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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8572186 No.8572186 [Reply] [Original]

NEET thread.

About what percentage of you are Hikikomori, I wonder?

>> No.8572193

NEET is not a status symbol.

>> No.8572202

I am a NEET. I am not proud of it. The day before yesterday I left my house and it was cold so I quickly got in again.

>> No.8572209

I was a NEET for about half a year. Now I'm going back to school.
Sometimes I really miss the relaxing lifestyle of a NEET, but I need to feed myself first.

>> No.8572206

I'll probably need to get a job soon.

Have to pay a 1.5k retainer to my lawyer to sue my father.

My current funds are dwindling. The life of a NEET will only be a fond dream soon.

>> No.8572210

Being a functional person isnt something great. Here is your prize:

>> No.8572211
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I was NEET when I wasn't attending school!

>> No.8572219

I'm neither, but I'm about drop university because it's not teaching me anything useful and my current "job" is leisurely making video games in a startup company.

I don't get enough money to pay my bills, but I things could be worse.

>> No.8572226

I've been a NEET for some time, but soon I'll go back to be a "productive member of society"
Oh well. Such is life.

>> No.8572224

>what percentage of you are Hikikomori
I am.

Since around 2005. Since about a year I leave the house once per week for therapy though.

I don't regularly browse /jp/ though. I never really got into it. After the split from /a/ it was somewhat annoyed by it since it was pretty much newfag general filled with crap that didn't interest me and I haven't really bothered setting foot into it again because I'm not that big of a fan of VNs or Touhou.

I've only started browsing today again due to the overall shitstorm surrounding VNs.

>> No.8572234

hikikomori =/= neet.

>> No.8572238

I might add; I also enrolled in university again. Well, some distance university where I don't have to be present physically, which suits me more.

Polite sage.

Actually, thinking about it I guess that doesn't make me NEET any more.

>> No.8572239

I don't know why many are so proud to be a NEET. The nerve-wrecking shame I feel every time I look at my parents is probably the most horrible thing I have experienced.

>> No.8572244

Not a NEET, I'm studying librarian sciences to have the work with least social interaction

>> No.8572256

Sounds pretty awesome. I can't think of what's better than being surrounded by books.
I'm studying accounting since you don't talk with that many people. I can't handle having to work as a team.

>> No.8572267

Pretty much this.

It's also an annoyance not being able to buy anything for oneself. Not necessarily due to having a poor family but due to having to beg for it and feeling bad about it.

It's also bad having to face other, more distant family members who may not know about ones condition, perhaps even having to hide from them, ... - all in all, it's not really a nice situation.

>> No.8572265

The Tokyopop translation of Welcome to the NHK! notes that NEET is a "more socially acceptable term for hikikomori that has sprung up in the past few years". Naturally I scoffed at that as most of you will reading it now, but then I thought about it and it's pretty true. We already have a word for "unemployed" and it's "unemployed". At least in Japan, NEET pretty much caught on a synonym for hikikomori. They don't have identical meanings, but semantically and pragmatically they're very similar.
Of course they stole it from us Brits where it usually means John down the road who has been on the dole for twelve years and can be found drunk outside the park at any given time, but that's obviously not what /jp/ means. We're more Wapanese than that, so NEET pretty much usually does imply a hikikomori (or close to it).

>> No.8572280

Dropped out of college a year ago... yeah.

>> No.8572286

I can't afford to be a NEET since my parents are dirt poor.

>> No.8572298
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Please tell me you're kidding. Librarian is far from a job with little "social interaction". You have to manage people, you have to conduct meetings, call up suppliers and be firm with them if they aren't working well.

Hope you enjoy the first time you have to approach some possibly aggressive person and tell them they've passed their time limit at a computer. You are severely romanticising this.

>> No.8572299

> Polite sage.
All sages are "polite sages" on /jp/. No need to point it out--it's superfluous.

>> No.8572305

I think you can force yourself to be active when it comes to working.
I have an anxiety disorder whenever I'm outside, so I have to develop a separate personality for work. It's tiring but worth it.

>> No.8572317

Which may as well beneficial. Part of what keeps people being NEET (at least in the Hikki/NEET sense rather than being just some dude who can't find a job) is that they can afford it and can't break out of it on their own. Took me six years until I was even able to even talk to my family about it and start some sort of therapy.

Not saying it's necessarily a good thing being poor, just saying that everyone can only see his own problems and money may come with problems of its own, as one can see with celebrities who die from drug abuse as a consequence of being able to afford pretty much anything they want to.

>> No.8572316

This. I actually worked in a library part-time as a teenager. Standing behind a desk and scanning books is okay, because people rarely say anything beyond, "I'd like to check these out please." Then you're preoccupied with swiping things.
However everything else is a nightmare. There are kids who make too much noise. There are chavs drinking lager by the computers. There are OAPs who can't figure out "how to download email into the printer". Even if you're just arranging books, people will come up to you and ask for something.
I imagine it would be a great job if you enjoyed talking to people and helping them, but it's definitely not something I would recommend for a /jp/sie.

>> No.8572327

I don't really mind being poor since the American government treats its underprivileged pretty well (at least compared to my home country).
Being poor actually gives you some motivation to get a job, and I don't mind which one I will get.

>> No.8572330

He might be aiming for a position where he gets to take care of antique books, i.e. university/state libraries, where his jobs wouldn't involve dealing with people that much. But I've heard it's pretty much impossible getting in such a position. But who knows, maybe he's lucky.

>> No.8572336 [DELETED] 

I'm a shut in who only has two university classes, and I never attend except to take tests. Still not a NEET though.

Studying is so extremely tiring these days... I don't know how I'm going to keep picking up those books long enough to get through this, especially thinking about all the things I still have to take.

>> No.8572337

Yeah, I honestly cannot see anyone under 50 working those kind of jobs for some reason. But who knows.

>> No.8572344

I'm NEET right now. Really trying to find a job before I'm kicked out and can't.

I want to be everything that being NEET isn't. I want a job and to learn new things. Trying to teach myself things only goes so far. And money is necessary for almost anything so some way to get money is necessary too.

>> No.8572341

I have stopped coming to one of my class for weeks now. Once you start thinking it's okay to miss a few classes, it pretty much becomes a habit. I need to snap out of this.

>> No.8572349

> I'm a shut in who only has two university classes
Then you're not a shut-in.

Seriously, people make jokes about people like you. And you're being serious, and that's just terrible.

>> No.8572348

Not to mention, most Hikki/NEETs aren't exactly rich either. My family isn't poor, but I am. And since I can't confront them to buy me something out of shame, you're probably a lot less poor than I am in some regards.

>> No.8572353

Started as neet for 2 years
I've completely shut myself off from the outside world. Haven't met anyone or gone anywhere for a year. Im starting to lose my memory though, I keep forgetting what I was doing.

>> No.8572360

A shut-in = Hikkikomori
You're just lazy in this case.

>> No.8572364

Well, mostly because they're public servants so they've got a stable job and will keep it until they grow old. It's not necessarily a matter of age. And since most positions are filled they're only replaced rarely, and obviously only those with the best grades would get those positions. It's pretty much the equivalent of winning the lottery for people from that academic field.

>> No.8572372

you should start a journal

>> No.8572366

I'm now imagining a library run by flustered /jp/ers. This could be moe.

>> No.8572377

I did that, though I still went to university. But instead of going to scary classes filled with people, I sat in the library and read books all day. Eventually I missed most of the assignments (and didn't bother handing in the ones I had actually completed), and failed the course.
Being a NEET doesn't bother me so much, but what does bother me is that I paid to go university for a few terms and I got nothing out of it. In fact now I'm in quite a bit of debt because of it. I guess I should consider myself lucky though since I went to university before the evil British government decided to raise the fees.

>> No.8572390

The sad part is that I'm going to a really expensive university instead of my local community college, so I'm pretty much signing myself up into debts.
Thinking back, that was a retarded choice.

>> No.8572410

> Im starting to lose my memory though, I keep forgetting what I was doing.
This. It's gone from being "eh, whatever" to irritating to downright scary. I'm not sure if it's depression or because I'm not "exercising" my memory or what, but I keep forgetting things and it genuinely frightens me. Sometimes I can't remember what I was doing two seconds ago. Sometimes I forget major events that happened a couple of days ago. If I read something, I will forget about it a few minutes later (which has made any sort of learning impossible).

It's as though my brain only has a small amount of RAM and no way to write to disk any more. Or something.

>> No.8572419

Not everyone has to share your feelings on the matter. I haven't done a thing since I graduated high school 5 years ago and I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.8572420

You know what's really bad. Being hikki and a hypochondriac.

Every few months, I am certain I got cancer and I'll die soon. This goes on for some weeks, then I forget about it and move on.

Sometimes I'm afraid at night that I'll have a heart attack but won't be able to call for help.

I don't tell my family about this because they would take me seriously and I don't want to make them worry about me (well, at least not any more than they already do). Also, they'd probably start bothering me too much which would be annoying.

Sometimes I can't help it though and have someone drive me to the doctor but only when I feel I'm really on the verge of death.

There is no evidence for this. I am healthy and rarely ill at all, well at least physically.

>> No.8572422

While I can't speak for those working in state run libraries(though I thought most libraries were county run? whatever) university libraries can be a bit exclusive in who they hire. A friend of mine wants to be a librarian at our old university, and ensuring that he had a chance at even being considered for an opening required: A, his student job was working at the library. B, getting to know all the big decision makers in both the library board and human resources, not to hard for the former, but our HR department were a bunch of fucking recluses. C, grad degree, went for education I believe after a history undergrad degree.

And trust me, you still have to deal with alot of people, most universities, as my understanding goes, is that libraries are being treated as part student tech work center, part library, and you have to be able to at least decently fill both librarian and tech support until IT shows up. And at least our IT people were nice, god help you if you go somewhere where the IT people are over-worked peons, they are a miserable lot, and will make sure you know it.

Moral of the story: Stay away from uni libraries, they ain't what they look like. Sage for not contributing to primary topic

>> No.8572481

I don't get how it's a source of pride, but I can certainly understand how you'd rather be one than be part of the school/work normalfag cycle.

>> No.8572495

It's not like I have a choice to become a normalfag you know.
Since the world is engineered that way I will have to comply or risk becoming a homeless bum. Suicide is unfortunately not an option.

>> No.8572500

> Im starting to lose my memory though

Might be due to poor nutrition. There was also some article about how people who constantly use computers have poorer recall; something about being lazy because people are relying on the computer to store the information and not making effort to memorize it like people in the past who memorized thousands like lines of poetry and hymns.

>> No.8572539

Posted in another thread, redirected here.
Just recently became a NEET, no idea what I'm doing, etc etc.
What should I do, /jp/?

>> No.8572545

This sucks.

The same happened to me. Well, it wasn't really an expensive university since I live in socialist Europe, but the same behavioural pattern, I mean.

At first, I gradually gave up on tutorials, since they involved working in small groups of people.

Then since I was afraid of meeting those people from the tutorial again, I stopped visiting lectures.

And in the end, I lacked the proper knowledge to participate in the exam and the whole semester was wasted.

This went on for four semesters, then I gave up, changed to a different university, switched majors and tried again.

This time I gave up even earlier and became NEET/Hikki.

I don't know what kind of advice I can give you. I have little experience with not-failing, I'm more the kind of person to ask when it comes to failing.

Still, I may have something to say. Which may sound like bad advice, but I can only say how I see things. If you feel not yet ready for the whole university thing, you may give up for now before getting deeper into depths and try to get some sort of therapy for your underlying anxiety issues. Maybe you're also not yet ready, not yet sure what you want to do with your life and you need a bit of time off, assuming you can afford it.

If you think you can go on, you may try, I won't tell you not to if you feel ready. But if you feel that this really isn't going to well, you may try to pull the plug before it's too late. I've wasted seven years of my life doing nothing and had I acted earlier, perhaps things could have worked out better. But I know that this isn't an easy thing and certain things take time, so if you don't feel capable of doing that, maybe it can't be helped.

>> No.8572585
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>faggots thinking they're hikkis

Are you really? Explain your symptoms. Most of you faggots who call yourselves "shut-ins" can perform visibly well in public and still own cell phones and text your best friends and other normalfag stupid ass shit.

You're the reason actual shut-ins can't get any real help. Their problems are bound together with yours and get shit treatment which would work great for you but cause them to relapse over and over again.

>> No.8572586

well, yes, I'm still in the first year, but for the moment the librarians that had given us talks seem to be lonely,
maybe is because they work on archives and university libraries.
Also i had aimed to work in the desk or with old books, with a bit of luck i will get the perfect place as >>8572330 said maybe i'll be lucky

>> No.8572577

What I do with university is find classes that I don't generally have to attend to pass. A number of courses at my university can be cleared by just sitting at home, studying the book, and showing up for exams. Probably not a practical solution, but it's worked some for me, so you might want to consider it.

>> No.8572612

I don't know if you're trolling, but I am absolutely nothing like what you described. Don't be a dick and stereotype people--we're not all part of this "just left school therefore I'm a hikki" conspiracy you seem to believe in.

>> No.8572615

My symptoms are not leaving the house. You don't need anything else to be a shut-in.

>> No.8572618

Let's not turn this into a truNEET argument thread, please.

>> No.8572619

I guess I am NEET right now technically.
Finished university (barely, with worst grades possible).
Now I'm in limbo for 6 months already due to having to deal with conscription issues. I might even be forced go to army if my back problems will turn out to be not enough for a pass. Managed to convince army psychiatrist that I'm good enough to function in society. Wasn't too easy though.
Oh well, I enjoy sitting at home playing videogames and exercising with dumbbells.

>> No.8572627

This whole shitstorm has made me think. And I think I came to the realization that there maybe are two types of people on /jp/ who have coexisted here since the very beginning.

One are those who actually enjoy japanese Media such as Touhou, VNs, or Anime and who maybe secretly also like to browse other boards such as /a/ or /v/.

The other are the NEETs who have some of the same interests, but actually come here for some casual discussion about being a NEET and random topics with some like minded people.

If this is in fact the case, shouldn't the solution for a better /jp/ be a very simple one? Break up the board into "/dg/ - Doujin Games and Visual Novels" and "/ne/ - NEET" and delete /jp/.

Or do I perceive this wrong?

>> No.8572637

The board isn't fast enough for breaking it up to be a good thing.

>> No.8572653

NEET is otaku culture

>> No.8572646

Don't start.
It's fine to have the odd thread like this. If people want to blog there's /r9k/, and if they want serious advice in their own thread or whatever, there's /adv/.
NEETs is pleasant folk and probably some of the best posters on /jp/. After all, /jp/ is like one big NEET family.

>> No.8572647

/dg/ would inevitably be filled with a lot of new users. And /jp/ was a lot slower during 2008. I don't think it would have a very big impact.

>> No.8572649

Depends on your definition

I am jobless ( kinda I still make money through self employment and other means ) but I do spend several hours on the net, my room is messy etc.

I get out and hang out with people though but it's usually only a couple times a week.

I like video games and tohou ( secondary, I need to dl them sorry purist, hey I like Raiden and Gradius though ) i'm not autistic or have aspurges (sp) so I guess i'm probably normal or at least in most of /jp/s eyes

>> No.8572661

Well, it depends on how good you are and what you study. In some fields in may be possible, but in maths or some sciences, perhaps also engineering, it can be very hard to do it on your own. Well, at least it was for me, studying maths. I must admit, I wasn't really good at it when I started though, which is fairly normal, but possibly hit me harder due to my anxiety issues. The transition from high school maths, i.e. being very good at it and university maths, i.e. being very bad at it at first, hit me very hard and completely destroyed my self-esteem.

>> No.8572662
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Ausfag here.

Went for a disability claim, got 9 months to have my condition stabilize. Money for a while, at least. After that it's probably off to find a job with a bunch of organizations and programs to help me not be a total nutjob.

It hurts, /jp/. I feel so alone and scared.

>> No.8572663

This could just be a vitamin deficiency or something to that effect. I would be surprised if you ate properly enough.

>> No.8572672

> kinda I still make money through self employment and other means
I'm curious; how?

>> No.8572687

Can definitely relate to this.

Was recently diagnosed bipolar and the doctors think my shit memory probably has something to do with it.

>> No.8572689


>> No.8572704

I'd think most people who hide all day in their room and have little social contact at all would seek a surrogate for it. In many cases this would be anime, VNs/dating sims and stuff like that, because only these Japanese media are tailored for lonely males who seek some sort of romantic fiction, video games kinda go hand in hand with it, ... - I don't normally browse this board, I only got here during the VN shitstorm as I mentioned in >>8572224, but I don't think it would attract people who were complete outsiders.

>> No.8572705


Sad thing is, there's NEET/Hikki posers. It's so dumb. Not the NEETs/Hikki's themselves, who are interesting, but the people posing as them are cancerous and disguising.

>> No.8572717
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You. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8572720 [DELETED] 

Don't feed the troll, guy.

>> No.8572725

You sound roughly the opposite of me. I'm getting far worse at school as time goes on, rather than better. First year I was attending class and taking a full courseload, this year I dropped the majority of classes due to anxiety, don't show up except to take exams, and even nearly failed one in the few I had left in the first semester (had to drop it).

>> No.8572731 [DELETED] 
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u mad LOL i troll u do You even autism like me ur a normalfag :PPP

>> No.8572732

I'm on edge after all the /v/ retards came over here. Sorry.

>> No.8572739
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My better judgement tells me you're being ironic. Hilarious.

My better judgement also tells me you're a fucking bell-end.

>> No.8572757

I'm currently going for Radeologic Technician. What do you guys think jp? I'm not a Hikki or NEET, but I prefer little socialization but don't mind. I enjoy having friends who are worth my time (Intelligent, Wisdomatic, down to earth, open minded).

I'm aware of the social interaction and it doesn't bother me but I'm worried of fucking up and losing my job. I derp pretty hard sometimes.

Other than that, the $65-75 a year is all I need to buy figures, have decent clothes, bring a girls somewhere, a great computer, and pay for insurance/health.

I reccomend all of you guys set your financial aim torwards $60-80.

>> No.8572753


>"The advent of the Internet, with sophisticated algorithmic search engines, has made accessing information as easy as lifting a finger. No longer do we have to make costly efforts to find the things we want. We can "Google" the old classmate, find articles online, or look up the actor who was on the tip of our tongue. The results of four studies suggest that when faced with difficult questions, people are primed to think about computers and that when people expect to have future access to information, they have lower rates of recall of the information itself and enhanced recall instead for where to access it. The Internet has become a primary form of external or transactive memory, where information is stored collectively outside ourselves."

>> No.8572760

People who are proud to be a NEET are pathetic and despicable.

>> No.8572762

You visit /v/ yourself.

>> No.8572769

I got sick of it and came back here.

That Bioware shit, doubles, everything. It wasn't good for my health.

>> No.8572770
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yea i'm on this end of the bell curve and ur on that end LOL homo loser

>> No.8572776

Oh, I didn't really get better. I'm >>8572545, and things didn't work out too well for me. I gradually stopped visiting classes and completely gave up.

I've only began to study maths again at a distance university to finally get my bachelors degree a bit more than a year ago. I'm doing quite well now though, even though I don't think I'm particularly talented, but this may have something to do with not having to deal with people.

Well, technically I once had to deal with people in a seminar where I had to present something, but that's why I also started therapy for which I leave the house once per week. I've lived as a hikki from 2005 - 2010, I left the house probably around five times per year during that time. I only found the courage to change something because I felt I was going to die again (I also happen to be >>8572420) and in a moment of euphoria from not having a fatal illness, I confronted my mom saying I wanted to start some therapy.

>> No.8572780

What? You can't even buy one figure with that much a year.

>> No.8572778


And self-hating NEET's like you are respectable and dignified.

>> No.8572786

He means 80 thousand

Unless that was the joke. If it was, it was pretty weak.

>> No.8572791

I might add, I'm still more hikki than not though, I leave the house once per week for therapy, but otherwise I rarely go out.

Well, except for doctor's appointments to make sure that I'm not going to die. I probably go to those maybe once per year, at times twice.

But that's because I'm more afraid of dying than staying inside.

>> No.8572808

Things just turned out poorly for us, /jp/. No point crying or whining about it. Our bodies and minds just didn't turn out right. Killing yourself isn't so bad. A life of suffering is not worth living. Maybe you should abandon society and go live in the woods. Actually, that'd be really scary at night and I hate being alone. Where's my gun?

>> No.8572811

I'm thinking of joining the Peace Corps as a way to defer my student loans.

>> No.8572823

Stop being selfish and lazy, anon.

>> No.8572835

I would be a NEET but I have a part-time job. I only have two shifts though so I might as well not be working there.

>> No.8572836


>> No.8572849

I think killing oneself is pretty bad because I actually enjoy living. This may sound weird coming from someone who spends all day inside, but I enjoy what I'm doing, i.e. watch animu, read mango, play games, browse 4chan.

What I don't like is that I can't keep going forever and the fact that I have to bother my family in order to maintain that lifestyle.

I don't believe in any kind of afterlife, and while the state of being dead doesn't scare me, the thought of losing my consciousness permanently is. I'd like to keep going and I wouldn't mind to keep going forever as long as I'm entertained the way I'm now.

>> No.8572868

Ah. I'm no hikki (I can leave my apartment whenever I wish, went around for a walk to clear my mind at night yesterday), I just default to staying in my apartment for the overwhelming majority of my time, and naturally I don't have any friends anymore.

I've just never really had much of any motivation for any of this. I used to be a lot better and more normal, but it's just gotten worse over the years. I don't know exactly why. Maybe I'm just getting tired of it all. Maybe I was just running on inertia before, and I'm running out of it now. Doesn't change the result now does it.

I kind of entered my major (psych) in hopes of finding out what was wrong with me. The only answer I've found so far is that I lack in stable, heritable personality traits. Though I certainly didn't get this from my parents, one of who constantly tells me that school and work should be the most important thing in my life - a way of thinking that is utterly alien to me.

>> No.8572863

It's called "hedonism".
I think most NEETs are hedonistic. Unfortunately we're also depressed and poor. Not a winning combination.

>> No.8572872


stop being a loose butt homo lol

>> No.8572892
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>> No.8572939

tried to make it at uni twice but im just too ashamed to be there in front of peers and not motivated enough for the work itself. dont know what i want to do. my parents are middle class though so i should be ok. i just need to make a friend right now im guessing closeness and trust would do me a lot of good.

my only stress is if i can leech of my parents guilt free. probably not. otherwise its quite good all i do is eat food, sometimes exercise or go walking(only if its cold so i can hide in hooded jacket), listen to music and read books and internet. i go on omegle with a fake facebook to socialise. when i feel romantically sentimental i read shinji/kaworu fanfics or look at pics.

what do you guys think? im from the uk i hope i will be ok financially.

>> No.8572961

I don't think hedonism is the right word here, because it's an ideology which basically says that indulging yourself, avoiding pain, and things like that were the best goals to strive for.

I don't really go that far. I'm more of a nihilist, thinking that all ways to live are equally good (or equally pointless).

I just enjoy what I'm doing right now, which is my own point of view however. I won't raise it to some lofty ideal and if someone thinks he can spend his life better doing something else, then I won't mind if does that, and not call him names for it or something under the premise of my own lifestyle being superior to his.

>> No.8572992

>im from the uk
Then learn to type in English.
Seriously, your post hurts to read.

Have you considered a part-time course or Open University or something?

>> No.8573014

i did try part time but i still couldn't cut it. i dont want to specialise right now anyway. experiencing things might give me a better idea of what i want to do.

>> No.8573035

I never understand the rational behind nihilism. Care to explain?

>> No.8573080

I was NEET for a long time, but I just got a job at an after-school care for elementary schoolers. Today is my third day.

>> No.8573092
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>> No.8573102

I simply don't believe there is a a higher purpose behind human existence, I believe in no higher powers, no karma, no cosmic balance, nothing of that sort and I consider my point of view rational because I see no evidence for something like that.

That doesn't mean that I completely reject values, morality and those sort of things. I consider them valuable from a rational point of view however, because I think they help maintain keep society in a functional state.

>> No.8573118

I believe everyone else is a figment of my imagination and that this world is a transient thing, more dream than reality. Humor me, is this a valuable thing?

>> No.8573140


Not such a special snowflake now, are you?

>> No.8573155

You are not the first to present this to me, in fairly similar words. I didn't expect anything specific, but if that's really all you have to offer.

>> No.8573165

I have always viewed nihilism as something where nothing serves no purpose.

>> No.8573166

Well, as a nihilist I don't believe things have an inherent value, it can only be attributed to it by people. What matters is if it's valuable to you. To me it's just as valuable as any other ideology.

>> No.8573181

That is to say, it's not at all valuable and merely a means to keep the masses moving.

Are you sure that was how you intended that to be worded?

>> No.8573192

I don't believe in a global purpose. But I do accept that people can attribute things a purpose that has meaning to them.

>> No.8573255

>it's not at all valuable
Well, as I said, I don't believe in an inherent value of things. Not valuable has a comparative quality, as if there were things that were valuable. But I don't believe in such a thing as value concerning these things at all. I can't make a statement about its global value because it doesn't exist to me.

>> No.8573282

So you don't believe in value but you do believe in joy. Do you believe other people should be allowed to pursue their happiness? What about the legalities of their happiness, would you do away with those if you could? Do elaborate for me.

>> No.8573314

Does 'nothing exists' sound any better?

This is of course the most extreme form of nihilism.

>> No.8573365

>A shut-in = Hikkikomori

I thought hikikomori implied social anxiety, or some form of mental illness, which -prevents- the person from going outside and interacting with others? I am a shut-in because I want to be, not because I am too autismal to be around other people, so I don't consider myself a hikikomori. Is this correct?

>> No.8573392

>So you don't believe in value but you do believe in joy.
Joy is a completely personal emotion which people can feel for a variety of reasons. Why would I not believe in it? It can even be empirically measured by taking a good look at someone's brain.

>Do you believe other people should be allowed to pursue their happiness?
"Should be allowed" is a difficult issue again. Generally, I believe it's impossible to forbid people anything because there are no global laws that bind them. Whatever are capable of doing they can do and they won't receive any sort of karmic punishment for whatever they do.

Do I believe anything should be allowed within the contexts of a society? No, from a mere practical point of view though. I don't believe in any sort of human rights that were inherent to human existence. I do feel a lot better in a society where I am granted them though - again, from a practical point of view. I don't think I possess them though, I am given them by people. And people can take them away from me again if they possess the power.

To come back to the question: I don't think people need to be "allowed". They're free to do whatever they want. Some actions may get them in trouble with the law though.

>> No.8573745

What are we supposed to talk about in NEET threads anyway? Stuff that fills time? In that case, I suggest watching the TV show Six Feet Under. It's pretty much the best show in television history.

Or at the very least, it has the best series finale in TV history.

>> No.8573875

How many of you guys drink alcohol? I don't drink because I personally dislike getting drunk (not to mention how expensive drinking is).

>> No.8573936

I used to get drunk with friends I knew from high school, but I never really enjoyed it, never liked the taste and wouldn't get drunk on my own.

Meeting those friends was particularly difficult because they didn't know about my lifestyle and thought I was doing well, graduating from university soon, etc. So maintaining a facade of normalcy, trying to avoid all conversational topics concerning my life, dealing with the fact of being around people, at times even going out.

I had to endure this maybe twice at times even three times per year, but the fear of them finding out and admitting of being failure was worse.

>> No.8573952

i generally only do it in preparation for social situations.

>> No.8573953

At least they usually paid for me because they knew I wasn't enjoying the whole thing too much and thought it would cheer me up a bit.

>> No.8573979

I do, just to enjoy the feeling of being drunk (apology to people who genuinely enjoy the taste). It makes me feel fuzzy, which I assume is what hallucination is like.

>> No.8573996


Having part asian genetics, I can't drink 1/2 ounce of 80 proof liquor without getting extremely lightheaded.

I guess it's a mixed blessing. I will never get addicted to alcohol, but I also will never know what it feels like to feel "drunk."

>> No.8574011

>without getting extremely lightheaded.
That fits the definition of drunk.

>> No.8574023


Yeah but it doesn't feel good at all. If that's what getting drunk feels like, I don't understand how people enjoy drinking.

>> No.8574076

Alcohol is not supposed to make you feel good. People drink it because it dulls the pain of living.
Don't you people know anything?

>> No.8574077

The worst part of being a NEET is that I have all the time in the world to do whatever I want, but I'm too scared to leave my house and just end up sleeping or refreshing certain websites all day. What a waste of time.

>> No.8574544

I love me some alcohol. I don't like cheap shit and don't end up having it on hand / drinking it that often though.

>> No.8574548

finding good ways to leave the house(hood up for example) or solitary routes really helps. like say you know one road only has old folk and house wife dog walkers.

>> No.8574566

Does anyone else have this overwhelming sense of fear about life in general?

I know what I need to do to change my life, and I know that sitting around refreshing /jp/, watching anime, and playing VNs won't help anything. However, every time I even think about trying to change my life, my mind fights it every step of the way. After having dealt with so much misery and failure in my life, it's just easier to ignore the world and distract myself with my hobbies. Even though most normal people would call me a loser as I am now, I don't worry about that. What I worry about is trying to get a job and being told no countless times, or trying to improve myself in some way and being made fun of.

It's pathetic; I know.

>> No.8576128

I more than understand this. I'm pretty much living it, honestly. Rejection is the worst feeling I've had to cope with repeatedly, and the sense of failure that echoes the times beforehand only makes it worse for me. I don't have much to advise you with. I'm still dealing with this problem of pushing myself to try, and being bombarded with doubt. It's a pretty horrific combination. What is somewhat helping me is essentially picking an activity, or subject I want to study, and then barring myself from the computer for an hour or two while I focus on it.

The computer, without question, is the biggest distraction. It's how I escape the emotional (for lack of a better word) turmoil. Get away from it for a while, get away from 4chan and any kind of pornography, and find something for the vacuum in time. I'm focusing on a self-help book. I won't say about which subject specifically, but I think it could work for me if I focus for a few months.

>> No.8576171

Visit a doctor if you can and see a pysch. I was in the same position as you (if I was rich I wouldn't care about anything at stay at home all day, but without money you can't even live a modest lifestyle) before. Six months later after some SSRIs and anti-anxiety meds, I'm doing great and back in university now. I'm not exactly making money yet but it's a start. Anyway, take it step by step, if you have even the slightest motivation of wanting to change but those negative thoughts keep preventing you, then therapy and especially medication will greatly help.

>> No.8576197 [DELETED] 

This is me as well. I'm currently in school and sleeping through my classes because I stay up all night browsing /jp/. I don't have much motivation to do anything, but dropping out means a lot of shame, wasted money, and having to deal with my family. My mother is paying for me. It's really terrible of me that the deepest part of me wants to just drop out and be a NEET, but I know I shouldn't waste an education while I have one, because I'll have to work at some point in time. Then after graduating I'll have to get a job because my family paid for college.

>The computer, without question, is the biggest distraction. It's how I escape the emotional (for lack of a better word) turmoil. Get away from it for a while, get away from 4chan and any kind of pornography, and find something for the vacuum in time.

Seconding this. I ban myself from 4chan with host file blocks fairly regularly but I regress or just do something else. The only thing that motivates me to care is knowing that my situation could easily get much worse.

>> No.8578425

Don't know, maybe it's a self-induced psychological thing, but I have the exact same condition too. It crushes my dreams of being able to program proficiently every time I take up studying it.

>> No.8578441

>But if you feel that this really isn't going to well, you may try to pull the plug before it's too late.

I've read this part and the previous paragraph 5 times and I still have no fucking idea what you're trying to say.

By "pulling the plug", do you mean suicide?

"Had I acted earlier" and done what, exactly?

>> No.8578449

/adv/ is a normalfag shithole, and so is /r9k/. I hope you're not being serious.

I agree about the pleasant folk part, /jp/ NEET threads have the best kind of people I've had the pleasure of speaking with.

>> No.8578452

My computer is better than yours, fag.

>> No.8578481

Also because there are so much things I could do in my free time, but don't. Like studying, for example. Instead, I don't do shit, and then feel bad about it. I don't even consume media, because it's too much effort.

>> No.8578510

I'm afraid to apply even to shitty jobs because I know the rejection will be too much.

>It's how I escape the emotional turmoil

I know this all too well. I noticed that whenever I'm anxious, I start obsessively checking imageboards, even if I did it less that 5 min ago. It provides temporary relief, but it's very short-lasting, so I repeat it over and over. Feels terrible.
