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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8588542 No.8588542 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, what browser do you use? I'm still using Firefox 3.6, but they're scheduled to drop support for it soon, and Firefox 10's UI is too web 2.0 hipster bullshit for my tastes.

>> No.8588546

I'll stand in hipster ground and say I use Steam browser.

>> No.8588549

Firefox 10, if you don't like how firefox looks or behaves you can always revert it back.

>> No.8588550

firefox 10 isn't hipster. you're the hipster you gaylord homoking. all the hipster fucking trash on /jp/ is the worst. fuck off you hipster normals.

>> No.8588552

You can pretty much set it up to look like 3.6.

Show menu bar, show add-on bar, disable tabs on top.

>> No.8588559

what about memory usage? Is firefox 10 really better?

>> No.8588568

10 has terrible UI

>> No.8588569 [DELETED] 

You can make Firefox 10 look nearly identical to 3.6 out of the box. Upgrading your browser is important because performance and standards change almost every day.

>> No.8588576

My firefox10 look exactly the same as the firefox that I used years ago. Pretty hard to change browser and considering the other alternative is google and opera which has zero plugins that I want, why change?

>> No.8588579

Just learn to live with 10. You can keep using old versions of some programs without incident. Web browsers aren't one of those programs.

>> No.8588598

I'm still using 3.6 too, OP.

Who needs support anyway? Until adblock and noscript stop working, I'm staying.

>> No.8588597

You should just make your own custom browser in visual basic if you want to be a cool cat.

>> No.8588622

3.6 is amazing

Still using it and will continue to use it until websites stop working on it

>> No.8588711

Firefox 3.6 as well. I wish I could provide a screenshot but I can't.

Is there anyway to get firefox 3.6 interface on OSX looking more like windows interface? I can't stand the OSX interface.

>> No.8588756

For the menubar no I don't believe so that is a Mac OS X "feature." If you just want the theme there's probably one on the Mozilla site. I know they used to have a windows XP theme for windows vista and vice versa.

>> No.8588811

>joining the Firefox rat race
Enjoy your broken addons.

>> No.8588824

Works fine for me.

>> No.8589033

>>8588542 kawaii!!!( ゚▽゚ ) ok, I was wrong; nano is not the only tender character of nichijou
(used to think that the series was cool, and the characters were cool, but they wasnt tender, except nano)


My browser is uzbl; a browser for REAL MAN. ;)

>> No.8589038 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 338x373, Opera LulzBrowser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always Opera.

>> No.8589042
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>not using Foxy Fire 12.0a2

>> No.8589041
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3.6 on both Windows and OSX. The add on is kind of busted and I need to reinstall it sometime.

>> No.8589058

IE 8 like i give a shit.

>> No.8589059
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>> No.8589108

I used 3.6 until last month, switched over because I was tired of FF crashing when it went over 500MB of RAM. Quite frustrating when 8GBs of DDR3 @ 1600Mhz go to waste with old software.

My old Alt+C 4chan macros from the plugin are gone, but I just made my own to make up for it.

>> No.8589169

Opera and Midori

>> No.8589202

Any more of that OP? With the other nichijous

>> No.8589316
File: 180 KB, 1440x874, 2tabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I managed to dig up a windows screenshot.

>> No.8589326
File: 356 KB, 1554x932, Screen Shot 2012-02-19 at 6.03.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now compare to OSX
All I did was import my firefox profile from xp to osx. I just really can't stand that silver/grey thing going on at the top of the screen.

>> No.8589337 [DELETED] 

I tried doing an 'xp theme' thing, but it only changed the buttons, and screwed up the address bar. Tch, lame.

>> No.8589343 [DELETED] 
File: 355 KB, 1554x932, Screen Shot 2012-02-19 at 6.06.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried doing an 'xp theme' thing, but it only changed the buttons, and screwed up the address bar. Tch, lame.

>> No.8589352
File: 355 KB, 1554x932, Screen Shot 2012-02-19 at 6.06.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried doing an 'xp theme' thing, but it only changed the buttons, and screwed up the address bar. Tch, lame.

>> No.8589386

Yeah I figured as much, that menubar is exclusive to OS X and has to be specially coded to work with OS X so I don't know if its possible to make it work like the windows version. Only think I can think of is running windows in VM or bootcamp.

>> No.8589436

Yeah I used to do everything in bootcamp, but the partition got overwritten during the upgrade to lion.


>> No.8589565

I used 3.6 up until some months ago, because the UI was shit on the newer versions and I was too used to the overly customized one I had.
But then I found out you could make FF8 look exactly like FF3.6, so I've used FF8 since then.
Now I don't know if I want to upgrade to FF10.

>> No.8589574

nightly master race reporting in

>> No.8589577

They're identical.

>> No.8589608
File: 176 KB, 1081x842, aniki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8589626

Opera is statistically the best browser. Unfortunately, people don't even think it's hipster, and thus it is doomed to obscurity.

>> No.8589640

Opera sucks at actually rendering pages though. Also, shitty adblocking, no good extensions and bloat (shitty IRC and email client that doesn't even to IMAP correctly, for example)
