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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 49 KB, 468x351, 46885__468x_idol-otaku-birthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8551221 No.8551221 [Reply] [Original]

Why are idol otaku so creepy?

>> No.8551226

Because they like 3D.

>> No.8551240

This. Also as it is in 2D affairs they like play as their waifus. Idolfags like to do that too. Sometimes this happens in normalfag life which is extremely morbid.

>> No.8551252



>> No.8551241

This, basically. They take the same obsession some people have with 2D and transfer it to real people.

>> No.8551243

>“CDs come with one handshaking event coupon and you need several to get an actual ticket, so many fans will buy a great many CDs in order to get this. Once they have it they just throw the CD away or sell them off at dirt cheap prices. I doubt many of these fans buy them to actually listen to the music.”
>“Rapidly increasing numbers of fans are actually resorting to shoplifting to get the CDs. One person even got arrested for going around at an event intimidating other fans into giving him their coupons.”
>“Their discs get to number 1, they have repeated million-seller chat-topping hits. But that’s because their fans are incredibly desperate, sometimes buying 10 discs each.”
>“Only the promoters get anything out of all this. Some of the latest handshaking events are being referred to as ‘touching events,’ and increasing numbers of their more reckless fans are busy groping their breasts and sticking their hands up their skirts. That’s why idols like Tomomi Itano have reputations for hating their fans and find any excuse not to attend the events.”
>“Before the handshaking, they go to the toilets and onanise there, and attend the event with it on their hands. When one of the members goes to shake their hands, thinking them an ordinary fan, they get a sudden sticky sensation. Some members responded with a shocked ‘What the hell is this!?’”

>> No.8551256


>> No.8551263

It's about as creepy as that guy who plasters pictures of naked lolis all over the floor. But hey, I wouldn't know which of them is more likely to commit a real crime.

>> No.8551272

Instead of harmlessly dissipating their frustrated sexuality on purely fantastical icons of purity and innocence, they attempt to warp actual people who exist in the real world to their impossible standards, an effort that implies a constant struggle against the boundaries of reality.

Rather than transcending or ignoring the world in which they live, they try to mentally shape it into something that it is not and never can be, and therefore lurch towards insanity faster than those who indulge in pure escapism

>> No.8551288


>> No.8551292

I think idolfags are more likely to commit crimes. Since their desires are more material and the others desires are more immaterial. But then again, i believe that idolfags are more sane but more dangerous.

>> No.8551291

It just amazes me how they always throw a fit when they find out their idols actually interact with boys.
There are losers, and there are losers in denial.

>> No.8551340


>> No.8551546
File: 33 KB, 468x417, 118076__468x_akbaby-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my virtual kike baby

>> No.8551583

Whats the second kanji?

>> No.8551611

What second kanji? Do you mean "Don't you want to make a baby with me?" in white in the middle?

>> No.8551893


>> No.8551959


to make

つくる 「作る」


>> No.8552847

I feel sorry for that AriKan wota, she was with ℃-ute for so short and had to leave in the worst way possible (caught dating a Johnny's Jr guy)....

I wonder how tall the fire got when he burned that stash?

>> No.8552860

ITT people that have never met actual idol wotas.

Most of them are actually pretty nice and not so creepy.

>> No.8552867

Bull dyke detected, or extremely closeted homosexual

>> No.8552978
File: 279 KB, 1000x1441, img_15_1479_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or they just enjoy the music or the girls doing funny things.
