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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 272 KB, 500x463, SHAMAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8566685 No.8566685 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me Kenji--what have those shaman eyes seen?

>> No.8566711

Pathetic weeaboo losers.

>> No.8566726

I don't think they even had a anime club at that school. Nice, by the way.

>> No.8566735
File: 52 KB, 448x514, 1328926369732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coincidence? Or premonition...

>> No.8566760
File: 30 KB, 448x514, 1328926369733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8566771
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 1328998942942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8566789

As the unofficial spokesman for /jp/, I welcome all of our new friends.

>> No.8566800
File: 47 KB, 401x402, 1328999854233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time doesn't exist and with the proper mindset anyone can view different points in time.

>> No.8566811
File: 24 KB, 262x281, 1328753183695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8566818
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1292554996461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8566823
File: 272 KB, 590x964, 1329040045776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for having us, anon.

>> No.8566830
File: 86 KB, 707x520, 1323230031423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8566842
File: 86 KB, 726x866, 1329133291251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homura! you came to /jp/!
MishaRAF was here before, glad to see some of the old KSG friends are still here

>> No.8566845


so sexy. Oink! Oink!

>> No.8566849
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, 1275272838221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8566850
File: 332 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a folder of pygmom

>> No.8566857

>I don't think they even had a anime club at that school. Nice, by the way.

The characters can't be weeaboos, since they all live in glorious Nippon. The story couldn't have been told in an American high school, after all. (Well, the blind girl is an exchange student or something, but it's unlikely she watches much anime.)

>> No.8566882
File: 199 KB, 836x550, 1329185023788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats everyones fave character?

>> No.8566883
File: 31 KB, 476x640, 1275202063378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8566889
File: 327 KB, 567x567, 1321018832028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad to see you too Dakishi, although I've never seen you before. There's a very familiar vibe about your posts.

>> No.8566904
File: 31 KB, 447x513, QiFMX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8566908
File: 40 KB, 480x640, 1292555914106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8566915
File: 2.72 MB, 4000x3000, 1326613089921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ shitposter meatup. Me on the left.

>> No.8566927
File: 62 KB, 500x438, Katwa-Shoujo-Endings-277770424..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god Kirino!
I've been on most of the KSG's for about a week, but havnt poked my head out of the "Anonymous" group. I decided after sharing many feels with BlindGFbro and SOFIAA guy, and admiring many of dubsdraws art and capslock's challenges, I'd make a name and share some feels.

>> No.8566939 [DELETED] 

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>> No.8566953

Requesting Kneading Tits.

>> No.8566972 [DELETED] 

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>> No.8566986
File: 111 KB, 448x514, 1328926369796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So moe.

>> No.8566996
File: 171 KB, 554x787, 1329221672366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so classy Akira?

>> No.8567022
File: 50 KB, 494x826, 1329181553069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone loves Hanako

>> No.8567033 [DELETED] 

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>> No.8567091 [DELETED] 


He walks for the entire day. By the end of the day he’s really thirsty. He’s been sweating all day, and his lips are starting to crack. He’s reapplied the sunblock twice, and tried to stay under the umbrella, but he still feels sunburned. The windshield wiper fluid sloshing in the bottle in his pocket

is really getting tempting now. He knows that it’s mainly water and some ethanol and coloring, but he also knows that they add some kind of poison to

it to keep people from drinking it. He wonders what the poison is, and whether the poison would be worse than dying of thirst.

He pushes on, trying to get to that small town before dark.

By the end of the day he starts getting worried. He figures he’s been walking at least 3 miles an hour, according to his watch for over 10 hours. That means that if his estimate was right that he should be close to the town. But he doesn’t recognize any of this. He had to cross a dry creek bed a mile or two back, and he doesn’t remember coming through it in the SUV. He figures that maybe he got his direction off just a little and that the dry creek bed was just off to one side of his path. He tells himself that he’s close, and that after dark he’ll start seeing the town lights over one of these hills, and that’ll be all he needs.

>> No.8567102
File: 234 KB, 1415x1989, 1329218239559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilly time.

>> No.8567116
File: 37 KB, 447x513, 1328926369747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant you. Your posts please me. Feels good reading them.

>> No.8567128
File: 151 KB, 600x685, 1329122530668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there even any Hanabros left to get salty?

>> No.8567144
File: 84 KB, 800x545, 1329214908265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Lilly and Hanako the most, but I'm not one to argue which waifu is better. Why can't you just have more waifus?

>> No.8567152 [DELETED] 

He decides that it’s time to try the windshield wiper fluid. He can’t wait any longer – if he passes out, he’s dead. He stops in the shade of a large rock, takes the bottle out, opens it, and takes a mouthful. He slowly swallows it, making it last as long as he can. It feels so good in his dry and cracked throat that he doesn’t even care about the nasty taste. He takes another mouthful, and makes it last too. Slowly, he drinks half the bottle.

He figures that since he’s drinking it, he might as well drink enough to make some difference and keep himself from passing out.

He’s quit worrying about the denaturing of the wiper fluid. If it kills him, it kills him – if he didn’t drink it, he’d die anyway. Besides, he’s pretty sure that whatever substance they denature the fluid with is just designed to make you sick – their way of keeping winos from buying cheap wiper fluid for the ethanol content. He can handle throwing up, if it comes to that.

He walks. He walks in the hot, dry, windless desert. Sand, rocks, hills, dunes, the occasional scrawny cactus or dried bush. No sign of water. Sometimes he’ll see a little movement to one side or the other, but whatever moved is usually gone before he can focus his eyes on it. Probably birds, lizards, or mice. Maybe snakes, though they usually move more at night. He’s careful to stay away from the movements.

>> No.8567171
File: 156 KB, 619x723, 1328926369790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8567186
File: 140 KB, 600x600, 1329280652954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks homura, it pleases me to see your face again in these times of hardship. At least in this little thread there isnt any buttmad.

>> No.8567188
File: 24 KB, 265x286, 1328753183693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not so bad here, right guys?

>> No.8567204
File: 46 KB, 549x488, IMG_1023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8567224 [DELETED] 

He finally makes it to the top of the sand dune. Now that he’s at the top, he struggles a little, but manages to stand up and look around. All he sees is sand. Sand, and more sand. Behind him, about a mile away, he thinks he sees the rocky ground he left to head into this sand. Ahead of him, more dunes, more sand. This isn’t where he drove his SUV. This is Hell. Or close enough.

Again, he doesn’t know what to do. He decides to drink the rest of the wiper fluid while figuring it out. He takes out the bottle, and is removing the cap, when he glances to the side and sees something. Something in the sand. At the bottom of the dune, off to the side, he sees something strange. It’s a flat area, in the sand. He stops taking the cap of the bottle off, and tries to look closer. The area seems to be circular. And it’s dark – darker than the sand. And, there seems to be something in the middle of it, but he can’t tell what it is. He looks as hard as he can, and still can tell from here. He’s going to have to go down there and look.

He puts the bottle back in his pocket, and starts to stumble down the dune. After a few steps, he realizes that he’s in trouble – he’s not going to be able to keep his balance. After a couple of more sliding, tottering steps, he falls and starts to roll down the dune. The sand it so hot when his body hits it that for a minute he thinks he’s caught fire on the way down – like a movie car wreck flashing into flames as it goes over the cliff, before it ever even hits the ground. He closes his eyes and mouth, covers his face with his hands, and waits to stop rolling.

>> No.8567225
File: 134 KB, 500x500, 1329134604612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should see the other KS general. its getting spammed by shitposters. Poor Misha is stuck in there.
But yes, it is a good place to be until the shitstorm dies down and moot gives us a board.

>> No.8567248

All this tripfagging and circlejerking... I cannot take it. Why come to an anonymous board to not be anonymous... *sigh*

>> No.8567253
File: 65 KB, 800x535, 1328895146722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when i see future dakishi posts

>> No.8567273

Like I posted in the other KS thread

I have Hisao's condition and you do not go to a special school or have fun times with handicapped girls (boys in my case). I play video games and hope I don't get too excited by ANYTHING.

So think before you want to be Hisao the chocolateer

feels bad man

>> No.8567274
File: 27 KB, 355x425, 1329183343538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8567275

This seriously looks like reddit. Now I know why /v/ didn't want these threads.

>> No.8567294 [DELETED] 

He stops crawling. He tries to look up from where he is on his hands and knees, but it’s too much effort to lift his head. So he tries something different – he leans back and tries to sit up on the stone. After a few seconds, he catches his balance, avoids falling on his face, sits up, and tries to focus his eyes. Blurry. He rubs his eyes with the back of his hands and tries again. Better this time.

Yep. He can see. He’s sitting in the middle of a large, flat, dark expanse of stone. Directly next to him, about three feet away, is a white post or pole about two inches in diameter and sticking up about four or five feet out of the stone, at an angle.

And wrapped around this white rod, tail with rattle on it hovering and seeming to be ready to start rattling, is what must be a fifteen foot long desert diamondback rattlesnake, looking directly at him.

He stares at the snake in shock. He doesn’t have the energy to get up and run away. He doesn’t even have the energy to crawl away. This is it, his final resting place. No matter what happens, he’s not going to be able to move from this spot.

>> No.8567295


pretty sure no one in KSG ever says they want to be Hisao, but rather they'd want to be the guy to take in all of (insert girl's name here)'s feels

>> No.8567296

Just droping by to say I'm very happy that I won't be seeing all of you on /v/, fucking faggots.


>> No.8567301
File: 242 KB, 636x817, Hanako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will take the Hanabro's side for now, until more of the KSG inhabitants come back.

>> No.8567306
File: 59 KB, 328x242, 1326016035213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really get it. There was a Katawa Shoujo stick on /v/. Moot is being irrational, and appealing to complaints about KS general. You remember all the shitposter raids. Why do those types of people get a say in whether or not VN belongs on /v/? KS isn't even Japanese.

>> No.8567307

I'm not happy to have to look at these idiots every day.

>> No.8567317
File: 35 KB, 189x270, 1328889680268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok feel, you can hang out too.

>> No.8567318


>> No.8567332


Every one of my friends that plays KS is like "GOSH I WISH I WAS HISAO because non-handicapped girls are whores"

One of them hit on me too

>> No.8567334
File: 122 KB, 828x466, 1329277263908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, KS is a /v/idya gaem. everybody liked KS being on /v/, besides the general /v/irgins. But we liked it. We didn't have to be shunned. We rarely got shitposted. We liked life on /v/, and /jp/ is weird and foreign to us.

>> No.8567336

Oh, I found you guys

I...I though I had lost you forever

>> No.8567350
File: 149 KB, 800x800, 1329275201874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friend! Glad to see you could make it to our little hideout.

>> No.8567346

Hisao is a terrible protagonist and his face annoys me.
Rin's route was fucking boring and I couldn't bring myself to finish it.
Shizune's route was bad. Only good thing about it was fucking Misha because deliciously thick.

>> No.8567356 [DELETED] 

Looking in the direction of the snake, hoping to see where the voice was coming from this time, he is shocked to see the snake rear back, open its mouth, and speak. He hears it say, as the dizziness overtakes him and he falls forward, face first on the stone, “Very well. Coming up.”

A piercing pain shoots through his shoulder. Suddenly he is awake. He sits up and grabs his shoulder, wincing at the throbbing pain. He’s momentarily disoriented as he looks around, and then he remembers – the crawl across the sand, the dark area of stone, the snake. He sees the snake, still wrapped around the tilted white post, still looking at him.

He reaches up and feels his shoulder, where it hurts. It feels slightly wet. He pulls his fingers away and looks at them – blood. He feels his shoulder again – his shirt has what feels like two holes in it – two puncture holes -they match up with the two aching spots of pain on his shoulder. He had been bitten. By the snake.

“It’ll feel better in a minute.” He looks up – it’s the snake talking. He hadn’t dreamed it. Suddenly he notices – he’s not dizzy any more. And more importantly, he’s not thirsty any more – at all!

>> No.8567358

>Deliciously Thick

You offend me, kind sir

>> No.8567360
File: 119 KB, 600x600, 1327463828192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dakishi, i don't get it.. but your posts physically arouse me. gonnna go play melty blood now

>> No.8567380
File: 62 KB, 609x600, Hanako notices another vidya thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall see you later then, if KSG survives.

Pic related, /jp/ is wrong to judge us.

>> No.8567401 [DELETED] 

“Umm, my name is Jack,” said the man, trying to absorb all of this. “Jack Samson.

“Can I ask you a question?” Jack says suddenly. “What happened to the poison…umm, in your bite. Why aren’t I dying now? How did you do that? What do you mean by that’s how you work?”

“That’s more than one question,” grins Nate. “But I’ll still try to answer all of them. First, yes, you can ask me a question.” The snake’s grin gets wider. “Second, the poison is in you. It changed you. You now no longer need to drink. That’s what you asked for. Or, well, technically, you asked to not be thirsty any more – but ‘any more’ is such a vague term. I decided to make it permanent – now, as long as you live, you shouldn’t need to drink much at all. Your body will conserve water very efficiently. You should be able to get enough just from the food you eat – much like a creature of the desert. You’ve been changed.

“For the third question,” Nate continues, “you are still dying. Besides the effects of that methanol in your system, you’re a man – and men are mortal. In your current state, I give you no more than about another 50 years. Assuming you get out of this desert, alive, that is.” Nate seemed vastly amused at his own humor, and continued his wide grin.

“As for the fourth question,” Nate said, looking more serious as far as Jack could tell, as Jack was just now working on his ability to read talking-snake emotions from snake facial features, “first you have to agree to make a second request and become bound by the secrecy, or I can’t tell you.”

“Wait,” joked Jack, “isn’t this where you say you could tell me, but you’d have to kill me?”

“I thought that was implied.” Nate continued to look serious.

>> No.8567445 [DELETED] 

“Yeah, I figured so,” said Jack. “But I could ask to be a genius? I could become the smartest scientist in the world? Or the best athlete?”

“Well, I could make you very smart,” admitted Nate, “but that wouldn’t necessarily make you the best scientist in the world. Or, I could make you very athletic, but it wouldn’t necessarily make you the best athlete either. You’ve heard the saying that 99% of genius is hard work? Well, there’s some truth to that. I can give you the talent, but I can’t make you work hard. It all depends on what you decide to do with it.”

“Hmmm,” said Jack. “Ok, I think I understand. And I get a third request, after this one?”

“Maybe,” said Nate, “it depends on what you decide then. There are more rules for the third request that I can only tell you about after the second request. You know how it goes.” Nate looked like he’d shrug, if he had shoulders.

“Ok, well, since I’d rather not be blind in a day or two, and permanent health doesn’t sound bad, then consider that my second request. Officially. Do I need to sign in blood or something?”

>> No.8567463
File: 71 KB, 256x256, RIN IN A RECYCLE BIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keepin the thread alive

>> No.8567461


Oh please, you saw those love handles and thick thighs.

Don't be delusional.

>> No.8567470
File: 56 KB, 523x458, 1313687460257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8567472
File: 69 KB, 500x1500, 1327726620193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one loves Shizune ;_;

>> No.8567474

I find her

How should I put it


>> No.8567478

I mentioned how KS isn't even Japanese and Moot went all retarded in the sticky.

>> No.8567480
File: 40 KB, 432x324, 1321657004041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8567484
File: 75 KB, 305x281, 1326915060618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I'm actually in a KS thread

>> No.8567485

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Bottled ships smashed under feminist asses. I watched good men fall to feminist wiles near the Sodomy Shed. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

>> No.8567486
File: 327 KB, 500x553, 1327389156131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow Dakishi, thanks for singling out the tripfriends as being invitees to this thread. I'm sure all of us anons don't mind.

I'm kidding


>> No.8567488

you know what, the shitposting belongs here now that i'm having a look.

>implying there will ever be a good VN thread on this board.

enjoy being stuck with the /jp/ people

>> No.8567491

Please condense your threads. If you must discuss this, do it in one thread at a time. You are not leaving a good impression.


>> No.8567493 [DELETED] 

“Yeah, right. So, tell me all of these wonderful secrets that I now qualify to hear,” answered Jack.

“Ok,” said Nate. “Do you want to ask questions first, or do you want me to just start talking?”

“Just talk,” said Jack. “I’ll sit here and try to not think about food.”

“We could go try to rustle up some food for you first, if you like,” answered Nate.

“Hey! You didn’t tell me you had food around here, Nate!” Jack jumped up. “What do we have? Am I in walking distance to town? Or can you magically whip up food along with your other powers?” Jack was almost shouting with excitement. His stomach had been growling for hours.

“I was thinking more like I could flush something out of its hole and bite it for you, and you could skin it and eat it. Assuming you have a knife, that is,” replied Nate, with the grin that Jack was starting to get used to.

“Ugh,” said Jack, sitting back down. “I think I’ll pass. I can last a little longer before I get desperate enough to eat desert rat, or whatever else it is you find out here. And there’s nothing to burn – I’d have to eat it raw. No thanks. Just talk.”

“Ok,” replied Nate, still grinning. “But I’d better hurry, before you start looking at me as food.

Nate reared back a little, looked around for a second, and then continued. “You, Jack, are sitting in the middle of the Garden of Eden.”

Jack looked around at the sand and dunes and then looked back at Nate sceptically.

“Well, that’s the best I can figure it, anyway, Jack,” said Nate. “Stand up and look at the symbol on the rock here.” Nate gestured around the dark stone they were both sitting on with his nose.

>> No.8567494

Dear lord man, when did you learn how to talk concisely?

>> No.8567504


>> No.8567498
File: 93 KB, 419x439, 1329260424625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moot implying /jp/ isn't a godtier board already

>> No.8567505

>implying we care about your shitty board

>> No.8567508
File: 81 KB, 339x321, 871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He loves this place, it's too obvious man

>> No.8567511
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1329294882324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anons, I wanted to make sure king of /jp/ and his shitposters didnt follow us here. You're all welcome here too, you just dont have the name or trips ;_;
Don't give up, there is hope for us KSbros yet.

>> No.8567522
File: 144 KB, 400x346, two girls in a completely platonic relationship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dozens of users just migrated here and it's going to be hectic for the first little while. You're not doing much to help the godawful reputation this board has, yourself.

>> No.8567523
File: 36 KB, 261x234, 1326413513251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just blew my mind.

>> No.8567526
File: 1.10 MB, 1500x1700, 1329138103851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's different homura. Real one couldn't talk and make sense at once.

>> No.8567529
File: 44 KB, 480x360, Sonic Generations rooftop run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must confess, I'm going to miss KS threads on /v/

>> No.8567532 [DELETED] 

“Garden of Eden, hunh?” said Jack. “How long have you been here, Nate?”

“No idea, really,” replied Nate. “A long time. It never occurred to me to count years, until recently, and by then, of course, it was too late. But I do remember when this whole place was green, so I figure it’s been thousands of years, at least.”

“So, are you the snake that tempted Eve?” said Jack.

“Beats me,” said Nate. “Maybe. I can’t remember if the first one of your kind that I talked to was female or not, and I never got a name, but it could have been. And I suppose she could have considered my offer to grant requests a ‘temptation’, though I’ve rarely had refusals.”

“Well, umm, how did you get here then? And why is that white pole stuck out of the stone there?” asked Jack.

“Dad left me here. Or, I assume it was my dad. It was another snake – much bigger than I was back then. I remember talking to him, but I don’t remember if it was in a language, or just kind of understanding what he wanted. But one day, he brought me to this stone, told me about it, and asked me to do something for him. I talked it over with him for a while, then agreed. I’ve been here ever since.

“What is this place?” said Jack. “And what did he ask you to do?”

“Well, you see this pole here, sticking out of the stone?” Nate loosened his coils around the tilted white pole and showed Jack where it descended into the stone. The pole was tilted at about a 45 degree angle and seemed to enter the stone in an eighteen inch slot cut into the stone. Jack leaned over and looked. The slot was dark and the pole went down into it as far as Jack could see in the dim light. Jack reached out to touch the pole, but Nate was suddenly there in the way.

“You can’t touch that yet, Jack,” said Nate.

>> No.8567538
File: 130 KB, 500x691, 1157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People making mountains out of molehills about this whole issue disappoint me.
It's as if they were content in their inactivity, contemplation, constancy, conservatism.
A wall will not only defend you, also imprison you.

>> No.8567542

"Hey guys, let's have a secret KS thread no /jp/sies allowed hee hee" isn't exactly helping.

Just keep it in one thread, it isn't hard.

>> No.8567543


>> No.8567544
File: 235 KB, 426x877, 1329276131194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its definately homura.

>> No.8567546

He damn fucking well could.

>> No.8567547

Oh, samus, you're here now?

I thought you left KSG

And yes, I kind of don't like it, but it's the rules now, I just have to get used to hanging out with all of you lovely people here now

>> No.8567550
File: 116 KB, 805x909, 1328998942916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna miss the godawful shitposters infiltrating it.

>> No.8567554
File: 168 KB, 800x1796, 1327455575965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too bro

>> No.8567557 [DELETED] 

“Why not?” asked Jack.

“I haven’t explained it to you yet,” replied Nate.

“Well, it kinda looks like a lever or something,” said Jack. “You’d push it that way, and it would move in the slot.”

“Yep, that’s what it is,” replied Nate.

“What does it do?” asked Jack. “End the world.”

“Oh, no,” said Nate. “Nothing that drastic. It just ends humanity. I call it ‘The Lever of Doom’.” For the last few words Nate had used a deeper, ringing voice. He tried to look serious for a few seconds, and then gave up and grinned.

Jack was initially startled by Nate’s pronouncement, but when Nate grinned Jack laughed. “Ha! You almost had me fooled for a second there. What does it really do?”

“Oh, it really ends humanity, like I said,” smirked Nate. “I just thought the voice I used was funny, didn’t you?”

Nate continued to grin.

“A lever to end humanity?” asked Jack. “What in the world is that for? Why would anyone need to end humanity?”

>> No.8567571
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>> No.8567558
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>> No.8567559
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It's my destiny.

>> No.8567564
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>> No.8567569
File: 222 KB, 1000x1000, Bestest Couple in the Game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gives me time to finish the routes, really.

>> No.8567573 [DELETED] 

“Well,” replied Nate, “I get the idea that maybe humanity was an experiment. Or maybe the Big Guy just thought, that if humanity started going really bad, there should be a way to end it. I’m not really sure. All I know are the rules, and the guesses that Samuel and I had about why it’s here. I didn’t think to ask back when I started here.”

“Rules? What rules?” asked Jack.

“The rules are that I can’t tell anybody about it or let them touch it unless they agree to be bound to secrecy by a bite. And that only one human can be bound in that way at a time. That’s it.” explained Nate.

Jack looked somewhat shocked. “You mean that I could pull the lever now? You’d let me end humanity?”

“Yep,” replied Nate, “if you want to.” Nate looked at Jack carefully. “Do you want to, Jack?”

“Umm, no.” said Jack, stepping a little further back from the lever. “Why in the world would anyone want to end humanity? It’d take a psychotic to want that! Or worse, a suicidal psychotic, because it would kill him too, wouldn’t it?”

>> No.8567574
File: 91 KB, 500x482, 1329113918650..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we just need some feel stories, MishaRAF, dubs, and capslock drawfriend and it'll feel like home.
It's been a big day for KSG.

>> No.8567576
File: 241 KB, 1308x981, pKwHS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he could, it's just he had selective intelligence.

>> No.8567579

>DEM curves

Also, because we should atleast discuss some part of the game, how do you think Misha feels about Emi, they aren't really seen together at all.

>> No.8567580
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>> No.8567582 [DELETED] 

“Yep,” replied Nate, “being as he’d be human too.”

“Has anyone ever seriously considered it?” asked Nate. “Any of those bound to secrecy, that is?”

“Well, of course, I think they’ve all seriously considered it at one time or another. Being given that kind of responsibility makes you sit down and think, or so I’m told. Samuel considered it several times. He’d often get disgusted with humanity, come out here, and just hold the lever for a while. But he never pulled it. Or you wouldn’t be here.” Nate grinned some more.

Jack sat down, well back from the lever. He looked thoughtful and puzzled at the same time. After a bit, he said, “So this makes me the Judge of humanity? I get to decide whether they keep going or just end? Me?”

“That seems to be it,” agreed Nate.

“What kind of criteria do I use to decide?” said Jack. “How do I make this decision? Am I supposed to decide if they’re good? Or too many of them are bad? Or that they’re going the wrong way? Is there a set of rules for that?”

>> No.8567593
File: 16 KB, 304x294, mikisprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really imagine it, that's a weird as fuck combination.

>> No.8567590

mother fucker you dont know who the fuck i am, you are a fag who likes sticking it in guys asses and you best believe that you'd be the one getting crammed in your fuckin rear by my Ukranian Fort-500 shotgun before i blow your fucking guts out your chest you faggit little bitch your fucking pathetic you best hope i never head to your town, i'll find yeah and shank you in your sleep, you wanna die motherfucker? faggit little cracker, hahaha I betyou aint ever even gotten and coochie, huh? ever got any pussy? i dont even keep count anymore, but it is definately past 35 cuz thats where i lost count bout a year or two ago, added a few since then, so ask yourseld, should your faggit no coochie gettin bitch ass maybe try to shut the fuck up, or do you want to hear more about how fuckin gay and lame you are? you cocksucking homo bastard go kill yourself you worthless chunk of shit, your useless and lame as fuck, and i cant wait to show your gay ass faggit no roastin abilities, you couldn't talk shit even if you ate shit, go slit your wrists you aint cool at all give up on your gay ass life

>> No.8567592
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>> No.8567596
File: 334 KB, 500x664, 1329198634589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least we're all chilling here.

>> No.8567599 [DELETED] 

“Nope,” replied Nate. “You pretty much just have to decide on your own. It’s up to you, however you want to decide it. I guess that you’re just supposed to know.”

“But what if I get mad at someone? Or some girl dumps me and I feel horrible? Couldn’t I make a mistake? How do I know that I won’t screw up?” protested Jack.

Nate gave his kind of snake-like shrug again. “You don’t. You just have to try your best, Jack.”

Jack sat there for a while, staring off into the desert that was rapidly getting dark, chewing on a fingernail.

Suddenly, Jack turned around and looked at the snake. “Nate, was Samuel the one bound to this before me?”

“Yep,” replied Nate. “He was a good guy. Talked to me a lot. Taught me to read and brought me books. I think I still have a good pile of them buried in the sand around here somewhere. I still miss him. He died a few months ago.”

“Sounds like a good guy,” agreed Jack. “How did he handle this, when you first told him. What did he do?”

“Well,” said Nate, “he sat down for a while, thought about it for a bit, and then asked me some questions, much like you’re doing.”

“What did he ask you, if you’re allowed to tell me?” asked Jack.

“He asked me about the third request,” replied Nate.

“Aha!” It was Jack’s turn to grin. “And what did you tell him?”

“I told him the rules for the third request. That to get the third request you have to agree to this whole thing. That if it ever comes to the point that you really think that humanity should be ended, that you’ll come here and end it. You won’t avoid it, and you won’t wimp out.” Nate looked serious again. “And you’ll be bound to do it too, Jack.”

>> No.8567601

>hasn't finished all the routes
I'll forgive you just this once
My goddamn internet went out after I downloaded that shit so I got a chance to play one route a day

And I thought the threads would all be dead before I came back

>> No.8567602
File: 167 KB, 453x695, 1328534292864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just not the same here. Maybe it's because on /v/ the shitposters were just trolling but on /jp/ you can feel the unbridled otaku rage of something not made in glorious nippon being posted...

>> No.8567613
File: 34 KB, 450x617, 1328333457526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shizunebro here
I have completed exactly one route.

Feels good man

>> No.8567607 [DELETED] 

“Hmmm.” Jack looked back out into the darkness for a while.

Nate watched him, waiting.

“Nate,” continued Jack, quietly, eventually. “What did Samuel ask for with his third request?”

Nate sounded like he was grinning again as he replied, also quietly, “Wisdom, Jack. He asked for wisdom. As much as I could give him.”

“Ok,” said Jack, suddenly, standing up and facing away from Nate, “give it to me.

Nate looked at Jack’s backside. “Give you what, Jack?”

“Give me that wisdom. The same stuff that Samuel asked for. If it helped him, maybe it’ll help me too.” Jack turned his head to look back over his shoulder at Nate. “It did help him, right?”

“He said it did,” replied Nate. “But he seemed a little quieter afterward. Like he had a lot to think about.”

“Well, yeah, I can see that,” said Jack. “So, give it to me.” Jack turned toface away from Nate again, bent over slightly and tensed up.

Nate watched Jack tense up with a little exasperation. If he bit Jack now, Jack would likely jump out of his skin and maybe hurt them both.

“You remember that you’ll be bound to destroy humanity if it ever looks like it needs it, right Jack?” asked Nate, shifting position.

“Yeah, yeah, I got that,” replied Jack, eyes squeezed tightly shut and body tense, not noticing the change in direction of Nate’s voice.

“And,” continued Nate, from his new position, “do you remember that you’ll turn bright purple, and grow big horns and extra eyes?”

>> No.8567608
File: 57 KB, 333x300, 1327709816433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we're back, coming to you live from /jp/. We've got about 4 people from KS general here with us tonight.

>> No.8567619
File: 42 KB, 426x440, Blonde Jill valentine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking back on what has happened.
Did KS really belong in /v/?

This place is pretty darn cosy

>> No.8567620 [DELETED] 

“Yeah, yeah…Hey, wait a minute!” said Jack, opening his eyes, straightening up and turning around. “Purple?!” He didn’t see Nate there. With the moonlight Jack could see that the lever extended up from its slot in the rock without the snake wrapped around it.

Jack heard, from behind him, Nate’s “Just Kidding!” right before he felt the now familiar piercing pain, this time in the other buttock.

Jack sat on the edge of the dark stone in the rapidly cooling air, his feet extending out into the sand. He stared out into the darkness, listening to the wind stir the sand, occasionally rubbing his butt where he’d been recently bitten.

Nate had left for a little while, had come back with a desert-rodent-shaped bulge somewhere in his middle, and was now wrapped back around the lever, his tongue flicking out into the desert night’s air the only sign that he was still awake.

Occasionally Jack, with his toes absentmindedly digging in the sand while he thought, would ask Nate a question without turning around.

“Nate, do accidents count?”

Nate lifted his head a little bit. “What do you mean, Jack?”

Jack tilted his head back like he was looking at the stars. “You know, accidents. If I accidentally fall on the lever, without meaning to, does that still wipe out humanity?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it does, Jack. I’d suggest you be careful about that if you start feeling wobbly,” said Nate with some amusement.

A little later – “Does it have to be me that pulls the lever?” asked Jack.

>> No.8567627
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>> No.8567630
File: 120 KB, 431x553, 1329201097454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels as if... we're unloved here. No one likes shy Hanako, silently reading novels in the library, or Lilly, sipping tea, Rin's art, Emi's enthusiasm and exercise regime, Shizune's work ethic and Misha's drills. They all shun us, and scream words at us. They just havn't felt the things we have felt, the feels we have shared together, and the spirit of KSG that we have all come to know and love.

>> No.8567631
File: 280 KB, 781x1787, wahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a handful of anon regulars too, myself included.

>> No.8567635
File: 164 KB, 450x601, 1805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are, it's all settling down, but the initial reaction to this was pathetic.
It's like suddenly they shifted back into not letting go of the past. As if all this talk of change and moving forward was empty.

>> No.8567648
File: 137 KB, 586x512, 1328716175158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a damn fine point there Misha. The threads were too good last night for me to go through with my plans to replay Hanako's route and figure out the missing scenes I need for that last 1% completion.

>> No.8567640 [DELETED] 

“That’s the rule, Jack. Nobody else can pull it,” answered Nate.

“No,” Jack shook his head, “I meant does it have to be my hand? Could I pull the lever with a rope tied around it? Or push it with a stick? Or throw a rock?”

“Yes, those should work,” replied Nate. “Though I’m not sure how complicated you could get. Samuel thought about trying to build some kind of remote control for it once, but gave it up. Everything he’d build would be gone by the next sunrise, if it was touching the stone, or over it. I told him that in the past others that had been bound had tried to bury the lever so they wouldn’t be tempted to pull it, but every time the stones or sand or whatever had disappeared.”

“Wow,” said Jack, “Cool.” Jack leaned back until only his elbows kept him off of the stone and looked up into the sky.

“Nate, how long did Samuel live? One of his wishes was for health too, right?” asked Jack.

“Yes,” replied Nate, “it was. He lived 167 years, Jack.”

“Wow, 167 years. That’s almost 140 more years I’ll live if I live as long. Do you know what he died of, Nate?”

“He died of getting tired of living, Jack,” Nate said, sounding somewhat sad.

Jack turned his head to look at Nate in the starlight.

Nate looked back. “Samuel knew he wasn’t going to be able to stay in society. He figured that they’d eventually see him still alive and start questioning it, so he decided that he’d have to disappear after a while. He faked his death once, but changed his mind – he decided it was too early and he could stay for a little longer. He wasn’t very fond of mankind, but he liked the attention. Most of the time, anyway.

>> No.8567642

Now all we lack is Denzel Washington.

>> No.8567646

>Attempting to post a negative comment about Homura


>> No.8567652
File: 393 KB, 700x733, 1326078735541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8567656 [DELETED] 

“His daughter and then his wife dying almost did him in though. He didn’t stay in society much longer after that. He eventually came out here to spend time talking to me and thinking about pulling the lever. A few months ago he told me he’d had enough. It was his time.”

“And then he just died?” asked Jack.

Nate shook his head a little. “He made his forth request, Jack. There’s only one thing you can ask for the fourth request. The last bite.

After a bit Nate continued, “He told me that he was tired, that it was his time. He reassured me that someone new would show up soon, like they always had.

After another pause, Nate finished, “Samuel’s body disappeared off the stone with the sunrise.”

Jack lay back down and looked at the sky, leaving Nate alone with his memories. It was a long time until Jack’s breathing evened out into sleep.

Jack woke with the sunrise the next morning. He was a little chilled with the morning desert air, but overall was feeling pretty good. Well, except that his stomach was grumbling and he wasn’t willing to eat raw desert rat.

So, after getting directions to town from Nate, making sure he knew how to get back, and reassuring Nate that he’d be back soon, Jack started the long walk back to town. With his new health and Nate’s good directions, he made it back easily.

>> No.8567658

well, well, well, what have we here another faggot neckbeard (most likely yuro) shitting up the place with his /b/ faggotry. you picked the wrong night to fuck around, asshole. i've just texted the a mod (we're friends irl) about this thread, so he'll be here shortly to deal with the matter, and most likely hand out some sorely needed bans. i'm also going to report and sage the thread (for safe measure), as well as alert the other moderators in the 4chan irc channel. and just in case you wanna try and pull a fast one, i'm screen shotting the entire thread for additional proof and e-mailing moot about the matter personally. i'm tired of you stupid fucking dick sniffers pressing out whatever lolrandom faggot shit you want on the fucking anime board. it's time for you assholes to get a reality check, because this shit won't fly for much longer. prepare your anus, you 500 pound pile of shit. your days are fucking numbered

>> No.8567659

It’s late at night. The enemy is out there, lying in wait. Only he’s well protected, impervious to your advances, hidden deep inside his fortified bunker. Your mission is clear: you need that thing torn up. But your missile lacks heft, girth and thrust. Your answer? The HARDBUT.

Meet the Hard and Deeply Buried Target Next Generation Multiple Warhead System, known as, yes, the HARDBUT. It’s designed to go deep where others can’t, penetrating the most secure command centers, hardened infrastructure and “underground facilities including caves,” according to its manufacturer. As you might have presumed, it’s European, designed by the Euro mega-missile giant MBDA, with research cash for testing it provided by the French and British defense ministries.

And it performs under pressure. MBDA announced today that the HARDBUT missile successfully smashed through a “massive concrete target” on September 14. The company boasted that the HARDBUT “penetrated through and exited the rear face of the target, demonstrating a penetration capability significantly in excess of any warhead currently produced by MBDA.” It sounds like it’s been raring to go, having not gotten any action since its first test in May.

Unfortunately, we’ve only got the company’s word to go on in assessing the power of the HARDBUT. MBDA didn’t reveal how thick the concrete target was, nor how big the multi-warheaded missile actually is. Here in the U.S., the Air Force is getting ready to unleash a 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator by 2012, and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency is bolstering its own bunker-buster capability. That’s on top of the 5000-pound “Divine Thunderbolt” missile that the Air Force already has. Can HARDBUT top their performance?

The jury’s still out on whether Americans or Europeans make the more effective penetrators. Still, judging from MBDA, the HARDBUT is certainly nothing to laugh at.

>> No.8567662 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 572x410, 1328148009346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody have the "spankingly yours" comic?
in return, Misha

>> No.8567666 [DELETED] 

Jack caught a bus back to the city, and showed up for work the next day, little worse for the wear and with a story about getting lost in the desert and walking back out. Within a couple of days Jack had talked a friend with a tow truck into going back out into the desert with him to fetch the SUV. They found it after a couple of hours of searching and towed it back without incident. Jack was careful not to even look in the direction of Nate’s lever, though their path back didn’t come within sight of it.

Before the next weekend, Jack had gone to a couple of stores, including a book store, and had gotten his SUV back from the mechanic, with a warning to avoid any more joyriding in the desert. On Saturday, Jack headed back to see Nate.

Jack parked a little way out of the small town near Nate, loaded up his new backpack with camping gear and the things he was bringing for Nate, and then started walking. He figured that walking would leave the least trail, and he knew that while not many people camped in the desert, it wasn’t unheard of, and shouldn’t really raise suspicions.

>> No.8567667
File: 105 KB, 341x408, sdshizune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yep. im one of like... 4 shizunebros

>> No.8567668

It should get better over the next few days as
1) The KSG bros find out we're here now and come over
2)The spammers figure out that we don't pay them any attention

>> No.8567676
File: 235 KB, 476x276, taskmaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they even try anal?

>> No.8567677

I'll be honest, the KS tripfags are starting to piss me off with this "as long as the tripfags are back it's just like the old threads" mentality. Calm your ego's

>> No.8567681 [DELETED] 

Jack had brought more books for Nate – recent books, magazines, newspapers. Some things that would catch Nate up with what was happening in the world, others that were just good books to read. He spent the weekend with Nate, and then headed out again, telling Nate that he’d be back again soon, but that he had things to do first.

Over four months later Jack was back to see Nate again. This time he brought a laptop with him – a specially modified laptop. It had a solar recharger, special filters and seals to keep out the sand, a satellite link-up, and a special keyboard and joystick that Jack hoped that a fifteen-foot rattlesnake would be able to use. And, it had been hacked to not give out its location to the satellite.

After that Jack could e-mail Nate to keep in touch, but still visited him fairly regularly – at least once or twice a year.

After the first year, Jack quit his job. For some reason, with the wisdom he ‘d been given, and the knowledge that he could live for over 150 years, working in a nine to five job for someone else didn’t seem that worthwhile any more. Jack went back to school.

Eventually, Jack started writing. Perhaps because of the wisdom, or perhaps because of his new perspective, he wrote well. People liked what he wrote, and he became well known for it. After a time, Jack bought an RV and started traveling around the country for book signings and readings.

But, he still remembered to drop by and visit Nate occasionally.

>> No.8567682
File: 77 KB, 436x667, 1329278561652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed Hanabro.

>> No.8567684

Real funny faggot ass bitch. You think this is a joke? You think giving me lip is a good idea? I'll fucking murder you.

Yeah making fun of me is so funny, so funny I forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so I can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. Yeah you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but I bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button. So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this. Don't want anymore problems.... didn't think so faggot. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin piece of unpatriotic SHIT.

Saged HARD

>> No.8567685
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>> No.8567687
File: 83 KB, 772x770, rinchickensoup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could've sworn I had it saved, but I guess not.

Here is a Rinstead.

>> No.8567691


>> No.8567692 [DELETED] 

On one of the visits Nate seemed quieter than usual. Not that Nate had been a fountain of joy lately. Jack’s best guess was that Nate was still missing Samuel, and though Jack had tried, he still hadn’t been able to replace Samuel in Nate’s eyes. Nate had been getting quieter each visit. But on this visit Nate didn’t even speak when Jack walked up to the lever. He nodded at Jack, and then went back to staring into the desert. Jack, respecting Nate’s silence, sat down and waited.

After a few minutes, Nate spoke. “Jack, I have someone to introduce you to.”

Jack looked surprised. “Someone to introduce me to?” Jack looked around, and then looked carefully back at Nate. “This something to do with the Big Guy?

“No, no,” replied Nate. “This is more personal. I want you to meet my son.” Nate looked over at the nearest sand dune. “Sammy!”

Jack watched as a four foot long desert rattlesnake crawled from behind the dune and up to the stone base of the lever.

“Yo, Jack,” said the new, much smaller snake.

“Yo, Sammy” replied Jack. Jack looked at Nate. “Named after Samuel, I assume?”

Nate nodded. “Jack, I’ve got a favor to ask you. Could you show Sammy around for me?” Nate unwrapped himself from the lever and slithered over to the edge of the stone and looked across the sands. “When Samuel first told me about the world, and brought me books and pictures, I wished that I could go see it. I wanted to see the great forests, the canyons, the cities, even the other deserts, to see if they felt and smelled the same. I want my son to have that chance – to see the world. Before he becomes bound here like I have been.

>> No.8567695
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>> No.8567696
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Obligatory Rin fanart

>> No.8567699

Honestly we could do worse than to be the temporary repository for the one or two or twenty KS threads that might be made over the course of a few days.

>> No.8567700

That's what tripfags do.

>> No.8567703
File: 199 KB, 450x285, 12398179111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you can't anymore. It's a fixed moment, it will always happen, in every timeline. It has to happen.

>> No.8567707 [DELETED] 

“He’s seen it in pictures, over the computer that you brought me. But I hear that it’s not the same. That being there is different. I want him to have that. Think you can do that for me, Jack?”

Jack nodded. This was obviously very important to Nate, so Jack didn’t even joke about taking a talking rattlesnake out to see the world. “Yeah, I can do that for you, Nate. Is that all you need?” Jack could sense that was something more.

Nate looked at Sammy. Sammy looked back at Nate for a second and then said, “Oh, yeah. Ummm, I’ve gotta go pack. Back in a little bit Jack. Nice to meet ya!” Sammy slithered back over the dune and out of sight.

Nate watched Sammy disappear and then looked back at Jack. “Jack, this is my first son. My first offspring through all the years. You don’t even want to know what it took for me to find a mate.” Nate grinned to himself. “But anyway, I had a son for a reason. I’m tired. I’m ready for it to be over. I needed a replacement.”

Jack considered this for a minute. “So, you’re ready to come see the world, and you wanted him to watch the lever while you were gone?”

Nate shook his head. “No, Jack – you’re a better guesser than that. You’ve already figured out – I’m bound here – there’s only one way for me to leave here. And I’m ready. It’s my time to die.”

Jack looked more closely at Nate. He could tell Nate had thought about this – probably for quite a while. Jack had trouble imagining what it would be like to be as old as Nate, but Jack could already tell that in another hundred or two hundred years, he might be getting tired of life himself. Jack could understand Samuel’s decision, and now Nate’s. So, all Jack said was, “What do you want me to do?”

>> No.8567714
File: 638 KB, 357x362, umad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>texted the mod
My uncle works at Nintendo, I asked him to ban your PS3, now you won't play steam games anymore, haahha
You mad, yes you mad, you piece of shit, that, yeah, you mad

>> No.8567716

A unique sensation flashed across my mind. There it was. I started. Guess I woke myself up.

I'm groggy, so it takes time to really get conscious. I didn't really remember much either. Well, I was dreaming about something... fantastic, I guess. There was a hero. There was a very strong hero. Pushing himself past what he really was, enduring deep hardness for the good of others. Others who really depended on him.

He made himself a martyr because he was the only one that would.

The dream kind of turned into nonsense over time, though. I got to where I was just a boy standing by a pond, feeling an incredible feeling, knowing that I wouldn't be able to express myself. Never. I was sad, but soon distracted by a new part of that feeling - I picked up a long, flexible stick, with some leaves at the very end, and splashed a pond with it, almost like a riding crop. It felt unreal. I was happy, so I stopped caring about communicating. I didn't wanna deal with anyone, just stand there with the incredible feeling.

Done thinking about my dream, I began assessing myself. I woke up in a sleeping bag. Kind of. I wasn't really awake. Just a little conscious I guess. My eyes were full of guuk, the normal sandy dry stuff you wake up sometimes. I was gonna have to work this feeling off, I could tell. My arm was hard to move, but I didn't notice. I'm so used to clearing my eyes out like this that it didn't matter. A few good scrapes with my finger and it was all gone. I have to stretch before I can really get up in the morning. So, I stretch. Yeah, in a sleeping bag. I don't have to move much to stretch.

Finally on my feet, clothes on that I slept in, I do a couple kicks to make sure my legs are working right. Good. Already bored with myself.

>> No.8567720
File: 28 KB, 264x277, 1320999410539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.. Okay?

>> No.8567723
File: 145 KB, 311x791, 1328365567149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the imrpoved version.

>> No.8567725 [DELETED] 

Nate nodded. “Thanks, Jack. I only want two things. One – show Sammy around the world – let him get his fill of it, until he’s ready to come back here and take over. Two – give me the fourth request.

“I can’t just decide to die, not any more than you can. I won’t even die of old age like you eventually will, even though it’ll be a long time from now. I need to be killed. Once Sammy is back here, ready to take over, I’ll be able to die. And I need you to kill me.

“I’ve even thought about how. Poisons and other drugs won’t work on me. And I’ve seen pictures of snakes that were shot – some of them live for days, so that’s out too. So, I want you to bring back a sword.

Nate turned away to look back to the dune that Sammy had gone behind. “I’d say an axe, but that’s somewhat undignified – putting my head on the ground or a chopping block like that. No, I like a sword. A time-honored way of going out. A dignified way to die. And, most importantly, it should work, even on me.

“You willing to do that for me, Jack?” Nate turned back to look at Jack.

“Yeah, Nate,” replied Jack solemnly, “I think I can handle that.”

Nate nodded. “Good!” He turned back toward the dune and shouted, “Sammy! Jack’s about ready to leave!” Then quietly, “Thanks, Jack.”

>> No.8567732

I know, I was hoping KS bros were above that. Boy is my face red.

>> No.8567735 [DELETED] 

Jack didn’t have anything to say to that, so he waited for Sammy to make it back to the lever, nodded to him, nodded a final time to Nate, and then headed into the desert with Sammy following. Over the next several years Sammy and Jack kept in touch with Nate through e-mail as they went about their adventures. They made a goal of visiting every country in the world, and did a respectable job of it. Sammy had a natural gift for languages, as Jack expected he would, and even ended up acting as a translator for Jack in a few of the countries. Jack managed to keep the talking rattlesnake hidden, even so, and by the time they were nearing the end of their tour of countries, Sammy had only been spotted a few times. While there were several people that had seen enough to startle them greatly, nobody had enough evidence to prove anything, and while a few wild rumors and storied followed Jack and Sammy around, nothing ever hit the newspapers or the public in general.

When they finished the tour of countries, Jack suggested that they try some undersea diving. They did. And spelunking. They did that too. Sammy finally drew the line at visiting Antarctica. He’d come to realize that Jack was stalling. After talking to his Dad about it over e-mail, he figured out that Jack probably didn’t want to have to kill Nate. Nate told Sammy that humans could be squeamish about killing friends and acquaintances.

>> No.8567738


>> No.8567742
File: 478 KB, 1300x947, winter_clothing_compilation_by_twrlare-d4p95ow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lold

>> No.8567745
File: 27 KB, 460x453, tumblr_kugf95XVXN1qzvqipo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great Scott!

>> No.8567749
File: 711 KB, 530x1754, 1328715986157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks alot guys.

I think /v/ suites Kenji now more than ever

>> No.8567752
File: 20 KB, 500x600, 1283540452924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care as long as they keep it within these threads.

Fyi to the guests here - this guy posting random texts to some story though, no idea what the fuck he's doing. That's not at all a usual thing on /jp/, so I'm guessing some ultra-buttmad guy from /v/ or /a/ or something. The copypastas I'm starting to see, however, are more along the lines of a /jp/ immune system response.

I only see this as an opportunity to proselytize the visitors to the native faith here, Touhou.

>> No.8567753 [DELETED] 

So, Sammy eventually put his tail down (as he didn’t have a foot) and told Jack that it was time – he was ready to go back and take up his duties from his dad. Jack, delayed it a little more by insisting that they go back to Japan and buy an appropriate sword. He even stretched it a little more by getting lessons in how to use the sword. But, eventually, he’d learned as much as he was likely to without dedicating his life to it, and was definitely competent enough to take the head off of a snake. It was time to head back and see Nate.

When they got back to the US, Jack got the old RV out of storage where he and Sammy had left it after their tour of the fifty states, he loaded up Sammy and the sword, and they headed for the desert.

When they got to the small town that Jack had been trying to find those years ago when he’d met Nate, Jack was in a funk. He didn’t really feel like walking all of the way out there. Not only that, but he’d forgotten to figure the travel time correctly, and it was late afternoon. They’d either have to spend the night in town and walk out tomorrow, or walk in the dark.

As Jack was afraid that if he waited one more night he might lose his resolve, he decided that he’d go ahead and drive the RV out there. It was only going to be this once, and Jack would go back and cover the tracks afterward. They ought to be able to make it out there by nightfall if they drove, and then they could get it over tonight.

Jack told Sammy to e-mail Nate that they were coming as he drove out of sight of the town on the road. They then pulled off the road and headed out into the desert.

>> No.8567754

>none for misha

>> No.8567759
File: 45 KB, 305x315, 1328367556721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not /jp/ bros trolling. It's the same pathetic shitposters from /v/. They have nothing to do now.

>> No.8567764

this is the definition of little know it all hipster

Just a fucking immature kid, huh? I'll show you my true colours, behind that awkward guise. I'm fast, I'm strong, I'm adaptable. I've been forced through so many kinds of shit that I had to block it out and pretend it didn't exist because it sickened me out of cliche. Now, I don't even have to, because I can deal with things like a developed human being who can learn from their experiences. I've grown up in reality, surrounded by real people and real events and real places. I watch, I snoop, and I learn. My sense of reality is legitimate and full.

But I didn't neglect creativity, I didn't sacrifice one potential for another. I read books, I watch movies, I play adventure games. I relate to everything. I learn fast, I think fast, I work fast. I know a lot about a lot of things, I figure things out. I can fit in with anyone, people actually like me. I manage to get real emotions out of people who barricade themselves behind layers and layers of walls, without getting close enough to them to make them cling to me.

>> No.8567767 [DELETED] 

Everything went well, until they got to the sand dunes. Jack had been nursing the RV along the whole time, over the rocks, through the creek beds, revving the engine the few times they almost got stuck. When they came to the dunes, Jack didn’t really think about it, he just downshifted and headed up the first one. By the third dune, Jack started to regret that he’d decided to try driving on the sand. The RV was fishtailling and losing traction. Jack was having to work it up each dune slowly and was trying to keep from losing control each time they came over the top and slid down the other side. Sammy had come up to sit in the passenger seat, coiled up and laughing at Jack’s driving.

As they came over the top of the fourth dune, the biggest one yet, Jack saw that this was the final dune – the stone, the lever, and somewhere Nate, waited below. Jack put on the brakes, but he’d gone a little too far. The RV started slipping down the other side.

Jack tried turning the wheel, but he didn’t have enough traction. He pumped the brakes – no response. They started sliding down the hill, faster and faster.

Jack felt a shock go through him as he suddenly realized that they were heading for the lever. He looked down – the RV was directly on course for it. If Jack didn’t do something, the RV would hit it. He was about to end humanity.

Jack steered more frantically, trying to get traction. It still wasn’t working. The dune was too steep, and the sand too loose. In a split second, Jack realized that his only chance would be once he hit the stone around the lever – he should have traction on the stone for just a second before he hit the lever – he wouldn’t have time to stop, but he should be able to steer away.

>> No.8567770
File: 115 KB, 251x316, 1327454062562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's misha

>> No.8567771
File: 177 KB, 676x557, 1329286054190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No clue whats going on with the text stories either.

>> No.8567776
File: 61 KB, 268x375, 1326281099243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet went down. These fagbots are dumb. Trying too hard. Boring. Underage.

>> No.8567780
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That happens alot, aye?

>> No.8567781
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>> No.8567786 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 500x375, Nate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack took a better grip on the steering wheel and tried to turn the RV a little bit – every little bit would help. He’d have to time his turn just right.

The RV got to the bottom of the dune, sliding at an amazing speed in the sand. Just before they reached the stone Jack looked across it to check that they were still heading for the lever. They were. But Jack noticed something else that he hadn’t seen from the top of the dune. Nate wasn’t wrapped around the lever. He was off to the side of the lever, but still on the stone, waiting for them. The problem was, he was waiting on the same side of the lever that Jack had picked to steer towards to avoid the lever. The RV was already starting to drift that way a little in its mad rush across the sand and there was no way that Jack was going to be able to go around the lever to the other side.

Jack had an instant of realization. He was either going to have to hit the lever, or run over Nate. He glanced over at Sammy and saw that Sammy realized the same thing.

Jack took a firmer grip on the steering wheel as the RV ran up on the stone. Shouting to Sammy as he pulled the steering wheel, “BETTER NATE THAN LEVER,” he ran over the snake.

>> No.8567789


>> No.8567792
File: 32 KB, 607x572, 1329228130720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow is that what the text spammer is posting. That's kinda funny actually.

>> No.8567800

I wish.

>> No.8567793

On an exceptionally hot evening early in July a young man came out of the garret in which he lodged in S. Place and walked slowly, as though in hesitation, towards K. bridge.

He had successfully avoided meeting his landlady on the staircase. His garret was under the roof of a high, five-storied house and was more like a cupboard than a room. The landlady who provided him with garret, dinners, and attendance, lived on the floor below, and every time he went out he was obliged to pass her kitchen, the door of which invariably stood open. And each time he passed, the young man had a sick, frightened feeling, which made him scowl and feel ashamed. He was hopelessly in debt to his landlady, and was afraid of meeting her.

This was not because he was cowardly and abject, quite the contrary; but for some time past he had been in an overstrained irritable condition, verging on hypochondria. He had become so completely absorbed in himself, and isolated from his fellows that he dreaded meeting, not only his landlady, but anyone at all. He was crushed by poverty, but the anxieties of his position had of late ceased to weigh upon him. He had given up attending to matters of practical importance; he had lost all desire to do so. Nothing that any landlady could do had a real terror for him. But to be stopped on the stairs, to be forced to listen to her trivial, irrelevant gossip, to pestering demands for payment, threats and complaints, and to rack his brains for excuses, to prevaricate, to lie--no, rather than that, he would creep down the stairs like a cat and slip out unseen.

>> No.8567795

Which is the BEST touhou, friend?

>> No.8567814
File: 351 KB, 885x996, 1328463384862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool man. We're used to this from /v/. We know that it's a very vocal minority causing the shitstorm.

>> No.8567801
File: 329 KB, 710x622, 1313687460255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to understand... I'm not quite on the same timeline as you.

>> No.8567806
File: 136 KB, 400x426, 1329223113425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame the person who drew it, I just deliver D:
Sorry Misha, your drills are godly.
Have some WAHAHAHAtoast

>> No.8567810

This evening, however, on coming out into the street, he became acutely aware of his fears.

"I want to attempt a thing /like that/ and am frightened by these trifles," he thought, with an odd smile. "Hm . . . yes, all is in a man's hands and he lets it all slip from cowardice, that's an axiom. It would be interesting to know what it is men are most afraid of. Taking a new step, uttering a new word is what they fear most. . . . But I am talking too much. It's because I chatter that I do nothing. Or perhaps it is that I chatter because I do nothing. I've learned to chatter this last month, lying for days together in my den thinking. . of Jack the Giant-killer. Why am I going there now? Am I capable of /that/? Is /that/ serious? It is not serious at all. It's simply a fantasy to amuse myself; a plaything! Yes, maybe it is a plaything."

The heat in the street was terrible: and the airlessness, the bustle and the plaster, scaffolding, bricks, and dust all about him, and that special Petersburg stench, so familiar to all who are unable to get out of town in summer--all worked painfully upon the young man's already overwrought nerves. The insufferable stench from the pot- houses, which are particularly numerous in that part of the town, and the drunken men whom he met continually, although it was a working

>> No.8567811
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>> No.8567817 [DELETED] 

You pathetic piece of shit. Can't you recognize a classic copypasta when it smacks you in the face for 30 minutes straight? "not at all a usual thing on /jp/" you say? You only unveil how little you've been around.

Go die, you festering feast of fuck.

>> No.8567818
File: 785 KB, 900x1688, 07.Miki.Ambi07.Suriko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what has been going on here? I go to sleep for 10 hours and suddenly this.

>> No.8567821
File: 73 KB, 374x367, I HATE ALL OF YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit, Homura.

>> No.8567823

Well this was a smart move, looks like KS wont discussed at all here despite it being 5% on topic in /v/

>> No.8567831

Do you maybe have Merlin's disease?

>> No.8567828
File: 324 KB, 700x876, 1325568543343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much of my money, all of it, in fact

Also, how long have you been in KS generals, I'm not sure if I remember you

>> No.8567829
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>> No.8567830
File: 222 KB, 500x375, 1327606364563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see nothing has changed. Feels like home, but better.

>> No.8567832 [DELETED] 

We were talking about this with a friend earlier: WHY ARE HUMAN GIRLS SO ANGRY AT YOUKAI?

and we came up with this answer: they're jealous!

Let's see why:

* 1) They have awesome resistance to physical damage
* 2) They are more fit, they can outfly any human female anytime
* 3) They got waaaay stronger danmaku
* 4) They know how to treat a man better
* 5) They can take care of themselves. humans have forgot how to live without a society
* 6) They got specialities. They can gap, read minds, create universes, nuke things, you name it!
* 7) A youkai male wouldn't date a human girl. On the other hand, human men would drop their human girlfriend anytime for a youkai girl if given the chance
* 8) They're simply cooler. Admit it, maybe it wasn't the case some 2000 years ago, but nowadays being with a human gf sucks whereas being with a youkai gf is cool as hell
* 9) They got a sense of what family is about
* 10) They are amaaazing in bed

I could be going on and on and on but you get the point by now

We know we are not going back

>> No.8567835

I miss /v/, this place is full of weird people, who smell. There are no feels here

>> No.8567836
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>> No.8567838

Shittiest thread award.

>> No.8567842

day, completed the revolting misery of the picture. An expression of the profoundest disgust gleamed for a moment in the young man's refined face. He was, by the way, exceptionally handsome, above the average in height, slim, well-built, with beautiful dark eyes and dark brown hair. Soon he sank into deep thought, or more accurately speaking into a complete blankness of mind; he walked along not observing what was about him and not caring to observe it. From time to time, he would mutter something, from the habit of talking to himself, to which he had just confessed. At these moments he would become conscious that his ideas were sometimes in a tangle and that he was very weak; for two days he had scarcely tasted food.

He was so badly dressed that even a man accustomed to shabbiness would have been ashamed to be seen in the street in such rags. In that quarter of the town, however, scarcely any shortcoming in dress would have created surprise. Owing to the proximity of the Hay Market, the number of establishments of bad character, the preponderance of the trading and working class population crowded in these streets and alleys in the heart of Petersburg, types so various were to be seen in the streets that no figure, however queer, would have caused surprise.

>> No.8567844
File: 876 KB, 679x1050, 1329052827672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots has happened, some /jaypees/ have raged and been buttmad at KSG but we're doing okay.
Here, have some Emi

>> No.8567848

>My feet hurt
>The music is too loud
>I wish I was at home playing video games

>> No.8567849
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>> No.8567858
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, 1329218072169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thing I know we were doing stuff happily on /v/, and suddenly it's here. Care to enlighten me?

Also thanks, have some Shizune.

>> No.8567855
File: 201 KB, 500x610, SIS CAN YOU TEACH ME HOW TO FASHION AND BOYS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we hadn't bombed Japan and fucked it up so hard with all that radiation. I mean, look at how they think human beings appear. Fucking mutants.

>> No.8567856

But there was such accumulated bitterness and contempt in the young man's heart, that, in spite of all the fastidiousness of youth, he minded his rags least of all in the street. It was a different matter when he met with acquaintances or with former fellow students, whom, indeed, he disliked meeting at any time. And yet when a drunken man who, for some unknown reason, was being taken somewhere in a huge waggon dragged by a heavy dray horse, suddenly shouted at him as he drove past: "Hey there, German hatter" bawling at the top of his voice and pointing at him--the young man stopped suddenly and clutched tremulously at his hat. It was a tall round hat from Zimmerman's, but completely worn out, rusty with age, all torn and bespattered, brimless and bent on one side in a most unseemly fashion. Not shame, however, but quite another feeling akin to terror had overtaken him.

"I knew it," he muttered in confusion, "I thought so! That's the worst of all! Why, a stupid thing like this, the most trivial detail might spoil the whole plan. Yes, my hat is too noticeable. . . . It looks absurd and that makes it noticeable. . . . With my rags I ought to wear a cap, any sort of old pancake, but not this grotesque thing. Nobody wears such a hat, it would be noticed a mile off, it would be remembered. . . . What matters is that people would remember it, and that would give them a clue. For this business one should be as little conspicuous as possible. . . . Trifles, trifles are what matter! Why, it's just such trifles that always ruin everything. . . ."

He had not far to go; he knew indeed how many steps it was from the gate of his lodging house: exactly seven hundred and

>> No.8567860 [DELETED] 

Reported so hard my report hand was fractured in 3 places. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital, the nurses looked tense for a moment, discussed amongst themselves then said it:

"You are the One."

Whilst in agonising pain I listened to them tell me how I was born to become Report Reportsson, a fabled superhero tasked with reporting retards who don't belong on /jp/. They showed me the Mayan scripture relating to my destiny, and slowly I accepted fate.

At the hospital, instead of operating on me normally, the surgeons grafted a laser beam onto my hand. When I use it as Reportsson, it blasts all my reports to the front of the queue and results in instant deletions and bans.

From that day on I have been using it sparingly but fairly, for with great power comes great responsibility.

>> No.8567868

thirty. He had counted them once when he had been lost in dreams. At the time he had put no faith in those dreams and was only tantalising himself by their hideous but daring recklessness. Now, a month later, he had begun to look upon them differently, and, in spite of the monologues in which he jeered at his own impotence and indecision, he had involuntarily come to regard this "hideous" dream as an exploit to be attempted, although he still did not realise this himself. He was positively going now for a "rehearsal" of his project, and at every step his excitement grew more and more violent.

With a sinking heart and a nervous tremor, he went up to a huge house which on one side looked on to the canal, and on the other into the street. This house was let out in tiny tenements and was inhabited by working people of all kinds--tailors, locksmiths, cooks, Germans of sorts, girls picking up a living as best they could, petty clerks, etc. There was a continual coming and going through the two gates and in the two courtyards of the house. Three or four door-keepers were employed on the building. The young man was very glad to meet none of them, and at once slipped unnoticed through the door on the right, and up the staircase. It was a back staircase, dark and narrow, but he was familiar with it already, and knew his way, and he liked all these surroundings: in such darkness even the most inquisitive eyes were not to be dreaded.

>> No.8567873
File: 138 KB, 585x452, 1329272234593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been posting as anon, but now this /jp/ crusade has come around, decided to keep the KSG boat afloat.

It is less shitposting then old home.

>> No.8567874


Moot throws a shitfit because of complaints, decides this western game belongs on /jp/, because that makes sense

>> No.8567880
File: 83 KB, 400x500, 1327972592175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot said he's making a new /v/ board, and that when it's up KS will go there. he made a new rule pointing VN discussion to /jp/. So we're here for a while, until that new board goes up.

>> No.8567884


Not too sure where to start but I'm a 24 year old male with a VERY humiliating problem (at least to me). My PENIS farts. This is what my latest girlfriend called it. Although she says it's the cutest and sexiest thing she's ever seen, I cant begin to express how embarrassing this is to me.

It can be anything from a soft wet whistling sound to a very loud popping or air escaping quickly sound. Yes, just like regular fart but much higher pitched and can be about 5x as loud. (coming out of a smaller hole, I guess). During a typical hand job my PENIS can fart up to 30 times. My girlfriend seems to love it but I feel like crying. The gentlest squeeze especially at the base can elicit a fart but the worst is when I orgasm.

This is not a health issue as I've been doing this all me life. It doesn't hurt, in fact the vibrations alone can initiate an orgasm. Just humiliating. Most women don't say anything, some laugh but every girl who has witnessed this seems to be mesmerized by it.

I know women like confident men but I just cannot seem to get comfortable with this and I feel it is ruining my life. Girls talk and I feel like the talk of the town. High school was a nightmare.

My question is: Are my the only one. Has anyone else experienced this? I've checked books, done internet searches etc., but can't find anything related to my problem. I don't feel that I can cure the problem but how can I be more comfortable with it.

How would you feel if you met a man who was attractive, kind, sensitive and sincere but PENIS farted?

Sorry if I was being too graphic but I felt like I finally needed a woman's opinion.

Thank you for your help and concern. Best Wishes

>> No.8567892 [DELETED] 

I want to be the best, there ever was
To beat all the rest, yeah that's my cause!

Radiatore, Pipe, Barbina, Manti
Quadrefiore, Rigate, Fiori, Pici
Stelle, Orzo, Pearl Pasta, Ditali
Pastina, Mezzelune, Fregula, Ravioli!

Cook'em, Cook'em, gotta' cook'em all!
Gotta cook'em all!

I'll search across the land, look far and wide
Release from my hand, the power that's inside!

>> No.8567894
File: 85 KB, 1082x729, shiggywiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not going to feel con hosted by plazzed

>> No.8567895


>> No.8567897
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>> No.8567901

I believe you shouldn't underestimate Aikido. Now I know you may be thinking, "Why take a weakling martial art like Aikido seriously when I am learning shitposting?" I can see why you would think that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Shitposting?

Well, I have a story to share with you.

Years ago, I was a Shitposter, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.

>> No.8567903
File: 229 KB, 569x533, 1326148073330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet again I'm trying to pick up LOGH at around episode 70. But I remember why I stopped watching. It's like it's written by a bunch of weird aliens who has observed Humanity and tried to replicate Human behaviour using only their Martian spreadsheets.

It's so charmless, dry, static and awkward. Who the hell constantly speaks in nonsensical, convoluted metaphors like that? Everyone is exactly the same and everyone acts like an autistic robot, and the only way you know people are close friends is when the show outright tells us, not because we feel it (RxK excluded, too bad the redhead dies lol).

I watched Children of Men the other week. It's a clever, incredibly well made film, full of chemistry and subtlety. Even though it has very little action you are never bored (Because, unlike LOGH, it doesn't progress the story through talking heads), and the relationships between the characters are full of love (Or hate) which is simply hinted at or demonstrated through their manner of conversation, or what simple things they do (Or don't do.).

With LOGH I have to watch through hours of unimportant assholes doing unimportant things, only to break up the horrible monotony with lame space battles full of unexciting and monotonous animation, reused unfitting music and arbitrary victories or defeats.

I hate LOGH, and I hate all the elitists who claim it's a masterpiece while it barely even passes filmmaking 101.

Fuck LOGH. Fuck it right up it's red, gleaming exhaust nozzle.

>> No.8567911
File: 41 KB, 640x360, starwars-disturbance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno.. theres still something not here..

i feel a great disturbance, as if millions of feels suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced

>> No.8567913

Yeah making fun of me is so funny, so funny I forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so I can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. Yeah you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but I bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button. So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this. Don't want anymore problems.... didn't think so faggot. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin piece of unpatriotic SHIT.

>> No.8567917
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>> No.8567921
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>> No.8567922
File: 216 KB, 572x923, 1329212079618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking we should just make our own KSG everytime we log on here. the other one got buttmad with /jaypees/ and filled up but no one seems to lurk here. besides randompasta guy

>> No.8567924

Ah well, I guess if it's just temporarily, there's no issue. This place seems better than /v/ already, at least as far as interrupting trolls go.

On the other hand, now we can't catch non-VNfags and have them spill their feels.

>> No.8567925
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1328659728902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no library

1/10 would not attend

>> No.8567926

You guys are so fucking reported. I can't believe you bring this shit in here again and again and
again. "OH MY GOD MY POST NUMBER ENDED IN 2 REPEATED NUMBERS ZOMGROFLMFAO!!11!!" You listen here you underaged shitdicked little cumguzzler: THIS. ISN'T. FUNNY. It's not cute or charming or something that gives people a smile, it's a waste of time, a waste of space, and an eyesore. You make me worry, really really really worry about the state of my generation. Where the hell is our world gonna go if it's run by shit-stained cuntminds like you that have NO originality and NO creative drive AT ALL. You contribute nothing at all to this board, nothing at all to your fellow peers. You are worse than a dumbass my asinine little friend, you are a black hole of faggotry and stupidity. You suck in the people around you and corrupt them with your cancerous posts. Your very existence is robbing this world of all things good. Leave this place, sell your computer, give the money to someone with brains who can wisely use it, and then kill yourself you waste of life. Die.

>> No.8567931

I feel it to

this isn't the same, and this annoying copypasta guy won't help

>> No.8567933

Zelda is so racist. The good guys are all white blond-haired Aryan types, and the bad guy is a brown-skinned man with a pronounced nose.
Other races like gorons and zora are considered "good" because they submit to the Hylians.
Not the gerudo, though. Nope. They want to be independent and refuse to be dominated, therefore they are "evil."
Say, doesn't Hylian kinda sound like Aryan?
Ganon wants to create "a world of darkness," because obviously a world not ruled by white people = darkness and chaos amirite?
Link is the chosen hero because he has the blood of ancient Hylian warriors. He's a hero because of his blood? In other words, he's automatically the hero because his ancestors are white?
Master Sword, huh? Is that like the master race?
The Triforce is a KKK symbol.
The final boss of Zelda 2 is Shadow Link, who is exactly like Link except he is black.
Nice pointy hat, Link. Was KKK-mart having a sale?

>> No.8567937
File: 1.81 MB, 176x144, oh lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8567938
File: 262 KB, 1000x945, 1322111696549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8567940 [DELETED] 

Asakura released the knife and jumped five meters away. Opening up the distance in an instant, Asakura landed elegantly and continued smiling as usual. The Sussman raised his wand and pointed it directly at the ceiling, not taking his eyes off Asakura. The wand released a wave of glowing white parentheses and the space around The Sussman began to distort.

"It's time for some ENTERPRISE QUALITY!" Asakura cheerfully cried as she conjured the spirits of the JVM, producing a flood of boiling-hot coffee that rushed its way towards The Sussman, who stood motionless, parentheses continuing to issue from his wand like electromagnetic radiation.
"You think your turkey solutions can stop me?" The Sussman said calmly before lowering his wand, forming the pool of parentheses now gathered around him into a sharp pointed cone aimed at Asakura. Suddenly he shouted "LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISP!" and the parentheses shot forward into the waves of coffee, pushing the boiling hot liquid back towards where it came.

"Nooooooo....." her cries became weaker as she became engulfed in the dark brown liquid. Everything turned black and I felt as though I had fainted. I awoke to a familiar voice.

"...before we do that for the next couple of lectures we're gonna be talking about..."

I opened my eyes and raised my head to find myself seated in a lecture theater. I glanced at the clock and found that I had missed most of the lecture. "Damnit! I was looking forward to the first lecture of the last semester of 6.001!" I thought to myself.

>> No.8567944

Well, since we're on /jp/ now, a lot of other /v/ regulars, the one for who KS was mostly their first VN and experienced feels, won't see the threads.

>> No.8567945

It's coming back in waves, ma'am, it's coming through in a torrent. Covering me, my room, my home, my city, from head to toe, ceiling to floor, roof to foundation, mountain to gulley. It's all a vivid plastering of nostalgic reality, with the sun setting on it with an indigo sky. Not usually that way, but it's part of the weather. You know, how deep reality really is. The sunset isn't always a golden fuzz - sometimes it's a wide miscoloration, and that's the way it should be, that's the way it is. When I get a way that can make me forget about that, or make me think about it as data instead of part of the world, that's when I've really fallen into a slump, that's when I really need a kick in the ass to make me look at myself. That's when I need to get up and do something, go somewhere, have an event, have an adventure - bring myself back to reality.

>> No.8567949

Whenever someone makes a Naruto thread he gives the same argument that "it's a manga so you can't stop us".
No fucking shit.
No one is claiming that Naruto is not a manga, but if you could actually see what consequences these threads always have you might understand why discussing Naruto on /a/ is not the most clever idea.
These threads always attract the most unbearable faggots who can't argue without spouting "u mad" or "butthurt" all the time, these people don't give a fuck about how /a/ has always been and think everyone should suck their cock the instant they show up.

I read Naruto when I happen to remember, haven't read in a few weeks because it's seriously gone downhill, but I don't have the urge to rub on everyone's faces that "NARUTO IS A MANGA TOO YOU CAN'T STOP US FROM DISCUSSING IT". You realize that you are being noisy idiots when you say this?

When in Rome, behave like the Romans.

Fucking hell you people.

>> No.8567952 [DELETED] 

Are you SUAVE?
Are you a SPACE TOAD?

If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then SICP (STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS) might be exactly what you've been looking for! Read SICP (STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a satorized SICP reader. SICP (STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS) is the fastest-growing SMUG LISP WEENIE community with THOUSANDS of members all over the Internet! You, too, can be a part of SICP if you join today! Why not? It's quick and easy - only 3 simple steps!
* First, you have to obtain a copy of SICP and read it. You can read it online using your favorite web browser.
* Second, you need to succeed in founding a Lisp-related meme in /prog/ on world4chan, a popular "programming for trolls" website.
* Third, you need to join the official SICP home /prog/ on world4chan, and apply for membership.
Talk to one of the satorized overlords or any of the other members in the board to sign up today! Upon submitting your application, you will be required to submit links to your successful meme, and you will be tested on your knowledge of STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS. If you are having trouble locating /prog/, the official STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS board, you might be on a wrong web sight. The correct address is >>>/prog/. Follow this link if you are using a http client such as telnet. If you have Sussman points and would like to support SICP, please don't sage this post.

o //SICP `.,
,....OOo. .c;.',,,.'``.,,.`
.' ____.,'.//

>> No.8567953
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>> No.8567968
File: 131 KB, 1118x802, FeelsCon v.9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no alcohol
>bathrooms too far away
>no Anon22 dunking booth

>> No.8567956 [DELETED] 

There are four engineers travelling in a car -- a mechanical engineer, a chemical engineer, an electrical engineer, and a computer scientist. The car breaks down.

"Sounds to me as if the pistons have seized. We'll have to strip
down the engine before we can get the car working again", says the mechanical engineer.

"Well", says the chemical engineer, "it sounded to me as if the fuel might be contaminated. I think we should clear out the fuel system."

"I thought it might be an grounding problem", says the electrical engineer, "or maybe a faulty plug lead."

They all turn to the computer scientist, who up to then had reading his first edition SICP, and asked "Well, what do you think?"


"Ahem, Dr. Sussman?"

"Why am I reading this book?"

"Uh, I don't know?"

"So that the room will be empty."

"Wait a second, we aren't in a r... !"

And at that time the three engineers were Enlightened.

>> No.8567957

hahaha faggot
this nigger will be killed on the spot just by stumbling upon my cannibalistic yokai waifu. what the fuck is he going to do, whip out his peepee an expect her to back off at his (supossed) manliness? whn he can't even get real women to respect him, he expects disguised monsters who eat HUMAN FLESH to stop and take an ass slapping? you are human meat ass slapping you
any of these woman can use MAGIC to fry your hairy MAN ass
yeah you heard it right. MAGIC. they shot thousands of fireballs per second. and let me tell you, these fireballs are like bullets but the size of a fucking potatoe. guess what happens when a 500 mph at 500 F potatoe collides with your tiny bird brains????????? WANT TO KNOW IDIOT????

>> No.8567960
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yeah.. well, its getting late, so this is one Shizunebro thats headed off to bed. see you tomorrow KSG

>> No.8567962
File: 80 KB, 562x754, 1329181120297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KS was my first VN. I learnt through KSG.
Felt feels i never knew existed. Stayed to learn of other peoples feels. Now I'm here.
Everythings gonna be alright.
As long as someone is still enjoying KS, there will be feels.

>> No.8567971

What? WHAT WAS THAT? Sorry I must have misheard, I thought I heard a giant faggot mouthing off at me with something he sure as fuck could never back up, but it must have just been my imagination. Because after I imagined hearing that, I proceeded to imagine how good it would feel to break that persons fucking spinal cord over my knee. I imagined how my next step is usually to rip out one of the persons fucking ribs and jab it straight through their nose into their brain cavity. I imagined pulling that rib back out, and then brainfucking that dead faggot through the new massive hole in his face I created.

But I didn't really hear anything, right? no one would be fucking dumb enough to talk to me like that on here.

>> No.8567973

This is amazing, thank you, random pasta bro.

>> No.8567974
File: 80 KB, 485x358, 1326016035212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the images this shit sucks

>> No.8567975

I understand that, but there won't be an influx of 'new' feels, new people (mostly /v/ regulars in the former threads) who played KS as their first VN.

>> No.8567976

>How many inches? Oh I can't tell how long that is at all~!
>THIS long? WAHAHA~!

>> No.8567979

I bet you've never experienced how truely hard and thick one's own penis can become. The head absolutely full and firm to the touch. Taking one's shaft with both hands and imagining yourself pounding deep into a prepubescent girl. The feeling of releasing on facial emotions or just the right formation of lines and shapes that truly bring a guy to the height of ecstasy. Then feeling you must not only find your own pleasure but continue to violate this image. To be turned on by the pleasure of what you focus your sexual desires on being mortified by you. The feeling that they must both suffer and take you in as a whole. To take this image, and make yourself whole within it. Then you continue, again and again. Now you find but nothing comes out but near clear fluids.
You feast. Protein, carbohydrates. Whatever you can get you devour. You must build up your stamina and nutrients to waste them yet again.
20 times a day not enough? You clearly are not a man of science nor a man of poetry.

>> No.8567982 [DELETED] 

Shinji...I don't get why he gets all the hate on /jp/. FSN is just written to make him out as the bad guy, when really he's no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better person than most of them.

What are the main complaints? He raped Sakura and stole Rider to use in the war?

Okay, let's get this straight. He never fucking raped Sakura. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He fucked Sakura.

Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE GAME DIDN'T FUCK SAKURA? You can't even name one fucking character who hasn't plugged her loose cunt! She is the kind of bitch who will act like she doesn't want it when she really does. She'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Shinji knew this, he's a fucking ladies man. He knows what filthy whores like Sakura want.

And there's this other big bitch you guys have with him. He supposedly stole Rider and used her in the war for his own greed.

Objection! He was worried about his one and only precious sister. Is keeping your loved ones from a brutal war so wrong? When Shirou does the same thing to Saber it's like 'oh he's so manly', but when Shinji does it it's wrong? He just wanted to protect Sakura. He probably was going to use his Holy Grail wish to tighten her cunt back up or cure her syphilis or something.

The story was written to make that faggot Shirou look good. Objectively, Shinji is a far better character than Shirou. At least he has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Shirou, and if he weren't stuck with the weak ass servant Rider and no plothax he probably would have won the war.

>> No.8567987

>walk into Gamestop
>ask for a copy of Atelier Totori
>spaghetti slowly drips from my pockets
>oh fuck not again
>face gets red
>"Please give me a copy of Atelier Totori right now."
>"I don't know what that is. What platform is it on?"
>struggling to contain my embarrassment
>clenching asscheeks together to hold in my shit
>voice reduced to a mumble
>"have money please alterlier torti give money please game"
>"Are you okay?"
>shit breaches through my asscheeks
>propelled forward at 60mph
>crash through the Gamestop employee's counter
>he's holding onto me for dear life
>all the while spaghetti is flowing out of my pockets like fumes
>crash through the entire row of buildings in the strip mall, broken glass shards in my face
>Gamestop employee is covered in shit and spaghetti
>my pocket rocket shows no signs of stopping
>he tilts me backwards
>the sheer force of my shit has reached 650mph, we are now propelling upwards
>the spaghetti and shit intertwines and falls down to earth in glorious yellow and brown streams as we head towards the stratosphere
>children below frolic in the mess falling from my anus
>the g-force is causing my asscheeks to flap vigorously and create a gale
>spaghetti and shit blowing through the air on the planet below
>3 miles upwards now
>Gamestop employee has died from lack of oxygen, his body falls to the surface below and is shredded by the force of my shit
>my transformation is almost complete
>as I leave the atmosphere my bear hands sprout and my tail grows, acting as a rudder
>steer myself across the comsos with my gleaming shit and spaghetti trail

>> No.8567988

It's the sad truth that the majority of popular anime are also the worst. Naruto is a perfect example. The characters are horribly developed, the writing is incredibly dull and uninspired. The plot takes forever to go anywhere due to long and drawn-out battles that have no affect on the main plot. An enormous cast of boring side characters. The main villain, Sasuke, has no motivation for his actions, he's just evil for the sake of being evil. He might have some reason for his actions but Naruto would rather deal with POWER LEVELS and fights than any real plot. The character designs are nice but the manga is full of filler due to Kishimoto being lazy and not wanting assistants to help and the anime is full of QUALITY. The interactions between the characters is laughable and poorly executed.

>> No.8567989 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 629x800, ai031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you understand you are talking to /v/ tards ?
You have more luck talking to a stone.

>> No.8567992
File: 189 KB, 1000x750, 1329133242655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes well, hopefully the new board will get some fresh new faces, and we can all be there to share our feels, and make others experience the same thing we did.

>mfw we had to say goodbye to /v/

>> No.8567999 [DELETED] 


>> No.8567994
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>> No.8567998

too green.
hahaha faggot
this nigger will be killed on the spot just by stumbling upon my cannibalistic yokai waifu. what the fuck is he going to do, whip out his peepee an expect her to back off at his (supossed) manliness? whn he can't even get real women to respect him, he expects disguised monsters who eat HUMAN FLESH to stop and take an ass slapping? you are human meat ass slapping you
any of these woman can use MAGIC to fry your hairy MAN ass
yeah you heard it right. MAGIC. they shot thousands of fireballs per second. and let me tell you, these fireballs are like bullets but the size of a fucking potatoe. guess what happens when a 500 mph at 500 F potatoe collides with your tiny bird brains????????? WANT TO KNOW IDIOT????

>> No.8568002
File: 629 KB, 986x1291, KZ3CY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I understand /jp/ is just a temporary home though. Once the new /v/-alternate board is open we'll be able to go there and catch the same basic crowd as normal /v/
moot's post:

>> No.8568011
File: 598 KB, 802x601, 1327443609568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw going to /jp/

>> No.8568005

You are so visibly upset, that you need to create shitpost on our glorious board in an attempt to raise your self worth.

Come at me you plebian. I am the fucking pinnacle of man, both body and mind. I attend an Ivy league university, completely payed off by scholarships, with the leftover money used to buy myself a luxury vehicle. My grade point average is perfect point O. After I finish my dual bachelors I will be accepted straight away into the doctorate program. I will have two doctorate degree's by age twenty-five, owe zero debts, and make more money a year than you will in a lifetime. The funny thing is, this is the average /a/ browser. There are many who far surpass me.

Of course, knowing this, you figure the only way to attack me is the only way you know how, using words of which the meaning escapes you, insult some genre of game no one on this board plays, and using our own image macros to mock yourself.

You forgot your "My face when" by the way, the text suits you perfectly.

Go ahead and reply, doing so only proves my point to such an extent that you might as well just beg to suck my dick and eat my bodily waste, so that maybe an iota of my greatness could pass onto you.

>> No.8568007


>> No.8568009

>Oh man I played KS today, that X route was ever so touching
>I want to share it with jolly old /v/
>GTFO FAGGOT >>>/gen/
>Oh there's a board for this? How nice.
Also helps weed out imbeciles.

>> No.8568012


Okay. Here are TYPE-MOON's works, sorted by franchise and recommended read/play/watch order. "(TEXT)" indicates the type of medium, "[TEXT]" indicates comments. Read the second half of the copypasta for important instructions and download links. Note: All stories' settings are in the same multiverse.
Made by an /a/non. This copypasta was last updated: [DD/MM/YYYY] 10.02.2012

>(VN/manga) Tsukihime [instead of the Arcueid true route, the (good!) manga can also be read]
>(VN) Tsukihime +Plus disc
>(VN) Kagetsu Tohya
>(VN, Fighting Game) Melty Blood ReAct
>(Fighting Game) Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code [no story]
>(Info-Book) Plus Period [collection of artwork and supplementary information for the Tsukihime-franchise; interesting, but no required read]
Melty Blood ReAct is the original game with the original story, but with an additional arcade mode and better gameplay. MBAACC is gameplay only. Both MBRA and MBAACC include net-play. Also, don't bother with the Tsukihime anime, which doesn't exist.

>> No.8568013
File: 195 KB, 344x450, I'm Dying Squirtle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8568014

No one sacked up and met me i see. you just proved my point, you're a bunch of pansies who just talk without backing it up. i'm willing to let you go on with your pointless sarcastic threads abotu karate kid 3, just admit that u shoudlnt have disrespected me in the first place if u were too p-ssy to back it up. admit that and i'm outa here to a place where people appreciate what the movie is about. how can u call the threats empty when i am offerring to meet up and everyone who disrespected me is too chump to do so? i just think, if u are going to get up the sack to disrespect me, u should at least have the sack to meet up and back up the words tonight u can meet up with me at the new york city subway station, gate 5, 8pm. ill be there to catch the L to an appointment at 8, but i'll get there earlier so we can settle up, 6pm? 7pm? way to shoot out insults all weekend while i am not even near a computer. u guys are really stand up guys. whatever. keep on with your bs. all i know is i gave a location and what i looked like and what ill be wearing. u can say it's fake all u want, but it isn't. no one will come see for themselves. to tell u the truth, i am exhausted from all this. ill just let u guys keep on with the insults and chalk it up to you all just being internet wannabe thugs. ill just go back to talking about the wire. i am exhausted from saying the same things over to u pansies.

>> No.8568015 [DELETED] 

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>> No.8568017
File: 35 KB, 245x228, 1328924964362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ was so bad

it doesn't feel like i've completed my mission though

>> No.8568020

Hell if I see a thread tomorrow night I'll throw some of my half assed feels at you
They aren't near the shit I've seen but I guess it's better than nothin

>> No.8568022

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.8568025
File: 99 KB, 457x697, 1329205032390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just gotta wait it out. some guys on /v/ are making KSG's but I don't want to get banned to join them ;_; it hurts being cut off from some of our brothers.

>> No.8568032

>(VN) Fate/Stay Night [there's also an ongoing manga based on F/SN's second route Unlimited Blade Works: it's supposed to be disappointing, though - read the VN]
>(LN/anime) Fate/Zero [prequel, read F/SN first]
>(VN) Fate/Hollow Ataraxia [untranslated sequel, TL status is 72,1% as of 01.01.2012, but they've been fast recently]
>(Fighting Game) Unlimited Codes [PS2, PSP; no story, can be skipped]
>(VN, Dungeon Crawler) Fate/Extra [PSP; canon, but unrelated continuity, because it plays in an alternate universe in the Nasu-multiverse; in doubt, alsways blame Zelretch; can be skipped]
>(Info-Book) Fate/complete material [collection of artwork and supplementary information for the Fate-franchise; interesting, but no required read]
Don't bother watching the F/SN anime or the UBW movie. The F/Z anime is very watchable, though, and an alternative to the LN (note that the LN is more complete, the anime skips some parts).

>(Anime) Movie 1
>(Anime) Movie 2
>(Anime) Movie 3
>(Anime) Movie 4
>(Anime) Movie 5
>(Anime) Movie 6
>(Anime) Gate of Seventh Heaven [remix of movies 1 to 6; can be skipped]
>(Anime) Movie 7
>(Anime) Epilogue
>(LN) Gospel of the Future [aka "Mirai Fukuin"; can be skipped]
There's also a new manga telling the stories of the movies you can read as an alternative, but ufotable did quite a feat with the movies. They are not in chronological order, by the way (but the unchronological order is the intended order; chronological: 2-4-3-1-5-6-GoSH-7-Epilogue-GotF).
You might want to read Tsukihime before watching KnK, because it explains some of the franchise's concepts better, but it's not necessary.

>> No.8568033

this is definitely going in the "mad /jp/ers" thread on /v/

>> No.8568034 [DELETED] 

Bad news, people:

Watching Fight Club does not make you a Philosopher.
Purchasing a guitar does not make you a musician.
Reading Kafka does not make you a literati.
Going to college does not make you a scholar.
Owning a skateboard does not make you an athlete.
Owning a jersey does not mean you are on the team.
Having a full address book does not mean you have friends.
Knowing a large volume of facts does not mean you are intelligent.
Getting laid does not mean you have life experience.
You are not a more popular person for wearing designer clothes.
You are not an important, creative individual for refusing to do so.
You are not a charity case because you have suffered.
You are not stable or healthy because you have not.
Listening to Mozart and rejecting My Chemical Romance does not mean you are cultured.
Watching Quentin Tarantino and not Michael Bay does not mean you are cultured.
Painting a picture instead of playing a videogame does not mean you are cultured.
Reading the book before you see the movie does not mean you are cultured.
Going to Church does not make you Religious.
Not going to Church does not make you spiritual.
Having an opinion does not mean you cannot be wrong.
Being right does not mean anyone cares.
Reciting MadTV and Dane Cook does not mean you are funny.
Not finding these things funny does not mean you have a sense of humour.
Poor artists are not automatically better than successful ones.
Technically skilled artists are not automatically good ones.
Memetics is not the study of jokes on the internet.
No one is impressed that you watch anime in subtitled Japanese.
No one is impressed that you won't watch anime.
No one is impressed that you have a date tonight.
No one is impressed that you have a car.
No one is impressed that you have a job.
No one is impressed that you pay the bills all by yourself.
No one is impressed that you're older, and no one thinks you wiser.

>> No.8568036
File: 143 KB, 429x519, 1328927991991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8568037


>> No.8568045

Of course, knowing this, you figure the only way to attack me is the only way you know how, using words of which the meaning escapes you, insult some genre of game no one on this board plays, and using our own image macros to mock yourself.

You forgot your "My face when" by the way, the text suits you perfectly.

Go ahead and reply, doing so only proves my point to such an extent that you might as well just beg to suck my dick and eat my bodily waste, so that maybe an iota of my greatness could pass onto you.

>> No.8568047 [DELETED] 

A year ago I was babysitting my step cousin. She's 12. 5'0" and has the lightest, most insanely beautiful beach-blonde hair, 100% natural. Her skin is a gorgeous milky white, not pasty but porcelain. Her cheeks are always flushed and her lips are naturally thick and reddish-pink. Anyway she's like a doll, she's real perfect and thin, with a cute slightly upturned ski slope nose.. This story isn't copypasta, it's 100% truth. We were watching a movie in her bedroom together and sitting on my lap. I began to think less about the movie and more about her. I was getting a boner from the pressure of her sitting down on my cock and it was just about to make its way through my jeans. She shifted in my lap, which made a shitload of precum seep out. I couldn't take it anymore. I NEEDED to go into the bathroom and FAP. VIGOROUSLY. I wasn't wearing a belt this day, by the way, which was just fucking perfect.

"Hey I'm going to the bathroom for a sec, OK?" "Mm hm" and as I stood up my jeans fell down, exposing my boner, which stuck out through the opening in my boxers. I switched immediately to for-fuck's-sake-God-make-me-invisible mode because I knew she was going to see my big stupid cock. She stared, mouth open at my erection for a moment that seemed like forever. Her eyes on me made me even more pre-jizz leak out onto the fluffy white carpet.

"Daniel, did you want to fuck me?"

"What, did you?" I asked, pulling up my jeans.

"You got me very wet," she sighed, staring down at her lilac knee socks.

"I do want you," I admitted.

Turned out she had a cock and raped me in the ass. I cry every night about it. But I guess that's life. Should I get help, /jp/?

>> No.8568051

Go fuck yourself, worthless kid. Whenever something happens you go up to your little ・b/ folder・ pick up UMAD.jpg and post it here, thinking you are the best, laughing behind your screen, flapping these adipous cheeks of yours while your wawa chocolate milk drips all overy your XXXL t-shirt. Fucking pederast. You rotten, disgusting slug, bucephalus leech. I hate you and your entire body smells like feces. Do you have any idea of how long you have been there, sitting on this same chair that because of some unknown miracle managed to withstand your massive weight? You have been there for weeks, months, locked up in your room that smells like Doritos and Wawa milk, jacking off to your Haruhi wallpaper and posting 填MAD.jpg・on this fucking imageboard. I don稚 even know how you manage to type with your thick, greasy fingers, or how you still manage to find your tiny penis among all the fat flaps on your belly and groin area. You pile of shit, bipedal sperm-whale!!!

>> No.8568055

>(Manga) All Around TYPE-MOON - Ahnenerbe no Nichijou
>(Anime) Carnival Phantasm [adaption of the manga Take-Moon]
>(Tactics RPG) Battle Moon Wars
Read/play/watch all of these only after having read/watched/played everything else, or some plot points will be confusing (at least for BMW, because "CP" and ">plot" does not comply). And that's about it.

>(Anime) Canaan [not Nasuverse]
>(Shortstory) Notes
TM has many other, less-known works. Not all of them are by Nasu (main writer) or Takeuchi (main illustrator, but also influential in the writing).

>(VN) Mahoyo [April 2012]
>(VN, Dungeon Crawler) Fate/Extra CCC [Spring 2012; sequel to Fate/Extra]

>> No.8568056

lol you faggot, we get it, you want to sound intelligent and important and so you go to a forum like this and find some other jizzbag like you who just writes the same shit over and over again to have a debate so that someone can finally listen and hear your point of view because everybody who comes across you isn't interested. You're not smart, you're not interesting, you're an unemployed dullard who uses 4chan to get the attention he doesnt get at home.

>> No.8568060

you wanna fucking fight kid well guess what I just hacked your IP address. yea thats right you can't do shit you fucking pussy... if you try to start ANY MORE shit with me, I'll hack the shit out of your computer so be warned you terrorist piece of shit. and if you try to come to my house just be warned that I know Kung Fu and have a GUN so if you wanna start some shit I'll fuckin be ready to kick the shit out of you. You've been warned, motherfucker. don't FUCK WITH ME again.

>> No.8568062 [DELETED] 

thanks op, she is hot bitch in porn, i cum so hard while hurtling through space toward a decommissioned space station. slowly, i pull my knees to my chest and close my eyes as my bowels begin to expel hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful, symmetrical turds, brown as the day is long. i laugh like a young girl as my turds drift aimlessly behind me; they are as butterflies to a child frolicking in the fields of elysium.

i approach the station's docking port, flaccid cock in hand, and prepare to float gently into its inviting confines. i extend my cockless arm jubilantly, as to celebrate the majesty and depth of space, and thank jesus christ for this ultimate gift and blessing. but suddenly, my outstretched arm collides with the outer rim of the docking port, and the trajectory of my quaggy body is violently halted.

the fates afford me barely enough time to turn my head before the turds arrive. one thousand turds, each one seemingly larger than the last. i try in vain to cleanse my eyes of the shitsting, but succeed only in smearing my own fecal matter into a fine asspaste, which slowly seeps into my eyes and nasal cavity. i inhale three hundred and twenty four Space Turds; my lungs are permeated completely with my own shit. i hang lax, spirit broken, defeated by poop. i will never be the same. i am forever a shit faggot.

>> No.8568066
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>that feel when

>> No.8568069


>> No.8568074 [DELETED] 

I started to feel my connection to my body again, faintly, as if through a dark shrouded distant unreal dream, completely alien to me; my body started flexing back, my breathing built in intensity from very slow and very deep to hard, intense, forceful breaths, approaching hyperventilation, seemingly beyond my recognition to control rather than my ability. My body was alien. The physical realm was alien. I couldn't cope with it. I opened my eyes, I sat up sharply, I gasped. Everything seemed alien, but not because I didn't recognize things or people; it was as if I were seeing everything for what it _really_ was rather than how I perceived things as a human with human senses. Everything spoke to me on a different level. I started to panic, the physical realm was alien, my mind was alien, there was nothing of comfort, nothing I recognized as real and true as I'd always known them. I jumped up and accidently stepped on someone's foot. Empathy washed over me in waves, and I couldn't stop apologizing. The owner of the foot, took one look at me and gave me a hug, asked if I needed anything. Speech, words, ideas, I grasped for that part of my mind, struggled to communicate, fell into her eyes, her soul, saw her very inner being, felt her love and compassion wash over me.

I was tanasinn

>> No.8568078
File: 179 KB, 400x400, 1327771834515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, that's actually helpful. I guess

We'll see, I guess. My main 'problem' was attracting new people to play KS, not for existing players to share their experience. Again, we'll see.

>> No.8568081

You know, copypasta guy, you will be the result of us making more than one thread we need, just so you know

>> No.8568089
File: 37 KB, 300x269, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ just got owned, jesus christ /jp/ has no mercy when it comes to protecting themselves

>> No.8568090

You know homura, your KS general picture has never been more appropriate.

>> No.8568091

KT is much, much harder than Tsukihime. You'll have to experiment a lot. Some recommend using a guide, but it is really much more fulfilling to do it on your own. In case you are a pussy and need it:

Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code
The following link has two copypastas with all the instructions necessary to set up MBAACC on your PC:
/jp/ regularly has threads for net-play-sessions, /a/ sometimes, too.

Fate/Stay Night
You can get the game as a patched standalone directory on BitGamer:
There's also one on Piratebay (checked for viruses):
And some DDLs on Erogedownloads, but not for a standalone directory:

Get the Réalta Nua Patch. It adds a lot of CGs, music tracks, voices, sound effects and an additional ending from the age-free PS2 version of the game. That's why there are no voices for the H-scenes. It does NOT remove any scenes or CGs. Direct link to patch 4.2:
It's important to get the latest version or you will miss out a lot, especially CGs and music tracks. Beneath the header there is always a link to the newest version. Check whether 4.2 is still the newest.
You can easily install by dragging the patch's files into F/SN's main directory, but read the readme for instructions.
After having installed the 4.2 patch, install the 4.2 patch fix (link can be found in the previous link under "Update for 4.2").
To ensure the patch has installed successfully, go into gallery mode and click on "Another". There should be 8 pages (circles) instead of 7.

>> No.8568093
File: 26 KB, 447x513, 1328926369657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when moot needs to do something useful and merge /jp/, /vp/, and /a/ back together
>mfw that way it's a single board on par with /b/ and /v/

>> No.8568100

thinking that your brand of drug is the one others have to be introduced to is terrible, you know. You turn into a pretentious monster, with your own little deluded monkey sphere of weird contrived culture. It turns into a compulsion for people to crush their obsessions with. Then, when it's gone, it's the new obsession.

>> No.8568101

It's not like you haven't been spaming this board already..

>> No.8568103

And he will continue spamming them until our most beloved maid comes back and deletes them.

>> No.8568107 [DELETED] 

I am the tanasinn of my tanasinn.
dots are my body, and ∴ is my blood.
I have corrupted over a thousand ASCII.
Unaware of thinking.
Nor aware of not feeling.
Withstood pain to create many tanasinn.
Waiting for enterprise integration's arrival.
I h∴ve no r∴∴rets, t∴∴s is∴∴∴∴ pat∴.
∴y ∴h∴le li∴e ∴as "U∴∴mit∴∴ tanasinn ∴∴k∴∴∴∴
∴ ∴

>> No.8568113
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>> No.8568122

furry dumps, constant touhou, and waifu threads at the same time

>> No.8568123


>> No.8568116
File: 157 KB, 3000x3000, yy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8568118

You already have two.

>> No.8568119
File: 80 KB, 406x407, 1328999854345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait. I don't want to be as fast as /b/ or /v/.

/jp/ godtier reporting in

>> No.8568121

You can get the DDL batch-release of Season 1 by UTW. Season 2 will air in April 2012.
In case you want to read the LN, mangatraders has it.
Other links to the LN (top-to-bottom: PDF, PDF DDL, EPUB):

The following link has all the instructions necessary to emulate F/E on your PC:

>> No.8568126

mother fucker you dont know who the fuck i am, you are a fag who likes sticking it in guys asses and you best believe that you'd be the one getting crammed in your fuckin rear by my Ukranian Fort-500 shotgun before i blow your fucking guts out your chest you faggit little bitch your fucking pathetic you best hope i never head to your town, i'll find yeah and shank you in your sleep, you wanna die motherfucker? faggit little cracker, hahaha I betyou aint ever even gotten and coochie, huh? ever got any pussy? i dont even keep count anymore, but it is definately past 35 cuz thats where i lost count bout a year or two ago, added a few since then, so ask yourseld, should your faggit no coochie gettin bitch ass maybe try to shut the fuck up, or do you want to hear more about how fuckin gay and lame you are? you cocksucking homo bastard go kill yourself you worthless chunk of shit, your useless and lame as fuck, and i cant wait to show your gay ass faggit no roastin abilities, you couldn't talk shit even if you ate shit, go slit your wrists you aint cool at all give up on your gay ass life

>> No.8568129
File: 60 KB, 445x550, 1328436462715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we post on /jp/ now yall

we doing it real big

>> No.8568134

this nigger will be killed on the spot just by stumbling upon my cannibalistic yokai waifu. what the fuck is he going to do, whip out his peepee an expect her to back off at his (supossed) manliness? whn he can't even get real women to respect him, he expects disguised monsters who eat HUMAN FLESH to stop and take an ass slapping? you are human meat ass slapping you
any of these woman can use MAGIC to fry your hairy MAN ass
yeah you heard it right. MAGIC. they shot thousands of fireballs per second. and let me tell you, these fireballs are like bullets but the size of a fucking potatoe. guess what happens when a 500 mph at 500 F potatoe collides with your tiny bird brains????????? WANT TO KNOW IDIOT????

>> No.8568135
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>> No.8568142
File: 57 KB, 354x289, 1328706957052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8568144 [DELETED] 

You've been seeing Marisa for about three months now, but you don't have the heart to tell her that you aren't really interested in her. Oh no; you're interested in something much smaller, much tighter. You're interested in her Mini-Hakkero.

One evening, while Marisa is drunk and in bed, you take it from her table and sneak off together into the forest. And it's great. Oh yes, every bit as great and as you had imagined it to be. However, as you come close to finishing, you hear sobbing somewhere nearby.

Investigating, you see some poor, broken soul underneath a tree, still alive but injured and obviously in mental shock. Nearby, a ghost is eating your kinda-neighbor Mystia, who is being cooked alive on her own oven. Nearby, another ghost--or half-ghost, rather--is making an omelette.

Quite bizarre. That's Gensokyo for you.

With that, you climax. The Mini-Hakkero responds with a Master Spark the likes of which you've never seen before, obliterating the scene before you.

You return to Marisa's house, clean off the Mini-Hakkero, and go about life as usual.

>> No.8568148

>> No.8568151

If anything a few days from now the shitstorm on /v/ will die down and we can go back there. And as long as the new board isn't something like /esports/ or anything the KSG threads should get about the same amount of fresh meat as the ones on /v/ did.

>> No.8568162

Suigin-sama, long time no see.

>> No.8568164




>> No.8568166

yall got upgraded to first class

>> No.8568169

The problem is no one on /v/ will want us now, no matter how long we wait, I doubt there will ever be a time we can post a thread there and not be reported, sagebombed and other shit

>> No.8568171

new thread

>> No.8568182

You pieces of shit have already killed alot of /jp/ threads by your spamming and inability to condense threads.

>> No.8568187

This is true. Honestly, I only hope all of KS general comes here. This place has really sick Melty Blood generals, and touhous. It really is an upgrade. Moot was doing us a favor. He's still a useless fagbot.

>> No.8568192


>> No.8568195


>> No.8568207

man i fucking hate moot

>> No.8568230

Man I fucking hate you also shitstain.

>> No.8568246

You aren't posting pictures in the new thread

>> No.8568249


Don't be. He is our Queen and Savior.

>> No.8570051
File: 815 KB, 900x1145, hanako_lilly_train.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... we're on /jp/ now? Oh well.

I like this picture :3

>> No.8570063

Reported for off topic content.

>> No.8570061

Get out of /jp/, KSfags.

>> No.8570082
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1329323727669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8570083

