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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8565476 No.8565476 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't think it was possible, but moot actually made /jp/ even worse. Bravo to you mootykins, you have done the impossible. What will you guys do now that /v/ and /a/ are staying here to talk about VNs and KS Generals?

>> No.8565495


Look at them tears man.

>> No.8565491


>> No.8565503

I say /jp/ should take refuge in /x/. Those guys like us, right?

>> No.8565522

I was under the impression that we always had a good relationship with /tg/.

>> No.8565524

Your butthurts are showing,

>> No.8565529

he's clearly stated that KS does not belong on /jp/.

since when did VNs not belong on /jp/? the only thing that has changed from the "accepted norm" is that LNs belong here.

either way, if you really have that much of a problem with it, your only option is to rally up a bunch of people to e-mail him in protest to show how much it's wanted in hopes of changing his mind. i'm sure his decision isn't concrete.

>> No.8565541

>I didn't think it was possible, but moot actually made /jp/ even worse.
This. Fucking this.

>> No.8565646

there are a lot of tg posters on jp indeed, but i don't think jp interests will fit there, even monster girls and the ocasional touhou thread.

I think we shoud move to sci, its full of sage shitpositng trolling an reported threads, they won't feel the difference if we all move there.

>> No.8565676
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Moot is going to make a Japanese video games board to address the "problems" with /v/ and /jp/.

Get your buttholes ready nerds.

>> No.8565711

You know, if people were to actually migrate from /jp/ to another board, I think it would be better to use one of the nearly empty boards. As it is now, /n/ has gotten two posts in the last hour.

>> No.8565721

No, he agrees that it does belong here (and is still allowed by the rules!)
But he's creating a board where it can be posted alternatively because we're too autistic to ignore the threads we don't like.

>> No.8565718

But I want to keep talking about arcade games and doujins with /jp/ not some fucking /v/ esque subhumans.

>> No.8565754

Me too, which is why I'll be equally as buttmad when it happens.

>> No.8565787

Guys lets talk about feels
I love the feels I got reading Shizune's route
It's one of the deepest things to ever grace the medium
So much feel

>> No.8565796
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Its not that I hate KS ( I have 0 interest in it)
I hate the ppl who come with KS threads ( /b/ and /v/)

>> No.8565809

fuck fuck fuck, it makes too much sense that this is what he was talking about
maybe it'd work if he permabans all of /vp/ right now

>> No.8565814

The board isn't any worse.
Just give it a few weeks and things will be back to normal.

>> No.8565818

Likewise brolo.

The people saying VNs should have their own board are idiots.

>> No.8565833

I'm going back to Tohno-chan.

>> No.8565836

>I didn't think it was possible, but moot actually made /jp/ even worse.
Technically Moot didn't do anything. People just remembered that VNs and Light Novels were against the rules in /a/ and /v/. It's always been like that, and people even used to be banned for posting such stuff outside of /jp/.

Then people just magically forgot about it when the things got translated people who were previously unaware realized that they liked it now that it wasn't in moon.

>> No.8565892

No, he doesn't. At first he said he thinks it should belong here, but changed his mind because of the reaction and declared that it will belong on the other board.

Much like anime and manga, if something explicitly belongs on another board, it does not belong on /jp/. /jp/ is a board of exclusion; it's where things that do not squarely fit on other boards but are related to otaku culture go. If moot says /ks/ belongs on another board, it does not belong on /jp/.

>> No.8565901

Shitposters will just fight off /v/ in order to resume their shit posting habit. There's no way they would let other boards usurp their holy ground.
