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8627403 No.8627403 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you live off of ramen? I bought a bunch of maruchan yakisoba noodles at walmart for like 78 cents a piece, and they're awesome, but I'm kind of afraid of killing myself from all of the goddamned sodium.

Ramen thread, I guess.

>> No.8627415

No, it's gross. Buy a bag of long gran rice and some beef.

>> No.8627424

I live off rice, meat, fish, and chicken.
I buy 50 pounds of rice every few months.

>> No.8627425

>Do any of you live off of ramen?
You'll eventually get bone deficiencies.
Never again, I say.

>> No.8627427

OP here

I don't live off of ramen, I just eat it a lot because it's easy to make and tastes good. Also, really cheap.

>> No.8627431

There was a sale on steak at my local market a few weeks ago. I asked for the steaks with no fat, so I could actually get the meat I'm paying for. Since it was so cheap, I had steak every day for a week. I think it made me constipated though.

>> No.8627433


Not identical.

>> No.8627452

eggs and steak erryday

>> No.8627465

My grandma used to make me eggs, fries, and sausage every morning. I miss living close to her. My mom never makes me breakfast, and there is usually nothing to eat in the mornings or the afternoon until she makes dinner.

>> No.8627473

I try to eat it as rarely as possible and try to make proper things first.

>> No.8627499

78c is too expensive for what it is.

>> No.8627508

Depends. 78c for a meal is pretty cheap. 78c for the nutritional value you get is too expensive.

>> No.8627579

A 250gram pork steak from the butcher's comes at around 1€ here. I'd rather take the steak and also cut and fry one potato as a side-dish.

>> No.8627586

That's seriously cheap.

>> No.8627590

At least get Nissin if you're going with noodles readily available in Western stores.
Go with Mama if you can find it.

>> No.8627593

They've been recently opening up few ramen restaurants in the city, but it's actually more expensive than I figured it would be.

Sio ramen alone is like $7 a bowl after tax. Try and get a beer with that, it's like $10.

>> No.8627596

Where the hell should I but from? Meat's so expensive unless I want to be eating chicken thighs all my life.

>> No.8627604


maruchan is 12 packs for less than 2 dollars, and that's what stores generally carry.

>> No.8627636
File: 48 KB, 350x350, 90074-nong-shim-shin-ramen-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8627652
File: 45 KB, 395x451, Yasuna2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When even bile-shit-lowest-quality-ramin like maruchan gets too expensive for me. I just live off of rice and a bit of soy sauce. If I am lucky I have a can of spam that I can fry up and the cholesterol and fat and other nutrients from it would carry me for another few days.

>> No.8627657

I used to like nong shim ramin. It had just the right amount of kick that I like in my spicy food. usually got the cup version though

>> No.8627707

A pack of ramen is like 150~200 calories.

I'd kill my gains if I lived on that.

>> No.8627733
File: 183 KB, 754x900, killmebaby!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

The maruchan yakisoba things are delicious, you should try them.

Also, kirru mehh babby picture for you sickfucks.

>> No.8627786
File: 145 KB, 512x512, 1297805933001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every second day i eat nissin cup noodles or nissin yakisoba. The cup noodles are more like something in between "real" meals and pretty expensive here for 1.25 EUR. The yakisoba is great - 0.62 EUR, and together with a one-third of a can with chinese vegetables it's actually a "real" meal. Unfortunately no shop around here sells the yakisoba. I have to order it by internet.
