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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8620884 No.8620884 [Reply] [Original]

How do you explain /jp/ to your parents if they caught you visiting this place.

>> No.8620894 [DELETED] 

Looking forward to your wacky what if scenarios /jp/!

>> No.8620896 [SPOILER] 
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I would tell them the truth. I only come here to make fun of the nerds that post here seriously.

>> No.8620898

/jp/ is a blue board filled with scholars and gentleman.
I dont see any problem.

>> No.8620901

My parents think I'm a pedophile thanks to /jp/

>> No.8620924

both my mom and sister have talked to me while I browsed this board on a 24" monitor. Neither of them know what it is nor care to look directly at it.

>> No.8620933

But I've shown this to my parents. They don't seem to mind. They are happy that I'm communicating with people, even if it is only the internet.

>> No.8620945

shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.8620960

Owww! Do you feel his pain bitch?

>> No.8621126

My sister once used my computer and I left a /jp/ tab open, she just asked me "What's otaku?"

Thankfully, she doesn't know english so she couldn't read the lewd things you guys talk about.

>> No.8622469

My mother browses /jp/ though. She sometimes calls me like "did you fucking post that?" and sure enough it's often me. She knows my style of typing and knows what kind of stuff I'd talk about. So occasionally I'll be posting in a loli thread or some shit and get a call or text from her asking for source (and she'd know the source already, but just in a "gotcha" kinda way).

>> No.8622480

My parents are old and still don't understand the concept of talking to random people over the internet.

I just say that I am talking to in real life friends from University.

>> No.8622477

I live by myself.

>> No.8622482


I don't live with my parents because I'm not a man baby.

>> No.8622483
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>> No.8622485
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Mum, and my few friends for that matter are pretty cool with what I do. They even know about my thin Touhou book collection.

>> No.8622492


You aren't?

>> No.8622490

They can't catch me on here, because I always keep the door to my room locked and I obviously don't show them anything when they come in. Also, it's my computer and I'm the only one that knows the passwords to it, and I clear my browser's data all the time.

>> No.8622503

I have been living alone for the last 10 years so that wont ever happen.
I doubt those two are still alive at this point anyways..

>> No.8622542

My parents don't care at all.
Good for me, I guess.

>> No.8622558

Same here.

>> No.8622560

but do you have a killswitch that will instantly destroy your computer should anyone access it without proper authorization?

>> No.8622584

No body I know (my parents and brother included) care that I have my hobbies. They just wish I would leave the house and not be a hikki. Hell, I leave /jp/ up most of the time when I am away from the computer just for easy access later. Not like anyone touches the thing but me. So they know of 4chan and /jp/ but they don't know exactly what it is nor care to know.

>> No.8622843

Dad wouldn't know the difference between here and Facebook and if I asked mom what kind of a websites she thinks I frequent she'd probably describe /jp/.

>> No.8623132
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I'm a cute girl, so I'm allowed things like this.

>> No.8623146
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