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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 316 KB, 1274x880, AASAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8566303 No.8566303 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /v/.
Nobody is mad here, just disappointed.

Aren't you at least a little ashamed how retarded you look?

>> No.8566332

>ashamed how retarded

>> No.8566328

b-but I'm just trying to fit in here ;_;

>> No.8566341

It's embarrassing, for sure.

>> No.8566361

Savages feel no shame.

>> No.8566349

>/v/ makes a bunch of shitposts
>blames /jp/ for the mess that /v/ made by itself

Stay classy.

>> No.8566356

But I don't see a difference?

>> No.8566353


>> No.8566366

feels good knowing my post is in that picture.

I just want to let everyone know, that my cock is ROCK hard.

just, wanted to let everyone know.

Sugoy sugoy.

>> No.8566373

It's the board who made a public vote pool and bitched about it. It's also the board that originated forced memes like PiccolodicK.

>> No.8566377

How is this different from how /jp/ has been ever since last summer?

>> No.8566380


KSers kept to themselves. Only had 1 post at a time if any. You don't know shit.

>> No.8566389

Hard to say.

I visit /v/ daily so I'm not really surprised.

Shit, this is nothing. You should see when they're actually serious about the dumb shit they post. This is just unimaginative "durr let's mess with /jp/ ironically".

>> No.8566391
File: 90 KB, 379x374, Fulgrim Pre-Heresy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? /v/ is simply doing /jp/ a favor by acclimating them to such shitposting so they'll be ready for Daytime /v/

>> No.8566394

It's probably not one hundred percent on their own. There are probably some of /jp/'s resident total-fucking-retard shitposters helping out.

>> No.8566407
File: 444 KB, 1000x1333, 78764a58a82ceacad288cc9724ba10695df2ff43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mind boggling how childish they are.
This is /b/ level shit. "raids" what the fuck?
Why are they even here?
Get lost.
I hate you.

>> No.8566408

It's really bad irony. Some of the worst I've seen, probably.

>> No.8566415
File: 229 KB, 488x936, 7ea83ae1e590225340a0402dfeda067468b0d259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may haven't noticed, but /v/ is acting exactly like reddit right now. Projecting their precious memes all over the place and acting like they are super mature back on their cave. Glad to see we got ourselves our own reddit!

>> No.8566430
File: 674 KB, 4865x2000, devolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every newcomer

Have a /jp/ evolution

>> No.8566440


Yup. It's really what makes /v/ shit, there is a HUGE, amount of hidden retards, so to speak. I mean, we have the ordinary /v/ shitposter, and then we have the people from /b/, facebook , reddit or wherever everyone thinks they come from.

>> No.8566441

You really think it's /v/ raiding us or something?
It's probably one or two /v/ guys and the rest are our own shitposters.

>> No.8566451
File: 11 KB, 112x133, 1313020212318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeh, well you can just deal with Katawa Shitjou threads here. Blame the devs and the fanbase.

Pic related.

>> No.8566452

You think this is bad? Just wait till daytime /v/ realises they're forced to migrate here.
You're gonna see dubs
You're gonna see piccolo dick
You're gonna see shitposting like you wouldnt believe

You have no one to blame but yourselves.

>> No.8566458
File: 135 KB, 646x434, 2e94245543e404b688397e9aca1b62bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one ever did tell me what their favorite Japanese food was.

i thought this was a place to talk about Japanese things.

wait hold on

Why don't we have a /eu/ board we can talk about all things Europe related, because i think this is implying that Japan is more interesting than Europe.

because it's not.


>> No.8566466

Just hide the threads, remember not to feed the /b/tards....i mean the /v/tards

>> No.8566479

screencapping this thread as a reminder of how mad /jp/ was on this day

>> No.8566477

It's "crapawa shitjou", dumbass.

>> No.8566481

E-mail moot.

>> No.8566482

This was never a "Japanese" board, this is a "Touhou" board.
moot made it because /a/ complained there was too much touhou on /a/.

>> No.8566497

Where does it say this the board to discussion Japan? That is /int/

>> No.8566502
File: 67 KB, 387x766, 1329299947636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8566541
File: 7 KB, 184x184, 49f349eceeb72761793b166bccf6b16df0b9b883_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry but my sides are just overloading right now.

oh god.

and i thought /a/ was fucking stupid.

Well, they are.

but i mean.


>> No.8566561

quiet down, you didn't troll anyone.

>> No.8566567

y'all have some funny ideas about how sympathy works. saging because i need people to know how serious i am.

>> No.8566577
File: 36 KB, 597x305, 1319385573562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8566581

man im such a troll

gotta post these epic screenshots on /b/, /v/, reddit and 9gag

>> No.8566582

Why don't you take your hilarious Vegeta image back to reddit?

>> No.8566587

>in the name field
Full retarded

>> No.8566592
File: 37 KB, 400x400, Ipostedthisinaskyrimthreadonce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you want to play a video game or something?

>> No.8566615

Sure, lets enjoy Touhou!

>> No.8566631
File: 35 KB, 500x309, 1306367337949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8566633

Check ED
Something like:
>if you want to make them mad misspell sage, or ype it in the name field.
No doubt that's where he saw it.

>> No.8566627


not following

>> No.8566650
File: 50 KB, 447x513, 1328926369746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disobey moot?

>> No.8566636

Hey man identity fraud is a serious crime.

you could get like, 20 years in internet jail for that.

I remember that one fighter Touhou game, that was fun.

i enjoyed that.

I always played as that one maid chick with the knives.

>> No.8566638
File: 50 KB, 448x514, 1328926369797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't understand why...

>> No.8566646

xd whata fuck man

>> No.8566672

No, if that were the case half the posts being made now would be "Reported."

Which would be a gigantic improvement over what it actually is.

>> No.8566677
File: 33 KB, 447x513, 1328926369776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8566678
File: 19 KB, 418x330, rock1--article_image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets talk about Megaman, yeah Megaman, it was one of the most popular franchises to come from Japan.

>> No.8566696

But /jp/ is for doujin (fan made) games from japan
/v/ is more suitable for megaman, i hope

>> No.8566693
File: 75 KB, 429x519, 1328927991991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8566698

Yes i agree.

let us engage in conversation over the mega men.

I like the stinging reptilian, he is my favored choice of characters in the interactive entertainment system's video game known as men who are mega.

>> No.8566703

This thread annoys me. Not because all my fellow /v/irgins are idiots. I've gotten used to that.

It's because your mods actually delete shitty threads and keep the board clean. I am so fucking jealous right now.

>> No.8566706
File: 53 KB, 524x459, 1313687460256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8566721
File: 57 KB, 496x495, 1328207473817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8566757
File: 30 KB, 363x188, autism57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/, instead of trying to troll us you should instead lurk and copy our METHODS of trolling. /jp/ Anon is like a god at this. Trust me, you'll like what you see when more /jp/ers wake up.

Take back what you learn from us to /v/ and you'll destroy nerds online like no other.

>> No.8566795
File: 175 KB, 351x1697, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8566792

This is true. /jp/ trolling methods are above all, the most effective and most subtle.

>> No.8566813

The best thing about this is that /v/ still has no idea how truley epically they have already been trolled. By us.

>> No.8566814

This is kiddy shit, really. Our trolling operates on many levels, and its nuance is unparalleled.

>> No.8566827
File: 15 KB, 383x384, ted_bundy_faces_gastrointestinal_problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that as if anyone needs special techniques to troll /v/. I can post the most transparent, obviously trollish threads, with the most flawed logic I can come up with. I can make the trolling so painfully obvious that even 5 year olds shouldn't fall for it. And they will bite.

Every. Fucking. Time.

I need a drink.

>> No.8566828

And it winds up being entertaining too. It's a net plus for all.

>> No.8566833

So far your method of trolling was just dumping weeaboo 2hu pics

>> No.8566844

You must be new to /jp/.

>> No.8566846

As an /a/non, I'm really sorry /jp/. We didn't want to shit up your board with our low powerlevel, non-Japanese speaking asses. But if moot wants us here, it can't be helped.

Sorry. Hopefully when the shitstorm dies down, we cal all peacefully coexist.

>> No.8566852

Yeah, that's exactly what it was.

That's what it was. Yep.

>> No.8566860

I think /sp/ did a better job in trolling than vtards

>> No.8566864

/jp/ doesn't troll anyone. Doesn't even know how to.

Replying with sage, copypasta aikido spam and saying 'go back to /v/' isn't trolling.

>> No.8566866
File: 139 KB, 330x266, harry_potter_characters_looking_disenchanted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it can't be helped

>> No.8566867

Oh, it goes so far beyond that.

>> No.8566873

I'd say it's more of moot trolling /v/ since he just loves making them suffer. He took all of like, a half hour to decide after like 2 people on /jp/ said yes. He clearly wanted to do this the whole time because making a /vn/ board would basically be giving into /v/.

He basically threw out their banners the other month and forgot about it, he lets mods shit all over the place with stickies etc. It's clear he hates them more than anyone else on 4chan. Probably for sucking so much balls. Or more realistically he probably gets back at /v/ for not ever behaving the way he wants it to; it's like a stubborn dog that keeps biting his hand whenever he tries to tame it, so he keeps on kicking its shit.

>> No.8566911

Are we not supposed to do the intentionally awkward Japanese phrase thing around here? Sorry. I guess there's a lot of lurking in our future before posting for real.

>> No.8566947

That's because /v/ thinks it's better than /b/ at autism levels, no wonder moot got frustrated.

>> No.8566980

I wouldn't fucking know. I'm from /v/. See, I had the misnamed reaction image and everything.

By the way, while I'm here /jp/, does saging with an image actually bump the thread like everyone on /v/ says it does?

>> No.8567037

>By the way, while I'm here /jp/, does saging with an image actually bump the thread like everyone on /v/ says it does?
What? An image has absolutely nothing to do with it. On any board, /v/ included.

You'd know this if you had actually tried it yourself.

>> No.8567185

I probably would. Thank ye anyway.
