> No.8628221

I'm sorry, but you can't argue with people like that
it's impossible to persuade them

besides, why would you? it's not like you care about them that much..and it's not like it would change anything on greater scale

>> No.8628242
File: 46 KB, 768x512, blkaposi_photo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for long.

>> No.8628267
File: 8 KB, 269x188, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think someone wants to get a hug !!!!

making friendships is always nice , but is it wrong to have sometimes fun on /jp/ and to take things not so serious?

>> No.8628279

hey man, I agree with the gays they're fine here,

they can have ryuunosukexryuunnosuke and ryyunosuke on reimu's turtle, or ryuunosuke on unzan

even nitroplus is on board with the gay boat these days

I see no problem with them here, hell they don't even post gay hentai threads here or even male pics, and along with that I don't think there is a single female on /jp/.

Racism should be posted on its own boards, and it's not okay for blacks to be racist, the ones that are are usually the more gangster kinds who do not go very far, hell they might even drop out of your community college.

I've met blacks that are not completely obnoxious, it's just that the ones that are incredibly loud and hard to ignore. In some places they're even a minority (Like where I live in CA, a state where the statewide majority is Hispanic. My town is mostly Chinese and I had to learn how to be conversational in Mandarin to communicate with most of the elderly.

>> No.8628293

>hell they don't even post gay hentai threads here or even male pics
But... but we get those every day!
