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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 425 KB, 400x225, dolled myself up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8602672 No.8602672 [Reply] [Original]

How are your trap outfits going, /jp/? When's the last time you dressed up?

>> No.8602680
File: 62 KB, 453x585, P2200228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too badly, I guess. Drafted the pattern for the shirt today, gonna cut and sew tomorrow prolly.

>> No.8602678

please respond

>> No.8602681

i need more skirts and i seriously need a medio outfit ><;

>> No.8602682

Take your /v/ shit back there, nerd.

>> No.8602687

When I was 14.

>> No.8602688


Take your /soc/ shit back there, faglet

Now go ahead and do your "lol gues ur new here" routine in a thread that now has a shitty tripfag posting photos of himself

>> No.8602692

Got an elementary school outfit coming in the mail. I wish serafuku wasn't so prohibitively expensive or I'd have a set already. Cosplay quality shit doesn't count

Two days ago.

>> No.8602697

Why do people call them "trap outfit"? Traps are guys dressed as GIRLS, not as "traps". Shouldn't you be asking: "How are your girl outfits going, /jp/?"

>> No.8602702

Well, well look who it is.

You should kill yourself. You're the only person who has a problem. /jp/ doesn't belong to you.

>> No.8602705
File: 93 KB, 575x700, 7d2643d25a782e743b786225665d64793213749c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During valentines day, baking cake in my maid outfit~
Picture kinda related.

>> No.8602706

i'm not a faggot

>> No.8602720

Every trap thread is a /soc/ thread to you, oh glorious newfriend defender of /jp/.

Fuck off and die.

>> No.8602820
File: 973 KB, 1800x1196, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't realise crossdressing is part of otaku culture

>> No.8602836

Too muscly, manly and hairy for that

>> No.8602856


/jp/ traps sure have good taste in meidos.

>> No.8602859
File: 291 KB, 1280x720, 1329002929808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh there's nothing I'd like more than being a feminine guy with healthy skin, scalp and hair with very little to no body/facial hair (other than being a little girl) and crossdress all the time.

Fuck, now I'm angry at myself for a stupid reason and depressed.

>> No.8602861

didn't Chisame started posting pics again?

>> No.8603120

When I was 10.

>> No.8603761



>> No.8603797

I thought her body was forcibly ruined and defiled by the cruel military.

>> No.8603961


>> No.8606038

>defining a gender

>> No.8606048


No defining sex, as humans don't have a gender, nouns do.

>> No.8606110

Are there any places that don't mark their boxes so i can actually ship them to my house?

>> No.8606127

Most adult webshops deliver in brown anonymous packages these days, just find one that sells what you need and look up the customer support.

>> No.8606183

Do you happen to know of any of these adult webshops to reccomend? I haven't really thought that there would be any that sold girls clothes.

>> No.8606201

Depends on what part of the world you live in, shipping and so on could be a issue.
Then again i would imagine adult webshops sell female clothes of a more erotic nature.

>> No.8606227

Are kneesocks and panties actually comfy, /jp/?

>> No.8606234

Get something from a department store that sells clothing for women and men.

>> No.8606231

Well, i'm in the us.
>female clothes of a more erotic nature.
Ah well that's disappointing. I was more just looking for cute things. I would really like to have a meido dress or school uniform.

>> No.8606238

Panties are pretty tight and soft...I dunno, feels good in certain areas. Kneesocks aren't uncomfortable, I don't mind them either way, but they're cute.

>> No.8606261

Kneesocks are pretty comfy in winter if you get some warm thick ones, i like to wear then under my normal clothes sometimes.

Panties... they are nice and soft but not so comfy since they lack the space for your junk, being a little tight can be quite stimulating though.

You can always email and ask the specific site what the packages look like for deliveries and if there is an option for discreet packaging. Ordering from China or something would likely come in a rather plain box too but there shouldn't be too much need to do that if you're in the US.

>> No.8606264

Provided your legs are smooth they are very comfy.

A lot of erotic-webstores sell maid outfits, some sites only sell really lewd ones with short skirt/no arms and so on.

If you want a more classic maid outfit you should look into cosplay websites instead.

>> No.8606267
File: 9 KB, 170x296, 68797888086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys /pol/ here thought I'd check out /jp/
>sees thread

>> No.8606276

Who are you quoting?

P.S. Please don't be racist at us.

>> No.8606277

Hi /pol/, it's always nice to have visitors!

>> No.8606275

/pol/ could do with some more trap threads, i think it would increase the quality of the board.

>> No.8606279


Go back to poo flinging about worthless issues rather than uniting under a common banner

>> No.8606282

Ah fuck it I'm tried of talking about Niggers and Jews I'll settle down here for awhile. Why are you dressing up as traps? what does this accomplish?

>> No.8606281


Go be stupid libertarians somewhere else.

Ron Paul is dumb

>> No.8606288

It gets us that much closer to becoming the little girl.

>> No.8606289

You can cross dress for Halloween and buy a maid outfit for a party or something.

And then never go to said party. It's a pretty good excuse really.

Well, Halloween is a nice excuse to wear cute things in public.

>> No.8606290


Want to be the little girl

>> No.8606292

And why do we want this?

>> No.8606295

I would like to but i know i would be questioned on what i bought if they were to figure out it were clothes.
Yeah i would want a longer maid dress. The only thing is i don't know of any cosplay sites that don't mark their boxes. I get home late and therefor am not able to get to the packages first.

I was thinking of going with ebay because most times it just has their address which seems pretty normal. The only thing is is that the selection isnt so great.

>> No.8606296


Why wouldn't you want this?

>> No.8606301

Many reasons actually

>> No.8606297

Why are you asking about trap fetishists? I'm pretty sure you're familiar enough with the internet to know what it's about.

>> No.8606305


Well then clearly you wouldn't understand the philosophy behind it.

>> No.8606302

So we can be pure and innocent and have no worries in life.

P.S. Generally, /jp/ is a slow enough board that you should sage your posts unless there's a specific on-topic reason that you need to bump the thread.

>> No.8606309

Enlighten me. I know its a fetish but.....Why?

>> No.8606311

I have it and I'd like to know my self.

>> No.8606317


This is why I have anyone whos heavily into politics, they don't understand that if something feels good, people are going to do it.

Dressing up feels good. There doesnt have to be any fucking arbitrary necessity of productivity.

>> No.8606321
File: 403 KB, 637x900, Matsurika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many reasons, wanting to be cute is one of them.
And others just do it as a part of their fetishes.

>> No.8606325

Crossdressing is my fetish but I'm too masculine (tall, hairy, etc) to actually pull it off to any degree.

Could you post a pic of the outfit you ordered? Just curious.

>> No.8606333

Not the /pol/ guy, but thank you, it was actually good to hear that.

>> No.8606332

Oh well I think i'll stay fuck politics.

>> No.8606358

Make sure you read and understand http://cerealexperiments.com/jprules.php..

>> No.8606387


I've been here for 2 months and I already know how to act around you losers. I didn't need to read a stinking guide

>> No.8606430

So are there any cosplay sites that don't mark the box with their site and such?

>> No.8606473

Now THAT is a maid dress i really want.

>> No.8606475

I never ordered from any cosplay site but I would think they all would have discreet shipping.

>> No.8606487
File: 173 KB, 800x1268, 325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, i would like the Matsurika maid outfit as well~

>> No.8606647

A lot of these are pretty close.

All yours for 30000 JPY.

>> No.8606649

Well i would like to be sure rather than taking the chance.

I really with i wasn't so paranoid about this stuff.

>> No.8606678

Something tells me most stores don't ship in clear bags or boxes plastered with questionable pictures.

Anyway I've ordered clothing from Rakuten, forwarded via Tenso, and it always comes in a normal looking JP Post EMS bag. The only indication of what's inside is the declaration that's always said clothing. Dunno what they'd write if you tried to ship a dildo though.

>> No.8606738

Would Tenso work with webkiss?

>> No.8606743

>Dunno what they'd write if you tried to ship a dildo though.
Most sites that sell such things ship the item in brown anonymous packages with no indication what is inside.

It would be awfully embarrassing picking up the package otherwise.

>> No.8606751

I am going to make a Facebook group raising awareness that plain, brown bags invariably contain sex toys and other lewd merchandise.

Your days are numbered, weeaboos.

>> No.8606763

>clear bags or boxes plastered with questionable pictures.

Of course, that's not what i meant. I was meaning how some sites often display their site all over the box. I live with my parents and they have became quite nosy with the packages i order.

Thanks for the sites though.

>> No.8606773

I burned all my panties and related clothing. I no longer wish to be a trap.

>> No.8606811

I'm sure the Tenso side would be fine. It'd just be a matter of seeing if Webkiss are willing to ship to their address.

>> No.8606843

Damn, guess i didn't think of that....

I guess it's worth a try though, i don't see why they would turn down money. Something i just don;t understand i guess

>> No.8606872

Well ussjp actually lists webkiss as one of the sites they have shipped from. Just not sure if it's legit or not.

Added i only have Paypal, and Tenso seems perfect for that.

>> No.8607656

They are extremely comfy. I wear kneesocks not only because I think they're cute but also to avoid freezing my legs off.
As for panties, if you're Asian it's ... not a problem.
