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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8621827 No.8621827 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/-LOGH Culture.

>> No.8621834


>> No.8621843

Wouldn't a circle make the most sense?

Having all of your ships in one layer would mean you could fire all of your lasers at once.

>> No.8621849

>2D tactics

>> No.8621854
File: 61 KB, 544x708, professor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LoGH looks old and faggy. It must be the same aging autist loser who keeps making these threads.

>> No.8621856
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>> No.8621857
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>> No.8621858
File: 337 KB, 590x2880, niggers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Stormfront Culture

>> No.8621861
File: 26 KB, 294x220, yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a gateway anime of the best kind. It's a great series, a masterpiece of story and characterization that is very well done in every aspect, and enhances these effects by adding great tactics and thoughtful strategy. The normal anon can see this as the epitome of anime it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is simply brilliant.

These very aspects that make it such an epic make it a breeding ground for cultured, intelligent gentlemen who engage in every kind of refinement both online and in the real world. The realistic characters all trying their hardest to be awesome, the speeches, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole debate between the merits of democracy and authoritarianism and everything about the LOGH world fuels their enjoyment, while the well thought out character backgrounds, emphasis on being virile, and overall depth of the series make it fit just right with the sophisticated drives of your average well educated twenty year old and his senses of duty and honor towards the world. Exactly the kind of thing that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards run away from it in terror.

LOGH is basically THE series to attract the best fanbase known to /a/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to enjoy the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that LOGH threads are always posted and encourage newfriends to watch it in order to become respected members of the community.

>> No.8621863

Space battles aren't really about strategy, the side with the faster ships and the longer weapon range wins.
It's simple as that, formations aren't worth a damn in a battlefield where every unit is relatively slow as a snail.

>> No.8621868

Yet again I'm trying to pick up LOGH at around episode 70. But I remember why I stopped watching. It's like it's written by a bunch of weird aliens who has observed Humanity and tried to replicate Human behaviour using only their Martian spreadsheets.

It's so charmless, dry, static and awkward. Who the hell constantly speaks in nonsensical, convoluted metaphors like that? Everyone is exactly the same and everyone acts like an autistic robot, and the only way you know people are close friends is when the show outright tells us, not because we feel it (RxK excluded, too bad the redhead dies lol).

I watched Children of Men the other week. It's a clever, incredibly well made film, full of chemistry and subtlety. Even though it has very little action you are never bored (Because, unlike LOGH, it doesn't progress the story through talking heads), and the relationships between the characters are full of love (Or hate) which is simply hinted at or demonstrated through their manner of conversation, or what simple things they do (Or don't do.).

With LOGH I have to watch through hours of unimportant assholes doing unimportant things, only to break up the horrible monotony with lame space battles full of unexciting and monotonous animation, reused unfitting music and arbitrary victories or defeats.

I hate LOGH, and I hate all the elitists who claim it's a masterpiece while it barely even passes filmmaking 101.

Fuck LOGH. Fuck it right up it's red, gleaming exhaust nozzle.

>> No.8621869
File: 53 KB, 524x488, 132889103312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That someone would waste time adapting a naruto copy pasta for this shit gives you a clue about the miserable life of the logh poster. Dudes probably in his mid 30's and going bald.

>> No.8621870

>It's like it's written by a bunch of weird aliens who has observed Humanity and tried to replicate Human behaviour using only their Martian spreadsheets.

The Japanese?

>> No.8621903

>It's so charmless, dry, static and awkward. Who the hell constantly speaks in nonsensical, convoluted metaphors like that? Everyone is exactly the same and everyone acts like an autistic robot, and the only way you know people are close friends is when the show outright tells us, not because we feel it (RxK excluded, too bad the redhead dies lol).
Damn I love LoGH.
