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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8573666 No.8573666 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>8569503

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.8573685

generals a shit

>> No.8573694

Untranslated VN General Thread >>8572200

>> No.8573701
File: 197 KB, 786x1024, moe6804little_bustersnatsume_rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been playing Little Busters for a while.

I liked it so far.

>> No.8573705

>Untranslated VN General
Literally one of the worst things /jp/ has ever come up with.

>> No.8573700

if this became the "translated general" at least use an english pic

>> No.8573708

When did we start doing this?

>> No.8573733

Since 3 hours ago, get with the times.
(Give it a week, things will be back to normal.)

>> No.8573725

today, after people got their panties in a twist because of the moot sticky. I personally think it's stupid having two separate threads, but most people seem to roll with it

>> No.8573759

I don't think so. Not this time.

>> No.8573768

>Literally one of the worst things /jp/ has ever come up with.

They seem to be doing pretty well. And so are we. What's the problem?

>> No.8573784

Looking at previous thread that half of was filled with recommendations for newbie, whining KS devs and spam I can somehow understand them
Hopefully this thread will return back to normal discussions soon.

>> No.8573800

We don't like change.

>> No.8573791
File: 50 KB, 500x704, keep-calm-and-carry-on-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do not post in /jp/ threads
Do not respond to /jp/ posters
Do not stray from the topic of Visual Novels

>> No.8573805

Don't forget to link the new thread in the old thread, anons. That helps with navigation here and in the archive.

>> No.8573830

And yet VN General Threads has always been about untranslated VNs. I don't see why you would get analpounded over this.

>> No.8573852

Pretty much this. It was nice to be able to talk about things that are translated every once in a while without making a separate thread, but with the current influx in traffic it isn't really practical. The original discussion in those threads shouldn't be drowned out by the visitors who wish to discuss translated VNs, and the obvious solution is two threads. It's not like it's spamming the board or anything when we're floating around 10 pages due to the actual spam being deleted constantly.

>> No.8573855

But that's wrong.

>> No.8573857

What kind of /jp/ will I wake up to tomorrow... ?
Stay dry, fellas.

>> No.8573863 [DELETED] 

We have a translated VN general here, which hasn't hit bump limit yet:
and an untranslated VN thread which hasn't hit bump limit either:

Please tell me what you're trying to do. It's working fine for now.

>> No.8573879

I have Steins;Gate automated patch 1.0 from vn-meido, is it worth upgrading to 1.3? vn-meido isn't loading for me so I can't see the changelog, and I'm scared of breaking my install.

>> No.8573899

>We have a translated VN general here, which hasn't hit bump limit yet:

Bump limit for /jp/ is 300. That thread is 340+.

>> No.8573906

Do we need a spoon feeding thread now?

>> No.8573915

Yes, I just noticed the post count.


>> No.8573918

It'll still be usable for at least 24 hours. This is a slow board, please make an effort to adapt to it and don't spam us with superfluous threads when it isn't needed. (Before you get assmad and accuse me of being the guy who said it hadn't hit bump limit backpedalling, I'm not him, and even if I was, it wouldn't change anything.)

>> No.8573939
File: 57 KB, 318x550, majikoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are links with several patches in the previous thread.

>> No.8573932

I played Saki's route in Snow Sakura, it was kinda alright.

The game felt like it was trying to be a nukige though, but didn't follow through on the sex scenes. It was like a team of porn writers got told they were making a legit VN and could only have X many H scenes.

>> No.8573963

He's not asking for a link to download, he's asking whether the changes are worth breaking save files for.

As far as I'm aware the update takes care of a bunch of bugs and myriad typographical errors.

>> No.8573984

Making the new thread with a link quickly after the old one hits bump limit is standard practice. That way, people refreshing the old one will have the time until it falls off the board to be linked to the next one.

>> No.8573993

/jp/ is slow. Not only do you have at least 24 hours of life left in the old thread, but it's extremely easy to lurk more than just the front page to find your general thread. As I said, please do make some minimal effort to adapt to the situation rather than simply assuming it works the same as it does on faster boards.

>> No.8574046

>As I said, please do make some minimal effort to adapt to the situation rather than simply assuming it works the same as it does on faster boards.

So you're not even going to take a moment to consider why thread-linking occurs? And /jp/ wonders why new posters don't try listening to their etiquette.

Get out of here.

>> No.8574070

Please stop this guys. You really argue over anything.

>> No.8574066

Thread linking is a good thing. It makes browsing via the archive much easier. Posting a new thread as soon as the current one hits bump limit has literally nothing to do with chaining the threads. Please don't attempt to muddy the issue, as you'll simply encourage others to follow in your ignorant footsteps.

>> No.8574126
File: 462 KB, 800x600, kotori-love-exp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone here who played Kotori Love Ex P?
I liked D.C. and D.C. II, but I haven't heard good comments about it.

>> No.8574144

What this all means is, thread link as you want, it's a good thing. But since the /a/nons are new here, even the most polite, mature and well-mannered of them do not yet have a feel for how long an autosaging thread would last here. So the new thread and link was created early for safety's sake. As we discuss more and burn through more threads, we will get used to it and create new threads after a more appropriate delay.

>> No.8574157
File: 125 KB, 794x592, Prepare for disappointment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished MuvLuv Alternative
It's very good, but /v/ hyped it up so much i was disappointed in the end. Or maybe that's just because i didnt like most characters, and the ones i did like dont get much screen time. Also, most twists were pretty easy to predict. Still very worth playing through, just not as good as everyone makes it look

Anyway, how's the Majikoi translation going? Should i play it now, or wait for 100% and play Steins;Gate in the meantime?

>> No.8574160

Us /v/irgins who remain are going to have an...interesting time adapting to the slowness of this board. Usually bump limit means about twenty minutes, at best, for a thread before it dies.

>> No.8574167

And here we had a thread that lasted a full year.
When the post limit wasn't as high.

>> No.8574180

It all depends on how long you are okay with waiting for the next partial patch for. The routes are pretty self-contained, though.

Personally, I'd say play Steins;Gate in the meantime, then play Majikoi.

>> No.8574182

And there is no need to take offense or get defensive when people point things out to the newcomers. /jp/ has always been a place that defends its board culture, and telling the newcomers how things work rather than waiting for them to slowly figure it out (since they're already posting, they obviously aren't lurking to figure it out) can only expedite the process, which is for all of our benefit.

>> No.8574192

It depends on your mood; Majikoi is much more lighthearted of course. So if you want romantic comedy, I'd say go for it. Most routes are translated except for Miyako and Wanko (which is going to get released soon). Also lots of well known seiyuu including people like Sugita or Goto Yuko, and characters are likeable.

But if you're looking for plot, definitely go for S;G. It's a well done VN.

>> No.8574200


Don't forget the main route and a couple of side routes.

>> No.8574204

>Most routes are translated
There are 4 routes translated, not even half of them.
Aside form wanko and miyako, there's agave, moro, capt, gen, chika and mayo.

>> No.8574230

Sorry I meant most of the main routes/heroines.

>> No.8574236

Well, considering the side routes are far shorter than the main routes, more of the text has been translated than not.

I must say, the double posting cooldown for sage and nokosage makes discussing in multiple threads at once harder.

>> No.8574237

Right now I'm playing koisuro koto to mitsuketari.
It's your generic harem bullshit, but I've got a thing for going for the most unlikely heroine. Plus Satsuki is hnnnntastic.

Last VN I've cleared was Lover's Collection, an otome game but playing an adult woman courting a married man with a daughter and a divorce on the way felt awesome.

Looking foward to マリッジブルー「婚約者がいるのに、どうしてこんな男に……」 , NTR but by Rune which means at least one happy end and possible revenge route.
I'll sadly fap to all the bad ends and go for the good one as last, my penis is ready.

>> No.8574246
File: 1.04 MB, 1600x1200, moe 153853 akira_(kaned_fools) charlotte_bronte heterochromia mary_clarissa_christie m_(sharnoth) shikkoku_no_sharnoth wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your favorite themes?


>> No.8574241
File: 119 KB, 512x512, 20110608_yuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with Muv-Luv is that if you're into giant robots, harems in some form, and general gut punching and serious business it is the greatest fucking thing ever. From a pure production standpoint it's very impressive as well. But if you're a VN reader who has no interest in mecha anime and action or a MANLY THINGS ARE /m/ I HAET MOE jackwagon it's really not going to have the same appeal.

Although even then the back end of the game comes off rushed (there's an entire extra montage added to the all ages version) and the balancing between characters that only appear in Alternative and the original heroines is a bit iffy, but they come across as secondary concerns to what it achieves.

>> No.8574244

Still half. Agave is heroine-length, probably a bit longer.

>> No.8574251

The one thing about Majikoi I don't like was the romance part, it's almost as if it's not there.
As a comedy it's fucking gold, but if you're looking for romance and love love stuff then it's the wrong choice.

>> No.8574249

I can wait. What i really dont want is to find out the route i'm most interested in isnt translated yet.

>But if you're looking for plot, definitely go for S;G
Exactly the kind of answer i was looking for.

Thanks guys, i'll save Majikoi for later and start downloading Steins;Gate now

>> No.8574294

>Agave is heroine-length
I didn't know that. Thanks for the clarification.

As in music? I liked the music from Kira Kira.

I also got a bootleg album of a live event. It seems there's a DVD:
does anyone have it?

Oh and I also liked D.C. II OST.

>> No.8574308
File: 87 KB, 586x656, 030b7fd680e0a8ecbfb87d8aa98395c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any VNs with characters as good as those from Symphonic Rain?
I felt like i was talking to real people sometimes.

>> No.8574373
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1440, 1329067685761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Katawa Shoujo. Pretty good read. Not sure if I should do Little Busters of Symphonic Rain next. Any thoughts bros?

>> No.8574392

I know people dislike KS, but can it be discussed here as long as I actually want to discuss the game and not "OH GOD THAT FEEL MY PARENTS DIDN'T LOVE ME"?

>> No.8574398

I highly recommend Little Busters, It's like you really have friends.

Sharin no Kuni has some pretty realistic characters.

>> No.8574402

I honestly wouldn't care as long as it didn't clutter up the board.

Pretty sure no one will agree with me though.

>> No.8574403

Whoops, that was meant to be a reply to >>8574392

>> No.8574406

I doubt.

/jp/ hated KS before it was released.
I personally don't care as long you stay on topic.

>> No.8574408

>Little Busters
Different anon here, there seem to be two versions of LB, what are the differences and are both translated?

In the old /v/ VN generals, you'd be welcome to, but i'm new to /jp/ too so i cant say for sure, they seem to hate it.

>> No.8574426

You mean Little Busters and Little Busters Extacy (EX)?
EX is the same as regular LB but it has extra material/routes, and some awkward extra H-scenes. The regular Little Busters is translated, EX isn't translated yet.

Little Busters if you like Key's stuff. For starters I also suggest Akabesoft2 stuff like G-senjou no Maou or Sharin no Kuni.

Sorry it's still a bit taboo. Let's avoid it for now.

>> No.8574458


Played G-senjou no Maou and Sharin no Kuni and really enjoyed them. The final end to G-String got me a bit misty eyed. Are there other Akabesoft2 games translated? They seem to get enjoyable VA's for their games.

>> No.8574464

A Profile, but it isn't much like the other two and very rage inducing.

>> No.8574466


A Profile.

>> No.8574461

Is anyone translating EX? More content is always welcome, so i guess i'll wait for that version to be translated, but if there's no one doing it i'll just download the regular one now

>> No.8574474

It's in the works. I'm waiting on it myself.

>> No.8574470

How the fuck do I check Tlwiki!?

>> No.8574473

It's being translated, but not that fast. You might as well read it now and read extra content when it is done.

>> No.8574476

A Profile, although it's not quite as well liked as the other 2

>> No.8574482

>A Profile
You'll probably need a new monitor after you punch it out your window.

>> No.8574494 [SPOILER] 
File: 135 KB, 793x593, 1328970332364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the spoiler.

Just get the regular one, you can read the extra content later.

>> No.8574502
File: 36 KB, 236x246, spike spiegel hides from bad guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The people who are translating Morenatsu want to make their own VN
Now I really will never play Juuichi's route

>> No.8574514

How does her route end?

>> No.8574524

amaterasu's page can also be helpful to new users.

>> No.8574536

I guess I may as well repost this here, I'm trying to get Chaos;head working on Win7, and a few citizens of /jp/ were extremely helpful, but I'm unsure if the old thread will still be browsed so....

I noticed that when I run the english patch it says 'crage.exe has stopped working' twice, I'd guess this is causing the problem, and googling around I've found that others have the same problem, but no solutions.

I also tried the antifail installer, which also, for lack of a better word, fails giving the in-console error 'unrar is not recognized as an internal or external command'

Any insight?

>> No.8574541

Where did you install the game?
What OS are you running?

>> No.8574549

Windows 7

Thus far, I've tried the root directory, a folder in My Documents, and the default directory in Program Files.

I'm running Windows 7 64 bit

>> No.8574551

So its works without the english patch?

>> No.8574558

Yes, the game will run normally.

With the slight inconvenience of it being in a language I do not know.

If I attempt to patch it, depending on the patch, it will either crash and change nothing or cause the game to only display a black screen on startup, audio works fine though.

>> No.8574563

Try reading the comments in this page, it looks like a lot of people have trouble with the patch

>> No.8574571

This is clearly not going to work.

I've been lurking these threads for a while and I can see the clash from having /a/, /v/ and /jp/ in the same place. For the record I'm mostly from /v/, though I'm familiar with all 3 boards.

moot listens mostly to /jp/ out of all these 3 boards, so please, do something about his decision before it's permanent. A /vn/ board would be fine as long as visual novels are still tolerated in /jp/ (for both the ongoing translation threads [where you can discuss translated novels as well if it comes to that] and untranslated VNs). /a/ and /v/ can mingle pretty easily, but the /jp/ board culture is too different for that.

Now excuse me while I go back to lurking.

>> No.8574574

I know this is a silly question but do you have winrar installed?

>> No.8574581

From what he says it seems the patch uses the unrar binary, which isn't installed with Winrar, so I'm guessing it should come with the antifail patch. I don't remember if the patch had to be extracted in some specific place or something, but are you following the instructions? Sadly I don't have C;H anymore to test.

>> No.8574583


Yes sir.


I've read through it a few times in the past, and despite trying the methods posted, have never solved the problem

>> No.8574595


I am following the instructions.

The patch comes with an unrar.exe, and actually, one of the comments mentioned attempting running the patch in system32 and copying the results into the game directory, is that worth attempting?

>> No.8574599

Downloading it and testing for you,
Give me a couple of minutes.

>> No.8574632


Thanks bro

>> No.8574633

This is not a tech support thread.

>> No.8574673

can't wait for /vn/ to get off this slow, awful board

>> No.8574683

Do you really think a /v/ board is going to be faster? If anything it's going to be a lot slower.

>> No.8574690


general threads split up into different threads will speed things up, especially if KS fags join in as well

would also open up opportunities for drawfag shit/community content, it would be interesting to see if people could create their own projects

>> No.8574696

Finished Swan Song earlier after being recommended it. I really liked the characters (specially Tanomura and Hibari) but the last quarter of the game seemed like a huge let down. I hated how Taku went from a depressed loser to a fucking atheist Joshua Graham out of nowhere.

Anyone got any good fan art of this VN?

>> No.8574720

I haven't seen any, actually. It's pretty niche alright. I agree with you completely, and I'd also hated the twist in the end involving the MC's love interest suddenly going all "it was all a lie". It seemed too cheap and didn't work at all for me. Also, the incest end is the best end

>> No.8574727

Being slow is a good thing for people who enjoy what they read.

>> No.8574733


id enjoy /jp/ threads if their responses weren't emotionless straightman bullshit

>> No.8574748


i want them to chill the fuck out and relax. have some fucking fun. this place is like a concentration camp.

>> No.8574740

Raping the autist felt somehow wrong. I swear I felt like wiping the game from my HDD as soon as I got there. And Hibari was too much of a generic tsunderekko for my tastes.

>> No.8574741

Rape scenes were BEST
The atmosphere and development were very nice, but I didn't like the characters very much.
I liked Hibari though.

>> No.8574743

So you want out threads to be whacky and crazy and chocked full of memes? I don't hate new posters, I hate people who refuse to conform.

>> No.8574745

Slow is better than a thread maxing out before you finish reading all the post.

>> No.8574755

Would you rather have "LOL U MAD" "POST YOU'RE FEELS HERE XD" and greentext shit?

Then go back to /v/.

>> No.8574752

I'm probably going to make it obvious that I'm not a regular on /jp/ by pointing out that I don't care for rape scenes that much

Though the occasional one makes for a good heart-wrenching.

>> No.8574753

Then you should post here longer then a day. When it's something interesting everyone is really excitable.

Also if you just want to meme spam you can still do that in /a/, no ones stopping you. If you are one of the pony/KS/FEEL people you are getting your own little board soon to coddle each other.

>> No.8574760

This isn't a "Random" board. It's a discussion imageboard for Touhou, VNs, LNs, et cetera. If you want to have your fun, go to where the fun is.

>> No.8574761

You're welcomed to leave any time. We don't want some retards who can't even bother to hit the fucking shift keys, anyways.

>> No.8574762

>And Hibari was too much of a generic tsunderekko
I know, but I prefer her over an autist and a slut.
Well not quite but you know what I mean.

This is a teenager who has been spewing the same bullshit in other threads, please ignore him. Thanks.

That's okay, everyone has different tastes.

>> No.8574768

Well, I am a regular here and I'm the same as you.
Now, if you'd told me you dislike loli, that would be another matter, but let's not go there.

>> No.8574772

it's like that because were are a bit pissed off our "chill" home just had the door broke down and a bunch of dirty kids just came in without taking off their shoes proclaiming how our home should be more like their old one. Give it time and don't talk act like a 10 year old who just got out of the hospital for brain surgery and you'll enjoy it.

I don't like rape. The rape in swan song was pretty shitty too, not emotional, just poorly done. The story just went crazy at the end, could have been done better.

>> No.8574777
File: 145 KB, 384x383, good medicine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>id enjoy /jp/ threads if their responses weren't emotionless straightman bullshit

>> No.8574779


>you must be one of those "feel" faggots

No, I'm saying you can have a chill ass conversation that doesn't sound like you have a gun to your head

You guys are straightbacked faggots who speak in short concise sentences that are neat, tidy and devoid of any actual conversation. id have a better time talking to microsoft sam

Its creepy as shit, its like I'm in a funeral parlor, not a discussion hall. Not to mention its slow as fuck, and you can literally discuss everything outside of vn's anywhere else on the site (what IS the point of this place anyway, unless you're a masochist who somehow gets off to this tightknit shit)


Nah, fuck you. I'm not conforming to your petty clubhouse rules.

>> No.8574786

>You guys are straightbacked faggots who speak in short concise sentences that are neat, tidy and devoid of any actual conversation. id have a better time talking to microsoft sam

This is pretty funny if you look at your previous post.

>> No.8574789

You don't have too. But you won't get any discussion then either. You know how your mom tells you to get your veggies because it is good for you? Having a mature discussion about things makes you enjoy it all the better.

But you should just leave.

>> No.8574794


>Disliking loli

Who would do such a thing?


>I swear I felt like wiping the game from my HDD as soon as I got there

Yeah that was a bit much

>> No.8574793

I'm sure you know by now that you should have been ignoring him, right?

>> No.8574795


>pretending to be mature through capital syntax and saging out the ass equals "mature discussion"

yeah I'm leaving

>> No.8574797

Sorry, "Rustling my jimmies" so to speak. See, I can be funny too. Like the Gorilla guy.

>> No.8574804

Saging off-topic post makes perfect sense.

So,who are you quoting?

>> No.8574800

I don't want to derail the thread any further, therefore I will stop making posts about the matter after this. However, I really must point out that ignoring these rowdy kids isn't going to solve the matter.

noko sage

>> No.8574810


lol, I'm from /a/ and even I can tell the discussion here is probably a hell of a lot better then THAT FEEL WHEN MISHA TOLD YOU HOW SHE FEELED!" they are just a bit butt frustrated right now

>> No.8574808

So are we still allowed to discuss VN's here?

>> No.8574809

I have something you might be interested in reading

>> No.8574814


Dear god, I'm not a /jp/ regular at all and I can already tell that you're an annoying fuck.

They mostly sage because /jp/ is slow and don't want to be obnoxious by having one thread be up on the front page all the time.

And you should be conforming to the board rules and culture, not the other way around.

>> No.8574816

Great, thanks. Bye.

Let's not reply to him anymore please.

>I really must point out that ignoring these rowdy kids isn't going to solve the matter.
It does. When you reply you aggravate the derailment of the thread.

Why? Yes.

>> No.8574821

Can we get some Remember11 discussion going?
Because I've played the game back when it was translated and I still don't get it at all, so I figure this is a good opportunity to do so.
On to my main complaints.
Who the heck was actually Satoru/Enomoto? They'd been mixed up by falling off a clocktower or something? Also, what's up with the "where is Self" bullshit? What exactly is Self? And, what's up with the whole "experiment" thing? Why did Satoru/Enomoto/whoever do what they did?

>> No.8574826

>It does. When you reply you aggravate the derailment of the thread.

This right here.

If you keep replying to somebody in an angry tone it will just lead to thread derailment and it won't solve anything in the end. The guy will still post, whether you like it or not.

>> No.8574828

I still have not played it yet, currently reading VN that has an anime that I won't tell you about because I always find a way to get spoiled

>> No.8574837

I've never linked a textboard. Hopefully this works.

>> No.8574843
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1200, b37ecaa57c32a833192e2c0a1e21e888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Dangan Ronpa for the PSP, interesting stuff.

>> No.8574846

Huh. Chaos;Head is bad, Da Capo is decent, haven't read ef, F/SN is above average but heavily overhyped, Higurashi is good except for the art, Kanon is good except for the art, Kara no shoujo is fun but not really that good (too much shock value), One is good if you like KEY stuff, Shuffle! is a bit generic but still fun, Steins;Gate is very good, Tears to Tiara is not that good, Tsukihime is so bad yet so good, Umineko is I won't comment on this because of spoilers and Utawarerumono is decent if you like RPGs, although the H feels out of place.

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head. I hope it's covered there!

>> No.8574871


>> No.8574882

Should I bother with Steins;Gate or should I wait for a better translation to become available?

>> No.8574891

>Chaos;Head is bad
I never could understand this, I mean, the latest chapters were shitty but it was a nice ride. Do I just have shit taste?

>> No.8574888

Well, if you don't mind waiting 2 years or so, it's probably going to be slightly more polished. If you're out of a backlog, however, there aren't many reasons you shouldn't do it now.

>> No.8574895

It's too bad Asky's chose some shitty otome game instead of something unique.

>> No.8574897

Oh, that is very helpful! I wonder how did I miss that for all this time. Thanks!

>> No.8574903
File: 716 KB, 1346x965, 711cd4edec2280c53b5af4c5129b0b2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm in the middle of it, I haven't found the translation that bad at all. Real problems were some buggy lines of dialogue early on and some very specific crashes I managed to sidestep.

Speaking of S;G...

>> No.8574904

There isn't "shit taste". It's all a matter of different perspectives. For me, it felt way too generic, inserting random scientific-sounding bullshit just to look more deep and trying too hard to make the protagonist liked and hated. Besides, the plot was way too contrived, and made little to no sense. It had a great premise, and managed to completely ruin it. Of course, the Anime is even worse (as usual).

>> No.8574915

Ah yes, I agree. But I don't think it was "bad", I mean, there are some shitty VNs that deserve to get called bad. At least it seems a lot of effort went into it and managed to be entertaining despite its flaws.

And yeah the anime was a complete joke, I actually watched at the same time I was playing the VN.

>> No.8574930

Well, maybe I'm just spoiled after playing many good VNs, but Steins;Gate is just so many levels above it I can't help but feel they could have done better things with that very interesting delusion system. I guess this is what they call a "pet peeve".

>> No.8574941


What's what they could've chosen instead?

>> No.8574942

After playing Remember11, I get shivers every time I hear "Kagome Kagome". That scene, man. You know the one I'm talking about.

>> No.8574961

There's a fuck load of great psp games.

11eyes cross over,Mystereet,Danganronpa,12Riven,Eve Burst Error,Air,428: Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de,Ayakashibito,Bullet Butlers,Corpse Party Book of Shadows,Cross Channel,Comic Party,Dear Drops,etc...

>> No.8574976

Going through Ever 17 finally
Only Sora's route left, I'm fucking tired of the headache this game is giving me, I just want to fucking finish it and get that amazing end everyone is talking about

>> No.8574994



>> No.8574996

In my opinion, Sora's route is easily the worst. But, don't worry.
You're still in the infinity loop.

>> No.8574997

Sora's route overlaps with Tsugumi's a bit so it should be pretty short for you. Prepare to have your brain melted upon playing the final route.

>> No.8574990

It will be worth it, I promise you.

>> No.8575000

Sora's route is the worst, but you are close. Do not give up now.
Coco's route is so worth it.

I hope you've been paying attention to the small details and everything they say, that would make it even better

>> No.8575010

This is the Visual Novel General thread. As is tradition.

>> No.8575011

If, after such an overwhelming change, you try to stick to tradition, you will be left behind by the flow of time.

>> No.8575020

It will be back to normal in a few days.

>> No.8575026

That would be nice, but it's unrealistic.

>> No.8575049

We don't know yet. Let's just go with the flow and please stop going against it for now, >>8575010.

>> No.8575052

So what would you like to see translated?

>> No.8575056


>> No.8575064
File: 452 KB, 1024x600, 1319845460526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere did moot say that /v/ VN generals go on /jp/. Don't act like he did and be retarded.

Jumping in the river and trying to tell it to stop moving the direction it has for years is going against the flow you idiot. Don't come to a board and try to tell people what to do.

>> No.8575065

Moege. I like VNs with meaningful plots and messages but I sometimes feel like I'd love to take a break with some lighthearted/cute romance.

>> No.8575066


I agree with this guy. The more VNs I can get the better.

Hell I'm tempted to learn how to read moon runes to increase the range of stuff I can read.

>> No.8575067

quality nukige

>> No.8575069


>> No.8575074

Not really, try playing something by Atelier Kaguya for example.

>> No.8575073


>> No.8575087

>Nowhere did moot say that /v/ VN generals go on /jp/.
All translated VNs are /v/ material now? Wow, you're the worst kind of /jp/ poster. Please go to >>8572200 and never post in any other thread.

>Don't come to a board and try to tell people what to do.
You don't even know what you're talking about, I don't browse other boards since years ago. Stop trying so hard to fit in/acting like a little kid.

>> No.8575096
File: 1.98 MB, 3455x5000, futaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I see progress on the ecstasy translation?

>> No.8575102

Compare something like Mugen Renkan or Bishoujo Mangekyou to the ancient 'Rape the Queen in Sperm Inferno Hell or Die' garbage JAST brings over and you'll see that there's quite a quality range among nukige

>> No.8575104

Well look guys. There's a Video Game Generals board now and apparently translated VNs are allowed to be discussed there.

You can all breath a sigh of relief.

>> No.8575108

They just said they'll be translating EX but no progress. You can check their project page on TLWiki.

>> No.8575109

Good NTR eroge, so everyone can see what a proper NTR is.

Hint: ntr=/=mindbreak.

>> No.8575112

He said English VNs as in OELVNs, not translated Japanese ones.

>> No.8575114

Well, this is confusing. I hope the translation progress threads are still ok in here, I don't really want to wade through /v/ effuse to find it.

>> No.8575118


People talk about those?

>> No.8575120

It will go like this: /v/ and /a/ posters will go to the new board, regular /jp/ english only readers will stay here, and there will be no more new posters.

>> No.8575121

He needs to clarify that. Apparently, it's his way to keep KS from flooding the other places.

>> No.8575128

He posted an update in the sticky:

>Update: Please post *Japanese* VN and LN here.
>English VN, like Katawa Shoujo, should go on the newly created >>>/vg/.

moot what the fuck do you mean by English VN?

>> No.8575131

He obviously means western in origin. Stop being an autist.

>> No.8575132

I assume OEL.

>> No.8575135

That is a fucking retarded idea for a board though.

>> No.8575138

If we fool /v/ into thinking that it means translated VNs they can go discuss YMK, Saya, and Nitro+ shit of the year over there too.

>> No.8575142

If moot answered it on the /vg/ sticky, we would know what he actually meant.

>> No.8575145

The obvious choice is SubaHibi

>> No.8575146

The idea of having a VN suddenly no longer belong in /jp/ when it gets translated seems like a silly idea, so I assume that moot means OELVNs when he writes "English VNs".

>> No.8575151

Honestly, moot being who he is, I'd rather not assume anything. I believe you are correct, though.

>> No.8575156

As someone who can read untranslated VNs I am in the opinion that that people who can only read in english should stay here and we keep our generals separate. Judging by today it has worked out. It is the responsibility of english only /jp/ers to indoctrinate the new posters however.

>> No.8575154

This was a pretty terrible idea.

>> No.8575157

I'm okay with this, KS brought the worst posters here, and this way I can still talk about decent translated VNs with good ol' /jp/.

>> No.8575163

Subahibi translation is still being worked on, apparently, even though Koto died.

>> No.8575166

That is master bull shit.

>> No.8575176

I (and most likely, we) will try my/our best, and with KS dead it's probably going to be rather easy.

>> No.8575196

Even they won't talk about VNs much longer. They just got interested in VNs recently and wanted their own board and making OELVNs and whatnot because of the recent success of KS. They are too lazy/retarded to find and read other VNs so they'll get bored of it soon.

Their flavor of the month just happened to be a VN this time.

>> No.8575207

Then /jp/ will go back to normal and the people who stay actually like the medium. I am glad it will get rid of "feels" and "/jp/ should be the way I want it, not the way everyone else wants it" posts.

>> No.8575212

It might also actually bring some new quality posters from /a/ and /v/.

>> No.8575278

I hate you /jp/ autistics so much

>> No.8575280

What are you still doing here?

We're all waiting for you at

>> No.8575283

My sides.

>> No.8575288

someone has to modify that buri hamachi image for /vg/.

>> No.8575300

What needs to be changed about the image?
Maybe some KS edit?

>> No.8575306

Not him, but... How about a military general from a game (sengoku basara) or something? KS seems too transient.

>> No.8575313

Yeah. Actually, it feels like I've seen a KS edit (Lily?) before.

>> No.8575319

Just finished Katawa Shoujo. Not sure what to do next. Probably Higurashi or Saya no Uta

I wish I could make my own VN
but I can only draw. I cant code and I'm not very good at story telling beyond creating scenarios and ideas

>> No.8575322

If you want to discuss KS or VN making, you probably don't want to be here (maybe >>>/vg/ would be a good start). Otherwise, if you want recommendations or such, please be more specific in your post.

>> No.8575328

ah thanks, I'll do both

as for reccomends I like most things(especially horror/mystery and yandere) just not a fan of fantasy genre's.

>> No.8575344

Try Kara no Shoujo.

>> No.8575345

Saya, Higurashi/Umineko, Ever17 are all good choices. I'd go with Saya first because it's shorter.

>> No.8575349

You might like Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate, both by 5pb. They have quite some mystery. Also, you might find the website vndb.org very helpful. It's a Visual Novel database with lots of very useful information.

>> No.8575350

I concur with this guy, KnS falls right into what you are looking for.

>> No.8575360


Shikkoku no Sharnoth.

>> No.8575366

Before I forget, do take a look at G-Senjou no Maou and Remember11, too. There's also Phantom of Inferno and Muv-Luv (mainly Alternative) that aren't exactly what you're looking for but might be interesting, too. When in doubt, check vndb.

>> No.8575362

Time to go fellas

>> No.8575374

Oh man, that sounds severely non-smart.
Whatever, I guess. I doubt that will really be enforced here anyway most of the time.

>> No.8575381
File: 57 KB, 450x450, 1285214781786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, I'll look these up now

>> No.8575388

What are you still doing here?

We're all waiting for you at

>> No.8575389

That's for OELVNs, not regular VNs. moot did that to keep KS out of /jp/ AND /v/.

>> No.8575397

He's updated the sticky, dude.
>Translated and Western VN, like Katawa Shoujo, should go on the newly created >>>/vg/.

>> No.8575392

Actually, that seems silly for this. After all, /jp/ is supposed to be for Japanese VNs (which are discussed in this thread) and /vg/ is for translated VNs and OELVNs (the former of which is also discussed here). How the hell does that work?

And do the weekly VNTL threads belong here or in /vg/ as they're mostly about non-yet-translated VNs?

Reread moot's post - he says translated VNs and Western VNs.

>> No.8575394

moot is literally fucking retarded.

>> No.8575399

Oh, and he just updated his post, so I guess that solves that.

>> No.8575404

Translated or OELVNs go to >>>/vg/
Untranslated VNs still belong to /jp/
All 3 sticky threads are updated confirming this
>>>/vg/1744 is the current VN general

Just saying.

>> No.8575406

Apparently, once they're translated they're magically no longer /jp/ material. The VNTS threads? Post them in both! Maybe? I don't know. Can't someone mail moot and tell him to get here and answer this?

>> No.8575408

>*Translated* VN can be posted on both.
That is what I see at the top of the page. It looks like translated VNs are here to stay on /jp/.

>> No.8575415

It says both. Just ignore the idiots.

>> No.8575421

Well, technically they can go either way. So, for games like MGQ and Rance, those can have generals on vg. Other various games not big enough for generals could go either way.

>> No.8575416

He changed it again?
I like it better this way, though.

>> No.8575420

Yeah, he updated again. A good thing, because it makes a lot more sense.

>> No.8575427

Yeah he edited it again.

I guess it's up to you whether you want to discuss VNs with /jp/ or with /v/.

>> No.8575429

We should keep VNTL then. It's not like dumbfucks from /v/ are going to be doing any translating just because they scooted over to /vg/.

>> No.8575432

I like that it can be posted on both. /a/ and /v/ can go to /vg/ and /jp/ can keep on doing what it is always doing regardless of the other board. Though I imagine the "suck my cock dude" and "Who are you quoting?" people are going to start spamming >>>/vg/

>> No.8575435

So, are we going to keep the Translated/Untranslated generals or are we switching back to the old model? Personally, I've rather unexpectedly liked it this way. And since they've banned the VNs from /a/, most will come here instead of /vg/, methinks.

>> No.8575444

I like it like this. Individual threads always get ignored anyway.

>> No.8575442

Keep it split. I'm liking it better this way, too.

>> No.8575445

Let's let the dust clear first before we decide anything, I think.

>> No.8575449

Not to say this for elitist purposes but I like it split too. English only posters might be intimidated that we are discussing things they have no knowledge of and there won't be any "get on my level" posts in the english VN threads.

>> No.8575457

Yeah, if there aren't too many migrants from /a/ and /v/ (Probably only a couple will actually bother, since this board is too slow for their standards), we could switch back. However, I'd rather keep it like this even if we stay with the same userbase. It's not like two VN threads will really be a bother.

>> No.8575470

We should name the next thread "Translated VN General Thread" if this stays, then.

>> No.8575477

So you guys realise that /vg/ was made exactly for this reason right? Take the translated VN threads to there.

>> No.8575487

>Update: Please post *Japanese* VN and LN here.

>*Western* VN belong on the newly created >>>/vg/. *Translated* VN can be posted on both.

>> No.8575492

>*Translated* VN can be posted on both.
/jp/ will stay the same fucking way (forced changes would likely fail anyway). And /v/ KS "That feel" friends and the retarded part of /a/ will go to /vg/, while the smart part of /a/ (?) and the empty part of /v/ will come here.

>> No.8575500

you can't read can you, or are you just ignoring the sticky?

>> No.8575502

Just finished Steins;Gate /jp/

Recommendations for the coming weeks?

>> No.8575511

Eve Burst Error.

>> No.8575513

You might want to, you know, mention other things that you've finished and liked.

>> No.8575515


>> No.8575516

Chaos;Head if you want to be disappointed. Also, provide more data.

>> No.8575526


>> No.8575521

You should clarify more for the people from /v/.

>> No.8575522

You'd probably get more relavent result doing your own search. Try searching by tags and then ordering by popularity or ratings.

>> No.8575528


>Fate/Stay in the Kitchen
>Tsukihime + Fan Discs and other associated material
>Koihime Musou
>Monster Girl Quest
>Ever 17
>Umineko no naku koro ni (blech)

Yeah, mostly entry level shit, but whatever. Thanks for the responses /jp/

>> No.8575535

Too green

>> No.8575532

G-Senjou no Maou and Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo.
These two sound like things you would enjoy. Also, Remember11 if you haven't yet.

>> No.8575534

relevant*, doh.
Also, VNDB should really be linked in the OP with something like "Looking for VNs to read? Check out VNDB".

>> No.8575542

As one guy says you are likely to find something you like at vndb.org. Just go through popular english translated tittles and pick out ones that interest you. I will give you one of my favorites, Symphonic Rain, to help you out.

>> No.8575551

I'm sure there are others I can't remember right away.


for example, forgot to put that on the list.

>> No.8575555

I don't think you should trust the ratings on vndb.

>> No.8575557

What's the bump limit,250?

>> No.8575565

Can you use multiple tag search in vndb now?


>> No.8575561

If you want some more short stuff, get True Remembrance, Saya no Uta, Planetarian, Hanachirasu, Narcissu, maybe OMGWTFOTL and other al|together stuff.

>> No.8575577


They are fine for the most part. Yes some tittles are overrated just for being in english but if you can read japanese why not use EGS?

>> No.8575566


>> No.8575570

is Chaos;Head Noah translated? If you're going to play Chaos;Head, might as well play the updated version that may-or-may-not provide more character backstory depending on how the route system worked (didn't have the patience to skip through 75% of the game against just to see what the character routes are like)

or honestly, play so you can follow up with Chaos;Head Love Chu Chu, which is about the only rewarding thing for sitting through the original game (besides seeing the scene where they chopped off the imouto's hand chopped off, just to see if they really did it)

>> No.8575571
File: 1.17 MB, 1500x1125, Konachan.com - 107400 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished kikokugai. good shit. it seems like a short, simple and straightforward story but it gnaws on your imagination after you finish it.

was ruili the prime antagonist? i think you could frame the story like that, with some of the things she says at the end and how it turns out you could argue it was a bad ending, probably the worst that could have occurred. i'm not really convinced entirely that this interpretation is the one that i want to go with but it's food for thought.

the parallels with saya no uta (my favorite vn of all time) are pretty damn obvious. the protagonist's love drives them to murder and betray former friends. ruili and saya were pretty similar too, apart from physical appearances they both begin as flat characters that gradually develop and eventually reveal a dark side. i don't think i'm explaining that well, but whatever.

has anyone else read this? did everyone just think it was mediocre shit?

>> No.8575573

This isn't /v/

>> No.8575585

Wait til Muramasa gets translated (or learn runes), and you'll have a blast.

>> No.8575588

Read Hanachirasu.
Masturbate to delicious Narahara writing.

>> No.8575598

I don't remember much but,

>> No.8575608

You should be masturbating to the tsun protagonist.

Too bad there's no yaoi sex.

>> No.8575618

I've read it. I had liked the MC's sister (forgot her name) a lot, because she seemed, well, human, ironically enough. The protagonist and most other characters, I disliked them. And the plot was too much of a "search and gather" for me to like it. Good, definitely, but not great, in my opinion.

>> No.8575626

>gnaws on your imagination
More like my soul.
Made me sad for days.
I still don't know how to feel about the ending...

>> No.8575634

Some? Practically everything in English is overrated there.

>> No.8575637

That teen-looking guy was the protagonist? He was so awesome he had some of the best lines I've ever seen. He was also rather cute if I might say so myself.

>> No.8575648

ruili. the character i was talking about. at the end, you see a part of her that is very dark and sinister. it might just be my imagination, or my knowledge of urobuchi's other works that steers me in this direction.

but the end, where she's talking to the doctor. and he says that there's no way that anyone will know if the soul transfer was successful because her brother and husband were dead. and she says offhandedly "do you really think those two knew anything about me?" or something like that. that kind of encapsulates my feelings of the whole last hour of the VN.

>> No.8575655

Yeah, I don't think anyone knew anything about her, not even herself. A lost child in a warped world becomes warped herself.

>> No.8575656

I think it is more that people have a 1-5=shit, 6=so-so, 7=average, 8=good, 9=really good, 10=ranging from great to masterpice. If they used a scale in which 5 would be average things would look better. As far as the english community is concerned the highly related ones are the best relative to them.

>> No.8575660

i almost feel like seeing everyone die in a triple murder/suicide type scenario would have been a better ending for the sake of closure. but the ending as it was made me wonder. at first it seemed like a happy ending (the happiest you would expect from urobuchi) but i began to doubt that interpretation almost as soon as the credits were done rolling.

>> No.8575677

I didn't really mind if there was "closure" in that way, but the whole situation just made me sad. Even if I don't understand Ruili, I wonder if she was happy in the end.

>> No.8575690

There's a bit of a chicken and egg scenario there, where say...the reason S;G is translated and overrated is that it has an overrated anime to start with. Although I think it might even be higher rated on EGS for reasons I can't quite entirely work out.

>> No.8575708

do you even want her to be happy though? i mean, knowing that there was no way for him to please ruili, liu admits that he only gave her what she wanted. liu knew that haoluo would come back to save ruili. he predicted it. it was like ruili manipulated them both to get what she wanted - haoluo.

>> No.8575713

the scene where the ruili dolls are fucking while haoluo is dying for her... that's almost the nail in the coffin for this theory of mine. they're finding sexual pleasure in the fact that haoluo is literally bleeding to death for their sake. i mean, how fucked up can it get? obviously their minds are still shattered at this point, but from the sound of things, ruili's mind was probably fucked before she even underwent the rape and soul transfers.

>> No.8575717

Regardless of what I want, she pretty much set up the whole fucking thing.
In retrospect, she's pretty much a bitch.
She brought great suffering to everyone involved in the matter, and it's not like there wasn't any other way to get Haoluo. He was pretty much in her pocket anyways, the whole gangrape soul-splitting thing was just overkill.

>> No.8575728

Looks like TR is getting a 3DS port.


"In a very pleasant twist, True Remembrance is being released on the Nintendo eShop in Japan on February 22nd by Arc System Works. They’re charging 500 yen (a little over $6) for the game."

>> No.8575749
File: 70 KB, 799x591, 130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, she's a monster.

makes me wonder if urobuchi had intended this interpretation or if he just leaves strings untied for people to think of whatever they want.

>> No.8575754

He's a deep person so he wants to be grimdark everywhere. It's probably intentional.

>> No.8575765

i'd buy it if it showed up on the NA e-shop

>> No.8575773


That will never happen give Nintendo's track record. If we are lucky we might see stuff for the Vita in the future though.

>> No.8575783


>> No.8575810

Yeah, this is the problem with fan ratings, and it plagues Erogamescape as well. I try to score on the full 1-10 scale, with 5 being the average. Naturally, 5s dominate the majority of my scores.

>> No.8575870

The problem isn't that Nintendo won't allow you to release things, it's that they market their machines in North America in such a way as to make it difficult for publishers to succeed with these sorts of games.

Similar to how the PSP being pirated to shit keeps anyone from publishing anything for it in North America.

>> No.8575895

Why? I've been thinking that the concept of a general-only board was a good idea for a long time now. Looking at the place, with its large bump limits and whatnot, I think it will do quite well, and actually be a cool place to discuss certain topics.

>> No.8575906

>the PSP being pirated to shit keeps anyone from publishing anything for it in North America
That doesn't stop them from publishing for the DS or Wii.

The PSP failed outside of Japan. Piracy has nothing to do with it. Sony is the only one making excuses to the contrary.

>> No.8575936

Basically we now have /b2/ and a video game board with very specific rules that make certain video game threads impractical (while people continue to circlejerk about nothing to do with games in most of those generals anyways). The volume of those threads is nowhere near large enough to make the original /v/ anything but a random board now.

The question is whether /vg/ can even avoid becoming /b3/ anyways, considering the volume of shitposting on /v/ is so large they could easily overrun it anyways. There's a dubs thread on the front page even. The higher traffic parts of 4chan are too active to really make an all generals model work IMO. Unless moot gets a shitload more moderation all of a sudden.

>> No.8575945

Well that or it will just be /v/ with THE TOPIC OF THIS THREAD GENERAL. ie.
>That feel when no gf general
>Console wars general
>Porn general

>> No.8575949

Well, the /vg/ board seems to lend itself well to self-contained threads that aren't really affected much by the rest of the board (the same way generals have always acted, basically) so I think it might do rather well.

>> No.8576006

We need to stop with those 1line post of "Just finished X, what do next?" stuff. You guys spoonfeeding them isnt helping at all.
I mean it isnt that hard to type additional info about what you are looking for. I mean there are so little translated VNs out there you should actually play all of them.
Bring out the google redirection, nukige chart and walloftext for these idiots. They should either try to put in effort if they really like the hobby or go to >>>/vg/.

>> No.8576012

Anyone else in favor of moving VNTS threads to /vg/, so they live longer?

Or at least mirroring them there, maybe.

>> No.8576014

>moving VNTS threads to /vg/
>so they live longer

>> No.8576018

1000 post bump limits, and new threads won't be made terribly often to bump old ones off the board. Might just be being too optimistic, but it seems like they might actually survive the week that way.

>> No.8576031

It doesn't really matter that threads die after a week. It means we can update the OP; it is a status thread, after all.

>> No.8576032

/jp/ is able to make them survive the week and was able to with less bump limit.
Just retards trying to start shitstorms make it die faster.

>> No.8576071

That's not a good idea, for one thing vg's users won't be able to translate shit and would just be eagerly pestering us to keep going. It would suck being there.

Also I seriously doubt that they'd last longer there than here. Here they last weeks sometimes. Despite vg having a 1k post limit, the sheer posting rate that they've got overall will push things off faster as other generals cycle through, especially since they only have 6 pages and the threads are getting bumped like fucking crazy, any generals even kind of slow won't actually last too long I don't think.

Don't give anything to vg; they've done nothing to earn it. All that's happened within the last day is just a roundabout way of moving around some other threads that were not even really bothering us to begin with. The issues with VN and KS threads were contentious on /v/ and /a/; we have absolutely nothing to do with this and things are essentially back to normal here, with maybe only a couple new people for LNs since I assume most non-jp VN players only play in eigo.

>> No.8576073

Yeah, fair enough.

>> No.8576087

The only thing different I see happening is that LN threads will become a norm. Ar Tonelico/GUST, VNTS, VN general, /fig/, and j-idol threads are likely to stay unmolested. Also /vg/ has existed for 5 hours and it already has 25,000 posts so a VNTS thread would die in hours.

>> No.8576107
File: 623 KB, 800x600, AnEpic_050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for translations of this, but it seems to have stalled...no updates in more than 2 weeks.

>> No.8576124

You're really dumb

>> No.8576126

>Best guess for this image: hentai lesbian teen
Thanks, Google.

>> No.8576129

Please learn how to use exhentai before posting here

>> No.8576141

You're operating under the assumption that I care more than the small amount of curiosity required to click the "google" link to the right of the image name.

This is a mistaken assumption.

>> No.8576160

IQDB works too. It's better for eroge cgs.

>> No.8576167


>> No.8576177

I just did a google reverse image search and found the source immediately.

>> No.8576179

I don't understand the relevance. Perhaps you're trying to fit in?

>> No.8576184

>don't understand
Lurk moar

>> No.8576242

>Lurk moar

>> No.8578851

So someone came from /b/ and is trying to fit in here? thats what I'm getting from this.
