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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8573008 No.8573008 [Reply] [Original]


Which is /jp/ drinking today?

>> No.8573017

too lazy to drink tea. much easier to pour myself a glass of cold water.

>> No.8573037

tea is shit tier, coffee is much better

>> No.8573030

yo tell me what tea to drink

Earl Grey, some PuErh, Assam, the last thing of Russian Caravan, Phoenix Oolong, Lady Grey, another kind of oolong, some berry thing, or, uh, some green tea shit.

>> No.8573033

I've never drunk anything better than teabags and boiled tap water at home.

>> No.8573046


It's good stuff, man. I don't put sugar in my tea either so it's plenty healthy to drink as well.

>> No.8573047
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>> No.8573053

Lemon leaves tea.

After my grandmother told me you can make tea of pretty much any plant, I have experimented with different flowers. Not pretty, but fun.

>> No.8573066 [DELETED] 
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Earl grey, +chocolate cookies i made during the shitstorm.
Feels good taking it easy~

>> No.8573061

Drinking sencha at the moment.

>> No.8573069

Some tie guan yin
I'm boring, but it's soo good

>> No.8573084
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at this second , i am drinking normal green tea

with sugar ( I know I will get blamed for that one)

>> No.8573095

Moroccan peppermint. It's somewhat refreshing.

>> No.8573124

Drinking shitty kotcha in Japan to start the day.
Can't forget the old habits.

>> No.8573130

Hedley's English breakfast is the only tea for me.

>> No.8573135

Do you mean... konacha? Like, the cheap tea they serve at sushi bars?

>> No.8573148
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Coffee, no tea can beat the smell of fresh ground coffee.

>> No.8573150

Hmm I have myself a teapot, but Haven't got around to using it.

>> No.8573157

I thought the type of tea they served in sushi bars was guricha.

>> No.8573176

I'm pretty much only drinking Hochija lately. I need to freshen up my tea stocks.

>> No.8573220

I've been drinking a lot of Earl Grey lately. Tell me about Darjeeling tea /jp/, what does it taste like?

>> No.8573218


I'm waiting until sometime in April for the 2012 harvest to start doing that.

>> No.8573239

Not that guy, but I only have 3 jars of genmaicha left. I don't even have any regular plain green teas and those are my favorite kinds.

Maybe I can order just one packet...

>> No.8573261
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>> No.8573271


>> No.8573284
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Where's everyone ordering their 2012 shincha/whatever the Chinese call first-picked tea from?

>> No.8573298
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Coffee almost doesn't even effect me anymore
I could go drink a cup and still sleep easy

>> No.8573292
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Well if tea isn't /jp/ related I don't know what is.

>> No.8573310


>> No.8573329

Darjeeling is nice. I've only had two or three cups of it but I really liked it. I can't describe the flavor as anything other than pleasant, I'm sorry for that. The leaves looked more like an oolong than a black tea.

>> No.8573347

Is that safe to just use random flowers? I've made tea out of blackberry leaves and roots, but that's about as far as I've taken it.

>> No.8573343

>delete LN thread
>leave this shit

>> No.8573362

The janitor is currently on a massive deletion powertrip.

>> No.8573355

I pretty much only drink Earl Grey. All green tea I tried tasted like shit.

>> No.8573374

I like LNs.

>> No.8573364

What /jp/ likes = /jp/ related
What /jp/ doesn't like = not /jp/ related

>> No.8573367
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but that's how green tea should taste

>> No.8573378


Ask Socrates, I think he liked tea made from hemlock.

>> No.8573398

Things that /jp/ wants to discuss - things that should be discussed on /jp/
Things that /jp/ doesn't want to discuss - things that shouldn't be discussed on /jp/

Hey, would you look at that!

>> No.8573422

I'm just taking it easy. /jp/ has always had the occasional enjoyable off-topic thread.

>> No.8573419

Do any of you smash the tea bags to get the extra flavor/juice out of it when making green tea? I've found that when I so this it leaves an irritating film in my throat when I drink it hot so I stopped doing it and just lift them out and throw them away now.

>> No.8573448

Doing so will release more of the bitter tannins which plague incorrectly-brewed green tea (and tea in general, really). So nah, don't do that.

>> No.8573453

When did LNs suddenly become not /jp/ related?

>> No.8573436

I use loose leaf, but wouldn't squeezing leaves get out all the tannins and make it bitter?

>> No.8573463
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So dark and edgy what a badass.

>> No.8573486

It definitely makes it more bitter, but I've only noticed it irritating my throat with (hot) green tea. Oh well, thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.8573495

Genmaicha sometimes seems coarse when I swallow it. Not really sure what that is.

>> No.8573514

Are you unaware of history or did you just not get the joke?

>> No.8573534
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It was me adding my own joke to that joke. Guess I'm not funny and should cancel my plans of becoming a stand up comedian.

>> No.8573569

Chilean boldo. I love it.

>> No.8573606

I want to eventually get a cute gourd and straw with some mate.

>> No.8573619
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>> No.8573638

Sencha. Ran out of Lung Jing and I'm waiting on some in the mail. I'd be using better weeaboo tea but I guess the nips can't keep harvesting under the effects of nature's fury.

also who the fuck sweetens green tea?

>> No.8573645
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I think mate is a carcinogen.

>> No.8573651

Wait, people sweeten green tea? That would taste horrible. I remember trying some green tea ice cream and I nearly gagged. Sweetness, cream, and green tea don't go together.

>> No.8573659

I put milk in my green tea.

>> No.8573660

We're all going to die anyway. Might as well enjoy life while you aren't a senile old fuck in a wheelchair.

>> No.8573680

not vn related

take this to /ck/

>> No.8573681

you goddamn freak

>> No.8573688

I hope you go straight to hell for doing that.

>> No.8573690

Well it doesn't give you terminal 2 months to live death cancer, it gives you "makes you suffer but live long enough to make you hate your life" cancer.

I'd rather drink something else.

>> No.8573699

Green tea is pretty much the one tea type I never put milk in. It's just no good like that. Then again I also don't like green tea ice cream or anything else with the combination of flavor.

Milk and sugar in earl grey or chai go nicely, though.

>> No.8573713

I can't post enough puking madotsuki to express the feelings of pure DISGUST i'm having now

>> No.8573717

Milk and sugar in masala chai is awesome.

>> No.8573731
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>> No.8573777

I like black tea.

>> No.8573890

bumping the only ontopic thread on /jp/

>> No.8573910

Earl Grey, +chocolate cookies i baked earlier during the shitstorm.
Oh meido you so crazy with your random deletes.

>> No.8574048
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I lost my coffee and cola and I was forced to drink grey tea for few days now.

>> No.8574060

Just had some ginger black tea. It turned out okay this time.

Chocolate Earl Grey muffins are amazing, by the way.

>> No.8574125

I can't drink hot stuff because I'm one of those cold loving people.
How do you cold brew? Just dump the leaves in cold water? or do it hot then let it cool?

>> No.8574153

Do it hot, then let it cool. If you enjoy milk tea, you can add milk and ice to help it cool down faster. Or just more milk.

>> No.8574159

Pretty much the latter. I find some teas taste better cold than hot actually and vice versa. For example for me, green and lemon teas taste really good only when they're fresh and hot; but assam, earl grey, various other kinds of black teas and chai are perfectly palatable cold.

I've also found that the hottest tapwater possible can usually also steep tea alright, only it should be a bit mellower and cool off faster.

>> No.8574161
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Went up to NYC Chinatown last weekend and bought a gaiwan and a pound of Lapsang Soucheng for super cheap. Shit is SO cash.

>> No.8574174

You can do either. I think tea that is cold brewed will only get bitter after being in the water for a very, very long time like 12 or more hours and that's if it even gets bitter. I've never had a cold brewed tea turn out bitter, but I'm not saying it can't happen.

I always use one and a half to twice the amount of tea when I cold brew. I always do it in some 1 liter glass jars with sealed lids so I can give the tea a nice shake every now and then and check the color and leaves. A few hours after they've become completely unfurled is when I strain, and that usually takes anywhere from 6-8 hours at room temperature.

>> No.8574174,1 [INTERNAL] 


Why was this deleted?

>> No.8574197

Talking about iced tea really made me wish for warmer weather. Nothing quite like waking up in a hot room and sipping on some cold green tea while looking at the computer screen with blurred eyes.

Then at night relaxing with some cold mugicha. I wonder when it'll start to get warmer...
