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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8626160 No.8626160 [Reply] [Original]

shit you did because of japanese cartoons general
>eating pocky every day'an
>dressing up like characters'an
>pretending you can fight'an
>running like a retard'an

>yearbooks handed out
>only get 3 signatures, two from buddies of mine and one from a teacher
>know my mom will want to see it
>fill the endless blank spaces that i had with fake signatures, mostly anime characters (several waifus too =3)
>wrote little messages like "hope 2 see u this summer big boy [heart]"
>when my mom read that one i acted embarrassed, "heheh, oh that sakura"
>years later realize that she probably knew exactly what was going on

it was all in the same pen too.

>> No.8626174
File: 40 KB, 798x500, getaloadofthisguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your autism is showing op

>> No.8626176

why are you such a weeaboo op

>> No.8626189

>only get 3 signatures, two from buddies of mine and one from a teacher

You couldn't even get the anime club to sign it?

>> No.8626188

I believe this belongs in >>>/a/

>> No.8626185

Hopefully just the OP playing around and not actual retards.

>> No.8626201


im not anymore


no they were fucking losers

>> No.8626205

he got kicked out dude those fuckers couldnt appreciate true anime

>> No.8626211

My walmart has pocky. It's better than most other chocolate snacks, so why not get it?

>> No.8626209

>anime club

>> No.8626225
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>> No.8626231

is the one with the glasses a male or a female? I honestly can't tell

either way that was a horrifying video

>> No.8626238

The first time I saw this I laughed so hard after I realized it was just going to be the to of them.

>> No.8626234
File: 21 KB, 535x350, pleasecome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants you to come, Anonymous.

>> No.8626235

Why take a /r9k/ users post and put it on /jp/?

That's not very nice dude.

>> No.8626242


I'm surprised spaghetti didn't fall out of anybody's pockets.

>> No.8626255

>shit you did because of japanese cartoons general
I jacked off.
I jacked off to girls with animal parts.
I jacked off to a girl who was probably more animal than human (Mutio)
I jacked off to 14 year olds(Sailor Scouts)
I jacked off to 9 year olds (Nanoha/Fate)
I jacked off to 3 year olds (Yuki, Dizzy)
I jacked off to a 1 year old (Nano)
I jacked off to girls who are older than me
I jacked off to girls who are older than my grandma
I jacked off to girls who are older than the country I live in
I jacked off to girls who are older than time and space

I even jacked off to girls that have penises a couple times

>> No.8626261

I jacked off to loving couples having consensual sex in the missionary position with the lights off.

>> No.8626275


>> No.8626278

I became a pedophile. Fucking anime!

>> No.8626282
File: 388 KB, 800x600, Chiyoeatsacat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never buy yearbooks
>mom wants one for my senior year
>get one
>don't ask anyone to sign it
>that's that

Paying 60 dollars for a book full of people I don't particularly like seems retarded to me

>> No.8626285

Used to wear a Naruto headband.

I thought if i wore it long enough it would give me ninja powers so i wore that fucker all day. even in the shower and when i went to sleep.

Eventually when i took it off my forehead was basically peeling off. It was all shiny and was covered in pimples.

Shit was embarrassing so i wore it to school for a year after that.

>> No.8626289

I tried to get people to sign my year book and they destroyed it. I went to the office and they told me to tape it up.

>> No.8626290

I asked not to be put in mine. Which is great because in my schoolmates' minds, I will basically fade out of existence. There is material proof that I was even real.

>> No.8626293

I had sex with a neg and didn't tell me I was poz just so I could see the look on his face when I came inside him as I told him that I was poz.

>> No.8626296

I didn't even go to my graduation. Just picked up my diploma the next day.

>> No.8626298

Fuck off AIDS troll. You are too autistic to post here. Go try your antics on /prog/.

>> No.8626297 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8626303

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8626311
File: 46 KB, 656x175, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no you don't >>8626297!

>> No.8626314


Get a year book senior year
Only one in the school not put into the yearbook.
Everyone else has group pictures etc
Not a single sight.
Return it saying the yearbook club didn't put me in my own yearbook.


>> No.8626331


This (minus the 1 year old thing... maybe I just need to lurk more.)

Also become obsessed with giant robots and pretend my car is one. I have to get (imaginary) launch permission before I take off and must go through a pre-takeoff checklist.

>> No.8626343

I scratch the back of my head when I answer the phone or somebody comes to my house and I get nervous. Not because of anime, but because I shower about once a month and the back of my head itches when I get hot. Actually, my whole back itches, but my head is the only thing I can scratch with my bare hand.

>> No.8626344

I didn't even buy a yearbook senior year.

Or junior.

Get on my level.

>> No.8626349

I go through a pre-drive checklist non-ironically. Such is the curse of driving a 30-year-old sports car which I bought because of Initial D.

>> No.8626352 [SPOILER] 
File: 247 KB, 540x720, dcf56b893bdb8e28a9c1abeb79e9600b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This (minus the 1 year old thing
Come on man, take that last step. You said you like robots, right?

>> No.8626363

ill do my best

>> No.8626411


Haha, I guess I could give it a shot.

>> No.8626449
File: 39 KB, 479x591, pokerface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Primary school last day
>Everyone is getting their shirts signed
>Ask some people to sign mine
>Some do, others just say 'later'
>Jermaine said ok and drew a large penis on my back in black pen on my white uniform
>Walk home without knowing
>Arrive at home, mother asking how my day went bla bla bla I turn to walk away and she yells "WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR BACK"
>Mother is jehovah's witness
>Get in trouble and forced to read revelations

>> No.8626694
File: 618 KB, 755x630, 1329121912025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>never go out except for school, work, shopping.
suprisingly i'm only 130lbs.
>>become a lolicon
i don't think i'd have kids in real life ever.
>>take japanese classes
I still only know hiragana/katakana

>> No.8626701

Who is she? I see her pic everywhere

>> No.8626702

Who are you quoting?

Who are you quoting?

Who are you quoting?

Who are you quoting?

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8626707

She's from some kind of manga which I assume is not worth the read because not only does /a/ like it, /v/ does too.

>> No.8626709


>> No.8626710


>> No.8626711

>shit you did because of japanese cartoons general
not watch japanese cartoons
post on /jp/

>> No.8626714

>I even jacked off to girls that have penises a couple times
That's a tranny, anon.

>> No.8626718

The question remains. Have you ever had sex?

>> No.8626727

I may be fucked up, but I never went that far.

>> No.8626737

I see. That Mutio was kinda hot. And i've had sex with.... bla bla bla....
