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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 130 KB, 644x400, _sdyuj001cx322y200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8619938 No.8619938 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>8600864

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.8620217

Started Yomehapi.
I never realized before how angry condoms in pure love games me.

>> No.8620223


Thanks Anon, dodged a bullet there!

>> No.8620221

what did you call my mother?

>> No.8620245
File: 132 KB, 800x600, fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good MCs forget to use condoms

>> No.8620702

Please tell me this is actually a Muramasa reference.

>> No.8620709

I'm playing S;G 8-bit. I can't figure out shit, can't even get off the train station. Feel like a total scrub.

>> No.8621188

there aren't many other games that have that sort of sentence, down with the readings and all.

>> No.8621355

where is hatsuyuki?

i already found OST which I dlling right now, will iso be uploaded soon?

>> No.8621363 [DELETED] 

>VN General


>> No.8621411

Moot specifically said untranslated VNs belong in /jp/.

>> No.8621431

Johann Rudolf Zumsteeg said "Stop replying to shitposter."

>> No.8621433
File: 211 KB, 1029x577, anilingus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder where can I find a maid like Sachi?

>> No.8621438

So, does that make it the first Muramasa reference proper? Of course, aside from the Baldr Sky cameo.

>> No.8621439

what about VNs in development, I'm from Love Despite, I was wondering if it would be okay to advertise here beause we lack staff.

>> No.8621448
File: 40 KB, 256x361, 6639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Hanahira, it had really easy dialogue and almost completely voiced. The characters were pretty fucking cute too. It was perhaps too short though.

Does anyone know of anything similar? Almost completely voiced, easy dialogue, and no ero scenes? I find unless it's translated ero scenes ruin the game for me because I rush through the dialogue instead of trying to understand it.

>> No.8621472

Here is your Hatsuyuki Sakura faggots : http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/torrents-47/5-%5B120224%5D%5Bsagaplanets%5D-%E3%81%AF%E3%81%A4%E3

>> No.8621473

Where's this from?

>> No.8621488

Something by Giga most likely, judging by the text box.

>> No.8621498
File: 102 KB, 500x375, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it is.
bitter smile.

>> No.8621502


thanks, dlling now

>> No.8621535

v. interested to see if this lives up to the hype

>> No.8621785
File: 236 KB, 1043x672, prefiguracion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The foreshadowing in this game is kind of... blatant.

I mean, I'm sure they're going to pull more when I get to Shinku's route, but I'm not sure why they're even pretending we haven't figured this one out yet.

>> No.8621816

vg's vn threads are so terrible I'm sure they would make anyone who wanted to read a VN abandon the idea and instead get a job and become a productive member of society who finds love and lives a fulfilling life. That is how truly repulsive they are.

>1. 4leaf studios
>2. Type Moon
>3. Little Busters
>4. Akabei Soft
>5. Rance Soft


>> No.8621894
File: 98 KB, 1027x575, mah4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Too many of my favourites

>> No.8621914

>look at how cool I am I hate /vg/ am I one of you guys yet?
You're trying too hard.

>> No.8622047
File: 404 KB, 1680x1050, 53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally it's time to start Hatsuyuki.
I guess this will be the main dish for this month

>> No.8622048


That's more like a list of disney VN makers

>> No.8622061

Grisaia and Hatsuyuki. This is a good fucking month.

>> No.8622062

>angry condoms

The survival of the Angry Condoms is at stake! Dish out revenge on the green spermicide who stole the sperm's nuclei. Use the unique destructive powers of the Angry Condoms to lay waste to the spermicide's fortified molecules. Angry Condoms features hours of gameplay, challenging fluidics-based molecule demolition, and lots of replay value. Use logic, skill, and brute force to crush the enemy.

>> No.8622087

what's the source on OP pic? not sure how to search with the filename, nothing turned up. do i get to put it in with my fish gf?

>> No.8622099
File: 1.48 MB, 3180x4100, a7d6ac975d5a8b6834a7977fd29ab152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I don't know whether to start Hatsuyuki now or when it actually ships... though it's not like I have free time at the moment anyway, so I can't do either. Wait for me, Sakura ;_;

>> No.8622103

Tuna-man, character from a cartoon from Grisaia.

>> No.8622109

Ah, thanks.

>> No.8622220
File: 207 KB, 1035x672, isthisgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to wonder about you, Yuuma...

>> No.8622221

This game bored me to tears.
One good route never justifies a whole game of mediocrity.

>> No.8622271

I like it a lot. Slice of life doesn't bother me, especially when all the characters are interesting.

>> No.8622284

you're still in the common route, right? That's still a whole lot of text to try your patience. There's actually a pretty good chapter (8 was it?) that made me hope for nice story developments but nope

>> No.8622299

Last chapter of the common route. I'm prob gonna go for Kana first, just because she has the most CGs according to the CG menu and her backstory kind of got me interested.

Speaking of which...


I swear, every time you see sand castles in VN CGs, they're fucking amazing. I remember Akira in Yosuga no Sora had one that was half as tall as her and looked like it had been chiseled out of stone by Michelangelo himself.

>> No.8622302
File: 202 KB, 1037x673, KANAISREALLYFUCKINGGOODATSANDCASTLES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derp didn't select picture.

>> No.8622322
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, haganai-0-1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone playing the Haganai psp game?

>> No.8622512
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 4748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop giving me nightmares, WAFFLE. I just want to fap.

>> No.8622833
File: 633 KB, 1280x720, 0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8622901


Woah the chick on the right. Source?

>> No.8622916

Hotch Kiss.
It's nothing exactly spectacular, but it's nice.

>> No.8622930

Not him but thanks, I was about to ask about it.
If it's a light hearted moege I'm all up for it.

>> No.8622939
File: 152 KB, 1025x578, lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8622971

>If it's a light hearted moege I'm all up for it.
That'd pretty much sum it up.

>> No.8622987

Someone asked me in the previous thread why Taisetsu na Kimi would have a bad score on EGS.
I checked there, and there's not enough data to tell. Too few people played this game.There's like two guys hating on the writer and one guy praising the game.
I reccomend it for imouto lovers.

>> No.8623015

I was thinking of downloading Subarashiki Hibi.
Is there a lot of slice-of-life? I really can't stand that sort of stuff unless I like the characters.

>> No.8623055

>Is there a lot of slice-of-life?
No. There's a shitload of slice-of-hell though, if that's more to your liking.

>> No.8623090

>Is there a lot of slice-of-life?
There are scenes that you will think are slice-of-life the first time you play through the game, yes.

I think that's all that really needs to be said.

>> No.8623289

Okay, so how do I get around this retarded region lock on Hatsuyuki Sakura?

>> No.8623315

Use this.

Same for any RealLive game.

>> No.8623327


>> No.8623353

Guess that rules out AGTH then?

>> No.8623359

ITH should work, if you need a text hooker.

>> No.8623407

Shark-Man's theme song is almost as good as Tuna-Man's. You can feel that anti-hero vibe through the lyrics.

>> No.8623482

Thanks, works perfect. Always useful if some difficult words comes up.

>> No.8624045

Currently playing Haganai for PSP. I've no experience with the show or LN so I didn't really know anything about it going in. Enjoying it so far though.

>> No.8624213

Its amusing and fun, I'm actually kinda suprised about some of the references to shows that were airring at the same time as the Haganai anime.

>> No.8624226
File: 353 KB, 1273x713, hotch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Hotch Kiss' interface so similar to Majikoi's? Are the companies related in any way or were they too lazy to customize the engine? I mean, even the sounds are the same.

I've seen many games sharing some sound effects, but the interface is just the same in this one.

>> No.8624228 [DELETED] 

Because Minatosoft licensed Giga's engine from Giga.

>> No.8624237

A lot of Giga's games use that interface.
Which is good, because it's functional.
And Giga's engine might take more effort than it's really worth to make changes to it, or the staff at Giga are satisfied with how it is.

>> No.8624250

It's not terrible, but way the save list works is pretty much garbage compared to any other modern engine

>> No.8624736

I don't come here very often and you probably get asked this a lot.

But whats a good sight to download VNs from?

>> No.8624749

Get out.

Go to /a/ they like to help people that aren't capable of lurking or even using google: >>>/a/

>> No.8626494


>> No.8626704
File: 459 KB, 1881x2595, 1330253779043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping this

>> No.8626706

/vg/ actually does.

>> No.8627199

So what order goes for Hatsuyuki? Only info I could find was this but I get more confused every time I read it.
希攻略後にMAPに直子と恵追加. シロクマ攻略後にMAPにネムが追加. 綾、夜、希、シロクマ攻略後にタイトル画面にGraduationが追加されます。

>> No.8627221

Sakura bad > Aya > Yoru > Nozomu > Shirokuma
Is the recommended order.
You can only do Aya and Yoru after doing Sakura bad, Nozomu after doing either Aya or Yoru and Shirokuma after doing Nozomu.
And to unlock the last route you have to do all these.
There are also a few extra routes for some side characters

>> No.8627225 [DELETED] 

So ow's the game?
Did it actually turn out to be more than a moege?

>> No.8627229

It's pretty good though I haven't finished it yet.

>> No.8627230

So how's the game?
Did it actually turn out to be more than a moege?

>> No.8627264

And last route is Sakura good?

>> No.8627712

>Sakura bad > Aya > Yoru > Nozomu > Shirokuma
>Is the recommended order.

I thought it was enforced playing order?

>> No.8627772

Well it's half enforced I guess, you can do Yoru or Aya in whatever order you want and you only have to do one to unlock Nozomu.

>> No.8627804
File: 326 KB, 1382x382, 155004099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is your favorite?

>> No.8627831
File: 227 KB, 1893x1160, 1330368109525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finishing off euphoria, put my dick in my pants and followed the story and was genuinly pleasantly surprised.

>> No.8628005

So... the ChaosTCG promotion in Meikyuu side scenario is real right?
If that's true, more company should probably try to do some product placement in their game.

>> No.8628190

Are there any netorare VNs ?

>> No.8628200

Yeah, lots of them.
Look up that tag on vndb.org and see for yourself.

>> No.8628928

Finished Touko's route in Kaminoyu.
It was awesome, great route. Touko's dere is a miracle in the universe.

Anyways it's definitely the dark horse of the month for me, it's a great game.
Sure the art is wonky, especially the tachi-e with the LONG bodies that feel like they are out of some Clamp shit but the CGs themselves are actually good and most importantly the writing is very fun to read and very expressive.
Anyways I'm really recommending it

Now to continue with Hatsuyuki

>> No.8628966

How is Hatsuyuki

>> No.8628971
File: 126 KB, 800x600, harakano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's your mom dude, stop checking her out.

>> No.8629004

Dammit, I couldn't find any CG pack in exhentai. Does it have a bearable story, or am I downloading it just to ctrl through everything but the H scenes?

>> No.8629115
File: 99 KB, 805x624, peace@pieces 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A typical day in the life of Murakami-sensei.

>> No.8629119

I want to play this right now but nobody's made a code for the text hookers yet. Fucxin

>> No.8629129
File: 1.29 MB, 2500x1671, 1330302570565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copy down the kanji you don't feel familar with or understand and stick it in manually to AGTH/Translation Aggregator. I find I remember new kanji, structures better if I copy them down and think about them.

Good visual novel, I heard months ago someone on /a/ was going to translate it.

>> No.8629143

I like it.
Plot, characters and setting are great, it has a good mood and it really make me want to know what will happen next.

Though I do have a problem with it, so far from what I've seen the writing kind of lack "power".
Especially during the serious scenes, if I was to compare it with Grisaia and Kaminoyu I'm reading concurrently it's pretty apparent, while the writing in these titles is very expressive and vivid the writing in Hatsuyuki feels very light.

Though I'm not that far yet and it's not that much of a problem so far, I just hope it won't be a problem during the climaxes later on.
At least the writer of Hatsuyuki knows how to make his moe, goddam Sakura is awesome.

>> No.8629300

Oh yeah been meaning to ask this for a long while, is there a new place for torrents of the new releases that is like what hongfire used to be?

>> No.8629345

I only use sukebei.nyaa for VN torrents. Things I can't find there, I go looking for on Share.

>> No.8629377

or search chinese site

tip: there are 5+x more chinese player than of english

>> No.8629392

I'd rather not. I hate the Chinese. And I'm sure there are more Japanese players than Chinese anyway, so Japanese p2p will always trump the alternatives.

>> No.8629414

It's a very very cute game, this is my 3rd or 4th time playing through it, the girls are adorable (your mother especially so).

I would certainly recommend it.

It's also got a decent number of 9s for how many people have played it on VNDB

>> No.8629419

The one I missed of hongfire was the forum aspect of it, anything similar things out there?

>> No.8629450
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 1312120438529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, seriously go away.
Get out.

>> No.8629461

I meant each torrent had it's own thread that made it easier to know what you were downloading. It was a great way to keep track on what you were going to download next by bookmarking them.

>> No.8629482

Is there a list of where I can download translated VN's? I'm trying to find more to play, but the only link i had saved is now useless because they all linked to rapidshare and megaupload.

>> No.8629502

urgh you are so new its disgusting.
here, this is all I'm giving you it should be enough for alot things


Search it well, you can find alot of material and locations for downloading vns and the like.

No body lurks anymore? you just come on post expect a reply and then the next person repeats the question over and over and over and doesn't give a fuck.
This isn't Yahoo Answers, if you had an ounce of intelligence you could easily spend a little time and find the answer quickly.
go here: both will help you without care.
>>>/vg/ >>>/a/

>> No.8629511

Well said. I'm glad that people still keep the good threads in check.

>> No.8629525

anime-sharing is vaguely similar but there's less helpful posting and a lot more repetition of threads. hongfire was better. oh well

>> No.8629538
File: 78 KB, 1024x640, perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is so amazing, she gets her very own ending-song.
My compliments to whoever wrote Michiru's route in Meikyuu, I don't think I had so much fun reading anything, ever.

>> No.8629562

I'm glad Michiru gets an awesome route in Meikyuu. I'm currently inching through Kajitsu and I just love Michiru, whose route in Kajitsu is average FWIR.

>> No.8629580
File: 209 KB, 970x656, 初恋前線.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interrupted my ADD ridden /jp/ refreshing every line reading of the haganai PSP game to start the OL route in 初恋前線

I love it when routes are focused on a heroine and interaction with other heroines is kept to a minimal or even avoided all together.

>> No.8629587

I have a hard time playing VNs on PSP whilst on the computer. I usually just lie in bed and do it.

>> No.8629667

君が望む永遠LE: finally finished off the three mains so I could get to 大空寺. don't think I'll bother with any more.

ましろ色: was amusing at first, but there's absolutely no interesting storyline stuff, just tons of feel-good MC pandering.

>> No.8629675

Just finished Grisaia grand route. I wish I could hibernate or something so I could just wake up at the end of the year.

>> No.8630295

I'm going to start it tonight, but based on the EGS comments I've read, I doubt it. EGS is filled with moebuta and they seem to love it, so.

>> No.8630356

Hey, I love my moege. And Hatsuyuki isnt a moege, unless you think moege has heroines dying and depressing ends. Goddamnit, browse Shinigami no Testament threads on 2ch and get Hatsuyuki spoilers.

>> No.8630524

What was that Nukige set in the future where men are 1 birth in 10,000 and are given cards that they can show to a girl anytime anywhere and the girl cannot refuse to immediately have sex with him (yes, even in public if that's your thing) and if the guy doesn't use it daily he'll be arrested and thrown into prison?

It's been awhile since I've played it and for the life of me I can no longer recall its name.

>> No.8630560


>> No.8630709

Eh? Someone's translating it?

Interesting. Thanks for the link, that was driving me crazy all day.

>> No.8630896

So, it's an utsuge?

>> No.8630902

Yes it is, not surprising after Natsuyume though.

>> No.8630906


>If it isn’t obvious already, this project is dead.

>> No.8630939

Which is ok by me. I already played it.

>> No.8631157
File: 308 KB, 1024x600, 330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This route makes me feel so gay

>> No.8631164

>I heard months ago someone on /a/ was going to translate it.

Hopefully nothing comes from that. Don't want another repetition of Flyable Heart.

>> No.8631186

Wasn't the guy who translated that admit he had no idea about japanese.

Flyable hearts was doomed from the start with such a shitty team.

>> No.8631508

How many chapters is Hatsuyuki? I'm on 5 now.

>> No.8631521

Is it decent ? Personally I'm still waiting for an agth code, ITH isn't working.

>> No.8631610

Pretty much, but the chances of anyone from /a/ knowing enough Japanese to translate an eroge are incredibly slim.

>> No.8631625

It's great, I'm loving it.

>> No.8631645
File: 254 KB, 1024x600, 340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it has a gay route (with some tg)

>> No.8631651

The other guy looks too much like a girl.

>> No.8631658
File: 195 KB, 660x910, 23868788_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be at ease, no man alive is that pretty.

Seriously, men are not so effeminate, even when they try their best. Sure, they can cover features with clothing and obvious beards with makeup, maybe even soften their voice with training and lots of effort, but at the end of the day it's just a simmulacrum.

Not that women do not use it either, but it is hard to find a woman that looks worse than a man with similar features at being pretty.

>> No.8631665

He is literally a female in a male body so.

>> No.8631675

Still doesn't excuse looking so much like a girl.

>> No.8631687

What, as in gender dysphoria and not another sissy with a fetish? That's new.

But by God almighty, most of the dudes I have seen who claim to be women inside were downright horrid. All of them bulky, hairy, taller and more manly than I ever will.

>> No.8632124

What game?

>> No.8632146

Fuck, I'm almost done with Hatsuyuki and already finished Grisaia, what I'll be doing for next four weeks?

>> No.8632154

Try Kaminoyu and Rance Quest.
I'm multitasking these 4 titles.

Oh and how are the individual routes in Hatsuyuki?
I'm still not that far.

>> No.8632215

Aya, Nozomu and Yoru routes were all great but Shirokuma's route really lacked in length and have unnecessary long epilogue which only made me rage.

Thanks for recommendations, maybe I'll check Kaminoyu though art is putting me off.

>> No.8632270
File: 219 KB, 1300x752, kaminoyu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see some other people enjoying Kaminoyu. I wasn't expecting much when I first picked it up, but it's really quite charming.

Tokou - Heroine of the Year 2012. Calling it now.

>> No.8632372

Well it does make sense, Light is master in making VNs with awesome plot and setting that are shit.
So it makes sense that VNs with shit plot and setting turns out to be awesome.

>> No.8632446

Playing through Axanael, game seems long as hell. Maybe I'm losing interest and reading it too slow while multitasking without noticing. How do I get the other character prologues again?

>> No.8632465

Just finished Katawa Shoujo. Anyone got any other good English VNs with a lot of feels? I think I'm suffering from severe feels withdrawal at this point.

>> No.8632474

It's hard to remember, but I think you get them after you finish the first route.

>> No.8632487

Maiden Rape Assault - The Violent Semen Inferno
White Album 2

>> No.8632493

>White Album 2
You sick fuck

>> No.8632505

If retards have 'feels' and 'withdrawal' with katawa shouoj, can you imagine with WA2?
I foresee suicides.

>> No.8632514

White Album 2 has no translation and I'm not playing something called "semen inferno".

>> No.8632517

/jp/ should make a vn about suicide techniques.

>> No.8632523

And of course White Album 2

>> No.8632529


Also how is Muv-Luv? Someone recommended that.

>> No.8632539

It's medium-grade highschool romantic comedy.

>> No.8632541

Hm... So basically it's like a Japanese version of KS? Cool, I think I'll check it out.

>> No.8632549

Been trying to read the first Grisaia, but it's a great leap in reading difficulty after something like Baldr Sky.
I don't know yet if I'm going to continue it with my slow pace or try something easier.

>> No.8632555


>> No.8632578

well i can and did went back to change roulette outcomes to get other ends, i got like 4 so far. Still can't click the prologues at the start though, weird. Maybe I need to reset it or somethign.

>> No.8632592

You need to get the true end.

>> No.8632621

Ah i see. bah that sucks, I think I would most likely just leave the game at that when I do get to true end.

>> No.8632641
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x578, michiru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Baldr Sky's writing is easier compared to Grisaia?
Then I guess I should start Baldr Sky. I was afraid that it would be full of technical jargon, with the robot settings and so on.
Though I don't think Grisaia's writing was that complicated compared to ItsuSora.

>> No.8632644

Kazoku Keikaku

Background music is awesome.

>> No.8632656

>it would be full of technical jargon
It has some, but most ofn them are said in english in the furigana.

>> No.8632669
File: 722 KB, 1920x1080, machinesky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baldr Sky's writing is so easy even a machine can decode it decently.

>> No.8632776

Hey /jp/,

I'm trying to get my hands on a translated version of Steins;Gate. Erogedownload's links are dead, and I'm basically scrambling here to make sure I've got everything (the movies patch, menu patch, etc.) to make sure I get the best experience.

In short, wat do, hlep hlep.

>> No.8632792

Here you go bro :-)

>> No.8632801
File: 39 KB, 396x571, 1330300819671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be hugging you, but Megaupload doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.8632877

You don't need separate movie patches, menu patches etc. now. Just get the Automated Patch 1.3 from vn-meido, install Steins;Gate to a folder outside of Program Files. It'll patch your cg.npa properly so you don't have to download a 500MB replacement. And it'll translate tips and achievements unlike the unedited patch from erogedownload.

>> No.8632919
File: 44 KB, 316x246, introset2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't be having these problems if you hadn't made Aaeru kill herself (R.I.P.).

>> No.8632921

Great, thanks a mil! :D

>> No.8632997
File: 491 KB, 1000x1414, d3c8ebe0fb314056e1cc3b726459e11f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing both Chaos;Head (dropped it long ago due to technical issues, so I'm starting over) and Steins;Gate last week. Haven't all that far into either of them, but I quite like them both. Kurisu, you're so cute, Kurisu.

Stopped playing KS halfway through my first route (Hanako). I don't think it's terrible for a OELVN but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe I'll try it again later, maybe not.

Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out for sure.

>> No.8633612

If you read Itsusora then you are probably good to go with anything that isn't purposefully difficult (Muramasa).

>> No.8633740

Looks like gibberish to me.

>> No.8633931

Finished the Grand route of Meikyuu.
I want more, now. I must admit it had a great catch for Rakuen especially the how many times must I tell you to trust me, Suoh Amane? as the last sentence.
It was probably my favourite serious part of the series so far. Also I want a Milly after in the next game, or her featuring as pilot.

>> No.8634015

Yeah I must have watched the promo of Rakuen a dozen times to catch all the voices.
Hopefully Rakuen won't be pushed back, I really can't wait for it.

>> No.8634029

It should come out by the end of the year, right?
Which means novemeber-december tops? Man, i want to see Grisaia girls kicking some ass and trying to save Yuuji.

>> No.8634052

It's planned for the end of the year, yeah.

>> No.8635111

Can someone re-upload the cgs from the Yu-no SS port?

>> No.8635266

Fairy Fighting

You asked

>> No.8635532
File: 652 KB, 1600x900, 1330499305842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just installed this yesterday

>> No.8635815


I have high hopes for this new maker.
(Someone tell them we're still in february)

>> No.8636316
File: 621 KB, 1920x1080, up96881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8636822

I just checked for this, ITH generates a proper malie thread and hooks all the text, there shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.8637017

I just triple-checked on ITH 2.3 and 3.0. Yes, it detects as Malie, but no, none of the strings captures all the text. I just went through every single one and they're all missing huge parts of the text from the very first scene.

>> No.8637047

Out of personal interest, is there a comprehensive list of VN engines out there, both proprietary and open-source?

>> No.8637064

Yeah, the very first scene splits the text between the two malie threads created, but the text is hooked and the engine bothers to split it by sentence, so it's nothing too bad.
The normal parts are all captured in the same part.

>> No.8637085

Is this literally the only scene like this in the entire game? The combination of dumping a screen's worth of text at once and splitting off parts mid-sentence is really terrible

>> No.8637105

That, I don't know, since I've read a couple of minutes just to check. But by the looks it sghouldn't have many NVL fragments.

>> No.8637124

There are hundreds, poke around tools in tlwiki if you're curious

also it's easy to forget about this feature because you rarely need it, but ITH's 'thread' button lets you link threads together when the text is split across two threads like the first scene of Kaminoyu

>> No.8637148

I've seen the TLWiki tools page, but by no means is that comprehensive, simply the ones there have been projects on. Unless I'm overlooking something.

I don't mind moonrunes either, but I was just wondering if someone knew about a good one before I went searching myself.

>> No.8637171

Download crass. Go to documentation folder, en. 143 text files with some information about the engines

>> No.8637183

>but ITH's 'thread' button lets you link threads together when the text is split across two threads
They really equipped it with everything, god. It works nicely too.

>> No.8637193

Thanks, checking now. Looks pretty nice.

>> No.8637209

So ITH works with Kaminoyu?
Should be useful, there is a bug during Ayano's route where the protagonist speech bubble goes out of the screen, so you can't read what he is saying.
The only way to read what he says is to use the backlog, I was actually putting off reading this route for this reason but considering Light didn't put a patch yet I guess a text hooker should solve this.

>> No.8637215

For the whole route or just instances?
Also how long is it more or less? I can't think it's too long from the looks.

>> No.8637227

Just some scenes it seems.
And the game itself is of medium length I guess

>> No.8637548
File: 38 KB, 516x214, krdevui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i installed fate/stay night a couple days ago, got 20+ hours pretty quickly

i closed the window today, but now i can't open it up without getting this error message

i'm really damn mad

>> No.8637735

Transcript of everything that is said during the promo of Grisaia no Rakuen for those interested.

一姫 「こんにちは、タナトスです」
千鶴 「在校生の皆さんにお知らせです。兼ねてよりお知らせしていた通り、本日
蒔菜 「私はお兄ちゃんから、待ってるだけの女になるなと育てられたのよ?一人
JB 「…風見雄二本人は貴方達に会いたくないと言っているわ」
幸 「風見さんは、わたしが必要だと仰ってくださいました。でしたら、私はお
側に下ります 風見さんがわたしを必要としなくなるその日まで」
麻子 「それでも世界はこんなにも優しいということをオマエはまだ知らないんだ
みちる 「買いよっ!買いっ!え?そんなのあたしに言われても知らないわよ!とに
天音 「ヤッバイ!水温計の針がグングン上がってくよ!バックだとラヂエータに
みちる 「天音!前っ!!前っ!!」
天音 「わっ!ウソッ!撃って来た!皆伏せてっ!!」
由美子 「なんだったかしら?忍耐と努力と工夫で乗り切れない困難はない…だった
? 確かに良い言葉だとは思うけれど…わたしは''お金''で乗り切れなかった困

>> No.8637740
File: 147 KB, 1280x800, 170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

幸 「皆さん誰かをお忘れではありませんか?そう、例えば無敵メイドの小嶺幸
天音 「悪いけど!鬼ごっこなら負けないよ!」
JB 「結局最後はいつだってそう!私が居なければ何も出来ないんだから、本当
蒔菜 「…さようなら、マグロマン…悲しいけど…お別れなのよ…?」
一姫 「絶対に振り返るなと言えば、必ず振り返る。ツンデレはコントロールが簡
オスロ 「よく見ろ雄二!これが現実だ!これが戦争だ!世界はいつだってキミを裏
由美子 「言ってなかったかしら?わたし、こう見えても結構、諦めの悪い女なのよ

千鶴 「みなさん、新美浜学園へようこそ。当学園学園長の橘千鶴です」
一姫 「…だから何度も言ったでしょう? 私を信じなさい、周防天音」

>> No.8637931

Nice timing, just finished Meikyuu and this is more comfortable than watching the promo several times. Seems like shit is going to hit the fan hard in Rakuen. The end of the year can't come soon enough.

>> No.8638033

>蒔菜 「…さようなら、マグロマン…悲しいけど…お別れなのよ…?」

Not Maguro-man!!

>> No.8638112

Watch him play an important part in saving the world.

>> No.8638262

I still wonder what the fuck is Michiru going to do.
Makina and Sachi are Makina and Sachi, Yumiko has funds and Amane probably can do something, but Michiru?

>> No.8638283

The wild card I guess.
I hope it won't go the Higurashi FRIENDSHIP KICK ASSES way, in the group only Makina really got the training, skills and intelligence to go against pros, I can see Sachi do some amazing shits too butt he other 3 not so much.

>> No.8638289

Hasn't Yuuji been training Sachi too properly if the grand route somehow mixes more or less all the routes? That wouldn't be too farfetched.

>> No.8638295
File: 197 KB, 1280x800, 239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably didn't draw this tachi-e for nothing;
It will be used in Rakuen

>> No.8638300
File: 120 KB, 935x573, sachi gass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And gass mask Sachi, is literally used for one minute and the mask is pretty well done.
We know she's gonna kick ass sooner or later.

>> No.8638597

>みちる 「買いよっ!買いっ!え?そんなのあたしに言われても知らないわよ!とに

I'm not sure what's going on here, but I guess Michiru is buying something?
There was a part in Sakaki's route where Michiru lost monopoly with a bunch of worthless bonds. Maybe the writer is giving her a chance to redeem herself by crashing the stock market.

>> No.8639358

Hatsuyuki's writing is lacking a bit. Impressed with it so far, though, and some of the yaritori has been genuinely funny.

>> No.8639917

A new month, a new post.


>> No.8639997

I'll probably try Material Brave and that Eiyuu Senki, though I doubt it will be particularly good.

>> No.8640347

Yeah, I'm quite far in Hatsuyuki and while I like it so far I would like it even more if the writing was more solid.
You can see that the writer has a good idea and planned the story well but he has trouble really putting it on paper.

It's still a good read though

>> No.8640433

Best genre

>> No.8640702

Will download the fuck out of Eroge-bu - if it's 70% as good as Imopara I'll be satisfied already.

>> No.8641150 [DELETED] 

just finished Axanael, man it felt long. Maybe it was pacing issues- constant switching between numerous characters, too many scenes to click, too frequent the random supposedly 'inspirational' speeches that diminishes the emotional impact, death taken lightly since people can always be revived, that and the trap spent half the game just dead through true route. Plot is hard to take seriously too given so many random elements where anything is possible.[/spoilers] Overall Axanael was somewhat disappointing.

Now... what to play next...

>> No.8641155

just finished Axanael, man it felt long. Maybe it was pacing issues- constant switching between numerous characters, too many scenes to click, too frequent the random supposedly 'inspirational' speeches that diminishes the emotional impact, death taken lightly since people can always be revived, that and the trap spent half the game just dead through true route. Plot is hard to take seriously too given so many random elements where anything is possible.[/spoilers] Overall Axanael was somewhat disappointing.

Now... what to play next...

>> No.8641763
File: 68 KB, 411x500, NEOBK-1053105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here even tried buying Dengeki Hime (eroge magazine). I was thinking of buying the new issue for the Dracu-Riot spread and was wondering if they ever included posters?

>> No.8641788

I'm pretty sure it does include posters.

>> No.8641843

It probably depends upon the issue.
I bought the other Dracu-Riot issue, and after flipping through it again, it doesn't seem like there are any.

>> No.8641956


It ain't that there were too many random things where anything is possible that made it a shitty story, it was that there were MULTIPLE deus ex machina AND that the main character is an all mighty mary sue who cant find her macguffin because it would take her out of the story.

>> No.8641989

What made Axanael shit was the teenage loligod. That was nothing but blasphemy against all that is good and loli.

>> No.8642122

I liked her.
It was the other characters who were horrible

>> No.8642142

so what do I need to read to prepare myself for grisaia?

People are saying the writing is impossible to read, so what do I need to read to prepare for it?

>> No.8642191

>People are saying the writing is impossible to read
What the fuck are you talking about, it's a couple of notches above your typical moege but it's not Albatross.

>> No.8642224

I didn't ask for insults I asked for recommendations

>> No.8642371

Grisaia is not overly difficult. There's some dense sections and some jokes that are a little tough to understand. Just try reading it and if it's too slow come back when you feel your japanese has improved.

I got cocky because I could read Dies Irae alright and tried installing Albatross. Holy shit, that's a whole different level

>> No.8642816

The last route of Hatsuyuki is really long

>> No.8643610
File: 505 KB, 755x1810, 28dj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mareni ain't nothing to fuck with.

>> No.8643655


What's the full title of that game? The heavy furigana make it look not too bad to read.

>> No.8643720
File: 34 KB, 248x350, 8893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinju no Yakata. It doesn't really read like that; that's just an excerpt from the very beginning. I recommend it if you're into the atmosphere and writing.

>> No.8644062 [DELETED] 

Just started playing 恋愛0キロメートル.

Maybe its because everyone have insane busts and hair littered with ribbons but I want to capture the little brother instead. Hnnng.

>> No.8644070
File: 255 KB, 1300x782, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started playing 恋愛0キロメートル.

Maybe its because everyone have insane busts and hair littered with ribbons but I want to capture the little brother instead. Hnnng.

>> No.8644340

France Shoujo has even more furigana, I'm sure you'll enjoy reading it from start to end.

>> No.8644427


It looks obscenely long, but I'm looking for something at the moment that'll help bridge the gap between reading stuff like Kikokugai and reading stuff like Albatross and the other Rail-Soft games. France Shojo looks like it could be good for that. I'll learn a lot of new kanji at least.

>> No.8644521

Finished Hatsuyuki.
I liked the characters and plot quite a bit, but it's also the epitome of 描写不足.
Anyways it still ended up being a good experience.

>> No.8644594

Good, good.

>> No.8644773

Just read Shinju no Yakata, it's pretty short anyway. The last route is probably the best halfway point you're going to find from Mareni that actually resembles how he writes his Rail-soft stuff.

>> No.8644924


Is there a specific route order I should go through on it? Looks like the routes diverge early on.

>> No.8644957

Not him but do the twins first.

>> No.8645175
File: 427 KB, 1280x720, jp .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8645309

Fuck. I thought that was a reverse trap.

>> No.8645332
File: 225 KB, 1024x576, capture_02032012_110202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chuckled a bit.
How long until the actual story starts?

>> No.8645360

So... Yumiko after is pretty much Yumiko being moe as fuck and toyed around by the rest of the cast?
I'm fine with it.

>> No.8645385
File: 27 KB, 779x438, kjkjj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, i installed Kamidori Alchemy Meister using applocale.

Got that patch.
Put it into directory where i installed it.
End result pic related.

Im retarded,
How the fuck do i install/patch this and play it correctly?

>> No.8645392

You don't have the append disks installed.
Also there's a kamidori thread up.

>> No.8645393

why do you need patch if cant read anyway

>> No.8645403

>append disks
I've wondered what the hell these "append discs" are, all i found was the whole 4.5 GB game and i used what was given.

>> No.8645412

>using applocale.


>what the hell these "append discs" are

You should check the archive for the recent Kamidori threads. They were posted numerous times.

>> No.8645413 [DELETED] 

You are missing some stuffs. Check the Kamidori threads

>> No.8645422

You are missing some stuffs. Check the Kamidori threads.

>> No.8645426

Ah thanks, and yes i use applocale,
between learning Japanese and finishing my Engineering university the second one takes priority as it is life.

>> No.8645459

>and yes i use applocale,

Enjoy your not working game, I guess.
Well, maybe you will be the lucky one and nothing will get broken along the way.

>> No.8645464

Stick with >>>/vg/ until you become a jap locale master race.

>> No.8645477

Why should i bother with changing the OS keyboard and layout to JP, too much work for this lazy mind.
Mechanics, physics and mathematics is enough as it is.

>> No.8645501

Well, I don't know... maybe you want to actually play Kamidori instead of spending several frustrating hours trying to fix your not-working game?
If you don't want to, sure, don't do it then. It is your life, right?

>> No.8645509

>changing the OS keyboard and layout to JP,
Confirmed for retard.
Go to >>>/vg/ or actually >>>/g/
Not our fault when you are actually too retarded to type english with a "JP keyboard".

>> No.8645515

Im talking about layout and locale settings,
your trying to be witty and superior is really at low failing levels.
I already installed it and everything works correctly now. You can continue stroking your ego now although i don't know how you can do that at this point.

>> No.8645558

fuck layout. all you have to change is the language for non-unicode programs. non-unicode being the important part.

location/region/key layout/standards stay the same as you had before.

inb4spoonfeeding faggot lol

>> No.8645685


Tsundere otouto why are you so tsuntsun

>> No.8645685,1 [INTERNAL] 

White Album 2 just owned getchu's PC game award this year. ~

>> No.8645946

what the fuck is wrong with his wrist and forearm

>> No.8646435


>> No.8646442

Wow, 2011 was a pretty shitty year.

>> No.8646452

>Kamikaze explorer
>Irotoridori no sekai
I can understand kamikaze explorer, even if it idn't really top 3 material, but irotoridori? It's only top 10 if you just basically disregard 4/5 of the game.

>> No.8646460

Kamikaze Explorer confirmed better than Grisaia.

>> No.8646488

Can't be helped, the top 2 is near 100,000 copies sold.

>> No.8646492

2011 had a lot of good but flawed games.
Titles like Rewrite, Tenshi no Hane, Eustia or Artemis Blue.

>> No.8646528

White Album 2 didn't sold that much, it probably wasn't even in the top 10 of 2011

>> No.8646539

Kazusa as #1. I'm very okay with this.

>> No.8646609
File: 109 KB, 1280x800, hatsuyuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started reading Hatsuyuki Sakura. Seems interesting so far and basically all of the characters left a good first impression.

>> No.8646711

I like Kazusa but she is no Michiru or Sachi

>> No.8646800

What do you guys think about Artemis Blue? From what I've seen, the premise looks interesting and has something to do with plane crash and tragic story.

>> No.8646806

Her coda routes made me dislike her inmensely.

>> No.8646819

I only really started liking her in Coda myself.

>> No.8646822

It's good and well written but uneven.

Anyways you'll like it a lot depending on how much you can stand generic developments, the game basically develops like a Hollywood movie.
I'm not saying it's automatically a bad thing, it actually feel pretty fresh compared to most eroge.
Also female protagonist, pretty fun character too.

>> No.8646825

I actually liked her in IC, but the whole leaving her dying mother to rot in japan because of a bullshit reason didn't sit well with me.
God she seriously needed a good slap.

>> No.8646841

Kazusa is the best and it pisses me off that you have to go through all that bullshit to end up with her. Coda true was more about Setsuna suffering than anything else

How about a route where Haruki doesn't just totally lose his spine after she gets on the plane in IC? I mean, literally the exact same thing happens in a side heroine route, and he fucking moves to America on the drop of a hat

>> No.8646850

He was just a kid in IC, there are things an adult can do a kid can't.
And Coda was mostly about Kazusa, like 95% of the common route was Kazusa all the time but Setsuna is a main heroine too.

>> No.8646909

He could have called her and done a long-distance relationship for a while. Considering the way they're still dragging things around 5 years later, it probably would have worked. Instead, he strings along the girl he dumped. I felt the end of IC had it pretty clear that they had broken up, but instead he lets her pull him into this retarded limbo thing for years on end because he has no balls whatsoever.

>> No.8646960

Long distance relationships never work, especially when the 2 people in question are in 2 completely different continents, both Haruki and Kazusa knew that their relationship was hopeless, staying in contact would have just aggravated the pain.
Also saying that Haruki was stringing along Setsuna is a bit too much, Setsuna is as much to blame or more. And it's pretty clear that the reason Haruki never could finally break up with her was because he still loved her, but their guilt over what they did to each other and his lingering feelings for Kazusa stopped them from ever making up.

>> No.8647039

It doesn't work very often in real life, but these are pure-romance characters. I mean, she spends those 5 years fantasizing about playing the piano to him and doesn't even date

At the very least there could have been a Kazusa route in CC with less of the endless guilt and angst. That concert you can't go to pisses me off to no end

>> No.8647060

Well WA2 isn't really a normal pure love game, it tries to go for a more realistic angle when they finally got together in IC Haruki's narration made it very clear he knew that relationship had no tomorrow and there was no way they would pursue a long distance one so at least it's coherent with what happened.
Of course both of them probably didn't realize they would obsess over each other for so long.
And her showing in CC would have made things too easy, though I was pissed off by that troll choice too.

>> No.8647077

I apologize if this isn't the right place, but does anyone know of any site that has MIDI files of VN music?

>> No.8647152

how the fuck did this happen? that game looks like garbage

>> No.8647188

Also it's the getchu ranking, you aren't supposed to take it seriously

>> No.8647286

I'm playing Morenatsu

I hope new routes will be introduced this year

>> No.8647317

I need a bit of help: I'm playing YU-NO, stuck in Ayumi's route at the point where I'm in the office with Toyotomi asking for the document. The dialogue is repeating. What should I do?

>> No.8648335
File: 898 KB, 1024x576, 1306643516073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 3 tits

>> No.8649018 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 320x460, d2b_vs_deardrops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone read d2b vs DD - Cross the Future? The Deardrops translation thread reminded me of the FD's existence. I checked the archives and not a single person mentioned reading it and the VN's VNDB page doesn't have any ratings. Did anyone read it? I'm currently downloading it right now, but I'm not sure if it's even a functioning copy.

>> No.8649034
File: 107 KB, 320x460, d2b_vs_deardrops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone read d2b vs DD - Cross the Future? The Deardrops translation thread reminded me of the FD's existence. I checked the archives and not a single person mentioned reading it and the VN's VNDB page doesn't have any ratings. I'm currently downloading it right now, but I'm not sure if it's even a functioning copy.

>> No.8649059

are there any nukige experts here? what's considered the best game in the "bad dude rapes hot bitches into submission" genre? one thing I think is important is balancing the breaking scenes with ones after she becomes a cockslve. it's no fun when the game ends right after the heroine declares loyalty to your dick.

>> No.8649068

Shikako actually looks kinda manly there.

>> No.8649074

kuroinu was my favorite lately. black lilith is ok when they have a good artist. they got shindouL to do a game (虜囚市場) which I 'enjoyed';

>> No.8649081

Trial for Dracu-Riot is out if anyone cares.

>> No.8649086

do lilith games have you playing as the bad guy or some loser getting ntr?

>> No.8649097

Lilith's POVs tend to be mostly bad guy perspective, frequently have lengthy 'training' segments mid-game. Yukikaze has some loser-guy perspective but it's minor.

>> No.8649119

Look into Bishop games.

>> No.8649161
File: 667 KB, 816x639, d2b vs DD 00 - KITA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, the DDL for d2b vs DD - Cross the Future works.

>> No.8649237

I rather liked Frill's Chikan Senyou Sharyou, especially the second. Not exactly sure if that's you are looking for though.

>> No.8649289

Downloading the trial for eroge-bu right now, I have a feeling this will be awesome.

>> No.8649728

Reading Hatsuyuki. Finished the first route (Sakura Bad end) and was wondering if I got this right..
So Hatsuyuki is the ghost-child, who wants revenge for Ran by...killing Sakura's magic bunny-girl god?
Meanwhile Sakura is looking for..what?

>> No.8649851
File: 266 KB, 1040x638, she's-got-a-point-here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many shout-outs to ImoPara.

>> No.8649924


>> No.8650203

New Nekoneko-soft, still full of loli

>> No.8650237

Huh, Hayakari in the writers. What the hell is he doing here.

>> No.8650261

Does anybody know of any good pure-love stories (preferably with no or low-sexual content)?
It seems a lot of the newer games I run into market themselves as such, but are just nukige.

>> No.8650267

Oh wow it's true; though he is just a side writer it seems.
Still I'm looking forward to it

>> No.8650291

The mother of all sweet moeish pure love VNs is こいびとどうしですることぜんぶ .
Just the mc and the heroine switching from cooldere to deredere, and ichaicha lovelove all over the place.
Probably not the best thing if you suffer from diabetus.

>> No.8650296

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

>> No.8650323

Rewrite isn't even top 10? Little Busters was top if I remember correctly, so does that mean it's pretty poor?

>> No.8650324

Working on chaos head noah on psp... fuck all this skipping is monotonous. I'm just starting to go through the girl's routes.

>> No.8650328

What the fuck. I didn't know anything about this.... Gotta try to find a download.

>> No.8650337
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, 082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I finished everything that interested me this month, my ranking
1- Grisaia no Meikyuu: Awesome but too short and the cliffhanger is a killer.
In term of After Stories, Michiru = Makina > Amane > Sachi = Yumiko but they were all good.
The short stories varied in qualities but some were really amazing.
The grand route was great and pretty much the best "serious" story in Grisaia so far.
All around I'm very pleased.

2-Kaminoyu. Surprisingly I liked it a lot, the protagonist is good, the heroines are great, it's well paced and written. Really it's high tier as a charage, though the art isn't for everyone.

3-Hatsuyuki Sakura; Would be higher if the writing was more solid. The plot is definitely very good but it felt like the author couldn't form the ideas he had in his head properly on paper.
Other people who care less about writing compared to me could love it far more though. Aya ended up being my favorite heroine

4-Rance Quest Magnum. Surprisingly important entry in the Rance-verse since it introduces what will basically be the main plot of the later games. Overall most of the flaws of the gameplay of the first game were well covered making it a much smoother play and the main story is more interesting as well. Also Reset is broken.

5-Shinigami no Testament. I prostrated and managed to go through it. It actually got a bit more interesting after the common route with some good antagonists and the last route has some good action scenes. Nothing really worth reading though

>> No.8650338

Rewrite is literally 10th.
Yes, it had some severe problems of pacing and routes. I loved Terra though.

>> No.8650346

Most people who vote in the Getchu ranking are moefags.
Moefags don't like Rewrite for obvious reasons.

>> No.8650369

Not being as good as a kamige like Little Busters doesn't mean it's a poor game.

>> No.8650506


>> No.8651006
File: 112 KB, 816x639, d2b vs DD 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably saw the link by now, but in case you haven't,

>> No.8651147
File: 72 KB, 1280x800, uzagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8651182

how shitty are the endings in majikoi?

give me a rating from really shitty (0) to almost good (10)

>> No.8651272

New thread: >>8651261
