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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 230 KB, 980x636, pixiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8606562 No.8606562 [Reply] [Original]

>How does it make you feel now that deviantartists flood pixiv on a daily basis making it harder and harder to find pure, authentic japanese art?
A year later I once again present this question to /jp/.

>> No.8606569


>> No.8606575

I find there's more tumblr users advertising their shitty art everywhere, but I guess there's an overlap between cornhole sites like deviantart, reddit, and tumblr.

>> No.8606573

If they produced good things I wouldn't mind.

>> No.8606570

most of japanese pixiv stuff isn't great either

>> No.8606571

The only western artist I've seen on pixiv is mugen.

>> No.8606580

theres western art on pixiv? I haven't seen any because I don't use shitty search terms

>> No.8606584
File: 549 KB, 800x1062, 20497822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8606603

Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.8606601
File: 8 KB, 185x251, 1197849700507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>farmstink buttlass
what is this I don't even...

>> No.8606611

Pixiv is no better than Deviantart, it's just that you can't read the comments.

Also, there is tonnes of shitty art on Pixiv, you just conveniently ignore it because you are a weeaboo and think that Japanese means Better.

>> No.8606616
File: 23 KB, 400x800, 24991012_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8606614

Bitter deviantartist detected.

>> No.8606612

It's funny because the Japanese more or less ignore Western users even if their art is fairly good. You rarely find Western pictures with comments from Japanese people.

>> No.8606617

I like Japanese art styles more. Guess which nationality is better at Japanese art styles?

>> No.8606620


>> No.8606621
File: 5 KB, 355x64, pixIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately kuso gaijin pigs don't draw much art of the stuff I look for. Pixiv also has a new feature too, which should help.

>> No.8606625


>> No.8606626


>> No.8606623

That's probably because they're too polite to comment in their broken engrish.

>> No.8606624

I am not an artist, I am an Art Collector. I have no need to register at DeviantArt, whereas Pixiv forces me to register.

>> No.8606630

You can't see half ths shit on DA without being logged into an account. Same with Pixiv.

>> No.8606629

Yeah, if you PAY for pixiv...

>> No.8606631

The whole minute required to register must be incredibly taxing on you.

>> No.8606632

>not paying for pixiv
I seriously hope you goyim don't do this

>> No.8606638

You stray from the topic.

Thank you for your sympathy.

>> No.8606640

a) Pixiv has more art that an Otaku would enjoy than Deviantart does
b) I can read the comments, I'm sure some others here can too, so quit generalising.
c) Whilst there is shitty art on Pixiv sure, overall, there is less on Pixiv than there is on Deviantart.
d) Deviantart has 3DPD crap. I remember searching for my waifu there just to see, and finding god awful cosplay shit.

I already pay monthly for nicovideo, may as well pay for pixiv too...

>> No.8606637

english tip of the day: job titles are not considered proper nouns.

>> No.8606641

Baka gaijins can't put their tags on japanese.

>> No.8606646


>> No.8606653

Isn't the stuff in the OP western kuso art with masterrace language tags?

>> No.8606655

English tip of the day: English is considered a proper noun.

>> No.8606656

"no name" likely just found some applicable tags and copy/pasted them.

>> No.8606654

This pisses me off and it's common among Japanese websites. It's like the Japanese are a decade behind--their websites still look like GeoCities pages with Web rings and too many graphics.

Nobody should have to sign up. What's the fucking point? We're stealing your bandwidth anyway. Fuck you Pixiv and NND and whoever else. Learn from the West. And Western companies actually want to stalk us and sell us ads. You just want to be obtuse.

>> No.8606659

Boo-hoo, what will Pixiv and Nicovideo do now that some gaijin won't sign up for their Japanese website.

>> No.8606661

>Pixiv has more art that an Otaku would enjoy than Deviantart does
True, but not a reason why a desire for only >pure, authentic japanese art would not make OP a weeaboo.

>so quit generalising
I was speaking to OP.

>there is less [shit] on Pixiv
You haven't looked far enough. Although, it is a different kind of shit.

>Deviantart has 3DPD crap
And Pixiv has guro scat toddlercon. Some might claim that DeviantArt is better because of this. I say that you should just ignore it and keep searching for things you like.

>> No.8606665

I was going to agree with you, but now I'm glad registration piss off autists like you so much.

>> No.8606666

Is there anything worse than when some casual comes onto /jp/ and starts defending bad western art or voice overs?

>> No.8606664

A: Japanese aren't that great themselves
B: Westerners don't draw anything like http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=24420589 or anything I'd see anyway.
C: Is that Homestuck fart porn?

>> No.8606673

>bad western art or voice overs?
>voice overs?
Oh fuck, what is the deal with fan dubs? They're never any better than real dubs.

>> No.8606674

Alright, is `Fuck You' a proper noun, you stupid cunt?

>> No.8606679

I think that's a "verb phrase", with "fuck" as the headword.

>> No.8606676

I use pixiv for art of a single character only, and the amount of terrible art is overwhelming. I get maybe 1-2 decent image per page in a good day. Pixiv has a LOT of shit, and I don't see how you would deny that fact.

I haven't ever gone to deviantart though, so I can't compare them.

>> No.8606677

The OP image actually made me laugh pretty hard. It's a Homestuck injoke, not fetish art. (Although both the joke and the art are really awful.)

>> No.8606684
File: 43 KB, 600x450, 1192429008910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is somebodys fetish, isn't it?

please I don't want to know the answer

>> No.8606682

Are you saying guro, scat and toddlercon is bad?

>> No.8606687

we sick fucks man epig win right

>> No.8606688

Why would you ask a question that you don't want the answer to?

>> No.8606686

>I was speaking to OP.
Then quote the OP baka.

>You haven't looked far enough. Although, it is a different kind of shit.
I go on Pixiv every day. The very fact alone that there is like 3 times as much furry on Deviantart as there is on Pixiv means Deviantart is shittier to me.

>And Pixiv has guro scat toddlercon.
You can turn off guro if you don't want to see it. And on top of that, you can turn off R-18 stuff altogether if you don't want to see NSFW images. So your point is kind of invalid.

>> No.8606705

Lol eksdeee
eye'm so ironic
sck my cck dde

>> No.8606708


You both should feel bad about yourselves.

>> No.8606709
File: 21 KB, 600x450, 1223284362371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no other way around it.

Pixiv needs to be rebooted.

>> No.8606716

It is sad. I know both sites have a fair amount of crap, but I can comfortably say that the gold/shit ratio was better on pixiv. Nowadays I can flip through pages of drawings of one subject or videogame character, and pick out the ones done by western artists solely by the fact that they're always the worst ones.

>> No.8606717

No, I do not like to mix scat and guro with my toddlercon, nor with anything else that I choose to fap to. I do not appreciate the erotic value of scat and guro at all.

>> No.8606721

pixiv has a wiki for their tags, deviantart only has drama. The only thing I like about dA is their option to organize your favorites. But you know, you can just add a special bookmark tag on pixiv and it'll work the same way.
devinatart has a diarrhea green color scheme for a reason.

>> No.8606732

I laughed simply because of how outlandish it is. That, and it was the only way to retain my sanity after seeing such a thing.

>> No.8606736

pixiv is shit like everything else.

>> No.8606742

Real edgy, anon.

Fuck da world

>> No.8606750


The art on pixiv is a lot better than what you'll find on Deviantart. There are far less immature fucking kids on pixiv than their are on deviantart. Sure, there is shit art on both sites, but there is by far a lot less shit on pixiv then there is on deviant art. I don't get how you could even want to defend deviant art at all. There are good artists on both sites, their are bad artists on both sites, but pixiv will most likely always be much more tolerable than what you'll find on Deviantart. OP didn't say a thing about the quality of art anyway so why it matters, I don't know even fucking know.

>> No.8606758

To be honest, I prefer websites like this to be inaccessible to us baka gaijins. That way, the master race nips can work in peace and only the most glorious of golden nuggets crafted by artists well beyond our western capabilities will filter down to us.

Hell, it works for the yukkuri abuse fanfic site. There's a google group that translates the decent/popular ones and the better illustrators trickle down to the yukkuri booru.

>> No.8606759

>OP didn't say a thing about the quality of art

>Shitty Western Art General
>pure, authentic japanese art

>> No.8606769

He wasn't quoting OP though.

>> No.8606784


Okay, I'll admit that I missed the subject section, but
>Pure Authentic Japanese art isn't about the "quality"

>> No.8606792

Thank god that most of the shitty artists don't know how to find tags to save their lives. Minus the R-18 tag.

>> No.8606806

I saw fred-chan in pixiv the other day.

>> No.8606808

even the japanese don't use r-18 properly
tiny bit of sideboob?
nightgown image?
completely clean picture?

>> No.8606839

>completely clean picture?
Oh wait, it's actually a stack of images. Let's just click on it, what's the worst that could happen?.

>> No.8606846

except when it is just a single image. I've seen it happen on numerous occasions. I don't know whether to think they're throwing that tag in there for the hits or they genuinely see something dirty in their own picture that I do not.

>> No.8606851

>stack of images
>yfw its just the same image over and over with different colored stockings

>> No.8606848

He is far from western idiot.

And for this thread. I'd say they are bit pretty much on the same level. When generally speaking. As pivix is inhabited largely by Japanese kids.

>> No.8606853

I vary rarely experience what you're complaining about. I think you are just exaggerating.

>> No.8606855

Stop trying to placate these deviantart kids. Their Japanese style art is objectively worse and they should know it.

>> No.8606859
File: 392 KB, 700x700, 19995757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixiv's tagging is a terrible mess, period. But, whatever I don't normally use tags. I'm mainly on there for my favourite artists.

>> No.8606977

>most of japanese pixiv stuff isn't great either
at least it often doesn't stick out like a sore fucking thumb

>> No.8606988

>stupid fuck
Who's the one who can't master capitalization?

>> No.8607000
File: 390 KB, 1680x1465, pc25263418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else just spend hours of at time browsing Pixiv? One of the best sites on the internet.

>> No.8607019
File: 965 KB, 4092x2893, 23298330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixiv has the best art.

>> No.8607026

Yup. Its like the tvtropes images. Just keep going from one link to the next.

>> No.8607028

Noice trips man

>> No.8607034

FUCK now I want a double down from kfc.

>> No.8607051

There are some from here. Magister and Sai are both on there, and there's tons of others worth a mention.

R-18 tag on a clean pic/slightly risque one that could go without the tag is guaranteed to get you less hits. R-18 stuff goes on a separate ranking, and there are few people that can keep their dick hard long enough to refresh it all day.
