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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8625319 No.8625319 [Reply] [Original]

Top ten reasons why blacks are the master race:
1: We make better music. I'll take Tupac over your emo bullshit songs anyday.
2: We have more power. Now that Obama's in office, you honkies ain't gonna be hatin' much longer.
3: We're resistant to the sun. Have fun burning up every time you step outside.
4: We have bigger cocks. Face it- this has been proven by science. It's also been proven that women love huge dicks.
5: We get all the women. Like it or not, no bitch can resist a black man.
6: Our women are better. Aside from being smarter, you don't catch black women cheatin' on every goddamn boyfriend they get. Not that anyone would cheat on a black man.
7: We're just plain cooler. You always see the white kids pretending they were black, but you never see our kids trying to be white.
8: We're more physically fit. We can run faster, jump higher, and do shit you fat cracker-ass white boys could never even dream of doing.
9: We have more fun. Me and my brothers are always out partying, having a good time...while you pasty honkies sit inside, jerkin' off and watchin' your shitty Japanese cartoons.
10: Blacks are better fighters. All of the famous UFC champions and boxers have been black. And you ever see a white man that knew how to use a gun? Neither have I.

>> No.8625327




>> No.8625331

Why I hate darkies

1. Just look at them. They still resemble the apes that they were derived from. Same ape-shaped face, wide fucking nose, massive lips, and same nasty looking paws.

2. They are welfare hogging pieces of shit. When someone actually needs a little bit of help from welfare, they usually cannot receive it due to all the spooks living off of everyone else’s work.

3. Why not hate them? What purpose do they serve on earth, other than to make it unsuitable for everyone else?

4. They stink extremely bad.

5. They can barely speak properly. I hate listening to those ebonics speaking pieces of shit and trying to decipher what the fuck they are mumbling about. Maybe if they’d take some time away from stealing, robbing, raping, and ruining the world for everyone else…they could spend some time getting an education.

>> No.8625333

6. They make me mad seeing them on TV. BET? Why is it necessary to devote an entire channel to them? Do we really need to see them trying to make “music” while jumping around on stage just like their ape ancestors? No, we don’t. Maybe if they’d remove stupid shit like this, then maybe future niggers wouldn’t try to imitate these idiots.

7. Those stupid fucks wearing pants that are falling down to their knees. Um, hello you stupid niggers. It’s bad enough that we have to see your stupid faces and other uncovered regions. We really don’t want to see your nasty lower regions being exposed. If we wanted to see that, we have zoos and Animal Planet to get our fix for those who have a fascination with looking at apes exposed.

8. They walk around constantly grabbing their dicks. Why is that? Are they secretly scratching at their venereal diseased cocks? Or, are they just trying to imitate their ape ancestors?

9. They ruin cars. Have you seen these idiots who sell crack to make enough money to put 24 inch wheels on a car designed for 14 inch wheels? They make them look like some sort of monster truck or something. STOP IT NIGGERS! Just because you have the minds of chimps doesn’t mean you should be entitled to destroy automobiles.

10. They ruin sports. It’s pretty bad trying to watch a sporting event and all you can see is a jersey/uniform on the screen. They are the reason they had to start putting names on the back. Who the fuck can tell them apart? When all you see is a shiny black image, it’s really hard to tell them apart. You stupid spooks.

>> No.8625335


>> No.8625339

Suck my fucking cock Meido.

>> No.8625345

gtfo niggers

>> No.8625340

Can I get the "whites = jealous" copypasta up in here?

>> No.8625350

Yeah right. Then why did you stop making new music about 23-24 years ago and then your "new" music was just talking over white music from Belgium. What happened to blacks like Chuck Berry? What was making music. Tupac WAS emo, you dumb fuck!

>> No.8625360
File: 17 KB, 443x410, erograpter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think you meant to post this in >>8625303 since it began with a picture of a nigger am i right guys or what

>> No.8625363

Then there was the fact you needed some WHITE jews at Viacom to get your black faces all over every radio station and TV channel so that people would be forced to look at you.

>> No.8625385

Why are niggers so insecure and envious of every other race?
I guess its common when you aren't human living among humans.

>> No.8625403
File: 26 KB, 826x803, White Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And you ever see a white man that knew how to use a gun? Neither have I.

Nigga say what

>> No.8625410

We were talking about this with a friend earlier: WHY ARE HUMAN GIRLS SO ANGRY AT YOUKAI?

and we came up with this answer: they're jealous!

Let's see why:

* 1) They have awesome resistance to physical damage
* 2) They are more fit, they can outfly any human female anytime
* 3) They got waaaay stronger danmaku
* 4) They know how to treat a man better
* 5) They can take care of themselves. humans have forgot how to live without a society
* 6) They got specialities. They can gap, read minds, create universes, nuke things, you name it!
* 7) A youkai male wouldn't date a human girl. On the other hand, human men would drop their human girlfriend anytime for a youkai girl if given the chance
* 8) They're simply cooler. Admit it, maybe it wasn't the case some 2000 years ago, but nowadays being with a human gf sucks whereas being with a youkai gf is cool as hell
* 9) They got a sense of what family is about
* 10) They are amaaazing in bed

I could be going on and on and on but you get the point by now

We know we are not going back :)

>> No.8625412

Choose one.

>> No.8625430
File: 434 KB, 800x800, Sleep 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8625420


>> No.8625437

>but you never see our kids trying to be white.

e.g. Every black person with a white-collar job, including Obama.

>> No.8625445

Hey niggers, if blacks are so great why won't you move to one of those awesome African countries governed by blacks?

>> No.8625634


>> No.8625778
File: 24 KB, 300x446, 1086059-koishi_smaller_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. You guys got Tupac. I'll give you that. Whites have Johnny Cash, Elvis, and Michael Jackson.
2. A nigger in office just provin' how bad he's doing to both home and warfront. Whites took a step down, gave a nigger a shot, and they dun goofed now.
3. Actually blacks burn just as bad as whites. I believe the Southern slaves proved you guys are more flammable than jews.
4. Biggest dick so far naturally is a white dude recorded. Hmm...
5. Feel free to take the fat ones, I'll keep my underrage girls.
6. You're women are nappy-headed hos who emasculate their men and are proud to eat dat KFC chicken even if they go the way of Big Momma. Totally better!
7. And yet here you are, on 4chan, the whitest place on the internet.
8. So why is the black guy first to die in a horror movie and a skinny white bitch lives? Also, a skinny Asian guy is making more media than half your niggers playing basketball.
9. You and yo boys are havin' fun with each other...and just each other. It's cool, being faggot is what's hot these days.
10. Brock Lesnar, Shane Carwin, Ken Shamrock, hmm...why there more white legends of combat than niggers? Oh, if blacks are so good, how come they never managed to kill a president?

Denial Nigger is in denial.

>> No.8625785

>you o-tack-u culture culture when browsing /jp/

>> No.8625803
File: 48 KB, 600x383, 1c6cef583a9c78cd790e96a7d5a01474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Michael Jackson.
Stopped reading there.

>> No.8625811

Michael Jackson may have been born a young black man, but he died a rich white woman.

>> No.8625838

stop shitting up /jp/ niggers. Its shitty enough already. Anyways most people dont hate niggers, they hate the subhuman behavior that niggers exhibit.

>> No.8625863


>> No.8625871

i find it funny how in most hentai oekakis the guy having sex with the chick is of dark complexion. most of these oekakis are also created by japanese people.

now, someone tell me who is doing something wrong here.

>> No.8625878

Why did this take so long

>> No.8625883

Why does /jp/ become so racist at night?

>> No.8625885

its just a matter of giving some color to blend random faceless man with the wall
