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8614185 No.8614185 [Reply] [Original]

So everybody in Gensokyo knows what electricity is, and they actually use some modern appliances.

Makes me wonder if the likes of kappas, Moriyas or Yukari use internet in Gensokyo.

>> No.8614209
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I'm posting from Gensokyo right now.

>> No.8614208

The kappas are stupid, they have gizmos taken from the outside world but they work like confused children.

I'd imagine Yukari at least knowing what it is, since she does go out to the outside world.

>> No.8614237

Well Hatate has a magic cellphone, which I will be forever unable to explain.

>> No.8614249

"Sanae is a slut" is a meme Reimu created to discredit her shrine.

>> No.8614257

The tengu are the smartest in gensokyo invention wise.

>> No.8614269

No, it was created by filth, which possesses subhuman intelligence levels. And the reason why, is because they were attempting to break the autism scale. It almost worked.

>> No.8614271

Can you imagine the horrible packet loss you'd get over a cable that runs through the barrier

>> No.8614311
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How is WaHH Sanae this lovable?

>> No.8614322

Because she's shallow and thoughtless.

>> No.8614341

[spoilers]sluts can't become gods.

>> No.8614418


They have better tech than the outside world.

It's just that they lack cooperation and discipline.

>> No.8614508

No they don't. They use techniques from the 19th century, check WaHH and Soku.

Outsiders can actually build a giant robot (see: the now-removed semi-operational Gundam), the kappa have to resort to make a hot air balloon to trick people into worshipping the moriyas, not like they don't already use fear as a method for gathering worshippers.

>> No.8614995


It's 100% canon that Youkai mountain have tech ahead of the outside world.

It was mentioned many times.

>> No.8615008
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>> No.8615020

What I would presumably say is canon:

Hatate's phone was given to her by the Kappa.

Yukari first introduced the phone to the cast in Th11, where according to the dialogue none of them knew exactly what it was. She seems to be most in-tune with the outside world, mentioning the nintendo DS when Rinnosuke plays around with the Game Boy.

Most characters are familiar with electricity and aware of some of the technology in the outside world, but are strangely uninterested and unaware of what they are or how to use them.

Patchouli has quite a few books about modern technology.

Zun said he'd rather not live in Gensokyo because it doesn't have internet. (sorry everyone)

>> No.8615026
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I will remember to send things to /jp/ after I will move to Gensokyo.

>> No.8615028


If it means anything, they did build a nuclear reactor plant. And they made Hatate's magic camera phone.

>> No.8615033

>many times
Do tell then.

Even ZUN said he didn't want to live there because there was no internet.

>> No.8615034

>build a nuclear reactor plant

I thought that was Okuu. Where does it say the kappa built it? I only remember Kanko mentioning that they managed it while Okuu supervises it.

That is, until Kanako opted for cold fusion.

>> No.8615036


They have a working fusion plant. That's something we are only experimenting upon.

And they already started working on cold fusion.

>> No.8615043


I'm pretty sure ZUN was talking about human village.

It's obvious that humans and most youkai don't have internet, but Youkai mountain inhabitants?

Sanae seems to be up to date with outside stuff.

>> No.8615052

I don't really get this whole youkai mountain thing. I mean yeah there are kappa and tengu but I haven't really seen any descriptions claiming it to be a modernized area. Sanae is up to date because she's been living in the outside world until Th10.

>> No.8615056

Don't make things up, they have as much of a nuclear plant as we do.

Also, cold fusion exists in Gensokyo for the sheer fact that it's currently not possible in the outside world, it's the whole faith-based-existence thing. WaHH says that.

>> No.8615059

>In particular, the tengu and kappa on the mountain have developed technology (*14) comparable or greater than the outside world's. As such, there exists no youkai who can invade this mountain.
>14: The tengu's technology includes photography, printing and publication. The kappa work with iron and steel and also are skilled in crafting tools.


While PMiSS shouldn't be taken literally; it isn't too far fetched for the Youkai Mountain to have superior technology, especially when they have magic.

>> No.8615067

Satorin! It's me! Lets get married!

>Hatate's phone

And as she uses it to takes pictures, she must have a way of recharging it's battery.

Maybe the kappas use a watermill to produce electricity.

>> No.8615072


Corn isn't native to Japan, so how does it get to Gensokyo?

Does Kourindou double as a farmer's market?

>> No.8615075

>I'm pretty sure ZUN was talking about human village.

Your assumptions mean nothing. He was asked about ''Gensokyo'', don't try to evade it.


WaHH shows the kappa live and develop their ''technology'' like 19th century japanese with little futuristic gizmos, this does not mean they have _overall_ higher technology than the outside world for all we know they could've gotten the same supplies as Kourin from Yukari.

>> No.8615091


You have no idea what you are talking about.

Our best fusion reactors can sustain the reaction for seconds. They have a working fusion reactor.

Fusion reactors are far more efficient that fission reactors.

>> No.8615094

That fusion reactor is called Okuu and she is powered by gods.

>> No.8615101

That is a propane burner you fucking retard. Completely portable and needs no outside power source, just cans of gas.

>> No.8615104
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>> No.8615108


Its definitely not as common to see a portable propane burner here in the United States, so I can't blame him for his gaijin ignorance.

>> No.8615116


How does that change the fact that they are using a modern tool, and are talking about selling electricity?

If Reimu wants to sell electricity that means people use it.

>> No.8615118

I want to stroke Kasen's tender horns

>> No.8615121

Force lightning

Zap mothafucka

>> No.8615122


She is the source of fusion, but they have a sci-fi looking reactor.

Look at her stage in Soku.

>> No.8615125

Because Sanae has modern shit, and it requires exactly no infrastructure like electrical lines to use. They're common camping equipment.

>> No.8615130


She probably lost her horns. Just like her arm.

>> No.8615151

Why would they be eating corn? It's not indigenous to Japan.

>> No.8615155

SA and WaHH make it sound like they're just using the heat from Okuu's reactions. I know this can't really be backed up but I don't think the portrayal of the reactor in Soku has much meaning.

>> No.8615168
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>> No.8615171

Okuu knew about nuclear physics, there's no reason the kappas couldn't have done the nuclear reactor before that, it's only natural to think Okuu managed the whole thing while the kappa tweaked it in order for the vapor leaks to fill in the giant balloon above-ground.

>> No.8615173

People in Gensokyo are so open-minded. They're so used to magic and reality being twisted that any piece of technology introduced to them comes as no surprise or confusion. They're simply told how something works and go with it.

>> No.8615212


Soku is a canon Touhou game.

Everything from it is 100% canon.

>> No.8615222

Then why is it so dangerous to get down there that the whole thing had to be scrapped if they have an elevator?

>> No.8615237


It's not dangerous.

It's just that energy from there had to pass through a couple of magical borders before reaching the surface making it inefficient.

>> No.8615242
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>> No.8616939

Guys, guys, they don't have an internet connection, because internet is an outside world thing. Nobody ever said Youkai Mountain doesn't have some LAN laid down.

>> No.8616965
File: 43 KB, 258x286, 1327617993885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any of the official Touhou manga artists are lovable.

>> No.8617029

Venus was the very definition of omni slut. She NTRed, slept around, played being the innocent virgin even though her vagina has pretty much a cavern, lusted after people she shouldn't, etc etc.

>> No.8617055
File: 525 KB, 1257x1436, touhou_sues_moriya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes me wonder if the likes of kappas, Moriyas or Yukari use internet in Gensokyo.

>> No.8617083

I nearly puked and teared up in rage and disgust.

Feels like shrinemaiden.

>> No.8617091

Rin has an iPod in his store, and Yukari knows how to work it (or was it a gameboy? I don't remember).

They're at least aware that modern appliances exist outside of the barrier. Well, Rin and Yukari, at least. Also, the Moriyas coming gave them nuclear power and mecha.

>> No.8617182

Oh you.


>> No.8618244

So who's going to Touhou Openworld 2012?
