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File: 2 KB, 114x78, Cave_co_logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8597674 No.8597674 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Touhou so dogshit compared to real STGs?

>> No.8597676

Why are real STGs so dogshit compared to Touhou?

>> No.8597684

because those are the genre's leading professionals

there can be only one best

>> No.8597686

Reported, saged and filtered.

>> No.8597688

They aren't. Read the OP.

>> No.8597691

cave games are better but touhou is hardly "dogshit".

just play some games and take it easy, OP.

>> No.8597697

Paging Raiden anon to come shit on this thread

>> No.8597698

Is Imperishable Night low-tier among Touhous?

>> No.8597705

It's objectively the best game.

>> No.8597706

Why is there no STG more fun than Warning Forever?

>> No.8597730

My same game that gets re-released every year with different characters is better than your same game that gets re-released every year with different characters

>> No.8597747

cave is better only because their hitboxes are a single pixel and make me rage less

>> No.8597752

The older Touhous were the best, in my opinion. Everything after Mountain of Faith is forgettable, gameplay-wise.

>> No.8597760

Fuck off, EOJ.

>> No.8597792

dis nigga

>> No.8597803

Will there ever be a game as good as Mushihime-sama Futari 1.5? I say no.

>> No.8597808

fags gonna fags
even JAMESTOWN is better than touhou

>> No.8597811

>Why is Touhou so dogshit compared to real STGs?

It's because Touhou is to STGs what Naruto is to anime or Desert Eagles are to guns: babby's first shit that anyone who isn't an ignorant plebian despises for roping in retards and children.

Say what you will about Cave, but nothing they've made has spawned awful memes like Marisa stole the Precious Thing and Cirno's Perfect Math Class.

>> No.8597820

Jamestown is worse than every Touhou except TD

>> No.8597824

I like the tension of STGs, but I don't like instantly quitting when I get hit once then going days without playing again.

>> No.8597835

Accept your death and go on.

>> No.8597844

Touhou is as generic as you get. The music is plagiarized from SNES rpgs and various other sources, the game mechanics are stolen from Dodonpachi/Shikigami no Shiro, the setting is literally called "fantasy land", the characters are pretty much designs with a few ill-defined characteristics in lieu of things like motivation or personality, etc. If it wasn't for fanworks, which have nothing to do with the quality of the games themselves, no one would pay any heed to it. The fact that the majority of Touhou fans have usually played at most 4 or 5 other shmups doesn't help either.

>> No.8597852

Umineko is a babby's first VN of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of setting and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and META. The NEET anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for normal, sociable, underage faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The metaworld characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the magic, the peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole "colored text" faggotry and everything about the Umineko world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on love, and the overall preachiness of the whole series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes normals and underage retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Umineko is basically THE series to attract the most hated visual novel fanbase known to /jp/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this franchise and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Umineko threads ever encourage the normalfags to show their faces here.

>> No.8597859

Pasta doesn't know that all VNs are terrible. At least Type Moon gave us Melty Blood though, so one VN company is indirectly good for something.

>> No.8597863

Everything in your post is true. Why Umineko threads aren't redirected to /a/ and /v/ where they belong is honestly beyond me.

>> No.8597880

So what business does CAV games have on /jp/? Huh.

and stop being such bitter hipsters, kids.

>> No.8597882

What business does Touhou have on /jp/? Or Melty Blood?

>> No.8597889

They're both doujin games, at the very least. Hell, touhou has more business than Melty does even. Why are you even asking?

At the least, learn to coexist with touhou players rather than posting the same couple of promotional images and inflammatory comments, no one can take you seriously.

>> No.8597891

Oh man, how I wish posts on /jp/ had IDs.

>> No.8597892

hipsters calling hipsters hipsters

>> No.8597895

Who're you calling a hipster?

>> No.8597899

everyone on /jp/.

>> No.8597900


>> No.8597922

People here would dislike Touhou less if most of the fanbase were better posters and not a general embarrassment to humanity.

>> No.8597925

if you're talking the facebook tier people? I understand. However on here, you guys are more embarrasing than we are.

>> No.8597928

I think he's referring to underage posters like yourself.

>> No.8597930

Take it to cave-stg. I'm sure EOJ will suck your dick if you praise Deathsmiles II X enough.

>> No.8597936

You humiliate you and your sort further. I think you should walk away for a bit before replying again.

>> No.8597945

But hors are shit. And EOJ doesn't think that highly of all, or perhaps even most Cave games:


>> No.8597949

Everyone on /jp/ including you is an embarrassment to the rest of humanity

>> No.8597966

DS2 is one of Cave's best games though.

>> No.8597982

All these shmup ports make me wish I had a 360. But then I'd need a monitor with an input other than VGA.

>> No.8597987



I'd agree with you there. For a group of people who dont care what others think, they care an awful lot if too many people like what they like.

God forbid you like anything they think they are not supposed to like.

>> No.8597989

Touhou is shit.

>> No.8597990

The irony is almost painful.

I'd be able to appreciate STG generals if the cave fans weren't so vitriolic.

>> No.8597998



>> No.8597999

Touhou has a consistent, if same-y thing going for it. It's not bad, it's solid. It's just not over the top like some Cave shooters.

Also, not all Cave shooters are over the top challenge games. Deathsmiles is a Cave shooter, but in no way does it have better gameplay than a Touhou shooter.

>> No.8598002

I respect your opinion but you're wrong.

>> No.8598003

I recommend this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236201

No input lag, good image quality, and a stand that lets it rotate and pivot. Perfect for shmups and other games that require high precision, like fighting games.

>> No.8598005

Artificially increasing difficulty by making it impossible to see where to go (such as mushihime's later stages) with identical purple bullets whose borders overlap ... that isn't my definition of being good, it's simply being cheap by exploiting flaws in the way your eyes work to confuse your brain, and forcing you to make guesses until you learn by pure trial and error, rather than intuition or skill. Such tactics are for lightening people of their pocket change.

Shmups became the way they are because the demand for increased difficulty at arcades selects for more complexity; a game that flogs your ass naturally makes a lot more money than one you could breeze through, because you get kind of a vendetta against it. This direction pushed the genre too much for its own good; as the same handful of masters needed a higher tier next game, we wound up with needing to literally operate blind sometimes to clear ... which crosses over into bullshit territory and IS why the genre is dead today. People like a challenge, but, once they realize what they're up against, they won't play a game that is just downright unfair, unless you actually enjoy Cave shitting on your face and beg for a diarrhea load of it at the end. It's nice being Neo at shmups, but when you need to be both Neo and also get lucky at a series of gambles RIGHT at the end, then people will just quit.

Touhou got popular because ZUN doesn't want to just shit on your face all day and claim he's the best because of it. He totally could if he wanted to, but the point of the games isn't blind navigating/muscle memory, but to be (mostly) fair and entertaining. You can claim that's casual, but I call it ignoring the arcade bullshit that killed the fucking genre in the first place. Also, nevertheless Touhou's still got some challenges, such as being a top scorer on UFO Lunatic, or getting the Extra Gold Medal on Fairy Wars.

>> No.8598006

Nope. Just solder a VGA port to it. It's piss-easy, even for someone like me with little soldering experience and a somewhat shaky hand.

>> No.8598009

There's a lot of overlap and never any problem in the general danmaku threads. The logos+bitterness threads are just trolls.

>> No.8598012


Oh wow it's not a link to a VH236H.

>> No.8598015

You probably don't even know how to play it.

>> No.8598016

PA238Q has ~1/2 frame input lag. Insignificant, but still measurable. Very impressive for an IPS though.

>> No.8598021

As much as I dislike the fanbase I'd rather directly insult them instead of targeting their favorite thing.

>> No.8598024

But how does that even make sense? How does the composite, or component or whatever output re-pin to VGA?

>> No.8598036
File: 11 KB, 237x251, 1308988505155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deathsmiles is a Cave shooter, but in no way does it have better gameplay than a Touhou shooter.
>ZUN doesn't want to just shit on your face all day

haha oh wow this fucking thread

>> No.8598040

The challenge in most of Cave's games come from being good at them (i.e. scoring). And regardless, a Bloody Jitterbug clear in DSMBL is much harder than any survival challenge in Touhou.

>> No.8598041

The point was that difficulty != quality, like some of you seem to think.

>> No.8598043

the whole point of STGs is that the harder they are the more you can brag when you beat them what are you talking about

>> No.8598044

It's all about immersion, that is, how enthralling the game is. Difficulty is certainly a primary factor in immersion.

>> No.8598050

Some of us don't care to have dick-waving contests.

Agreeable, but there's a difference between making a challenge and just being a dick about the difficulty.

>> No.8598054

What? You solder the port to the board inside the thing. Every pin is there, including the full set of R, G, B, H-Sync, and V-Sync. The Monitor_ID pin gets soldered to another pad that triggers VGA mode on the 360 when a monitor is connected. I think I still have a link to the directions on my other PC.

>> No.8598057

What else is then ? Enlighten me, wise one. You can't.

>> No.8598058

>Some of us don't care to have dick-waving contests.
then why are you playing STGs, nerd

>> No.8598066

Because I find them fun?

>> No.8598067

Here's a difficult game for you:

You press any button, then "You lose" is printed on the screen. The same happens if you wait a few seconds without doing anything.

>> No.8598071

Yeah, this nancy boy should stick to Final Fantasy.

>> No.8598073

Starcraft, Diablo II and WoW are not at all hard games by any means, yet they are the most immersive ones to ever exist by any measurable standard (time played + how seriously it's taken by its players). I've never heard of someone dying from playing too much DoDonPachi, even though that game's a million times harder.

People most certainly don't like being spoonfed their victories; it makes them take the game less seriously and hence is less immersive.. but, that's not the whole answer to the equation.

>> No.8598078

Immersive for hammerdin bots and assburgers that love to grind, sure. And how is Starcraft taken more seriously than STGs or fighting games, or Quake or whatever?

Also, immersion isn't about DURATION of play, but INTENSITY of play.

>> No.8598085

According to you, yet STGs remain a very niche genre, wonder why that is?

Learn to state it as an opinion next time.

>> No.8598096

Because PCBs are expensive, ports are region locked or at least have zero advertising outside Japan, arcades have pretty much failed outside Japan, and people are retarded? Everything is opinions.

>> No.8598102


>> No.8598104


>how is Starcraft taken more seriously than STGs

It is in Corea.

>> No.8598111

SWY = the Michael Jordan of shump.

>> No.8598117

>Playing a game for waving a e-penis
You don't know how to enjoy a videogame.

The whole point of Touhou is the fact Zun makes the games with love in his mind, and not "wanting to make all the money I can in the arcades" like the 70% of STGs producers/companies.
Also, ZUN loves to make a lot of "unnecesary" backstory that makes the characters more closer with the fans, that's probably the secret of his succes and this is why Touhou is a good game. You can discuss if the gameplay is shit, but gameplay isn't everything in all games, only in fighters...
A last thing, the Touhou fans don't usually say things like "look how superior is my STG, yours is shit, come and play my STG"

>> No.8598126
File: 24 KB, 139x141, hina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the Touhou fans don't usually say things like "look how superior is my STG, yours is shit, come and play my STG"

Touhou fans don't usually play the games at all though!

>> No.8598129

>A last thing, the Touhou fans don't usually say things like "look how superior is my STG,

Like they even know its an STG.

>> No.8598131

never thought I'd see someone who plays shooting games for the story.

>> No.8598136

>You press any button, then "You lose" is printed on the screen.

I Wanna Be The Guy has been out for a few years now...

>> No.8598140

Since games have become popular among all people, most gamers are tired people who play purely as an escape. The minority who like to play for challenge are easily siphoned off by Youthful aggression into PVP and yelling racist words over voice chat. Others may be trapped by addiction into degeneracy such as MMO raiding. Short, hard games that promote wholesome personal growth were found to be less profitable and have been left to the dustbin of history.

>> No.8598163

2hu has waifus.

cave doesnt have 2hus.

>> No.8598167
File: 262 KB, 905x1280, 1712761-2132440893_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my waifu can beat up your waifu

>> No.8598183
File: 89 KB, 460x667, c5c48dcd47b336346825071d530b38ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which cave woould u fuk

>> No.8598186

Touhou is okay but by no means anything special. There are better STGs out there. It's still fun, though.

STGs belong to /jp/ like everything arcade related. /jp/ is about niche entertainment. Arcade is as niche as it gets today. Deal with it.

All non-gamplay Touhou threads are embarrassing beyond measure. Sometimes it looks like a couple of little girls showing each other their favorit dolls.

This thread is terrible, but it seems OP still managed to enrage some autistic kids. That says enough about the Touhou fandom.

>> No.8598195

red aeroplane from dodonpachi

>> No.8598200

Says the enraged autistic kid

How's it feel that all CAVE threads start with memes and inflammatory statements? You criticize the touhou fandom when you act 10x worse. Try harder.

>> No.8598211

I find it necessary to start threads with the intent of boiling a little bit of blood. Sharper opinions are often better and more interesting opinions.

>> No.8598217


That's what I mean. They can't even hold a normal conversation. All you get is incoherent babbling and no-u replys.

Makes you wonder what the average age among them is.

>> No.8598225

2hu - 15
Cave fans - 25

>> No.8598229

Rage getting you mixed up there, kid?

>> No.8598231

Stop spreading misinformation, shithead.

>> No.8598262

Reco-chan my waibu

>> No.8598278

We actually haven't had this thread for years.

Cave trolls, I missed you.

>> No.8598284


lmao y u so anger?

>> No.8598297


>> No.8598304

Completed version http://www43.atwiki.jp/arrangew/pages/44.html

>> No.8598316

Okay, Probably the 60% of Touhou fans don't play the games often.
But who cares about what they play or not? Unless they're a retardeds who don't know a shit about the story, the characters and the existence of the games, I don't think it's a bad thing. Sadly there are a lot of those elements, but the only reason is because it's really extended.
I actually suck at STGs (I can only 1CC on normal some of the Touhous) but I usually play Touhou and other STGs.
The ones who don't know they are STG are the worst fans of the fandom, you're acting like it's normal to see them, but no one really likes them... actually if I see someone who don't know what really is Touhou I try to tell him all I can, if he can assimilate all the info, good, if not, I think it's a moron.
I like the story of the games, I feel empty playing without knowing anything about the story. Even if the story is improvised, sometimes I read about the story of games I don't have or I watch walkthroughs.
In the case of Touhou, I go further and read the backstory, just because... it's there.

>> No.8598363

I bet half the people here haven't even cleared the second loop of DOJ. You guys should do what all the best players like myself do, give up when something difficult comes your way.


>> No.8598395

No one who speaks English has cleared the second loop of DOJ though.

>> No.8598408

To be fair, some STG fans around here appear to be unable to speak proper English.

>> No.8598432
File: 2.26 MB, 3000x3000, Youmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuh uh, mine has two swords, that's twice as good.

>> No.8598458



>> No.8598469

Which sys11 would u fuk?

I personally think drauch is moe.

>> No.8598470

That is DOJBL, which is significantly easier than DOJ.

>> No.8598475

That may be true in the West, but the actual Japanese fanbase is very likely approximately the same age as Cave players, since they play everything there. Touhou got rooted in 1996, and there are millions of nips who have been following it since the early 2000s. It means a lot more to them than it just being a game. They don't see it as just another STG, they see it as "our" STG, because it's a fundamental part of Comiket.. it was both birthed and adopted there, made by a fan for the fans. It's nothing like Vocaloid even though many Western secondaries/tertiaries treat it like such, which is what's most annoying about the secondaries. Since many comiket attendees have been going for over a decade or two now; average Touhou fan age in Japan is at the very least 25, I'd peg it closer to 30+.

Overall though, hating Touhou for its fanbase is a bit like getting mad at say, Portal itself, instead of just hating the stupid casual fans it has. Portal by itself's done nothing offensive, it's just people like to cling to it because they want to seem trendy, tasteful or somehow smarter for liking it. Similarly, Touhou's games have a reputation among secondaries as being hardcore .. yeah, for people who don't play shmups, just like Portal is a smart game for people who've never played other puzzle games. That's the whole issue here, fandoms just suck if they start to get trendy, because trendy people like to promote shit without knowing what it actually is or having context to defend why they like it, because just it being trendy is a good enough reason for them. The real solution would be for Touhou to no longer be popular among teens, so that it goes back to underground status. Beats me how to accomplish that, though.

>> No.8598477

why does the sheath have a huge handguard and the actual sword barely has one?

>> No.8598478
File: 1.37 MB, 2000x1500, 91fb315e53f29af8cc6e2123f30c96cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the guy who did Touhouvania right?
Sauce please

>> No.8598479

Because it looks SO AWESOME.

>> No.8598483
File: 61 KB, 615x639, 1329078079329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was your imagination stolen away by Barney?

>> No.8598488

S-stupid DOJBL, only good for the hyper spam and easy chaining system. it's not like I like it or anything!

But really, it's still a western 2-ALL, even if BL is super easy compared to WL. And think about it, supposedly, this run was done without ANY save state practice, nor stage practice on console versions. So there, it's even more impressive.

>> No.8598490
File: 332 KB, 1000x563, 194f63875989e4ff775153678264e784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say Youmu thread?

>> No.8598516

Shmoops are for autists.

Play a real game like Street Fighter

>> No.8598575

Huh? Why ask for sauce? It's concept art for Touhouvania 2.

>> No.8598578

>And think about it, supposedly, this run was done without ANY save state practice, nor stage practice on console versions. So there, it's even more impressive.

Vastly superior players didn't even have the option of save state practice or stage practice on console when they got scores that were over 2x higher than his. Oh, and they also had to pay for each credit they played.

>> No.8598580

No, she smells.

>> No.8598600


Don't you have Jaimers and PROMETHEUS to chase around, rather than waving your e-dick on /jp/?

>> No.8598603


Oh wow. This changes my perception of ZUN entirely.

>> No.8598659

If you had any sense you'd realize there's little original things these days, music included. Trying to blame any one person for it is pretty narrow.

>> No.8598681

People that use console ports, save states, or stage practice are true evil. The only real way to play is in the arcade, one credit, one run.

You don't know if they practiced at home or not. For all you know, they could have bought a PCB and built a cab themselves if they were rich or something. But in any case, this tourneyfag dickwaving is stupid. And saying that DOJBL is the IN of CAVE shooters is even stupider. All it does is discourage people from playing an already dead genre.

>> No.8598714

Play your flying games and shut up

>> No.8598734

I prefer shump because they don't require nearly as much dedication as fighting games. I play both though. I also want to play RTS, but that's spreading myself too thin. There should be more time in the day so I can do everything I want.

>> No.8598745

>A last thing, the Touhou fans don't usually say things like "look how superior is my STG, yours is shit, come and play my STG"

Do I need to whip out THE HARDEST VIDEO GAME BOSS EVER again ?

>> No.8598746

Because you are literally a hipster.

>> No.8598833

You can always tell. The Americans have all gone to bed, so the thread's slowed to a crawl.

You're small fish in a big pond. Small creatures have voices too, how many of it is actually going to be heard? No one cares.

>> No.8598846


Take your braindead patriotic dickwaving to /int/, thank you.

>> No.8598847

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Western players suck compared to Eastern players? No shit.

>> No.8598852


>> No.8598854

Its like Im really on /v/.

>> No.8598915
File: 305 KB, 850x1194, 155000401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread is shit.

>> No.8598920

/v/ doesn't even know who Cave is, nice try.

>> No.8598929

When did the concept of taking it easy die and the lines between shitposting and regular posting began to blur?

>> No.8598934

I meant by the sheer amount of hipsters in this thread. Its /v/ quality.

>> No.8598971
File: 300 KB, 850x1106, 155462501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Note the editors name

Yeah Icyfuckingcalm I shit you not.

>> No.8599011


I doubt this is truly icycalm. And if it is, he's a bigger poseur than I thought.

>> No.8599018

Well if we are observe his little site he does quote posts off /jp/,/v/ that claims he is amazing..

>> No.8599111
File: 23 KB, 359x217, thfansage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average Touhou fan age in Japan is at the very least 25, I'd peg it closer to 30+

Yeah, well, not really.

>> No.8599112

Who gives a fuck lets all just shut up and play our video games.

>> No.8599166


>> No.8599178

whether 15 or 25, all shmup fans are manchildren.

>> No.8599180


Do you even know where you are?

>> No.8599184

a shitty thread by a disgusting manchild.

>> No.8599198


... on a board for games with drawn little girls. Now, do you get it?

>> No.8599286

No Anonymous, you are the manchildren.

>> No.8599298

>In these game centers teenagers, middle aged people and even older salarymen line the cabinets, putting down their yen for a chance to unwind after the day's happenings. There's unspoken codes of conduct that are meant to be followed, two main ones being: A.) You wait in line. Some games have huge lines for newer, popular releases. And B.) One credit only. That's it. Unless you're alone at a cabinet with no one expressing interest in taking your spot, you have to get up for the next person - no continuing. I'm sure that second point has left you bewildered, thinking “I can't clear ANY arcade game with one credit”, and that's the reason you're a limp-wristed, credit-feeding piece of shit.

Yeah, it does sound like icycalm.
I still want to read the rest of his articles. Fucking subscription ;_;

>> No.8599355

Or it's an imitator. Look at the games in his "Wall of Boners" list. There are a bunch of crappy RPGs in there, the only shooter is Gradius V (lol), and for some reason Muramasa makes an appearance. And one of the games he's looking forward to is Ni no Kuni.

So yeah, it's either an impostor, or icy is a bigger poseur than I would've thought, with bad taste to boot.

>> No.8599358

Yeah, I can totally see him liking Demon's Souls and SJ (choices, etc., the stuff he wants in RPGs), but there's no way in fuck he'd recommend something like FFXII and Muramasa.

>> No.8602175


Icycalm profusely stated Bullet Witch was "too soon", "before its time", and an "unpolished gem", among other shit, when the game is just really fucking awful. So no, it really doesn't matter what he likes.

>> No.8602200

I like some of the concepts in Bullet Witch (the magic abilities, mainly), and the core gameplay can be pretty fun. But it's still a kusoge.

>> No.8602222

Huh? You want to look at your own chart again and recalculate?

>> No.8602233

PSIKYO master race reporting in

>> No.8602390

Obvious imitator. The article is actually pretty well made editing various sources together, mostly Ica Calm.

A masterpiece, 5 stars out of 5.

>> No.8602401


>> No.8602406

Persona 3, 1 star? Fuck what a homo.

>> No.8602422

yeah i know right?
Should have been 0 stars.

>> No.8602428

That game sucked, especially when compared to the excellent games that are the first two.

>> No.8602442

I know you're a troll, but I actually like the first Persona.

>> No.8602624


Did someone say dogshit?


btw dogshit smells and dont step on it

>> No.8602850

Recalculate what, exactly? The chart shows an average age of Touhou fan is somewhere between 21 and 22 years, significantly lower than 25, not to mention 30+.
