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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 472 KB, 1272x900, saya14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8571750 No.8571750 [Reply] [Original]

It's been discussed to death already, but why not.

Personally, I find the early sex scenes superfluous. I get that their relationship at that point is that close, but narrative wise it was pretty surprising.
However, as you go further along I found that they were a good reflection of not only Fuminori's mind but his relationship with the world.

I preferred the desolated world ending best. Something about the loneliness of a corrupted world and still trying to gather information and figure out the details of what happened, even if there is no future.

>> No.8571762 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 251x222, autism2_sion-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8571783

we have a VN general thread, why not post there?

>> No.8571777 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 250x250, kusosure_kuso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8571780 [DELETED] 


>> No.8571786


La. La, la, la.

Anywho, the sex scenes were certainly a bit overdone, but they weren't superfluous by any means. They were a pretty good indicator of how Fuminori was devolving from a human to a fucking monster of a person.

>> No.8571800

/jp/ _is_ a VN general.

>> No.8571795 [DELETED] 

My favorite Touhou character is Yukari Yakumo and I hate kikes because of their shameless exploitation of the Holohoax, which they blew out of proportion thanks to the falsified reports that they forged in many of the post-war kangaroo courts. It has been over 60 years ago, yet you're still using it as an excuse to get a free pass on EVERYTHING: the insane manipulation of media, the lobbying, the atrocities you're committing against the Palestinians in the lands you STOLE thanks to your Jew friends in the United Kingdom.

>> No.8571815

that is incorrect. please learn the board etiquette and general posting guidelines by lurking for a few weeks before posting again, thank you.

>> No.8571831

As much as I don't want it to be, now it's correct.

>> No.8571832

I agree, but at the very least the first sex scene seems like too much for me.
Turning his former friend into a broken sex slave was the best

>> No.8571835

>board ettiquite

You mean "only post about toohoos, shitpost as much as possible, and spam to death every thread you don't like"?

I have argued for a /vn/ for some years and, welp, that failed. You guys need to accept that /jp/ is for VNs, LNs, and any form of Japanese media that doesn't fit into /a/ or /v/, and not just shit that you personally like.

Don't like it? Get the fuck out.

>> No.8571845 [DELETED] 

Now? It's been that way for four years.

>> No.8571867

You're right OP. Ero is holding back the medium.

>> No.8571868

I didn't insinuate any of that, I do believe I'm being more than polite, not sure why you cannot reciprocate that. I figured we had enough screaming buffoons on /jp/ right now, didn't see the point in being one as well.

>> No.8571879

As much as I love Saya, you won't be able to discuss it here.
Sorry, OP.

>> No.8571880
File: 196 KB, 850x790, sample-8ef6e48dfbd4f7dd49b3ccd2d24ed937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say toohoos?

>> No.8571886

When was the last time you ate a real meal /jp/?

>> No.8571901

I dont want to turn this into a board discussion, but I think general threads are a bad thing and discussion will be better in smaller threads.
I understand most of /jp/ dislike threads for visual novels that have been translated a while ago (or at all), but its one of the primary aspects of this board.
I still think KS should to into moots new 'shit that doesnt even belong in /v/-board'

>> No.8571892

>You guys need to accept that /jp/ is for VNs, LNs, and any form of Japanese media that doesn't fit into /a/ or /v/, and not just shit that you personally like.

>> No.8571929

We love you too OP.

>> No.8571921

I understand, but I wanted to check if VN discussion still had a place here.

The problem is that /jp/ has too high of a level, and personally I only get around releases after years and then I have nobody to talk about them with.

Ero has a place, don't get me wrong. But there are times when it seems just tacked on on what would be otherwise a good story. Not talking about SnU here, but rather Sharin no Kuni for one. I just couldn't get into the ero there.

>> No.8571936


It's possible to skip all the ero in Sharin except for that one Ririko handjob flashback. You just need to aim for the harem end.

>> No.8571932

use the archive

>> No.8571933

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.8571940

thanks for understanding. I wasn't trying to be rude, just informative.

>> No.8571950


>> No.8571980
File: 155 KB, 990x1530, Saya no Uta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is now the board for VNs
There will be discussion about translated stuff here from now on, like it or not

>> No.8572000

Then the VNfags will have to deal with /jp/'s shit when they try to post here.
They will stop before /jp/ does.

To /v/kids this is just another place to dump your un-wanted crap, but /jpsies spend most of their day here, and it has developed it's own style/topic/whatever, they won't just drop their home because some children think it's their new board.

>> No.8572031

Fapping to Touka's voice was great though.
Sucks to be you.

I vote Kara no Shoujo for the most misplaced sex scenes. But the whole writing is poor in that game.

>> No.8572033


Your "style" is just shitposting. That shouldn't be allowed just because arr bloo bloo bloo board culture.

>> No.8572040

The cancer of the VN genre

>> No.8572058

>Fapping to Touka's voice was great though.

I liked her better in G-Senjou, in spite of how awful I thought that game was.

>> No.8572060
File: 610 KB, 850x1200, saya07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for being polite, I appreciate it.

Conversations suspended in amber. I get to see people's opinion on old visual novels over the years, but never get to reply. It's a bit sad.

What about games that could have used sex scenes? CLANNAD is the first that comes to mind, it just would have made sense. And maybe salvage Kyou's route with it.
I said I like long hair, then why pull this shit on me, huh?

>> No.8572053

>I preferred the desolated world ending best. Something about the loneliness of a corrupted world and still trying to gather information and figure out the details of what happened, even if there is no future.
Maybe no future for humanity but everyone's still happily going about their business as if nothing happened, they just all look like Sayas now.

>> No.8572062

That's not KS/YMK

>> No.8572076


KEY games should never, ever have sex scenes. I can't even imagine Clannad with H, it kind of disgusts me. The only heroine I can fap to is Nagisa, anyway.

>> No.8572095

What's wrong with YMK besides it being mostly porn without plot?
It gets too much discussion (read: threads, but then again, those are mostly on other boards) for what it is, but that's no reason to hate it

>> No.8572097

>And maybe salvage Kyou's route with it.
Clannad nukige sounds silly. Anpan.

even sex couldn't save Tomoyo After. Neither could the nice OST. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbFGqZ_U3YM

>> No.8572114

That's not even what happened

Why don't people want the good true ending? Saya made everyone on earth like her but didn't kill them. She transformed humanity into a super smart, extremely lively race. She pretty much solved world hunger right there, and these motherfuckers are capable of intergalactic space travel, Saya did humans a favor

>> No.8572117


Hey now, Mizuki's route had a great story.

>> No.8572132

I don't know, that Akane image for Rewrite Harvest Festa kinda made me want it.

>> No.8572139


Kanon and LB have horrible, horrible H-scenes though, and do you really want Ryukishi writing ero?

>> No.8572155

Who knows? Maybe he's good at it?

>> No.8572177

Really? I like Tsubaki, but she is a pretty boring character character. Being boring is almost her charm point.

>> No.8572185

I keep seeing you around OP.

>> No.8572189


Yeah, I just found her more consistent than Touka is all.

>> No.8572204


Was this the autistic girl?

>> No.8572199
File: 20 KB, 280x322, MIU~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now for the worst eroge sex scenes.

>> No.8572215

that's not Arcueid.

>> No.8572216 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.44 MB, 1632x1152, 5608043C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. Spoilered even though it's from the all ages version so no nipples or genitals (or really not much nudity beyond what you'd see in an American TV drama), because it's still a spoiler.

>> No.8572225


Haruhi Sumika and the Grotesquely Engorged Clitoris.

>> No.8572268

What about that scene from Ever 17 with the Kid, You and the pen

Holy shit that was one of the most sexual things I have ever read
>You sure you want to do this?
>Yes, just put it in
>Okay here I go
>Woah it's not in yet
>Sec hold on this is my first time doing this, K I think I got it

>> No.8572291

That was pretty bad yes. But it does make its point: trolling the fuck out of Takeru/the reader.
I said the worst, not the best.

>> No.8572414

I think it was intentionally bad. I usually fap to stuff that's a whole lot worse than what was there, but I still felt disturbed by it. It did it's job.

>> No.8572453

Bad? I'd say it looks much nicer than the 18+ version.

>> No.8572471

I of course meant the 18+ version with its engorged clitoris and dick nipples but respectfully posted the all-ages version because this is a worksafe board even though nobody here works.

>> No.8572491

And I just though that they tore here apart and put her in a can.
Why did she remember during the g-bombardment Takeru if they kept overdosing her brain with pleasure directly ?

>> No.8572505

Because she wanted Takeru to bone her, so naturally being in a perpetual state of being boned she'd be thinking of Takeru.

>> No.8572516

Fuck that ending. My choice is... PURGE! PUUUURGE! WITH LIQUID ICE!

And from that ending a new badass will be born. That is if he doesn't pussy out.

>> No.8572544

But she did say that BETA fucked her so hard that she forgot about him. And they kept fucking her. And she even fucked a few of them. So why did she suddenly remember when the fucking got elevated even more ?

>> No.8572572

Because of the power of love or some similar trope, I guess. Either way, she clearly remembered and obsessed over him enough to drag at least five poor unrelated Takerus from another universe in, then repeatedly reset the entire universe and wiped his memories until he became one with her.

>> No.8572573 [DELETED] 

This vn holds a special place in my heart.

>> No.8572574

because don't think about it too much the game likes shoving sumika down your throat

>> No.8572590
File: 112 KB, 645x235, 1313020744954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did moot think relocating VNs here was a good idea

most of /jp/ are insufferable faggots

>> No.8572599

Because moot doesn't care about VN and hates this place ?

>> No.8572602

Things seem to have simmered down, why don't you contribute to this thread or the VN general thread?

>> No.8572611 [DELETED] 

This VN has a special place in my heart.

>> No.8572620

I cant actually see this improving /jp/ anyway.
There's only so much you can talk about Touhou and random shit.

>> No.8572617


how about you not tell me what to do, idiot

jesus christ is most of /jp/ in this creepy passive agressive polite bullshit expressed in this thread

>> No.8572626

u so buttmad queer ass whore lol umad

>> No.8572635

Way too much teenage angst there

>> No.8572636

Haven't VNs always been part of /jp/?

>> No.8572641

You just be mad that you are not a glorious teenager anymore.

>> No.8572643


is this the /jp/ form of "u mad"

>> No.8572648

...What? I'm pointing out that things are going pretty well right now, and you're welcome to join the VN general thread in discussing whatever translated VN suits your fancy.

>> No.8572665 [DELETED] 

fuck you motherfucker either ban me or stop deleting my post like the spineless coward you are. Nice life faggot is this all you do all day?

>> No.8572658

Stop feeding the trolls.

Why do people describe Saya no Uta as "Lovecraftian" anyway? It's horror and sort of has space aliens, but I didn't really see what it had to do with Lovecraft or his mythos.

>> No.8572660
File: 30 KB, 215x608, 1280332956653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok i get it know

/jp/ers are like robots with no interesting things about them in their mannerisms/speech

>> No.8572674

We already discussed it far too many times. Anons from each board want to discuss VN with their own board and it's community. As a plus /jp/ has the "best" shitposters.
Yes ;_;

>> No.8572701

Lovecraftian in its normal use means with elements inspired by Lovecraft's work, not something directly related to the Cthulus mythos.

>> No.8572697

I'm starting to tear up now. Why is politeness viewed as "being a robot"? Why are you such a savage ape? This is like forcing white and asian women to racemix with niggers.

>> No.8572723

I'm sorry that you feel that way.

Maybe it's just the Japanese forced politeness culture rubbing off on consumers of its media.

For you to find a place to hang out with those of a similar mentality to you, perhaps you might try /v/? There's a mod-created Hatoful Boyfriend thread over there right now, with the excuse that "it's not a visual novel, it's a dating sim!".

>> No.8572734

I understand that. Eh, I suppose I can see the influence. I just didn't get a very Lovecrafty vibe from Saya no Uta. Though it was definitely enjoyable, but more so in its own way.

>> No.8572749

Don't reply to him. He's obviously a completely retarded tennager.

>> No.8572750

I got the vibes from "Horrors that cannot be seen or they will drive you mad !" Or that the abominations were never shown completely. Wasn't SnU inspired from Kusarihime anyway ?

>> No.8572758

Finished Saya no Uta. And it was really, really average.

95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Saya herself and Kouji. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have it's moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never effected me, and the 'intense' moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it

>> No.8572754

I got a very strong lovecraft vibe from it, especially from those parts that show characters slowly going insane

>> No.8572763

>Why is politeness viewed as "being a robot"?
>white and asian women to racemix with niggers.
>savage ape
I sense hypocrisy!

>> No.8572781

I think it was supposed to be one of those stories where it's more about what's going on than the characters' relationships and development. Of course you're supposed to relate to and care about the characters and that was there, but it clearly wasn't meant to be a tragic tale of friendships gone astray or anything like that. In fact the main character is apathetic towards everyone, and when you see things through his eyes, you sort of sympathize with that and feel the same way. His friends are annoying and I could not care what happens to them. Though maybe that's the bitter shut-in in me talking.

>> No.8572788

it's super creepy when someone abuses it as much as some people do on jp who apparently think this is a job interview.

it's like they forgot how to speak casually and take it easy, and try to go for either extreme.

either as a creepy faux polite nerd or an annoying ebonics-spouting nigger/wigger when questioned.

>> No.8572796

Speaking politely IS my form of "speaking casually", ape.
How is it hypocrisy? I hate niggers.

>> No.8572802

Still the way it allows you to experience the path of a man who slowly loses humanity. It's great babby's first VN because there aren't a lot of stories like that in western shit.

>> No.8572817

There are quite a few. Again we come back to Lovecraft, whose stories were pretty much all about this.
And his predecessor Poe, who did the same thing but better.

>> No.8572840

Not a lot of people now read books. I'm ashamed to say that am one of them. Though I'd love to read Lovecraft's and Poe's books. I grew up on horror movies.

>> No.8572842

You speak for politeness and you yet you insult everyone. But well let that rest, as now everyone should realize what idiot you are.

>> No.8572848

i'm not saying to go call everyone faggots and niggers, but to lose this whole nerd dialect and big words, and talk like a normal person does.

calling people apes and other insults isn't polite first of all, you "uncultured swine."

>> No.8572857

Niggers are not "everyone".
>and talk like a normal person does.

How about no?

>> No.8572864

>How about no?
shitposter detected.

>> No.8572865

Normal people use correct capitalization. And what exactly do you mean by word dialect? This is how normal university graduates talk.

>> No.8572873

So, typing correctly and intelligently is no longer allowed in neo-neo-/jp/?

>> No.8572878

when you go out with your friends you don't use buzzwords like "please" every second sentence, even if you aren't requesting their help. you don't use big academic words either.

you use those only when you're on an interview or are waving your intellect-penis around, trying to make the people you talk to feel worse and stroking your ego.

>> No.8572877

They both mostly wrote short stories. In Lovecraft's case they were for pulp magazines. It's not like you have to have a super long attention span to read them. Though you do need to read a few to appreciate them. When I first read The Call of Cthulhu I was like, "What? That's it?" but upon reading a few other Mythos stories (The Shadow Over Innsmouth in particular) I was hooked.

>> No.8572883

How about you go back to /a/, ``please".

>> No.8572891

Looks like a non-English or autistic person is arguing with a 15 year old.

>> No.8572885

Look at this perfectly good thread being shat up by some ape whining about my dialect. Let's return to the other avenue of discussion, shall we?
Start off with The Fall of the House of Usher for Poe, and The Call of Cthulhu for Lovecraft.

>> No.8572886

btw. i don't imply jp is your circle of friends, it was just an example to make it easier to say.

>> No.8572895

I'd sure like to know what kind of friends you hang out with, because mine speak well and properly.

And I doubt "please" is a buzzword. Actually, I'd say that at this point "buzzword" is starting to be used as a buzzword itself, but fuck if I know.

>> No.8572905
File: 61 KB, 521x800, necro-go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start off with The Fall of the House of Usher for Poe, and The Call of Cthulhu for Lovecraft.
Good choices.

Get some anthologies. They're a lot more fun to sit down and read on paper than on a computer.

>> No.8572910

Seconding this choice.

>> No.8572908

how about nope, you first. i started on jp and never posted anywhere outside of it.

the way nerds use it it may as well be a buzzword. they will even throw it into insults like this faggot here >>8572883 to try making it look somehow "cultured" and hide their buttpain.

>> No.8572921

You're creative.

>> No.8572932

Please stop responding to him.

>> No.8572937

So while we're on the topic of Lovecraft and horror, what are Nitroplus' other games like? Specifically the Demonbane series. They sound like they might be interesting. Worth playing?

>> No.8572931

>started on jp
How new can you even be

>> No.8572951

i know. i'm just that awesome.

i think i came here about 3 or so years ago. the split was already over and i never bothered to post on /a/ since it had no vns, no figs, no touhou etc.

>> No.8572959

Demonbane is a very silly series with a not very Lovecraftian mech which beats up Cthulhu and other Lovecraftian deities. If you're like me, you'll just end up getting annoyed at some of the antics.

>> No.8572990

Will do. Thank you for the recommendations.

>> No.8573004

No problem, hope you like them as much as I do.

>> No.8573015

That sounds like it could either be great or terrible.
I don't mind when people make silly spin-offs of Lovecraft. In fact it's one of the reasons I love public domain characters/settings. The Cthulhu Mythos was like the original Touhou/Slender Man/[Internet Phenomenon #381]/whatever.

>> No.8573036
File: 445 KB, 801x433, I blame SHAFT, personally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's WHITEKNIGHT WHITEKNIGHT WHITEKNIGHT? Or maybe the art is fucking awful?

>> No.8573042

You might as well give it a shot.

>> No.8573050

Yeah I get the same feeling too. I just read MLA and folks at /m/ recommended that I read demonbane after it, though they must have though I was into mecha. I started reading it and it's average at best.
A masked girl in a suit of armor appeared to protect you from the giant robot ! "It's obviously that nun."
You just fell through the ground into some underground chamber. "I bet it's where they will find that giant robot". And so they did.
Will it get less obvious with time or should I drop it and try something else ?

>> No.8573059
File: 29 KB, 300x100, 1318630589943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we have a banner to describe this.

>> No.8573104

Why the fuck would people on /m/ think you like mecha?
On /m/.
You're silly.
And Demonbane is over the top. It is a comedy-Lovecraft-horror-superrobot game where the main love interest is a loli personification of the Necronomicon. OF COURSE IT'S SILLY, THAT'S THE POINT OF THE GAME.

>> No.8573144
File: 249 KB, 800x1100, saya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter thread
>hear Sin starting to play
It turns out to be my phone

Fucking creepy

>> No.8573183
File: 71 KB, 688x456, saya3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so sad.

Moot has killed the VN community in one stupid act.

They are not allowed where they usually spent their time and the only place they are allowed its incredibly hostile and impossible to discuss.

I just want things to go back to how they were

I just want the old /v/ and /a/ back.

You are all horrible people here.

>> No.8573185

You're right . I might as well try something else now. I'm not in the mood to read something silly.

>> No.8573204

Most likely they recommended Demonbane because silly things like Demonbane and Majikoi are generally prescribed to people with post-Alternative slump syndrome.

>> No.8573222

Downloading now.

>> No.8573237

Photoshop is horrible.

>> No.8573238

Rule #6 is gone from /v/

>> No.8573236

i loved saya no uta, it's gotta be my favorite VN of all time. I say that only having read about a dozen VNs though.

In terms of the eroge, I thought it filled a very specific purpose and did not feel out of place at all. i didn't find any of it erotic in the least. it illustrates the kind of relationship saya and fuminori have early on. the purpose shifts as the story continues, and it becomes an instrument to illustrate how fuminori (and saya, too) are becoming immoral and desensitized to the outside world (e.g. the world that doesn't consist of fuminori x saya).

i never did any ending but the ending where saya blossomed, though i read about the other endings. I thought that it was the perfect ending to the story and had no desire to see any other ending.

this is probably the work that made me such a huge fan of urobuchi (the guy who also write madoka of course).

>> No.8573249

> i never did any ending but the ending where saya blossomed, though i read about the other endings.
You should play them. They're not particularly long or anything.

>> No.8573258

Why the fuck are you guys such horrible assholes? Honestly? You whine about how moot made you a cesspit, no. You did that. Your community is terrible.

An on topic thread is saged 47 times. Fuck you /jp/

You deserve all the shit you get. And I hope you whine about it.

>> No.8573266

so I just wanted to post about this on /a/ and now I somehow stumbled across this thread here.

watching the thread I'm happy I didn't post on /a/ and it looks like you people hate this game anyway so bye.

>> No.8573264

> An on topic thread is saged 47 times.
Lurk more.

>> No.8573265

I'm drained to the point where I find silly things annoying. Might as well read or watch something healing. Or just delve deeper into despair. Sekien no Inganock seems interesting.

>> No.8573272

You are in violation of global rule number three: Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls

You know exactly how /jp/ uses sage.

>> No.8573286

Please oh sensei, tell me. Where do I go to discuss Saya.

I replayed it last night and It was a really good VN.

I wanted to discuss it with people who also played it.

Its not allowed on /v/ and /a/ now so where do I go?

Hahahaha. Have you seen this thread?

Point me in the right direction please.

>> No.8573291

/jp/ uses sage differently than /a/. I'm not even one of them and I know that.

I just started this, about 1/3 of the way through now. Really enjoying it, although the style may bother some. To put it in perspective, there's a drinking game where you drink every time 7 or more words are capitalized in the same sentence.

>> No.8573293

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.8573302

> In terms of the eroge, I thought it filled a very specific purpose and did not feel out of place at all. i didn't find any of it erotic in the least. it illustrates the kind of relationship saya and fuminori have early on. the purpose shifts as the story continues, and it becomes an instrument to illustrate how fuminori (and saya, too) are becoming immoral and desensitized to the outside world (e.g. the world that doesn't consist of fuminori x saya).
This this this.
Obviously it was supposed to be hot and fappable or whatever, but they worked it in pretty well. It just shows what sort of relationship these people have. There were no taboos or ethics involved--these characters were just detached from how the "real world" works.

>> No.8573307

Perfectly serviceable VN General.
On /jp/, sage is a sign of humility and respect, because you do not think your post is worth bumping the whole thread for.

>> No.8573321

You...do understand that sage is being used because this is a slow board, and just replying to someone will force out the other newer threads, right? Sage is not report, sage just doesn't bump the damned thread. If the thread were reported 47 times, yeah, I guess you could get mad, but they're just avoiding bumping something that is a) old and already been discussed, while still being able to discuss it, and b) kind of tainted with shitstorm trolling.

Look, I'm saging right now! Doesn't mean I'm saying this thread needs to go away, I actually rather enjoying this thread. I'm not exactly adding to the topic, though, so why should I bump it?

Christ, I frequent /v/, and I understand this. It's not hard. If you have an expository question related to the topic, or have something you'd like to say directly related to the topic, then don't sage. If you're replying to someone mid-conversation, or just want to throw something in that may or may not be related to the actual topic, then sage your post.

This is not a hard thing to understand.

>> No.8573322

I'll download it right away then. Can you direct me where I might find a patch ?

>> No.8573341

Here's the one I'm using. Make sure to run it as an administrator or it'll give you errors.

>> No.8573336

If only that was true.

Sage IS thread voting, whether you like it or not. That is the way it is perceived here, and everywhere else on 4chan.

It probably needs to be removed. I bet a good chunk of shitposters would stop posting if it were.

>> No.8573348

It can't be helped.

>> No.8573359

> Sage IS thread voting
Only in the sense that it keeps the front page clean. At least in theory.

Anyway, even if you're not trolling, that's how sage is used here. I don't complain about how your board uses it, so deal with it, nerd.

>> No.8573360

> That is the way it is perceived here
Just shut the fuck up, you stupid idiot.

>> No.8573361

See? This is why /v/ermin aren't wanted here. They refuse to lurk, they refuse to change their shitty habits and they refuse to use their brains.

>> No.8573363

elaborate trolls are at work.

>> No.8573381

Which shithole of a board did you fucking come from? /a/ here, so I don't make my big bro /jp/ sound like an asshole. You remember all those times that /b/ told you that sage is used for insulting people? They lied, I know its a shocker. Instead if taking in everything that's fed to your eyes how about you look up the FAQ dipshit.

"What is "sage"?
Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [E-mail] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page, while still counting against its reply count. Threads that reach their reply limit can no longer be bumped, causing them to sink to the back pages and be pruned more quickly."

In other words, it lets you post without bumping the thread and there's no need to bump a thread all the time in a slow board like /jp/ since it'll probably take at least 10 minutes to get off the front page even if you don't bump it once unlike the board you came from (probably /v/) which is a fast board, making the function of sage futile. Shut your trap you mangy faggot and lurk the fuck more. You are the reason why /v/ is so shitty. Its ironic how you mention the word cesspool, you just came out of one.

>> No.8573385

Like these, right?


>> No.8573386

Thanks. Will get to play it tomorrow. Any VN that did horror right in your opinion ? I'll need to fill my VN backlog.

>> No.8573399

Get a load of that retard.

>> No.8573408

on a somewhat unrelated note, i tried to install/play kikokugai but it's missing a ton of CG and sprites when I try to play the translated version. I installed and ran everything with jap locale but it's still not working. does anyone know what the fuck is going on?

it's only somewhat unrelated because they were both written by urobuchi.

>> No.8573442

Unfortunately, I can't give you much advice, fairly new to VN's in general. Inganock is not horror, but not by any means the most uplifting VN out there, and really the only one I've liked so far besides SnU. I hear Ever17 and 999 are good, and might be a little up your alley, but on the subject of true horror VN's I've got nothing.

>> No.8573487

kikokugai seems really fuckin good from the little I read. I asked some friends for recommendations after i mentioned saya and they both recommended it. it's written by urobuchi of course.

unfortunately until i get all of the sprites and cg working i don't want to play the rest of it. you can help me troubleshoot if you have the same problems playing.

>> No.8573533

You have down's syndrome. Please return to >>>/a/ or >>>/v/.

>> No.8573539

New to them myself. ever17 was good but it dragged on for far too long with the need to complete 4 boring routes to get to the mind blowing part. So, not for everyone. And as someone suggested 999 isn't as good after you've read ever17.

>> No.8573575

Is there a userscript that shows you which page the thread you're in is on so you know when a bump is needed without having to search through all the pages?

>> No.8573580

get a load of this nerd!

>> No.8573599

sure is samefag futa hater troll in here.

>> No.8573610

Just use the catalog

>> No.8573607

Show me, /jp/. A good, translated download of Saya no Uta.

>> No.8573608
File: 2.00 MB, 371x331, 1324615496738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a load of this nerd!
>on /jp/
Spoilered for not knowing the general board etiquette for image macros.

>> No.8573616


>> No.8573618

or don't spoiler, my bad, fucking userscript

>> No.8573614

Fuck off.

>> No.8573631
File: 103 KB, 309x383, 1317674586372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a horrible board, jesus dick.

>> No.8573635

2. Sage

a. What is saging?

Saging is the process of replying to a topic without bumping it, in order to add to its post count.

b. Why should I care?

When a post reaches a certain post count, it cannot be bumped. By saging a post, you are in effect causing it to be pruned faster, and disallowing it from being bumped further.

c. How do I sage?

To sage, simply enter "sage" without quotes into the e-mail field in your reply.

>> No.8573639

Technically, it would be "sageing".

>> No.8573671

You can always make a new thread and besides, the point is that /jp/ is slow board.

>> No.8573696

>By saging a post, you are in effect causing it to be pruned faster.
This is a lie.

>> No.8574004

I meant those guys too that you call.
>savage apes

>> No.8574177

You aren't very quick on the draw, are you?

>> No.8574213

Well. I got my own stuff to do. You see...

>> No.8574280

you can't put your dick away at least for a while and stop fapping?
