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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8567718 No.8567718 [Reply] [Original]

guys,you fucked up everything.
we could have gotten out of here or at least asked moot for a mod to really clean up this place. That was our biggest chance and you fucked it up.

>> No.8567747

you realize that if we had accepted a /vn/ board you really would be dealing with /v/ and /a/'s KS audience, right? instead, KS and its /v/ and /a/ following will have to post elsewhere, but people don't seem to understand that.

well, light novels being part of /jp/ will probably create some problems in terms of what's /jp/ and what isn't. but at least that's not related to /v/.

>> No.8567746

People did ask for that. Nothing happened. He really had no intention of "fixing" /jp/ anyways. Just finding a place for all the KS shit people cry about.

>> No.8567750

don't forget that now we have ks shitposters here now too

>> No.8567772

But the rest of us who don't care about VNs are still stuck here with a new VN audience.

>> No.8567779

This. The very same people that are "raiding" our board are the people you would have had to share the new board with.

>> No.8567782

We could of at least had the fucking rules stickyed and to tell moot to tell the janitor to clean better and get rid of the shit , what were only shitposters up at that time or something?

>> No.8567799

Wonderful, now instead of being occasionally able to discuss VNs in some places we're now unable to discuss it anywhere.

>> No.8567802

It still would of been better because it most likely would have a set of rules and a mod, instead of this place.

>> No.8567815


We don't *have* any rules. There are literally no rules for /jp/.

>> No.8567845

i started laughing uncontrollably at this. moot literally asked for us to tell him what the rules were and then just disappeared without ever even defining it. /jp/ is still "ALL THINGS OTAKU", but now he just adds light novels and visual novels belong here excluding them from other boards.

all the people who scream about rules have a brain lapse constantly, i swear. it's unfathomable that humans are this stupid.

>> No.8567834

yeah we do, how new are you?

>> No.8567833

rule 1:only shitposting allowed

>> No.8567870

We fucking could tell moot to post the old rules when meido was around and say whoever doesn't follow them is banned, you guys fucked it up once again. It must be because all the new shits were only on.

>> No.8567889

Lets all email moot to do the rule thing, somebody post the rules and ill we should all send him them.

>> No.8567906

The converse of "/b/ was never good" is "/jp/ will never be good."

>> No.8567923

there is no need for rules. /jp/ is self-moderated.

>> No.8567930

yeah, its because of you shitheads that it will never be good. It was good when we actually had fucking rules and followed them

>> No.8567934
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He never said it was too late. It isn't too late. Just agree on something, e-mail it to him, and it's done.

But I would like to question whether trying to whip up a collaborative ruleset this instant is a good idea or not. Given the circumstances and all. It can't really be something written earlier, either, because /jp/ has to come to a consensus about it.

>> No.8567936

yeah,your a asshole. go back to /b/ if you want that.

>> No.8567948

we have a rule set already. somebody just needs to post it,i forgot the website.

>> No.8567965

No, you're not thinking this through all the way OP.

If we gave moot the ok to make a VN board, we would have lost probably the majority of our actually decent threads here; we'd have been gutted and left permanently far, far worse than we are even now. Not only that but we'd lose VNs to basically what's functionally a /jp/ clone made for /a/ and /v/; we'd completely lose them.

This way we actually grow and increase in influence rather than lose our voices to mob rule (and meme spam) on a proposed VN board. It's better to get a nasty cold for a while, than having a limb hacked off. Neither of the options were good honestly but just making a vn board would not at all cure us, it'd only make us worse off and the people who thought they'd be glad to leave us behind would probably not enjoy being shitted on by /a/ and /v/ for being a /jp/-expatriate so to speak, which I'm betting they totally would have done actually; they'd have asserted their dominance over the board and tried to herd us away. This way they are forced to fucking deal with the fact that we have always been the "/vn/" they wanted, they've just been in denial about themselves and either need to come to grips with themselves or get out of /jp/.

moot's also getting a new janitor for here as well, I'm guessing he'll be in action soon enough and probably on double-time tomorrow dealing with shit.

>> No.8567963

I'm aware, but I meant that moot will probably want to see people agreed on something on live contemporary /jp/. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try an old ruleset if it's good, though.

Having a thread about it now seems like it might be a bad idea though.

>> No.8567964

If /vn/ was created, you'd have the eternal shitstorm switching to "GUST GAMES AREN'T VNS" and "DOUJIN GAMES AREN'T VNS"

Would that really be any better? The shitposters would just migrate too.

Moot won't take a "Doujinsoft/fig/galge/etc" board because it's not specific enough. All you could hope to do is come up with a sensible version. I once suggested to him that /jp/ be renamed doujinsoft/galge, and he said he'd think about it. One week later we got "Otaku Culture"

moot doesn't give enough of a shit about /jp/ to save it or make a new board. The best you can do is grab the trips of the worst offenders and email him repeatedly until they're rangebanned.

>> No.8567972

You are such a shitty poster OP. I recognize you with your shitty English and your inability to add spaces after your punctuation.

You post "/jp/ is so shitty" threads literally every single day, telling us we should move on somewhere else.

No, you leave. Please. Nobody likes you.

>> No.8567980

At least email or aim moot about the rule thing. I just need the set of rules, the ones from the old days made by the wise old /jp/ers.

>> No.8567996

moot is never going to listen to /jp/'s concerns because they all revolve around pedantic bullshit like posting styles instead of important things like actual fucking subject matter. and on that front, /jp/ isn't as off-topic as many of the other boards

sorry, but he's never going to make 'being from /v/' a bannable offense

>> No.8568024

No,but if we have a set of fucking rules this place will change for the better, it would go back to the golden age of 2009.

>> No.8568063
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More boards equals less people in each, that will invite to a more relaxed, slow discussion that is what makes a good board in my opinion along with its posters.

I don't find a problem with KS being here, is just a temporary trend that will go away soon, you're just nervous. Change doesn't means to get worsen.
Also looking forward to new boards, I spend way too much time here.

>> No.8568076


The good old days of 2009. when taiko spammed the board with his dumb avatar face all day every day, the front page had a permanent morning musume thread#million, and Bawwson was the reply to every thread. Oh wait, I guess the majority of /jp/ is new enough that bawwson is a repsected meme now.

/jp/ was never good. /jp/ will never be good.

>> No.8568087


The way the mods/janitors are here will force the /v/ migrants to shape up.

They are used to routinely doing the dumbest shit there and getting away with it completely; they will be shocked to see their shitty posts get deleted or even get slapped with a ban.

/jp/ on the other hand is small enough that it can actually be somewhat policed (like /tg/ and /k/); /v/ is just too big for moot's staff to handle (and it seems the mods there are kind of incompetent overall). I suppose it's a little like someone moving from a bustling city where everyone's a shoving asshole honking his horn at everything, to the countryside where everyone in town knows your name and you can't just start shit without people noticing.

>> No.8568104

you dare speak bad of the old /jp/ers? 2009 was 10x better than the shit we have to put up with now, also all the spam was /b/, not /jp/. now its fucking /jp/.

>> No.8568149

i know you're probably 15 years old and your parents run your life, but i'd rather have a board that doesn't need strict moderation than having /jp/ hammered because the most vocal people are 15 year olds who are used to being told what to do at school and home.

/vn/ board is very straight forward. visual novels: umineko, fate stay, translation stuff, mangagamers, fuwanovel, and etc. light novels: light novels, translation, and discussion. both of these medium have anime and manga adaptations so a hint of these may happen. it's very simple and clean.

on /jp/ it's going to be a cluster where the shit eating janitor deletes a light novel thread out of the blue on a whim because he suspects anime MAY be involved somehow.

>> No.8568155

please guys email moot to come back, you guys spoke without half of /jp/ here, or email moot the rules.

>> No.8568165

Satori The Titpig

>> No.8568188

Moderators have ALWAYS been liberal with upholding the rules,

>> No.8568179

What's wrong with having VNs and Doujins in the same board?
If anything it is nice, because lots of Doujin stuff are made relatively relevant to many popular VNs. Not to be speaking of Doujin VNs.

>> No.8568212

this is exactly why moot won't listen to these complaints: in his eyes, they're petty and largely irrelevant to the actual topics of the board. moot does not care about the posting principles here, and does not see a large difference in discussing something in paragraph form or greentext

also, shocked?

>> No.8568244
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I was asleep for a few hours and this is what i come back to?
W-why..I cant possibly take it easy like this.

>> No.8568268

>please guys email moot to come back, you guys spoke without half of /jp/ here, or email moot the rules.
Moot didn't change anything. It's the same rules we have had for over 4 years.

Don't bug Moot at all. Whenever moot noticably does something everything and anything he points to turns to shit due to all the crosslinking and people being struck in wonder at Moot's actions.
To have Moot blurt out another statement will have the exact same effect again. Just keep a low profile for a while until things have settled down.

Seriously, nothing changed. VNs and LNs have technically been /jp/'s domain since its creation. /a/ started posting light novel threads due to the spree in light novel anime adaptations, at the same time said threads got derailed into anime if they were posted in /jp/. And everyone posts VNs outside of /jp/ because everyone is tsundere for /jp/.

People will keep posting about Light Novels in /a/ because of the adaptations. And /jp/ will still frown upon any thread derailing into anime. And everyone will still post VNs in their boards because now that VNs have been translated people have realized that they love that shit as opposed to not being familiar with it as the case was before.

>> No.8568325

>bawwson is a repsected meme now.
Bawwson was horrible and self contained, and while spammed and used terribly, it was better than if they had spammed some other shit from some other place.
Dawson > text less anime posts

>> No.8568326

I'm in my mid 20s and hold a senior position at a biotech lab.

Anyway what makes you think /vn/ wouldn't just have some/most of the shitposters migrate over there? What makes you think over half the population there being from fucking /v/ will do to help maintain order and not need heavy moderation? We used to not need much mod work at all until that whole fucking shit started with sion and jones being try hard dipshits doing everything they could to try to ruin the board. They're just assholes plain and simple, making /vn/ would mean they win.

The whole point of /vn/ even being tossed around is KS. That's entirely it. You'd have to deal with actual 15 year olds all day in there, spamming memes/feels etc. I don't know if you're thinking straight on this because there is no conceivable way /vn/ would have been better. Yes, it would have been much better, if only WE could have gone there as a sort of vacation resort away from usual /jp/ bullshit no one likes. But, the reality is it would have quickly been taken over by /a/ and /v/; we would simply lose out completely.

I don't always agree with the janitors either, but after moot clarified some things tonight we can now easily email him to fix the janitor if he deletes things that are legit per the rules. moot himself will probably let him know of the changes if he hasn't already.

>> No.8568497 [DELETED] 

the users all argue about what belongs on the board throwing feces like monkey. nothing but shit meta threads where they argue about how much better than are than /a/ and /v/. there is some shit eating janitor who deletes random topics which have been present for years while ignoring stuff like "ex-stalker thread"
take a wild guess.

>> No.8568530

the users all argue about what belongs on the board throwing feces like monkey. nothing but shit meta threads where they argue about how much better than /a/ and /v/ they are. there is some shit eating janitor who deletes random topics which have been present for years while ignoring stuff like "ex-stalker thread"
take a wild guess.

>> No.8570018

VNs are already doomed for 4chan anyway
the way it was before is fine, but now we're mising the untranslated only people with the translation only people
