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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8576692 No.8576692 [Reply] [Original]

moot is going to make a /gay/ board and all crossdressing threads will have to be posted on /gay/. How does this make you feel?

>> No.8576693

Feels reported.

>> No.8576695

Like I'll still post about this stuff here because we've been posting about it forever. Not the gloryhole shit of course, but all the other weirdness will stay.

>> No.8576696

Yeah and
/a/ is anime and manga board, what the hell Niku and Homu doing here?

>> No.8576699

We don't really have that many cross-dressing threads to begin with anyway. In addition, as weird as it sounds, /jp/ likes 2d girls AND cross-dressing at the same time. It's hard to explain.

>> No.8576702

The odd thing about /jp/ is that a lot of us seem to wish to be pure maidens and despise sluts, but we are some of the most awful perverts in existence outside of those guys who want AIDS.

>> No.8576703

How lewd. You can't speak for all of us.

>> No.8576707

Not as many as we used to anyway.
I like the idea of /gay/ but I already have shit like /di/ and /tr/, plus it'll just be full of /b/ normals talking about how they want to come out but can't blah blah blah.

>> No.8576711

We already have a board for fags.

>> No.8576713

I think I can only entrust my fantasies to /jp/

>> No.8576714

You are being a normalfag in the same way normals hate lolicons. Nice work.

>> No.8576715

weeabo faggot

>> No.8576719

Everyone here loves lolis.

Not being a faggot doesn't make me a normal, ``faggot''.

>> No.8576727

We have /yaoi/ for 2d gays, and /fit/ for 3d gays, what else do you want?

>> No.8576724

Everyone knows that you are the gaylord here.

>> No.8576725

Ragging on "gays" does, normal.

>> No.8576730

You have /h/ and /d/, other than /l/ what so you want?

You know the way we used to talk about this shit doesn't fit anywhere.

>> No.8576734

most crossdressers aren't even homosexual
as a gay male, i'd find it a bit insulting

>> No.8576738

What a coincidence, I just all dressed up just now.

Better enjoy these threads here while they last.

>> No.8576737

I disagree with the notion that crossdressing is a gay activity. Intersecting sets yes, but not subsets. /jp/ crossdressing can remain here.

>> No.8576749

Oh yeah? And who the fuck are you, kid? I'll have you know I know Aikido and own a katana, both of which I practice with every day.

You shouldn't insult people who could kick your sorry weeaboo ass.

>> No.8576750

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fu­cking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.8576758

I have those socks.

>> No.8576759

my legs are more slender

>> No.8576757

Feels awesome man

>> No.8576767
File: 276 KB, 472x711, DSC_0204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chisame threads still belong on /jp/

>> No.8576769
File: 1.17 MB, 1800x1196, DSC_0083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is the place to ask, has Chisame been here lately?

>> No.8576777

moot should call it /aids/

>> No.8576788

A month or so ago was when I last saw him
He's still recovering from conscription wrecking his feminine body.

>> No.8576798

A month or so ago a /jp/ guy posted his picture while wearing a blue dress. anyone have it?


All I get is thumbnail.

>> No.8576795

but /y/ is filled with hambeast fujoshis so it sucks

>> No.8576808

I remember seeing him talking about that, didn't he say he had to shave his hair off? Sad times.

>> No.8576812

What the hell, that's fucking stupid.
You fucking homos make me so angry
Yaoi board wasn't good enough for you faggy pieces of shit. Not real enough?
I wouldn't ask for /cp/ if we had /l/ so fuck you cock-suckers.
/r9k/ has a gay thread all the fucking time, but yet you still need a WHOLE board to fill up with dicks, what a fucking mess that'll be. Dirty, smelly men all posting cocks all day and all night.
Let's hope that stupid board has a faggot gangband meetup and they all catch canceraids and die.

>> No.8576814
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>> No.8576815
File: 235 KB, 1598x708, 1311351846034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HRT is pure magic, isn't it?

>> No.8576821


Maybe now the homos will fuck off and stop trying to turn /jp/ into /soc/ 2.0

I mean just look at this bullshit:


omg gais hope someone saved da pix of the epik trap so i can fap XD


>> No.8576816

Fuck yeah, America!



>> No.8576818

My penis thanks you.

>> No.8576822

Sweet mother of fuck.

>> No.8576827

It's like oblivion without mods.

>> No.8576831
File: 159 KB, 2000x668, ZItu0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HRT magic you say?

>> No.8576828

Why do new people think they have a right to say anything?

>> No.8576835
File: 202 KB, 3330x534, xebNG[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another and I'm out.

>> No.8576836

Why do they always turn into awful sluts when it works?

The entire purpose of this should be to finally be able to wear elegant dresses and pretty clothes.

>> No.8576841


Oh look, the usual faggot response of "/jp/ has always been for gays!!!" so you can try to bribe me into shutting up lest I show how "new" I am. Funny how this is a tactic only "new" people ever use.

There is a huge difference between accepting/discussing 2D traps and posting fucking pictures of ugly 3D nerds prancing around in dresses. That shit does NOT belong here.


is where your kind are welcome

>> No.8576844

The problem with your post is that threads like this have been posted for years.

Fuckin' nerd.

>> No.8576847
File: 1.10 MB, 1356x1297, 1322603289037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh

>> No.8576853

Well whatever.
Tell me when Chisame and the likes are back, and then I'll care.

>> No.8576850



Go to the archive now. Find a thread from 2008 or 2009 in which people were posting their own fucking pictures in a /soc/ manner. Then I will never, ever disagree on this matter again.

You can't, though. Wonder why.

>> No.8576852

Ugh, at least the people who post on the CD board on futaba try to look cute or have some modesty about how they look, our board is just going to be full of subhuman /soc/ sluts who moot keeps enabling instead of banning like he used to.

>> No.8576858


>> No.8576860

People is plural, Anonymous.

>> No.8576861


Btw, Chisame - being the ONE historical exception to this rule - doesn't count.

Notice >>8576853 says "Chisame and the likes" despite there actually being no "the likes". It was only ever one and that was fine.

>> No.8576864

Oh go fuck yourself. Why is Chisame the only one who counts?

>> No.8576869

Chisame is special.

>> No.8576865


lol this literally appeared on my screen right after posting >>8576861. How predictable.

>> No.8576866

You don't know Danbo? Great.

>> No.8576868

Have we even ever had a thread on /jp/ where multiple people posted pictures of themselves? Ever? Isn't it usually just tips and people being upset they aren't cute?

>> No.8576872


Because he didn't act like a depraved gaylord.

>> No.8576874


Fuck off.

>> No.8576875


Because when Chisame was being posted it didn't urge a storm of little nerds who wanted to be "epic traps!!!" to post their pictures on /jp/. Sure people spoke about crossdressing and the like but the moment you fucking retards started this >>8576814 sort of bullshit you crossed a line. A line that only leads to:


>> No.8576876

No but there have been threads where people have posted like their hands and maybe their feet but i think those are okay as long people won't show their face or have a tripcode while posting pictures it's not attention whoring.

>> No.8576873

Because Chisame is classy and has never once posted his face like a common camslut

>> No.8576878

One should note that this is also because his face isn't as feminine as his body.

>> No.8576880

u mad NERD?

>> No.8576881

As long as the trap is someone from /jp/, not whoring himself in a /soc/ and with /jp/ clothes related and as long as it stays in one thread, I'm fine with that. Being Chisame, or a clone.

>> No.8576884

So, because new people are here, we won't have threads we always had because they'll make unsightly posts?

You guys are hypocrites.

>> No.8576886

If someone could pull it off like Chisame did, posted the same style of photos and posted the same type of texts, you guys would be causing a shitstorm. Stop being foolish.

>> No.8576889

Threads in which bad posts appear are aborted and replaced with flames until the bad posts go away or until it's clear that somebody is just trolling for shits and giggles.

>> No.8576890

And what are you guys arguing about?
So fucking meaningless, just take it easy and ignore posts you didn't like.

>> No.8576892

You seem to be the only one who consistently complains about it. /jp/ can't be just for you, you know.

>> No.8576904

I think /gay/ is very appropriate for this community. If this is true, i'm with moot. Do it sir!
