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File: 634 KB, 780x780, madotsuki1324402865195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8618955 No.8618955 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with your crippling depression /jp/?

>> No.8618969

I don't

>> No.8618965

Sparky, darling, are you only good at reposting pseudo VIPPER stuff you find on futaba and 2ch?

>> No.8618975

I drink until I stop feeling things and then I post everything that was on my mind in greentext threads across various boards.

>> No.8618974

d00d ur gay

>> No.8618977
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>> No.8618980


I don't, I just procrastinate. Someday I'll deal with it by commiting suicide.

>> No.8619004

Same way I always do, I plan out exactly what I would need to do to turn my life around. Then I drink until I can't stand up. And then I have elaborate suicide fantasies until sleep claims me.

Just remember everyone, tomorrow will always be worse~

>> No.8618997


>> No.8618999
File: 172 KB, 700x917, TRASH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on suicide on the 29th

via bleach syringe and train

>> No.8619006

I deal with it by not dealing with it. It's working out great.

>> No.8619015


>bleach syringe and train

why would you do that? I plan on locking myself in an airtight space and stuff myself with sleeping meds. No pain nor anxiety involved.

>> No.8619017

I found my waifu, then started getting better.

Now I just feel sad that she isn't real instead of feeling nothing and being a zombie.

>> No.8619019


She's waiting for you at Gensokyo, anon.

>> No.8619020

She is real if you believe, Anon!

>> No.8619030

She's real if you introduce her to your mom, anon.

>> No.8619033
File: 339 KB, 1100x1606, scan0083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I made a thread if you guys would date a real idol to cute your depression , you all said you got no depression >:3 (angry face)

>> No.8619034

it's not crippling, well, it can be. Just got diagnosed with it, maybe therapy and meds will help.

>> No.8619036

i can't even drink because of a medical condition, and the only thing left is weed but i don't want to inhale tar..

>> No.8619038

Don't cure it, you fool!
That's your meal ticket!

>> No.8619042

Someone must have spent a week photoshopping that.

>> No.8619041

I am masochist

>> No.8619044

stop shitposting mado. since that fucking banner went up, it's been more prevalent. fuck you.

>> No.8619046


Still, you can't even imagine how painful and horrible the bleach syringe is. Give up on the idea.

>> No.8619045


>> No.8619051

I'm kinda used to depression. I just read eroge or play the occasional game to take my mind off it.

>> No.8619062
File: 37 KB, 454x600, kamei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

, its not that much

but the photo is cute, isn't it ?

>> No.8619067

I fap to my Idol pictures.

It cures my depression instantly.

>> No.8619077

What depression? I don't know why so many people here complain about their "depressing" lives when there's nothing wrong.

What makes your life so unbearable and depressing?

>> No.8619081
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>> No.8619088

You are not alone there.

>> No.8619098


I don't know. I can only stand living thanks to the internet and a constant intake of japanese media, but the second I separate from my computer, I feel like shit.

>> No.8619100

Damn I'd suck his cock, dude.

>> No.8619095
File: 72 KB, 404x640, a71c72cf3a9270_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it cant be everything.
Dont you have something to do that you like?
Games?,movies,novels,books,drawing,supporting your favorite idol,/jp/?

>> No.8619103
File: 77 KB, 395x600, p939069628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you would

>> No.8619104 [DELETED] 

who is she

>> No.8619107

I found something to live for

If you're desperate just find Jesus/Buddha/Allah and get involved in religion. Eventually the feeling of being part of something greater will help you to overcome the feelings of isolation racking you every day.

Either that or you have a serious medical condition and should see a doctor

>> No.8619111

I smoke a lot of weed.

>> No.8619114
File: 228 KB, 1000x1224, mirai-shidad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mirai Shida

try to watch "Seigi no Mikata"
1 of my favorite dramas, she is the main character

>> No.8619121
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>> No.8619127


Also you never told me if you're into Corean stuff or not.

>> No.8619137

Prescription Adderall and Klonopin.

Sometimes I alternate them, sometimes I take them together as the Adderall can give me anxiety as a side effect. Also, I have to take breaks of 5-7 days in order to stop my tolerance increasing even more. (I started on 5mg Adderall and now I have to take 15-20mg in order for it to have any effect at all. Same goes for Klonopin.)

I hate relying on drugs but the truth is I would probably have killed myself by now otherwise. When I'm in withdrawal periods (abstaining from them so that I don't become more tolerant) I can barely move, think, or do anything, even if it's things I like or love (such as reading books).

I've been on Prozac and other daily longterm antidepressants before as well as mood stabilizers such as Lamictil (previous psychiatrist thought I was Bipolar, current one doesn't) and other benzos like Xanax. Although they have some mildly positive effects, the negative side effects outweighing all of those meant I had to stop.
My psychiatrist is thinking about putting me on another longterm daily mediation but she seems pretty hesitant about it at the moment, so for now I'm just stuck with these drugs which I can't take every day. Also, my depression is mostly a chemical problem, I actually have ideal living conditions (although I did suffer an unpleasant series of traumas as a preteen, I had symptoms of depression before these events occurred) and when I take my Adderall am able to function like a normal and productive person. There is just the small problem that Adderall is simply legalized meth, is addictive, has a very short half-life even in its XR form and when I'm not on it I'm my normal, completely unable to function self.


>> No.8619140

you literally saved me from carrying out the chlorine gas method

>> No.8619143
File: 156 KB, 690x1024, ShidaMirai_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I have no clue whats this image, but I will go google it now to see what you mean.

In the mean time here is something funny for you
and you should listen to this song

>> No.8619144

Really wacky suicide attempts. Like, let's see how much toothpaste it would take to do me with? Can I vaccuum my eyeballs out? Albeit, I was much younger then. I've moved on to more sophisticated methods.

Mostly, I just cry and sleep a lot.

>> No.8619150

(cont from) >>8619137

I take the Klonopin when I have panic anxiety or if I'm dealing with the side effects of Adderall as mentioned.
I find that playing games, especially MMOs (I know they are shit, but they are so addictive that you can completely forget about how shit your life is and get some social interactionat the same time), is a good way of coping with it but it's just that: avoidant coping. It is not actually dealing with anything. I feel that I have no way of dealing with my depression beyond what I'm already doing (medication, seeing both a psychiatrist and being in therapy) given that (unless the events I went through when I was younger really changed me that much) I view it as purely a chemical defect in me.
My actual life is near perfect (no financial issues, in 6+ year relationship with someone who loves me, my family also loves me, I don't live in a third world shithole, etc) and I could pursue any education or career I wanted... if I was actually even able to get out of bed or leave my bedroom most days. In January, I left the house a total of 3 times, all of those times were to see a doctor of some sort and I had to have someone else drive me because I cannot get a drivers license.
It's been like this for over a decade. I don't know what to do. I feel like god (metaphorically speaking because I'm an atheist) is trolling me by giving me all these great opportunities in life that other suffering people don't even have a chance at, and yet I can't take advantage of a single one. Anyone who doesn't suffer from depression would probably laugh at me and tell that I'm a faggot and I should just "man up". Sometimes I think that I should give my life to someone who could actually use it. The only time I am ever able to do anything at all or feel anywhere near normal is when I am on drugs, and I hate it.

>> No.8619148


this helps too

>> No.8619163

I am on 60mg of Adderall

just to function and study
