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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 676x507, moot449170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8555152 No.8555152 [Reply] [Original]

Remember how they talk about /jp/

>> No.8555157

I do actually. Wasn't everyone telling him to go to /jp/?

>> No.8555156

Hiroyuki ikemen~

>> No.8555159
File: 313 KB, 566x529, moot lol hiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he was reluctant to go there but Hiro made him do it anyway. I think he got more flames on /a/ than from here actually.

>> No.8555161

Who is that guy in the middle? He looks familiar but I just can't for the life of me remember who he is.

>> No.8555169

>lol im 12 and what is this

i like this guy

>> No.8555171

was funny because moot was eager to show off /a/ to the japanese audience, but the japanese audience was more interested in seeing /jp/

>> No.8555177

3way faggot off, guess who won

>> No.8555173

If I remember correctly, /jp/ was the first board they visited

>> No.8555176


>> No.8555181

They've since wiped all the English comments. I wish they'd do that over the entire site.

>> No.8555182

I want Hiroyuki to cum inside me.

>> No.8555184

Do people on 2chan and the like actually like their creators/moderation staff?

>> No.8555187


He's strikingly handsome isn't he? Moot looks like a giant talking dingleberry next to him.

>> No.8555193

I thought he was going to click on /jp/ but hesitated and clicked a different board instead

>> No.8555194


2chan's users are docile people and the board's culture isn't any different from the average western forum.

>> No.8555192

They have around 200 moderators as said in that live stream, try shitposting there and your post gets deleted in less than a minute

>> No.8555197

He said he doesn't want anyone to view that board because normals might not like it.

>> No.8555200

/a/ and /v/ dissed moot, we didn't and yet he had so much disdain for us.

>> No.8555205

You are all dirty and weird pedophiles who like little girls and are quite the opposite of the cool crowd on normal boards such as /b/ and /soc/

>> No.8555207

Is there a YouTube or Nicovideo link up of this anywhere?

>> No.8555210

moot has made it pretty apparent that he dislikes the more "hardcore" fans of japanese media like you'd find here

he's fine with people like on /a/ who might watch a series or two here and there but never take it beyond that

>> No.8555214


>> No.8555217

Dunno why moot didnt want to show /jp/
Dunno how you can like anime and not get into VNs, figures, and shit like that

>> No.8555221

That's pretty hypocritical if true. The last time I checked moot was an obsessive nerd who runs a site dedicated to otaku culture.

>> No.8555222


He was probably worried he'd land in the middle of a monthly child porn raid.

>> No.8555224

casuals, man. fuckin casuals.
but you have to admit that /jp/'s frontpage tends to be total shit on any given day.

>> No.8555225


>> No.8555226


A dreadful affliction called "giving a damn what other people think about your interests". It's difficult to treat, and has the potential to develop into an even worse condition called "letting other people's opinions affect what you like". Thankfully, most /jp/ residents have a natural immunity.

>> No.8555227
File: 350 KB, 1024x576, 1324629572028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You want me to go to /jp/, I don't think that's going to happen."

>> No.8555228

Only bad when there are tons of meta threads or massive trolling. Today I see idols, VNs, games, touhou, doujin music, type moon. If that isnt representative of otaku culture I dont know what is.

Rather, a better name is akiba-kei culture

>> No.8555241

Well, generally, you reach a point when first getting into anime (might take a year or two or three to hit), where it becomes apparent that pretty soon you're going to hit a wall, where you'll suddenly stray far outside your comfort zone after you exhausted the small amount of Western-friendly/centric anime/movies/ovas out there that got you going in the first place.

Once people hit this wall, they can either choose to venture into the unknown and see how they like it, or stand back and complain. I always thought it stupid to complain about anime, a pivotal Eastern cultural element, not being Western enough for Westerners. Go figure. Some people, depending on I suppose upbringing/environment etc, are a lot more open-minded to trying to learn what the Japanese see in this stuff and so instead of just discount it, go and learn it, because after all, it's not like there's a whole lot else that's interesting going on relative to other media (TV, games etc).

I find that getting into the real otaku stuff can be a mark of either stunted social interaction, where you cling to it from having nothing else, or it's the mark of someone who simply values their own interests above keeping up with the Joneses socially. Some people are perfectly capable of being successful models of society, but they just don't give a fuck about doing that, and for those kinds of people honestly it's best to let them do whatever the fuck they want, because they'll be less happy putting on a charade for others instead of doing what they actually feel like. moot is neither of these, at least I don't think so, but I can't be sure since he so carefully guards his private life. I guess the only thing certain about him is that he apparently really likes ice cream. I suppose if there were a VN about eating ice creams he'd be all over that.

>> No.8555249
File: 144 KB, 960x464, 1311765997510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on que /jp/.

>> No.8555254

If you were a normal person, and this shit existed on your site, and you were being interviewed, would you show it?

Keep in mind, normal person.

>> No.8555260

we had just that one thread, /b/ and /a/ went apeshit with those though

>> No.8555265

/b/ or /v/ was the first, though you could be forgiven for mistaking them for /jp/

>> No.8555266

Remember the Anime Expo stream a week or two before.

Fuck that was embarassing. It also made me hate myself being associated with the people who went there because of my hobbies. The one positive thing was when the dad of loli Miku made her say onii-chan.

>> No.8555274


Not to mention anyone watching the stream could just float over to any board moot was going to and spam there. btards who wanted their .15 seconds of fame, I suppose.

>> No.8555282

<moot> what is wwwwww?


>> No.8555306
File: 30 KB, 369x369, loli1321526380876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people on 2chan and the like actually like their creators/moderation staff?

mfw people go on /jp/ still dont understand the difference between 2ch and 2chan

Also, in japan, no one care about 2chan

>> No.8555309
File: 100 KB, 280x485, 1320097436987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were Moot I'll exactly the same, it doesn't matter what you think or like personally but what people will think of you and your site since it's big enough to have a public image and moot being the persona who embodies it.
>public image.

Remember that Moot isn't a idea but a person and those can be lynched, ofc he could play it in other way but wise men play it safe.

>> No.8555320
File: 235 KB, 505x567, warai1246686756359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8555326

would you show your parents /jp/?

How do you explain /jp/ to them?

>> No.8555332

This, futaba is so fucking slow imageboards, no one cares about it.

>> No.8555347

I still have that in my timeshift list.

Is there any way to rip it?

>> No.8555349

You take that back you cunt.

>> No.8555353

I would rather take a trip to gensokyo. It would be less painful then trying to explain something I couldn't.

>> No.8555371

I show my mum /jp/ all the time. If AmiAmi pre-orders come in and I'm broke she lends me money to pay for them. I couldn't give the slightest fuck. Dad just tunes it out.

We have a strange family though, joke about rape, pedophilia etc while we eat dinner. Mum and Dad more or less "oh, you boys!"

>> No.8555377

Futaba is so fucking slow imageboards, no one cares about it.

>> No.8555385

I'm up for adoption.

>> No.8555389

It's funny because I was adopted into this family.

>> No.8555419

>mfw people go on /jp/ still dont understand the difference between 2ch and 2chan
Don't worry, I go this:

First of all there are TWO Japanese websites you probably already know about: 2ch.net and 2chan.net. Open them, and browse for a bit (NSFW).
2chan.net is basically using the same image board software as 4chan, and is considered as the original which 4chan is derived from. The traffic on this site is actually lower than on 4chan, and it's really some kind of 'secret club'. You won't find ANY normalfags over there. Non-Japanese IPs are blocked from posting by the way. The right way to call it in the west is "2chan", the Japanese also call it "Futaba Channel" or just "futaba".
2ch.net is a giant collection of text boards. The audience is comparable to reddit, full of normalfags, and it's the big site that you keep hearing about. This is where Densha Otoko came from, this is where the "matome blogs" get their stories from, and it's where most of the action happens. In the west the right way to call it is "2ch", and very rarely "2channel". The Japanese do the same. Non-Japanese IPs aren't banned unless there was some fraudulent activity, but then the whole ISP gets banned.
Notice how it says on the Spaghetti-tan manga that it was popular on a site similar to "2ちゃん" (2chan), which is accurate as explained above.

>> No.8555439

>less painful then
I'm frustrated.
