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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8621984 No.8621984 [Reply] [Original]

><@Aaeru_3> there is two VITAs in my house now

>> No.8621987
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>> No.8621989

Progress on the Aaeru VN?

>> No.8621990

where this bitch get her money from

>> No.8622003


Also that feel when no games on VITA yet so you just play PSP instead.

>> No.8622004

><@Aaeru_3> nobody cares about freedom anymore
><@Aaeru_3> they dont even know what's so important about it
><@Aaeru_3> or why our forefathers picked up pitchforks to join in a bloody revolution and lose their lives over the cause of freedom
><uppfinnarn> I care about freedom, but you're losing focus
><uppfinnarn> our mission is to bring VNs to the west, not to change copyright
><@Aaeru_3> nope. ppl just sit back and let others fix the world
><@Aaeru_3> not referring to that uppfinnarn
><uppfinnarn> then what are you referring to?
><@Aaeru_3> just ranting
><uppfinnarn> oh, then don't let me disturb you…
>* dirtyoldman cuddles aearu

>> No.8622007

The feel when I want to rape Aaeru so much


>> No.8622008

><@Aaeru_3> Libertarian...???!
><@Aaeru_3> that's radical!
><@Aaeru_3> dont talk to me!
><@Aaeru_3> Libertarians fight for Liberty you idiot
><@Aaeru_3> you know? Statue of Liberty? the pride of the world?
><uppfinnarn> America, not the world
><@Aaeru_3> it is the pride of the world
><@Aaeru_3> America was once the free-est country in the world
><@Aaeru_3> they had the largest middle-class
><dirtyoldman> pride? 75 pct of the world hates the us anyway lol
><@Aaeru_3> well im talking about half a century ago
><@Aaeru_3> leading up to the 90s
><dirtyoldman> one of the many reasons i want to leave before we get attacked again ><
><@Aaeru_3> nowadays their inequality in wealth distribution is worse than that of Nigeria
><@Aaeru_3> these days, nobody cares about freedom
><@Aaeru_3> heck they dont even know what freedom of speech is
><@Aaeru_3> or why it's important

>> No.8622009


There won't be any real deal games on Vita for a while

>> No.8622012
File: 415 KB, 720x960, [pink]My favourite Bishoujo[pink].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she doesn't use Gentoo.

>> No.8622023

She sounds a bit like Cudder.

>> No.8622049

><@Aaeru_> btw d_fallen_god|movie_mode thx for deleting and locking that thread
><@Aaeru_> it was a good idea
><@Aaeru_> was a bit out of control
><@Aaeru_> and i couldnt do it cause
><@Aaeru_> me doing it meant theyll just attack me more
><@Aaeru_> so sad these people.

Are we really that sad? ;_;

>> No.8622050

You people are so obsessed with Aaeru get over it she will never love you move on.

>> No.8622055

/jp/ proves time and time again the vn community here is the worst on the web. even /v/ probably makes better visual novel threads. i wouldn't know since i don't read childrens picture books with audio.

>> No.8622054

I'm not *that* radical.

>> No.8622058

><Shin_> It's so easy to throw insults~
><Shin_> But it's so much more productive to find good things about people~
><~Aaeru_> well the only ones in this world who identifies with the current 'community' is a board called /jp/ on 4chan...
><~Aaeru_> i.e. scum
><~Aaeru_> so it's not a coincidence that insults became thrown
><~Aaeru_> frankly i just dont feel i need to make my design cater to /jp/
><~Aaeru_> they have their own boards already.
><~Aaeru_> but /jp/ likes to think that the bulk of fan translators ARE them
><~Aaeru_> that's not true.
><~Aaeru_> the bulk of fan translators is right here on my notepad. over 70 different contact details for fan trans and ex fan trans
><~Aaeru_> they have no idea. most of these ppl dont even pay attention to VN news

>> No.8622078

I thought you were permabanned. What happened?

>> No.8622079

lick up my dick cheese aaeru! then afterwards I can show you the pleasure of being cum inside.

>> No.8622080

Fucking IRC stalkers
Just fuck off and go back to #/jp/

>> No.8622081

#/jp/ isn't really about /jp/ the 4chan board. It's Sudo and his pals.

>> No.8622082

Probably a rich family. Don't you notice the overwhelming confidence she has when exposing her ideas?
Clearly a rich kid.

>> No.8622086

I don't even know what to play on PSP. ;_;

>> No.8622088

We don't translate at /jp/, we are consumers.

>> No.8622090

She is taking it too far. It's JUST VNs and eroge.

>> No.8622092

I think there's an imas game... Or a Tales game. There's quite a lot JRPG on the PSP.

>> No.8622100


>> No.8622112

English: Is standards declining?

>> No.8622119

I know there is a ban appeal, but last I checked, you were complaining that no mods were listening to you on #4chan.

>> No.8622142


>> No.8622144

Spamming your threads and getting banned for it is pretty radical.

>> No.8622151

The more I read of Aaeru's posts, the more I am convinced she/he/it is insane.

>> No.8622152

Are you guys bullying Aeru again?

>> No.8622154

What of it?

>> No.8622155

We're not bullying her, what she does is fucking stupid. There is no need to introduce VN/eroge to the english speaking community.

>> No.8622156

Keep it up.

>> No.8622157

Yeah, rich kids aren't right in their heads

>> No.8622161

>><@Aaeru_3> or why our forefathers picked up pitchforks to join in a bloody revolution and lose their lives over the cause of freedom

But Aaeru is Australian?

What revolution is she on about?

>> No.8622164

I think she wanted for her forefathers (the criminals sent for hard labor to Australia) to literally break off their chains and fight the English Empire.

>> No.8622166

More likely she is retarded and gets confused with America.

Convict ancestry is a mark of pride in Australia anyway

>> No.8622167

Probably referring to the Eureka Stockade, a rebellion over gold mining tax.

There was also the Rum Rebellion (srz) but that didn't involve any pitchforks.

>> No.8622172

She is from Sydney, Eureka rebellion was in Ballarat, Victoria.

It's also a pretty minor rebellion and largely ignored outside of Ballarat

>> No.8622183

That was not the reason. Do a little more research.

They do tend to be a bit like that. Insane is a good way. Examples:

>> No.8622185

But Cudder, you are as insane and Aeru. And not in a ``cute'' way.

>> No.8622195

Why Aaeru such a hypocrite?

>> No.8622298
File: 62 KB, 316x316, leave-aaeru-alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys find the time to stalk Aaeru? Have you really ran out of VNs?

>> No.8622325

I don't mind Aaeru and have even talked to her a few times, but keeping meticulously up to date with everything she does is /cgl/ tier. I don't really like the idea of her being made into a target here like moogy-sama-dono-heika.

>> No.8622332

That's too bad. It's going to continue anyway, whether you like it or not. In future just filter the word "Aaeru" and these threads will disappear from your sight.

>> No.8622761

Is aeru all the chicks in that eroge?

>> No.8624299

Crazy moe~

>> No.8624346


>> No.8624370

Australians who follow Alex Jones tend to forget that they are not American.

>> No.8625383
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That's what went through my mind the first time I heard of fuwanovel.

>> No.8625446

Oh fuck, Princess of the Crystal in Aaeru thread.


>> No.8625443


So confused. Is she one of those ditzy american "Libertarians" or calling said group out for not being proper Libertarians?

I'm curious enough to ask she what she's talking about.

><dirtyoldman> one of the many reasons i want to leave before we get attacked again ><


>> No.8625461


I'm not a troll, but a fight between the two of us would probably be pretty epic. It would also be written by Nasu.

>> No.8625467

Fuck off.

>> No.8625475

Thank you for this [pink]lovely[/pink] thread

>> No.8625478
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What are you going to do if I say no? Throw your SAGE at me? lol.

>> No.8625483
File: 10 KB, 245x171, 1329442415114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would throw my dick at your anus.

>> No.8625485

You UTTER FAGGOT my friend was killed by a thread. I demand you edit your post.

>> No.8625493

How did it feel to leave the operation room and not have a dick or balls anymore?

>> No.8625497

I can't imagine that people actually care enough about Aaeru to make many thousands of posts about her so I'm going to assume that it's people pretending to care for the primary purpose of getting people angry.

>> No.8625503

It's basically like how we've grown tired of Touhou and VNs, so 99% of our discussions are:
* Shitposting
* Ironic shitposting
* Meta discussions about shitposting

>> No.8625515

I don't need to do anything since I know your feelings were seriously hurt by my post. I bet you're crying right now aren't you?

>> No.8625520

Fuck off Aaeru your samefagging is much too obvious. We are going to watch you make an ass of yourself and we are going to enjoy it.

You clearly aren't aware of the authority that sage has on this board.

>> No.8625525

It's not metashitposting if there's at least 3 levels of irony!

>> No.8625536


Nope. Would you be proud of yourself that you did? Do you like making girls cry?

oh gaiz I has no ethnics am i a cool /b/tard edfag yet lol xD

>> No.8625544

>blurp durp i have so many cocks in my moth who r u quoting i like diks in my but
- u

>> No.8625549

that's what your mother said when I fucked your dad, you big gay

>> No.8625551

Why are you still here?

We're all waiting for you at


>> No.8625556

There must be more to it than just somebody acting retarded, because we certainly don't have any shortage of retards and yet not all of them get their own threads.

>> No.8625562

Something about this post was hilarious. Thank you.

>> No.8625568

Is vita jail broken so to the point that I can play original PSP backups on it yet??

>> No.8625584

I'll bet all my non-autism bucks on PotC.

>> No.8625595
File: 83 KB, 720x720, 1286880219507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my autism bucks on zunbar.

>> No.8625607


I'm thinking of getting an original PSP actually, wondering how much it'll cost to get one I can set up with emulators, etc. I'm kind of worried about getting one with the newer firmware even if I buy second hand.

>> No.8625611

Your post reeks of tears and hurt feelings.

>> No.8625620

Give it two years.

>> No.8625636
File: 132 KB, 500x505, tumblr_ll7ic7oq2e1qbslj4o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bully Princess, guys.

>> No.8625656

I wouldn't bully PotC. I would treat her to dinner, though.

>> No.8625654

good idea, PSP is super fun to play video games on

>> No.8625667

It will cost you zero bux (you just need a memory card). You can mod whatever firmware now. I bought a friend a new PSP for Christmas and it came with 6.60 firmware (the final version).


>> No.8625676


just running through a list of games in game rankings, nothing really great here. Some cool ports but that's about it.

Glad I went with the DS, I guess, but ran out of games for that too. The attraction of the PSP is that I can at least run emulators properly. I don't have the patience to sit down with a lot of retro games, but since I'm known for doing music influenced for them I feel like I need to do more research.

>> No.8625686

Me too. With my cock as the appetizer roflmfao

>> No.8625690


>> No.8625708

Hi5 dude!

>> No.8625712

Why should I care about you're mom?

>> No.8625720

>>2010 XRCO Award – Superslut

Anon already won this award countless times.

>> No.8625722

> She identifies as a video gamer
Brb, murder.

>> No.8625723

Why do homophobes always assume everyone has a mother? You do KNOW that some people have two fathers, right?

>> No.8625741
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People never learn.

>> No.8625786
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The quality of this thread is very questionable.

>> No.8626786

><@Aaeru> yep. so much for fan translation
><@Aaeru> we're being held back by... a license that doesnt even exist
><@Aaeru> theyre just "talking"
><@Aaeru> "talking" about it.
><@Aaeru> there's no steins;gate commercial release for the West yet
><@Aaeru> and if theyre talking about it then... uh oh. all fan translations must STOP
><@Aaeru> its like we can't lift our heads or make any noise but we keep translating anyway
><@Aaeru> sooooo contradictory
><@Aaeru> just DONT TRANSLATE
><@Aaeru> I think the game plan for JAST is to slowly phase our fan translation or keep it niche keep it niche
><@Aaeru> just dont do anything radical, itll destroy the status quo
><@Aaeru> and thats why fuwanovel was so so bad an idea for Peter Payne
><@Aaeru> the biggest danger to getting more licenses is not fan translation. its numbers
><@Aaeru> the greatest danger faced by VNs in the West is obscurity.
><@Aaeru> publishers only care about numbers. nothing else

>> No.8626805

But...I don't want visual novels translated to english.

Its part of the reason I'm in the process of learning japanese, right now.

If people want to read vns they can learn japanese. Myself included.


>> No.8626808

Stop making threads about yourself.

>> No.8626855

getting VNs to the west is a stupid idea

we should just pirate the shit out of everything they made, just like the good old times

>> No.8626862

Typical subhuman thirdworlder.

>> No.8626866

not a single fuck was given

>> No.8626873

If people wanted to use computers, they can jolly well mine the ores, smelt, refine, crystallize silicon, dope, etch, deposit, assemble, code drivers, os, software. Myself included.

>> No.8627124

><@Aaeru> just DONT TRANSLATE
><@Aaeru> I think the game plan for JAST is to slowly phase our fan translation or keep it niche keep it niche
><@Aaeru> just dont do anything radical, itll destroy the status quo
What?? Well, of course people would find it bad if the official release of S;G couldn't happen because of some stupid reason, trashing all the credibility of the project.
But why interpret that as "DONT TRANSLATE"? Some people from the industry have even outright said that fantranslations are great, just that they should aim for places the official channels can't reach.

The principle is really the same as with fantranslators. Fantranslators aren't exactly too keen on others translating what they are translating either.
Even ignoring JAST or MG or whatever, is Aaeru like fundamentally against the concept of publishing businesses or something?

Also, if she is to talk about numbers or obscurity or whatever. I wonder if she realizes what an official release of S;G could potentially do, especially if it got on steam.
Fantranslations and filesharing is all amazing. But let's not fool anyone into thinking that the filesharing of translated visual novels isn't already something akin to preaching to the choir.

If Aaeru wants to rid VNs of this cloud of obscurity, she still needs official channels. For instance, if S;G got on steam, and, people could still share it as usual, that would be something.

But I don't really get Aaeru's assessment of them keeping VNs niche somehow. Having S;G released officially won't stop people from uploading and downloading it.

>> No.8627550

>Also, there will be full downloads for commercial releases on Fuwa via torrent. The games will already be in English. This hasn't been announced yet, but I'll get around to that when we launch the site.

>> No.8627746

>"On this page, we follow special rules. Do NOT be deleting other people's work. Add but do not subtract. Contest, but do not replace." - Aaeru 01:49, 16 January 2012 (EST)

What a moron, it even has a banner with what looks like a weird shield on it.

>> No.8629070
File: 56 KB, 500x281, natsumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's actually pirated borrowed from Sharin no Kuni, it's the logo of Natsumi's punishment on her chest and sleeve
