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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 393 KB, 1024x768, dpcwp04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8575600 No.8575600 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here.

As a start, Phorni is the brofairy of all times.

>> No.8575620

Why are you still here?

We're all waiting for you at

>> No.8575633

There is already a VN thread. Try using it.

>> No.8575638

played it after digging up a Chinese copy, and being one of my early VNs, left me sleepless for nights pondering over the implications the plot twist meant for the first half of the story.

oh, and fell in love with siro's art

>> No.8575635

Fuck that. /vg/ can stay the everloving hell away from SR.

>> No.8575642

SR is really boring aside from the two big twists when you think about it.

>> No.8575653

It's only boring if you don't love the girls. Not our fault if you're a coldhearted bastard.

>> No.8575665


Not my fault all of them but phorni were shitty

>> No.8575666
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more like they push you over for one route, kick you while you're down for another, and then leave you filled with questions on what the fuck just happened before the first big twist came along

>> No.8575684
File: 138 KB, 1024x768, dpcpwp03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, eh, no need to be upset. Fal's route was quite tedious with all the food and trattorias, but it was only a long setup for the twist.
Lise's route? Darn, it's supposed to make you feel good and warm your heart.
Torta route? I don't even remember how it went, but hey, Al Fine makes up for that.

As for the "true" route... well, I was a tad bit disappointed.

Anyway, this VN has no good ends, ever.

There's a Little Busters thread, so no.

>> No.8575703

Phorni route is one of the most disappointing, actually. I'd discuss, but I still don't know how to use spoilers.

>> No.8575722

>Lise's route? Darn, it's supposed to make you feel good and warm your heart.
You know how you can put a cup in ice water without a problem but the cup will break if you heat it up before putting it in the water? That's what Lise's route makes me think of.

>> No.8575724
File: 123 KB, 946x1900, C_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not a lot of art on SR, is it. Also, that annihilating feeling upon discovering the existance of R34 on SR (namely Phorni). Nothing is sacred, I guess...

>> No.8575727

Uh... please clarify, I'm not the brightest one in the mornings.

>> No.8575734
File: 32 KB, 320x330, 20090120125034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the "main" story though, it's not so much about the routes individually but more of what they contribute to the overall picture (okay, maybe not the routes so much but how the three big twists put things into perspective).

So lets take Phorni's route into consideration. We learn that Arietta is actually Phorni, which means Arietta is well aware of what her twin sister is trying to do behind her back, yet she doesn't do anything but offer her best wishes to whatever decision the MC makes. Damn well kept me up all night getting my mind wrapped around the idea. And, of course, the minor twist that the the rain is all in the MC's head, which means for almost the entirety of the game, people are just playing along with your autistic impulses. It is actually pretty scary when you think about it.

>> No.8575738

Phorni's route is just an omake. All the mysteries are solved by the time you finished Torta's.
Phorni's route is the happy fairy tale ending to make you finish the game on a high note.

That's good because all the other ends have something depressing in it.

>> No.8575744

In this case, the ice water is that evil bastard who strangled her.

>> No.8575741
File: 122 KB, 946x710, 05_031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. But, those abrupt discoveries and brilliant guesses Chris makes during Phorni's route, that's just a rush for the finish line, which kind of tainted the whole things.

Also, please teach me how to use spoilers. Where I come from, it's just like **this** or %%this%%, but honestly, 4chan...

>> No.8575750

read the faq page

>> No.8575755

Oh, that. Yeah, Grave sucks.

Phorni's route implies all the other girls remain unhappy, since they presumably all have a crush on Chris. Well, I'm exaggerating, but you catch my drift, don't you.

God, will I ever get rid of that feeling.

>> No.8575757

Arigato, haven't noticed it in the FAQ before, not even with Ctrl+F

>> No.8575760


While you're new here, why don't you cut that out too

>> No.8575764
File: 277 KB, 1580x1185, Collec_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..you..you guys have read sr?

>> No.8575769

You're breaking my heart here.

>> No.8575766

>Phorni's route implies all the other girls remain unhappy, since they presumably all have a crush on Chris.
That's the sad part about basically every VN with multiple heroines. Some of them like Kanon are especially bad because bad shit happens if MC doesn't pick them.

>> No.8575774

Jesus fuck, I would give all of my money to own that all that swag. Also S=r is one of /jp/'s favorite translated VNs.

>> No.8575772

Sorry, I will.

>> No.8575780

Ya...when I said you guys I meant you /a/ and /v/ refugees.

>> No.8575786

Oh, is it? That's nice.


>> No.8575788
File: 54 KB, 497x640, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sr is my favorite vn of all time

>> No.8575791

That 1:1 Phorni fig is no longer being sold isn't it? ;_;

>> No.8575793

nope, was discontinued awhile ago

>> No.8575962

In Ritsuko Okazaki's version of "I'm always close to you", there's one line that's different from the SR version.

Phorni version:
>今がすべてと ちゃんと知っていたはずなのに
>I should've known that now is everything.

Ritsuko version:
>今がすべてと そう思って生きてみるの
>I try to keep living with the belief that now is everything.

Ritsuko Okazaki died soon after composing for Symphonic Rain.

>> No.8576487

That's sad

>> No.8576503

I need to find some sheet music for torta's song

>> No.8576594


>> No.8576597

You owe me a video of yourself playing it.


>> No.8576632

Cant promise it will be any time soon.

>> No.8576684 [DELETED] 

Heres someone else playing all the songs

>> No.8578096


inb4 sage. Oh, glorious knowledge of spoiler usage

>> No.8578122

I thought we were going to have a periodic translated general VN thread.

>> No.8578126

So, is Al Fine or Phorni's route the true end?

>> No.8578131

No one bothered to make a new one.
Also the old thread is still alive, it already reached the bump limit though.

>> No.8578138

It's still usable though.

>> No.8578156

We don't use sage as an insult here. It's just a function not to bump the thread, since this board is slow.

>> No.8578181

Actually, in the extra notes it gives some perspective to Fal and Lise's relationship. It's not all bad on Phorni or Torta's route.

Dat two-headed coin ;_;

>> No.8578456

>We don't use sage as an insult here
But just some time ago I've witnessed the opposite statement.

>> No.8578487

Sage can be used in conjunction with insults by rude buttholes but by itself it is not an insult.

>> No.8578489

Must be new arrivals.

We like to take it easy here.

Also how do you guys feel about the edit/qc of SR?

>> No.8578494

Did the rest of the extra stories got translated?

>> No.8578649


The guys from TLwiki are so mean ;_;
I would even donate some money for those short stories if necessary, seriously.

>> No.8579947

True that. My heart bleeds everytime I ponder on the fact omake will never be translated. I might as well learn Japanese, becoming more attuned to /jp/, too.

>> No.8579991

I feel sad whenever I think about the rain thing.
And the letters, man. Those metaphors. Everything.
I hope the sunlight from here can reach you, Anonymous!

>> No.8580086

>Torta Daki
I'm crossing the line /jp/ no regrets. Tell me there's still a way to get this.
You... you're lucky you're posting in a SR thread, we keep it classy here. But I'm warning you, you go around /jp/ with that cheery attitude of yours and you're in for a shitstorm.

>> No.8580102

Oh, Symphonic Rain... It's so nice to see a thread of it. It was my second VN, but I have some sentimental value put into it.
My favorite girl is Tortinita. I actually found her pretty "meh", until I learned the truth of what was happening. I absolutely loved playing as Torta. For some reason, I also loved discovering the truth about the rain.
Now I'm listening to "Secret" while typing this and... what's this feeling ;_;

>> No.8580124

Remember, remember, dat track 25

>> No.8580146

Muscle memory? I had the same feeling. I instinctively started going all aasd asddf asd jkj

>> No.8581307

Secret? With a Smile has a much bigger impact, if you've read the lyrics.

>> No.8581321
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>> No.8581323
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>> No.8581326
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>> No.8581329
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>> No.8581338
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>> No.8581341
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>> No.8581344
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>> No.8581350
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>> No.8581352
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>> No.8581356
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>> No.8581388

Dude never checked the weather channel

>> No.8581494

But he should've at least checked these dubs

>> No.8581499

I know that dump.

>> No.8581536

Get the fuck out of there.

>> No.8582495

Just kidding.

>> No.8582542

The rest of the sidestories aren't translated yet, damn it.

>> No.8582800
File: 254 KB, 540x833, 1295919433524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll never be translated.

>> No.8584301

That's sad.

>> No.8584689
File: 117 KB, 946x710, 12_061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume, this one is not translated as well, and you are not willing to translate it for me, as well? I'm only beginning to learn Japanese, and my grammar book somewhat starts with katakana.

>> No.8585254
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>> No.8585447
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>> No.8585474

Torta is still my favorite heroine out of every VN I have ever read. I know /jp/ doesn't agree with me on this but she is pure love.

>> No.8585553

Her voice is best

>> No.8585908

I second this. Also, Rainbow vocal album has her voice different from the novel. In the novel, she has a little hoarseness in her voice, which only adds to the overall impression.
I do agree. Also, picrelated was Ari.

>> No.8586001

She's my favorite heroine too. And Mai Nakahara is my favorite VA so she's pretty much perfect for me.

Still, I like all the characters in Symphonic Rain, not only the heroines. Fal is probably my second favorite.
