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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8562517 No.8562517 [Reply] [Original]

/mu/tant here,

I realise that a lot of you exclusively listen to music from anime/touhou/video games etc.
But do any of you like "normal" music from Japan?

Stuff like the following (/mu/ approved Japanese musicians/bands):

Mass of The Fermenting Dregs
Coaltar of The Deepers
Shina Riingo
Melt Banana
World's End Girlfriend
Number Girl
Qomolangma Tomato
Uyama Hiroto
Mouse on The Keys
Michio Kurihara
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
Haruka Nakamura
Church of Misery
Zazen Boys
Tokyo Jihen
Luminous Orange
Pizzicato Five
Flower Travellin' Band
Ryoji Ikeda
Ling Tosite Sigure
The Pillows
Ogre You Asshole
Asobi Seksu
Susumu Yokato
Yellow Magic Orchestra
Rei Harakami

>> No.8562532

No. In fact a Japanese guitar man died once and the apathy was so strong it caused a carelessness wave so powerful half of /jp/ was banned.

>> No.8562530

I only listen to video game music.

>> No.8562539

>/mu/ approved
it's shit then

>> No.8562547


>Japanese guitar man

Who? The only notable Japanese musician that died fairly recently I can think of is Nujabes.

>> No.8562546

I also listen to aidorus

>> No.8562550

I listen to normal music (meaning non-mainstream stuff that isn't /mu/-autism certificated).

>> No.8562555

I like Swarrrm and Envy
I think /mu/tants are annoying faggots.
Go back to your board, "please"

>> No.8562557

Cornelius, Fantastic Plastic Machine, Towa Tei, Yoshinori Sunahara, スチャダラパー, 面影ラッキーホール, くるり, 相対性理論, 電気グルーヴ

>> No.8562551

Out of your list, I only know (and like) Midori, Nujabes, Mouse on the Keys and YMO. Also Group_inou, but that's not on your list.
But I don't exclusively listen to videogame/anime music, I just don't know many japanese musicians.

ps this thread has no business in this board

>> No.8562552


>> No.8562566


I'm not allowed to post about Japanese music on /jp/.

Surely Japanese music counts as Otaku Culture.

>> No.8562567 [DELETED] 

Look at all these try-hards in this thread.
OP just needs to mention Touhou to get them all wet.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.8562574
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Why don't I see Perfume on that list, you faggot?

>> No.8562588

Only Rin Toshite Shigure.

>> No.8562583

Not really. See, moot even renamed the board from Japan/General and Japanese Culture for this very reason. Obviously a lot of us like "normal" music because we're human beings in the electronic age, but this board isn't for music just because it's from Japan or whatever.

But no hard feelings. This happens all the time and maybe some people care about it, I don't know.

>> No.8562581

I only listen to denpa and anisong.


Heard this song when I was listening to my playlist on shuffle and realized it was a really good song.

>> No.8562591

I like Kashiwa Daisuke, m-flo and anything that Yasutaka Nakata touches.

>> No.8562602


Yeah this wasn't really what I meant by "normal" music.


Hmm, alright. This does seem like a very strange place.


You should check out Number Girl and Coaltar of The Deepers if you like them.

>> No.8562632

What the fuck is this OP? You think that your randomly picked/found bands would make an impression? Come back when you stop being such hipster pussie. Goddamn it. Or even better leave this place and never return.

>> No.8562636

>Melt Banana

Even by Kawaistan standards they're bizarre. Still love them though. I'm just a /mu/tant myself who came here to see the yearly waifu worship threads.

>> No.8562642


Well normal as in they're real human beings who play with instruments.

Not like anime voice actresses and such.

>> No.8562638

"normal" music is so plain and boring.

>> No.8562647

Voice Actresses are real humans who play with instruments.
If you know what I mean.

>> No.8562645

>"normal" music from Japan

This is what /mu/tants really believe.

>> No.8562653


>> No.8562655

I miss voteskipping half that shit on /jp/ radio.

>> No.8562659


>> No.8562662

Normal music only serves as social lubricant and /jp/ isn't social.

>> No.8562660

Boris nerds always got so mad.

>> No.8562664

Why does this post remind me of this:

>> No.8562669


Or you could just you know enjoy listening to it.

>> No.8562683
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Sorry I only Listen To DENPA MUSIC which is the total OPPOSITE of NORMAL

>> No.8562692

Back to the textboards, please!

>> No.8562693

I like Mass of the Fermenting Dregs, and Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re.

Also why no Boom Boom Satellites?


>> No.8562710

Boris a shit

>> No.8562708



>> No.8562725


>> No.8562755
File: 1 KB, 18x18, ci.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont usHELLy come into normal music, i usually just pirate vocal touhou songs and anime albums. don't know where to discover 'normal' jap music.

>> No.8562760

Does /mu/ listen to quality electronic music?


>> No.8562766

In before sparky.

Also that's quality, but not quite DQN QUALITY:

>> No.8562762


YMO are in the OP.

>> No.8562775


get the fuck out now and never come back

>> No.8562782


I missed the W off.

Sorry bro. I know that he's called Merzbow and pronounced Merzubau

>> No.8562783

What's with all the /mu/tants invading /jp/ lately?
I don't like them very much because they use their boardname as some sort of label >implying< they hold some sort of estoric knowledge of music

Musicnerds are the worst nerds, seriously, especially metalfags. Whatever happened to just enjoying music for what it is?

>> No.8562797

Anyone who thinks Merzbow is "normal" is a fucking idiot.

Boris are playing in Australia next month. I'm pretty excited.

>> No.8562805

As someone who listens to metal I have no idea what you're talking about. Every metal "fag" I personally know listens to everything from Thergothon to Red Gum.

>> No.8562819

>Musicnerds are the worst nerds, seriously, especially metalfags.
>especially metalfags

I agree 100%. Something about them just doesn't sit fine with me. They always try to tout the "music" they listen to like the best thing since sliced bread.

>> No.8562820

fuck those are some sweet beatz dude

>> No.8562823
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the music you like is fucking gay.

>> No.8562826

>Coaltar of The Deepers
Yeah, I listen to them. They made an anime song.

>> No.8562827


rip kawakami

>> No.8562851

I'll add to this, if anyone in NSW wants to meet up for Boris send an e-mail or post or whatever.

Have you guys watched that Merzbow documentary? Or any of the seppeku fetish films he did the soundtrack for?

>> No.8562854

Email added to spam lists.

>> No.8562862

lol epic winrar bro XD

>> No.8562860


Best ED of 2011.


>> No.8562864


>> No.8562874

merzbow a shit ;)


>> No.8562870

I used to listen to VK (dir en grey) some years ago.

Now I mostly listen to hardcore / happy hardcore / gabba (edm).

>> No.8562878

I see nujabes but why no DJ okawari?

>> No.8562883

>Best ED of 2011.
that's not Magia

>> No.8562893

one of the best songs ever straight up


>> No.8562908


Where's the Tokyo Ska Paradise?
/mu/ confirmed for shit taste.

>> No.8562910

Tomokawa is great stuff.

>> No.8562917
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I don't listen to any anime or touhou music, actually. Well, I listen to some touhou music, but never any remixes or anything like that.

I find that the vast majority of anime music is really awful and most of the people into it are boring nerd faglords of the worst kind.

Some of the music on your list is good, OP. I love WEG, Nujabes, Mass of the Fermenting Dregs, and Melt Banana.

/mu/ really sucks, though.

>> No.8562923

Here is some odd Japanese black metal.


>> No.8562922



>> No.8562932


highly recommendable

>> No.8562938

hey op,
check out some of the japanese ska bands and some of their other bands
try ONE OK ROCK, kemuri, potshot, SCADMAN FOUNDATION, midnightpumpkin, etc

>> No.8562958

I liked Sigh, but they got shitty with time

>> No.8562966

What did you guys think of Attention Please?


>> No.8562969


>> No.8562977

Boris are one of my favorite bands.

That said, I can't into hipster and thus the things I like that /mu/ also likes are rare exceptions like Boris. For the most part I'm basically a metalfag that doesn't care about country of origin.

>> No.8562986

Stuff that hasn't been mentioned (as far as I can see).


Shizuka (she was also a doll maker till she killed herself)

Flied Egg

LSD March

>> No.8562989
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>> No.8562999

Also Ai Aso

Wata (from Boris)

>> No.8563003


>> No.8563007

Some of these replies boil down to:

"People enjoy music more than I do. That annoys me. How dare they."


>> No.8563014

>/mu/ approved
So basically ``bland shit.''

>> No.8563018


thx a lot


>> No.8563022

>how dare people enjoy music less than me

>> No.8563023

I like Mass of The Fermenting Dregs, much more like The Scandal to me, unless they're an indie girl band.
Also Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is the one who sing Ponponpon right? Of course it's on my list

>> No.8563027

Oh also, Gallhammer


>> No.8563032



>> No.8563057

Now I can't stop playing it!

>> No.8563058

>That feel when normals ask you what music you like in person.

>> No.8563064

Answer them honestly. Most people are more interested in telling you what they listen that paying attention to what you say.

>> No.8563069

>in person
I don't understand

>> No.8563071

What's your Last.fm, OP? I'd like to pick through your library.

>> No.8563859

Personally, I only have a few Touhou and anime songs I listen to, even though Touhou has great BGMs.

But the Japanese music I really like to listen to are old IJA gunka. Not exactly normal, but not any of the other stuff.

>> No.8563865
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Yeah I mean, I listen to music.

>> No.8563873
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>> No.8563886

I approve of Gackt.
>Especially the live performances with lewd actions

>> No.8563902


That one's a classic, although this:
-is still my favorite.

Also if you like military songs, King Twin Best 軍歌 is a fucking great album.

>> No.8563911

i don't like music at all.

>> No.8564227


>> No.8565697


except they're breaking up at the end of their current tour ;___________________;

>> No.8565725

I like Cornelius, Clive Tanaka y su Orquesta and Cherryboy function. That's about it.

>> No.8565761
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Actually, there is a following here in /jp/ of good rap music.

aw yeah, thats the stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7yPhExdj3E
