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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 169 KB, 1280x800, katawa-shoujo-characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8568228 No.8568228 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ fag here. It seems that KS General doesn't have a place to go until the new board is implemented.
It also seems that the KS threads being put up right now are failing to facilitate actual discussion of the game, and I deem that some of you do want a legitimate KS thread.

So, I'm making this thread to show some hospitality. Fellow /jp/ers, feel free to join in the discussion if you're interested; don't bash on the game or the thread too much though, since everybody's seen enough of that. To the rest of you, I apologize in advance if this thread fails; I'm not too experienced in making threads myself. Here goes...

Now...to be honest, I've never played Katawa Shoujo, and I don't play Japanese VNs either. I've got some questions though.

I heard that each of the character routes were developed by different writers, and the quality therefore differs greatly between them. Whose stories, in your opinion, were the best quality?

Also, I often see examples of the worst art in the game, can you give me examples of some of what you think are the best?

Katawa Shoujo General.

>> No.8568235

epic win!

sticky this shit mootykins

>> No.8568285

Every route is shit OP.

>> No.8568316

It's a very bad game, almost shockingly bad, actually.

>> No.8568362

There is already one in use.

Save this one for later.

>> No.8568370
File: 36 KB, 316x341, 1296487325254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this game and everybody that plays it.

>> No.8568374

its not a bad game because it isnt a game. Rin hanako and lilly are generally agreed to have the best routes, while shizune's is generally agreed to be the weakest. Emi's has seen the most dispute from what I've seen.

>> No.8568390

It's a bad piece of electronic media, then, whatever.

>> No.8568407

It is a terrible VN. It is not only shit, it is so bad that it managed to ruin VN's for 2 boards and get kicked off from the boards that helped make it.
It is bad. It's worse than Naruto or Call of Duty.

>> No.8568477
File: 33 KB, 392x411, Reaction-faces--23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8568480


>> No.8568949
File: 94 KB, 306x243, 1328111527914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real problem about ksg are you guys. In every fucking board there's someone bitching "DURRR NOT A VN, NOT VIDYA, NOT ANIME etc" I dont remember ks fags spamming other threads, but you guys are really the worst.
It's not such a bad vn OP, altought some parts are really screwed up.

>> No.8569009

To all these people saying


If you think it's so bad, go make you're own then.
It was made by a group of people from 4chan, i'd like to see you do better

>> No.8569022

KS is fucking horrible.

>> No.8569270

I see, thanks. I'll write that down somewhere.
Yeah...think two KS threads have already maxed since I put up this thread, and now there's a new one. Makes me jealous as a hashihime. Oh well.

>> No.8569286

>It was made by a group of people from 4chan

Except it was made by people who hate 4chan and just kinda hijacked the project.

>> No.8569298

It's amazing how it took five years to make and the art is mediocre as hell.

>> No.8569310

I don't actually dick around in KS threads since I finished that shit forever ago and it was pretty unmemorable, but this argument is bullshit on multiple levels.

Criticism does not require expertise. I am allowed to not like something completely independent of my ability to produce it. "If you don't like it do better" does not somehow convince me that my tastes are wrong.

Shit, can I not even say /jp/ sucks unless I go out and make my own?
