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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8611960 No.8611960 [Reply] [Original]

Remember your friends from your childhood?

How many friends have you kept in contact with?

>> No.8611965

Alot of people were making fun of me behind my back.
I had 1 friend for almost 10 years.
But for some reason he started going to clubs when turning ~23.

So I lost contact with him too.
The answer is 0.

And to be honest I'm quite glad.
Either they got criminal, selling drugs, or marrying 20 year old women who already have 2 babbis from another man.

Not so bad.

>> No.8611968

I keep in touch with my high school friends, I haven't really made any new once since then.

>> No.8611970


>> No.8611977

Op where did you get that pic? I think that one is Jake XD looks too much like him

>> No.8611980

I've got one I could contact but never have a reason to. He mainly plays WoW and he had friends besides me to hang out with. He was my best friend but I wasn't his.

Looking back nobody really liked me in highschool, I just so happened to be around when they'd show up. I don't understand why people hate me so much.

>> No.8611986


Sometimes I look them up on facebook, they're all in college doing something with their life. I'm surprised they all still hang around together. I see the pictures they post and they're all together. I would be there too if I didn't drop out.

>> No.8611995

Khajiit not welcome here.

>> No.8612007

I see them posting all the time on facebook. I'd like to hang out with them, but it would be awkward and they'd want to go to a nightclub.

>> No.8612008

None. I effectively have no friends. Though, honestly, the times I spent with my friends were more trouble than they were worth. If I never had any friends, maybe I wouldn't have fucked up my life so badly.

>> No.8612012
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90% of them turned into douchebags / were douchebags all along. I sometimes hang out with the remaining guys.
You guys are much better anyway.

>> No.8612025

I only really had one friend, and I haven't spoken to him in like 7 years.

>> No.8612041

A few, but we have very irregular contact.
I still hang out with my friends from highschool though.
Ten year reunion coming up soon, goddamn.

>> No.8612097
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Nobody. I sometimes dream of them though. I only miss the fun we used to have back when we were stupid kids which is no longer applicable as adults, but everybodies lives got real and I'm still living the dream.

>> No.8612117

One of them calls me like once a year to hang out, I'd be happier if he just forgot about me completely.

>> No.8612120
File: 181 KB, 488x662, yukored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All fags, all fags. Why can't friends stay true, like me and you?

>> No.8612125

10/10 post

>> No.8612127


>> No.8612128

Hi everyone, friendly reminder that the board you're looking for is over here:


No need to feel bad, it's a common mistake. I'll forgive you all if you hurry and leave now.

>> No.8612133
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>> No.8612131

Probably six or seven I hang out with regularly. The rest aren't from my town and I just see at cons and other shit happening where they live.

>> No.8612135

I see a couple of them every 2 or so weeks, they like my company but I just don't understand them or why they do what they do with their lives. It makes me lonelier. I don't hide my hobbies or thoughts with them and they don't mind, but I feel sick when talking about normal people around them. One of them said he hates normal people because they follow road rules and he can't speed. I just, I seriously just don't fucking understand.

>> No.8612139

A friendly reminder new people aren't welcome and you can get back to /a/ for trying so hard.

>> No.8612138

No. But I often have dreams of them, and I always wonder why. Also there's always something on fire in my dreams.

Anyways 10 year HS reunion is this year but I'm far too apathetic to go.

>> No.8612141 [DELETED] 

This is a shitty thread that has nothing to do with Otaku Culture, reported.

Enjoy your ban, faggot.

>> No.8612144

>But I often have dreams of them, and I always wonder why. Also there's always something on fire in my dreams.
PTSD. What happened in Afghanistan?

>> No.8612145


I'm sorry I'm disrupting your livejournal thread, I really am.

>> No.8612154


Both of you can go have your grudgewank somewhere else.

>> No.8612162

1, who I've know since I was 4 years old.

We used to be really close, but we're so different now that it's just shitty being around him most of the time. We do keep in touch and hang out, on average, maybe once a month, though.

>> No.8612176
File: 46 KB, 341x454, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm translating:

>Best quote:
I came, I saw, I conquered.

Lamborghini Gallardo
Fighting - screaming - pushing against the wall - sex :)

>About david:
Rules exist to be broken! As long as its not your own rules.

>> No.8612177 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 604x453, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely daddy.

>> No.8612183

His post was fine.

Also, precisely zero.

>> No.8612182

Who is he quoting?

>> No.8612189 [DELETED] 

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 | | |  |This thread is fucking terrible.  | | | |
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 | | |  |This thread is fucking terrible.  | | | |
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 ( ・∀・)   <丶`∀´>  ( ´∀`)  ( ・ω・)   ( ´ω`)
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 | | |  |This thread is fucking terrible.  | | | |
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 ( ・∀・)   <丶`∀´>  ( ´∀`)  ( ・ω・)   ( ´ω`)
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 | | |  |This thread is fucking terrible.  | | | |
 (__)_) ┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┻ (__)_)

>> No.8612194
File: 279 KB, 600x600, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8612199


>> No.8612201

What a curlbro. Giant biceps and no chest.

>> No.8612198

God damn it Trip, why were you such a dick?

>> No.8612203


*nervous laughter*

>> No.8612206

The fact that you're apparently an idol fan makes you hate you, but your name sounds like "Adolf" or "I, Dolphin" and it makes me smile.
Keep calm and carry on.

>> No.8612219

I never had friends.


>> No.8614310

This, only "acquaintances".
