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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 256x192, Monster-Girl-Quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8570830 No.8570830 [Reply] [Original]

Seeing as how I can no longer talk about it in /v/, let's have an MGQ thread!

>> No.8570834

let's not.

>> No.8570843

I'll never understand how it became so popular on /v/.

>> No.8570837


>> No.8570855
File: 516 KB, 605x577, granberia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to /a/. We'll take you. We're cooler than /v/ anyway.

>> No.8570851

Look, there's a thread already.

>> No.8570857

because it was new and weird, same reason why they like anything.

>> No.8570861

Looks there's another thread.

>> No.8570864

This game is like /d/ if you had to do predictable rpg battles to jump from thread to thread.

>> No.8570879

no we won't fuck you

>> No.8570866

/v/ is into some sick fetiches.

>> No.8570869

>/a/ - Anime & Manga
>All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga. For long-term series discussion, please refer to the /anime/ board.
>The use of spoiler tags is highly recommended. To spoilerize text, enclose it like so: spoiled text. In addition, images may be spoilerized by checking the "[Spoiler Image?]" box on the submission form.
>Purposeful spoiling of a series may result in post deletion and and temporary ban.
>The discussion of "live action" television shows is permitted so long as they are distinctly rooted in, or based off of an anime or manga series.
>Visual novel and light novel discussion should be posted in /jp/.
>Visual novel and light novel discussion should be posted in /jp/.
>Visual novel and light novel discussion should be posted in /jp/.
>Visual novel and light novel discussion should be posted in /jp/.

Continue, OP, you are making /jp/ a better place.

>> No.8570881

RPGs go in >>>/v/

>> No.8570882

MSQ is not a visual novel, it's a video game.

>> No.8570884

fuck off cunt

>> No.8570894

Not much to discuss until the 66% patch is out (which will be about 3 days).

Also, whether the people in this thread like it or not, MGQ belongs on /jp/. It's made in Japan, it's not anime, and it's not manga. It also has elements of a visual novel. Until a mod or moot himself directly declares MGQ as a video game or a visual novel, it belongs here. Deal with it.

>> No.8570890
File: 67 KB, 219x239, 1329262233636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frustrated? We have MGQ threads in /a/ all the time.

>> No.8570909

don't let the door hit you on the way out

>> No.8570897

link me to one then
I have grown weary of this wretched board
they seem to have an innate disdain of anything that isn't touhous

>> No.8570899

Keep making these threads OP.

Moot needs to see just how awful his decision was to listen to /jp/.

A /vn/ is all but necessary now.

>> No.8570918



>> No.8570911

Protip: Don't follow this man's advice. /a/ actually has competent mods, and it's probable that you'll be banned for starting a god damn MGQ thread on /a/ (a SFW board for anime and manga, not hentai VNs).

>> No.8570940

That's because /a/ is a Random board

>> No.8570932

VN's are banned.
That's a JRPG.

I swear to god Katawa Shoujo fans are the biggest manchildren on 4chan.

>> No.8570935
File: 96 KB, 582x581, 1329324344907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you were around when MGQ was released but it was initially more popular on /a/ than /v/.
There doesn't seem to be one at the moment. Maybe I could make one in anticipation for the latest patch this Saturday.

>> No.8570944

No, that would be the anti-katawa shoujofags
you know
the whole reason we're in this mess?

>> No.8570946

>KS fans
Actually I dislike Katawa Shoujo. It's a boring romance with cliched characters, and the only draw in the entire thing is "lol crips".

>> No.8570959

>it was initially more popular on /a/ than /v/
I have no idea if that's true or not, but either way, /a/ is for anime and manga. I highly doubt they'll enjoy a MGQ thread the same day a "no VNs" rule was established for their board.

>> No.8570962

I'm waiting on the full patch, I'm not going to bother with the partial ones, I like to play my VNs in one sitting.

>> No.8570961

I'm pretty sure nobody cares what you think.

>> No.8570964

Anyone know how the fuck to get that final entry in the Encyclopedia in Part 1? I'm stumped.

>> No.8570973 [DELETED] 


>> No.8570976

Don't bother its a boring as fuck handjob.

>> No.8570981
File: 130 KB, 329x351, 1329297744794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably right about that, hard to get a thread started anywhere during this shitstorm (thanks moot). Just post on /v/ for now, there's some MGQ threads up right now. Try to ignore the retards.

>> No.8570982

Well, his complaint was that I was a Katawa Shoujo fan, and I'm not. I was merely correcting him. No need to be a dick about it.

>> No.8570995

MGQ is an actual game though.

>> No.8571000

FYI, advertising that you came from another board is a good way to trigger /jp/'s self-defense autism-cannons. Although a MGQ thread is obviously completely appropriate here.

>> No.8571022
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>> No.8571011

touch fluffy tail

>> No.8571007

/jp/ has ALWAYS been the place to post this kind of shit, the entire reason moot made /jp/ was so there would be a place to dump all the stuff that doesn't exactly fit into /a/ or /v/ to stop the deluge touhou garbage choking the life out of both boards, and to stem the flood of retarded non-anime/manga discussion that was going on in /a/ before the split.

>> No.8571005

Huh, but we discussed Momusu Quest here lots of times without troubles normally, you shouldn't have been afraid in the first place, OP.

>> No.8571033

MGQ is an RPG Adventure, not a VN.

>> No.8571036

Please tell that to /v/.

They're purging anything that resembles a VN, even Ace Attorney.

The place has really gone to shit.

>> No.8571037

I'm still pretty sure nobody cares. Just kill yourself you self-entitled baby.

>> No.8571024

Can someone point me to the /a/ MGQ thread? I always love discussing the possibility of an MGQ spinoff anime. Maybe starring the 4 bandits and their shenanigans.

>> No.8571027

MGQ isn't a VN. Get back on /v/.

Bring Phoenix Wright back with you

>> No.8571072

Ask Illias for help 200 times or somesuch #.

And there's never a wrong place for a MGQ thread.

>> No.8571077

I'll try. But don't expect this to be pretty. Posting a link in a few.

>> No.8571089

The actual number of times is 50. I also agree with that last statement. I've seen good MGQ threads in /sp/. Honest to god /sp/ of all places.

>> No.8571134
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>> No.8571139
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Because it's entertaining gameplay and storywise while also being clever and charming. /v/ has had massive 500+ post threads arguing over in game politics and interspecies relations. And monstergirls have always been welcomed on /v/.

/h/ would just point you to /d/ or /v/

>> No.8571165

Did Rogue Translator finish with it already?

Anyhow, I greatly enjoyed the game (in particular the very end. I wonder what Alice VIII will be up to in the third chapter.) but I am dismayed how Thomas apparently tried to outdo Setouchi in horrific boner-killing monster department, since he succeeded by leaps and bounds (the only way to terrify the readers further would be to invite Tagane in.) He has also drawn a grand total of zero complete sex scenes, giving him the prime spot for artist-to-be-hated this time around unless you really love tiny windows with Luka's dick going inside a vagina or some other orifice while the monster girl who is supposedly raping you just sort of stares at you with no Luka in sight.

Meanwhile, Setouchi has upped his game and has given us sundew, pitcher plant and flytrap girls in form of the Kanan sisters and even a mermaid-imitating vampire squid girl. My penis could only get happier if Arekishi had drawn more than one scene.

>> No.8571151

Otaku cultures goes in >>>/jp/

And love how god awful your new mod is, deleting threads that will just fill Moot with complains on how crappy he is.

Phoenix wright is not a visual novel! Then i guess Kara No Shoujo threads should have been deleted from this place too.

>> No.8571153


You guys don't really give a shit when it comes to "EPIC DUBZ XD" why would this be any different?

>> No.8571169

Please don't associate me with that shit.

>> No.8571171 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 448x514, 1328926369796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when enjoying /v/
>that feel when forced to shitpost with autistic virgins

>> No.8571185

/d/ thread

>> No.8571213 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 447x513, 1328926369657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you used to think admirably of /jp/
>that feel when they're just autistic fucktards

>> No.8571221 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 248x249, patrickdoubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must admit, you weaboos know your dubs.

>> No.8571230
File: 116 KB, 683x1024, lawl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ.

It's going to be at least a few days until all this bullshit dies down and we can have a somewhat meaningful discussion about vns/doujin games.

Anyways, looking forward to the rest of mgq 2 whenever patch is released.

>> No.8571242

>Tomas apparently tried to outdo Setouchi in horrific boner-killing monster department
This part's okay. There should be a few monsters in a monster girl game.
>He has also drawn a grand total of zero complete sex scenes
This bugged me too, unique game over scenes are half the fun.

Rouge's 66% patch is upcoming so there's a minor surge in interest at the moment.

>> No.8571237

No one is saying that Monster Girl Quest isn't /jp/ related.
If that was true it would make alot of /jp/ regulars sad, including Roguetranslator himself.

However, people are saying that /jp/ isn't the only place it needs to be posted.
So, keep posting that stuff in /v/ or whatever, it's a typical RPG despite the VN parts.

>> No.8571240

>They're purging anything that resembles a VN, even Ace Attorney.
There's like one or two guys saying "/jp/" while everyone else is telling them to fuck off and saying it's a point & click adventure game.

>> No.8571233 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 448x514, 1328926369655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhous and Melty Blood? What's not to love right?


>> No.8571260

I've only played this an hour or two and while it's modelled after RPGs, it's clearly a visual novel. This isn't like those GUST games where it's an RPG with VN elements. If anything this is a VN with RPG elements.

>> No.8571270 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 640x360, 1327692359708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8571309 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 546x438, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying trolls will stop me posting this video game on /v/

>> No.8571314

I wonder when someone is going to make a Monkey Island thread here.

>> No.8571316

pretty much

>> No.8571319 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 401x402, 1328999854342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8571364 [DELETED] 

Wow. Just wow.

One of my friends came over an hour ago and brought his new girlfriend with him.

She was decent looking (not fat or pasty or pimply or wearing a KAWAIILOL shirt) so I greeted her nicely and we all just hung out for a while, talking about this and that.

About thirty minutes after they arrived my two cats wandered into the living room and the girlfriend lets out this scary as hell shriek. At first I thought she was horribly allergic or something, but then she grabbed my friends arm and started babbling about how cute they were and that they'd make SUCH A PERFECT COUPLE IF THEY WERE CATPEOPLE IN HER MANGA and which one she'd make "uke" and "seme" (one is a big gray monster of a cat and the other is a sleek little brown spotty tabby). Well, she said more in a less intelligible way, but that's about what I got from her spiel.

She stopped babbling after a couple minutes and just looked at me, giggling. I stared back for a second and before I could stop myself I said "Get the fuck out." I didn't yell it or anything, but I sounded pretty cold.

The incident ended with her crying and my friend calling me an ass and storming out of my apartment, dragging her along behind him.

Should I be feeling bad right now?

>> No.8571350 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 445x550, 1329331501011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My proxy's so 1337
>I'm raidin

>> No.8571377 [DELETED] 


>> No.8571374

im learning japanese just to play part 2 of this game without eng subs

>> No.8571479 [DELETED] 









>> No.8571473 [DELETED] 

Here's what /v/ thinks of MGQ generals as of today:
>directing to /jp/
What a perfect place for a MGQ thread!

>> No.8571484

>>directing to /jp/

It hurts.

>> No.8571641
File: 16 KB, 1425x144, oh my.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better watch out, guys.

>> No.8571646

What's the difference between you guys and /a/?

Aren't you both for the same thing?

>> No.8571656 [DELETED] 


>> No.8571657


Thank you for reposting this. If you don't like what moot has done, go to /bun/ or something.

>> No.8571658

we like to take it easy (and shitpost)

>> No.8571652

To be fair, KS started as an idea in old pre-split /a/. It was an entirely different board/people.

But you didn't really mention anything that haven't already been stated true for /jp/ as well.

>> No.8571661

how about no

>> No.8571675

Why don't people realize elitism is a good thing? Surely at the very least, the typical /a/ lurker recognizes people should lurk more and learn to solve problems themselves (e.g. using Google) rather than just dive in and post their stupid threads. All we do is discourage those.
Read some of these. Learn how netiquette works. We're not being irrational, we just want newbies to not post like idiots in our home.

>> No.8571668

>that feel when shitposting on /jp/

>> No.8571678

Tokiko was banned multiple times. Probably permabanned.

>> No.8571694

OP, please don't do this again.

I will say that I don't relish the thought of one of our kind leaving, but I don't know what your circumstances are so I won't say much. However, if you do this again you really are just an attention whore and are no better than a teenage girl threatening her father with suicide.

If you're not having to deal with a busy life and are just depressed out of boredom and a hopeless future, try getting into some form of production or just learning about something.

>> No.8571684


>> No.8571700

thank you based god
the second coming is here

>> No.8571706

Maybe you should actually meet some of those people. Talking to people with more similarities to you than most "normal" people should be easier.

>> No.8571734 [DELETED] 


im right here. anon. alive and well.

>> No.8571752

Back to >>/a/. And don't come back.

>> No.8573351

slime girl wifu of the year all years.

>> No.8574036

You know, a single shitposter does not the entire /a/ and /v/ VN community migrants represent.

>> No.8574044


Doesn't matter because we don't want your kind here.

>> No.8574078

I just noticed >>8566284.

>> No.8574109

The /a/ VN threads and /v/ VN generals besides the KS generals are some of the most civil examples of threads in their respective boards. It is perfectly possible for us to make civil, well-thought-out posts here too. We've gotten off to a shaky start because of the sudden upheaval, but we don't spam memes, don't use emoticons, don't act like we're 12 years old, and we can all get along.
