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8548250 No.8548250 [Reply] [Original]

Normalfags will never, ever understand the Touhou fandom. Here's why.

1.- The games are HARD. That's a well-known fact, yes, but this means you have to be obsessive at least to some degree in order to even have a shot at a 1CC on Easy.
2.- This means in turn that Touhou game fans are rabid beyond comprehension. And as a result, they will use any expressive medium they master in order to profess their ever-lasting love for Touhou.
3.- This small but incredibly insane fandom has spawned such a staggering amount of fan-made works it has actually spawned its own followers, the so-called fandom fans. And like it or not, eventually the game fandom's brash, rabid attitude rubs off into the fandom fandom.

All of that literally translates into a self-sustaining fandom, a fandom that has actually grown to be sentient. And because normal thing is that a fandom depends on the creators' efforts, I'm pretty sure that a normalfag just couldn't be able to wrap its head over such a concept.

Also, the social part. Being a Touhou fan makes you automatically part of an exclusive club of fans who will bond instantly like they were slathered on glue. I'm currently living this right now, usually I have a kinda hard time meeting new people but on the single week I've been hanging out with Touhou fans I've met 3 cute girls and 3 great dudes. However, there's a catch: only Touhou fans are accepted. Those who are not into Touhou can't into that club unless they have an honorary position by virtue of being great friend of a fellow touhoufag.

Seriously, every time I hear someone declaring himself a huge fan of something, I can't help but think "dude, your fandom is made of casuals, just wait until you see the Touhou fandom...".

>> No.8548258

What does "1CC" mean?

>> No.8548262

One Credit Continue, or beating the game without using a continue.

You could have googled that.

>> No.8548260

Touhou is not hard, play a real shmup like Ding dong pachi.^__^

>> No.8548266

That's silly OP.
Just let people like what they like, I see no reason for a false sense of elitism except for keeping annoying people out of /jp/

>> No.8548265

I tried searching "1CC Touhou" on DuckDuckGo, but it didn't reveal any relevant results. Thanks, though.

>> No.8548276

Actually, no, both the hardcore fans and the fandom fans are normal, and in no way insane. Everyone is obsessive-compulsive about something, or has done something obsessively once in their lifetime. Star Trek, World of Warcraft, piano, what have you. The fandom fans have it even easier, as most of them are just in it for the music, which is probably the easiest medium to ship.

Anyone that's not retarded can completely relate to and understand the Touhou phenomenon, sorry to rain on your elitist parade. The only thing that makes it special is how many media it extends to, and its variety. Nothing else.

>> No.8548279

I'm just proud of being so immersed on such a wonderful fandom. No fandom is better than Touhou, and every touhoufag in this world should be proud of that.

>> No.8548290

Thing is, I don't know of any normalfag who is obsessed about something. They seem to have too much interests, and as we say in Mexico, "those who embrace too much will squeeze too few". It's like there was a fixed amount of interest points, they have put very little points on everything, and I have put like 70% of my points under "Touhou".

>> No.8548295
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>> No.8548299

>The games are HARD

*grabs cock*

>> No.8548304
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>1.- The games are HARD.

>> No.8548314
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You're wrong, simple as that.

>> No.8548325 [DELETED] 


Also, I'm a white Mexican.

>> No.8548332

>Ding dong pachi.^__^
i pooped a little

>> No.8548350

Touhou, hard? Not really. Scoring wise and survival wise, it's a piss easy, simplistic STG. I think Cute 'Em Up would be more fitting for touhou.

>> No.8548351
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Also, I'm actually white.

>> No.8548355

>"those who embrace too much will squeeze too few"

never heard that.

>> No.8548358

Normalfags are shit, Touhou is awesome, what's your point? We already know that.

>> No.8548367

By comparison to normalfag games like Call of Honor: Reach of War, it's hard. Not something your ordinary normalfag could get into unless he has a latent seed of obsessivity.

>> No.8548369


It's a common saying in spanish.

>> No.8548374

The problem is that most people in this fandom haven't played the game itself.

>> No.8548380


"Jack of all trades, master of none".

>> No.8548401

That's because the games are awful.

>> No.8548596

I play all of the games as they come out. I just suck at them.

>> No.8548618

I don't see why you have to play the games to be a respectable member of the fandom.

Give me one reason why a "i'm better than you because I played a genre of games that not many people like" and a "flandre scarlet xD" aren't the same level of reject.

Any respectable touhou fandom member considers touhou to be a spiritual medium

>> No.8548638



>> No.8548760

I remember once on an interview with ZUN. People asked about How do he fare with fans who didn't play his game. He say it's OK. It's like people knowing the "3 times faster" joke without watching Gundam

Unfortunately i saw that at an conference aired at Nico-live. I dunno if people hosted that vid anymore

>> No.8548772
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>> No.8548787

He has fans of his game who haven't even played it.

Dude... he's won. That is the definition of success.

>> No.8548802

That was sort of embarrassing to read.

>> No.8548808

In terms of gameplay: Diadra Empty >Touhou

Just posting facts.

>> No.8548957

people who dont play the games are niggers

>> No.8549066

You know, I used to have more faith in humanity, but I just don't know any more. I met someone who said he was a huge Touhou fan, but apparently the only game he'd played was 8, and even then it sounded like it was only 1-3 times.

There's two things I don't get about this. How can someone call themselves a Touhou fan, but have never actually really seen what Touhou is?
And two, how can people prefer these... videos, these flash animations of such, of characters they know nothing about (or if they do it's hearsay at best) to actual games, fun games, challenging games, games you can play with your friends, or e-acquaintances? I just don't get it.

>> No.8549086

bcause people are faggots.
the games are where the heart is. fan culture is great. getting away from normalfags is a huge plus too.

>> No.8549105

Secondaries will leave the fandom pretty quickly because they know nothing about Gensokyo and about the dream of living there.
For them it's just another cute thing they can like for a while like a random anime or something

>> No.8549136

I managed to 1CC every single touhou game at the same time with my eyes, ears and nose closed while fighting off a horde on lunatic and got the highest score in the entire world.

Anyone who can't beat all the games on lunatic like me is a secondary who has no right to enjoy touhou.

Actually I don't even like touhou because the game is shit compared to other shmups because it's too easy. I don't give a fuck about characters and music though because that's for secondary scrublets who watch anime music videos.

>> No.8549151

That's secondary, I did all that but double.

>> No.8549172

What a fucking faggot, I did the same thing while my house was on fire and with a hurricane coming right to my direction.

>> No.8549173

You haven't beaten any of the games until you can score 600MIL in DoDonPachi while sucking your own dick.

>> No.8549181
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Touhou? Spiritual medium?

Are you one of these people that draw pointless runes, masturbate to their touhou waifus and then hope they end up in Gensokyo after that?

It's kind of ironic because it's even stated in the touhou games that you will fall into hell instead of ending up in Gensokyo if you waste your life with meaningless crap like this.

That's not spiritualism. That's just delusion, escapism and ignorance.

>> No.8549206

People play it so much that they lose their touch with reality, trying to raise that number, mashing away at their arcade sticks. Clear after clear, they just keep playing, trying to get the score even higher than before. It's a never ending cycle, they're thinking that once they get 4BIL or 5BIL score and break that world record, they'll finally become one with Gensokyo. Those anons are in a different state of mind than the rest of us. Some say they've reached enlightenment. I say they're just insane.

>> No.8549229
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>bashing escapism

get the fuck out of jp nigger spic

shut up nigger or leave jp

>> No.8549235

>1.- The games are HARD. That's a well-known fact, yes, but this means you have to be obsessive at least to some degree in order to even have a shot at a 1CC on Easy.
I refuse to believe it's possible to have difficulty with easy mode IN.
I got to keine without using focus mode.

>> No.8549245

This is a pasta from some shit site like Shrinemaiden, right?

>> No.8549273

Now you must answer the ultimate question: Why do you give a shit?

>> No.8550150

I view them as two subsets of fans. There's the game fandom, and the overall fandom. The game fandom here is a subset of the overall fandom; fandom fans would be those who don't belong to the game fandom but belong to the overall fandom.

I don't see much wrong with it actually. It's even better in fact. The fandom, as I have said, has reached a point where it's self-sustaining. You know something is going to last or at least be remembered for a long, long time when you have fans of fan-made material that create even more fan-made material.

>> No.8550174

You know that roughly 10% of touhou fans played at least one of the original games, and less than 1% has 1cc'd one of them, right?

>> No.8550188
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Dammit, I don't want to save the vidcon yet!

>> No.8550200

Shrinemaiden is full of uptight twats in denial of the truth. You can get b& for just implying that you have pirated the games. HEY GUESS WHAT YOU DIPSHITS, THERE AIN'T NO OTHER FUCKING WAY OF GETTING THEM OTHER THAN FROM MEDIAFIRE.

>> No.8550227 [DELETED] 



>> No.8550245

I want Kasen to give me a motivational blowjob.

>> No.8550258

Really? I bought all the games off Paletweb.

>> No.8550255

Normal videogames are sold at your local Gamestop. Touhou is only sold on Comiket, eBay, and a few import shops. That's two entirely different worlds here.

Now, if that was sarcasm, then disregard and cox, the internet is serious business and sarcasm can't be transmitted over HTTP POST messages.

>> No.8550263

Actually OP the touhou fandom is fucking shitty.
Over half of the fandom is just MariAli shippers because most of the fans are cancerous secondarys.
Most don't know shit about touhou, never read the official works, Played any of the games, and confuse themselves into believing the worst of fanon shit is canon.
I try not to associate myself with the touhou fandom. Good things always attract the worst people.

>> No.8550278 [SPOILER] 
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Dick slapping >>>>>> boring oral sex.

>> No.8550285

>The games are HARD
I go to work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week like normal people. I only play Touhou for 3-4 hours a week and now i can 1cc PCB and IN on Hard.

>> No.8550282

Quality normalfag thread.

It's exactly something that newfriend from other board would write after playing his first Touhou game.

>> No.8550311

>Those who are not into Touhou can't into that club unless they have an honorary position by virtue of being great friend of a fellow touhoufag.

aww dude that's mean 'cause this club sounds really awesome i mean 3 cute girls AND 3 great dudes? that's awesome

I'm a Touhou fan myself and this club sounds like a total bunch of faggots

>> No.8550316
File: 20 KB, 240x320, raiden fighters jet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you dude go play Raiden Fighters JET.
