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File: 667 KB, 800x600, 23233640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8544025 No.8544025 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8544030

That image pleases me, well done OP.

>> No.8544105

ggs chirium, gonna take a break

>> No.8544108

What exactly is so great about H. Kouma's j.22b?

>> No.8544110

gg. Pretty ridiculous skill difference though. You had complete dominance all the time with your overhead options and your long combos.
I approve of this picture.
Still hosting east coast at 099:238:027:200:46318

>> No.8544131

Sorry. Disconnected for a second to take care of shit blocking my screen.

>> No.8544134

ggs aoko. rehosting

central US shit tier

>> No.8544182
File: 361 KB, 600x800, 49ef8c91922c910644140f53d9e67086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, not sure what happened at the end there.

>> No.8544184

i closed the game.

>> No.8544199

GG. Pretty laggy though prefer to play with less lag. Still hosting

>> No.8544204
File: 261 KB, 600x800, 6a68417664f82b0ecf8cf739da9644be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see..well don't give up your combos are solid and you are improving each day.

>> No.8544209

that was probably the worst i ever played. you stomped my face in and i know that wasn't even your main. i'm super mad. the thing that makes me cry is the fact that i can now go into practice mode and do my bnbs without even looking at the screen (i just did a 4.6k combo without looking at the screen, as i am typing this) but everything falls to shreds when i play a real game.

>> No.8544221

Stop choking boy.

>> No.8544226

okay dad

>> No.8544229
File: 118 KB, 600x600, f8e8d6dae6ab7079977a7a25bec2333a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That used to happen to me a lot and the only advice I can give you is, try to do that BnB every single time when fighting. It should be your only goal in the game regardless if you win or lose.

>> No.8544244

Oh. Sorry for challenging you again then. I didn't see it.

>> No.8544245

Well it's not that bad, if it was I would have cancelled right away.

>> No.8544253

Haha oh god.

The things I fall for. I wish I had oriented myself a bit more before I played you.

>> No.8544283

Theory and practice.

>> No.8544355

anyway i don't want to give the impression that i'm mad at you or anything, just myself. gg's

rehosting, ft5, central us, shit tier

>> No.8544373


>> No.8544393
File: 50 KB, 400x452, It's just a flesh wound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
East Cost

>> No.8544389

Chirium. Not sure if you know but I'm pretty sure those orbs are air unblockable.

>> No.8544391 [DELETED] 

Can anyone give me a link to the newest patch? I played a few days after new years and I don't see anything about a newer patch, but I see 1.2 in some places where my game is only 1.1, help?

>> No.8544396

Try going through arcade mode once or twice. The CPUs aren't too hard but they still fight back so you can practice your bnbs without feeling too much pressure.

>> No.8544411


no delay helps, too.

>> No.8544413

Read the OP.

>> No.8544416



>> No.8544418

GG, not that you wouldn't dominate me anyways but too much lag to learn.

>> No.8544425 [DELETED] 

Never mind I'm a faggot found it, deleting my posts.

>> No.8544431


Are you ready for another go or is that it for now?

>> No.8544432

Let me restart it.

>> No.8544433

Who is your main, by the way?

>> No.8544437

Don't really have one right now. Started with Warachia and Nero, worked in every char you saw except Sion and Roa into a few games.

>> No.8544440
File: 295 KB, 411x600, 2530641_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Central US

>> No.8544450
below avg tier

>> No.8544458

Oh cool. Same here. I'm trying to learn C-Kouma as a main and HRoa is usually my opener/warm up character.

>> No.8544465

gg, too much delay for me

>> No.8544464

GG, rehosting.

>> No.8544475

oh lol that last match


>> No.8544480
File: 110 KB, 712x717, 1328654285354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i was too late..

i miss the guy who used to quote me with this pic, i wonder what happened to him. i hope you're okay dude.

>> No.8544490

GGs, too much delay though. Rehosting.

>> No.8544493 [DELETED]

US East

I forget what tier I am tier.

>> No.8544496 [DELETED] 

Woops, wrong port.


>> No.8544501

Update your client. The game says you have a different version.

>> No.8544502

What error was that?

>> No.8544507

Well, that was scary. GG Miyako.

>> No.8544512

someone ec host

whats with all these midwest jerks

>> No.8544518
File: 110 KB, 712x717, 1328199259621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8544520

It's funny, I have much better connection to WC than EC, even though I'm east central. Complain to your politicians and ask for a better infrastructure.

>> No.8544524

ggs aoko, we seem to be a pretty good match for each other. i was even able to confirm most of my bnb once in a real game.

>> No.8544534


>> No.8544539
File: 417 KB, 1000x1296, GREAT POST DUDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8544552

Eh, GGs.
Too bad about the terrible lag.

>> No.8544553 [DELETED] 

I keep getting some 2100 error? What the hell is going on?

>> No.8544556

gg. It was getting spiky. Loving c.nanaya's new 22[b]

>> No.8544561


reported, nerds

>> No.8544582

Are you using the trainer in anyway? These desyncs are getting frequent. Also was I legit winning or was i beating on nothing at the end there.

>> No.8544585

No I'm not. And yeah you were beating on nothing.

Also why are you picking characters I hatttteee

>> No.8544587 [DELETED]

Forget what tier I am tier.

Fixed my problems and updated. Inb4 lag.

>> No.8544592

My execution is getting worse the past week or so. How does that even happen?

>> No.8544593

Forget what tier I am tier

Fixed my problems and updated. Inb4 lag

US East

>> No.8544603 EC

>> No.8544613
File: 53 KB, 800x600, it's me len.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

announcing something you just did is a sign of autism.

>> No.8544617

Do you have evidence for that!?

>> No.8544627

Desynchs are getting to be a bigger problem. I'm going to the bathroom, taking a short break.

>> No.8544630
File: 192 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lvr4bnjdXQ1qktrp4o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. Can't see why because I think all of my roommates left the house too.

>> No.8544636 [DELETED] 
File: 509 KB, 770x779, nanatsuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust me dude i know from experience. when i finish eating a delicious meal i say gomenasai gochisousama even when there's no one. then i realize i have very good manners.
na east coast only, delay <=4
no wireless users, day 4 c-kouma

>> No.8544642
File: 509 KB, 770x779, nanatsuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust me dude i know from experience. when i finish eating a delicious meal i say gomenasai gochisousama even when there's no one. then i realize i have very good manners.
na east coast only, delay <=4
no wireless users, day 4 c-kouma

>> No.8544640

I'm back, but I don't know how long I'll keep facing you if it continues to desynch this often.

>> No.8544645

Feel free to end it anytime then. I got my fill.

I don't know if this will sound stuck up or not but can you use your Nero?

>> No.8544648
File: 765 KB, 1600x1200, 2a432dbefd82a6120d9947600f35cc19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having port trouble so I can't host, looking for someone EC to host.

I'm split between maining Seifuku Akiha or Sion

>> No.8544655

Samefag, gonna restart my computer to see if it eases the lag spikes a bit, also my goddamned right button on my PS3 pad is half working, I have to press it kind of hard for it to work, so I'm dropping tons of 236s and 623s on the left side.

GGs though.

>> No.8544656

>gomenasai gochisousama
sasuga reewind-san

>> No.8544661


>> No.8544663

GGs, but that was a painful experience for me in various ways.

>> No.8544677

GGs iQQ. i'm just a training mode dummy for you

>> No.8544691


>> No.8544726
West Canadia

>> No.8544728 EC

>> No.8544759

GG Chirium. Kinda sad you kept going easy on me but I guess it was my own fault.

>> No.8544766

I didn't really go easy on you in a way you could see if you were seeing that in my play than that just reflects poorly on me. I was just playing with characters I'm not as familiar with. GG though it was fun, except for getting EX dunked time and time again that's just infuriating.

>> No.8544776

>I was just playing with characters I'm not as familiar with.
That's what I meant. And sorry about the EX dunking. I got kind of lazy after I realized you were using characters that you weren't familiar with.

>> No.8544784

Well when it came to Hisui, archetype, and red arc I've played around with them in training and vs. computers. With mech hisui I've played a number of people with her but I start losing after they get used to how cheesy I play. I would have kept playing you with characters I was good with but I got frustrated when I lost with them to EX Dunks. If you still want to play I'll try and get serious but I'll just feel bad when I inevitably lose.

>> No.8544789

gg, don't dp so much

>> No.8544790

Samefag again, what the hell does it mean whenever you move your USB cord slightly, a button is "pressed"? That is what was happening when I kept dodging over and over tre. I'm gonna try to fix this, good games for now..

Shit, first my right d-pad and now this? Being poorfag is suffering.

>> No.8544795

I DP fine lol. Only times I dropped them were when my controller was acting retarded. You saw how many DPs you ate when I was on top of my game?

>> No.8544807

yes, but it is risky and you will get baited once the other person realises you are doing it too much, like I eventually started doing.

>> No.8544815

Sorry. I didn't know the EX Dunks were that harsh on you. I'll try to cut down on them. I'm free to take you on your offer though.

GG. Sorry for all the sloppy joes.

>> No.8544818

Wait by EX Dunking you meant 214C right?

You can just bait them like I bait your wakeup throws. Just a tip.

>> No.8544823

Desync, still hosting if you want to continue.

>> No.8544826

No prob I know how hectic it is to use H roa in lag

Also remember soku whenever you can at the end of a block string and hold your opponent down with your EX ark lighting

Like F roa's its air unblockable and makes for some nice tech punishes its one of the main reasons why I kept dropping my air combo to do that.

>> No.8544828

I just do it on people that love to dive on me a lot, that gets pretty annoying after a while. Once they stop doing that, I stop dp spamming as much

>> No.8544833

Nah. I think HRoa is one of the easiest characters to use in lag. I just kept being lazy because I think I've overused HRoa for the night.

And yeah I know that much too.

>> No.8544854 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 733x650, 22079674_p15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chirium, be sure not to mash everytime on wakeup because most of the time the person on top always has the upperhand. Blocking is completely fine.

>> No.8544874

ggs, I wish our delay was lower

>> No.8544886

Aye, I need more people around your level to play. GGs

Hosting again.

>> No.8544887

Chirium, be sure not to mash everytime on wakeup because most of the time the person on top always has the upperhand. Blocking is completely fine.

Also be sure to throw out some meaties when the opponent is down although I really like your focus on throwing.

Bait Kouma's grapples like how I bait your wakeup throws.

And finally pay attention to spacing and air game when in neutral.

>> No.8544914

Ok I think i'm done for today. Desynching makes it much more tiresome. I block on wake up all the time usually, it's just that i'm inclined to believe that as kouma you'll command grab me on wake up if I continue to do so. Yes EX dunk is 214C. GG.

>> No.8544923
File: 117 KB, 552x338, tumblr_lwb360d41y1qiqcaqo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I apologize for the desynching. Wish I got more of a taste of your Nero.

All in all, sorry for the rough time.

>> No.8544929

Haha, my Nero isn't that good. I've been playign him for awhile but I never get any better. I just abuse the range of his moves mostly and potential counters from my animals. I'll probably neglect my work to play more tomorrow but for today I think I'm going to bed soon.

>> No.8544936


Is it me or is the online getting worse?

Also nice shiki I never knew he could do that cool Ex move

>> No.8544945
File: 530 KB, 772x772, wolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest I've always felt Nero doesn't have a lot of depth so maybe that's why. Then again I don't really have a lot of knowledge about this kind of stuff so I might be completely wrong about this.

Though your throwing focus is REALLY unique and somehow successful. If you're interested in them, maybe you should try one of the Koumas.

>> No.8544948
EC blah tier
Fucking Man United killing my FA Cup hopes.

>> No.8544949


>> No.8544952

I dunno H roa to me is the second hardest to use moon in lag next to C

With his shitty hitboxes and poor priority its a pain in the ass to do anything especially when your opponent can see the gaps in your mixups

I'm learning more to F now due to his tech punish ability and higher damage output and safer strings

>> No.8544961

I'd say I use throws too often usually. I try to bait out guarding by being aggressive and then throwing instead. Only works well if I have the upperhand already. I've played around a bit with Kouma but not against people. Other people seem to be playing him alot lately and they're very good with him but I can't see myself being at that level.

>> No.8544963

As for netplay... it changes it fluctuates about as frequently as a woman on PMS.


>> No.8544970

My bad wrong IP..

>> No.8544973

Odd incessant spikes which is a shame since 2delay. Also that freeze. Only on my end?

>> No.8544976
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, 1326409549362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got a good point. I was thinking more about the execution which is piss easy either way. That's one of the reasons why I can't use HRoa for a long period of time because I get too bored with him. Are you really enjoying FRoa though? I thought he was the worst of them all in terms of how boring he is.

CRoa is the one I REALLY want to learn but he's just so hard to get into.

>Other people seem to be playing him alot lately and they're very good with him
He's kinda awkward. Also I've never seen that many Koumas.

>I'd say I use throws too often usually.
That's what I thought too but you make it work honestly.

It's probably me but I'm raring for another try.

>> No.8544982

Well one player is starting Kouma every match and is on day 5 he says. Another player was facing with Kouma as well so that's 3 and today alone I think. It would be nice if I could combo off my throws but I can only do that with F-Miyako and hardly at all with anyone else. I also can't do combos that start in the air well.

>> No.8544983


Is it freezing at the end of a match for you too?

>> No.8544986
File: 29 KB, 640x520, 22079674_p13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Not sure what's going on. Are we going to drop this or..?

>> No.8544989


Guess so. I'm not going through that again.

>> No.8544992

Are you sure you're not using the trainer? You're dropping with everyone?

>> No.8544994
File: 13 KB, 227x214, 1326199426914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually something like a day 2 Kouma myself. That's why you saw me do the same (not optimized) BnB over and over and over again. Again I'm really sorry about that but I wanted to get the execution down.

Also about comboing in the air I think if you just play more it comes natural. Like when you're in the groove you'll get it down easily. That's what worked for me anyway.

>> No.8545002

Rehosting again.

>> No.8545021
File: 473 KB, 700x700, 18317577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the trainer? I'm pretty sure I don't have it and it's just my internet provider. When I move next semester I'll solve it for real.

>> No.8545037

Ah the trainer is Melty Blood - Actress Again Current Code PC 1.07R1.2 Trainer that you should have in your MBAACC folder with the icon of archetype. It can enable disabled stages and boss characters but during netplay if both people dont' share the settings they desync. Mine is off but I figured you might have left it on. Anyway I'm going to sleep hope to play you in the future.

>> No.8545040 southwest us low tipsy tier

>> No.8545048
File: 204 KB, 460x600, 24161946_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my MBAACC icons have Archetype on it but I have nothing that says Trainer so I don't think I've got it.

Oh and Wara might be something worth trying since he's in the same league as Nero in my opinion. Anyway have a good night's sleep.

>> No.8545054

One more rehost

>> No.8545056

I think I'd be good at this game if it played at 50% speed. Even vs CPU things happen too fast for me to do anything but mash.

>> No.8545069

Still accepting challengers.

>> No.8545077

lag spikes were too much for me

>> No.8545084

Yeah, sadly it was starting to be too hard to hold a combo.

>> No.8545100
west coast

>> No.8545108

are there any bad/low-tier West Coast players?
not necessarily playing right this moment; I'm just curious
I know playing against people better than I am is a good way to get better but sometimes it's just frustrating and it's nice to play someone closer to my skill level while I'm still learning a lot of shit

>> No.8545110

I do wonder though why people ship the Back Alley Alliance together, even way back with Satsuki and Sion.
Does it really not matter that two of them are in love with a man?

>> No.8545122
File: 183 KB, 888x445, ohshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
west coast
there isn't a tier that describes how bad I am after playing this long except for maybe my image tier

>> No.8545145


Who says you have to be limited to just one love? Free love, baby, yeah!

>> No.8545177

That was interesting...
Uh.. rehosting.

>> No.8545179

That lag was herp, although I suppose I should have expected it from my possibly failing connection.

>> No.8545205

you have no right to complain about being bad

>> No.8545243

I'll try to reconnect.
I remember playing you like...a week ago.
Your Nanaya is the best I've played on Melty so far.

>> No.8545258

Its up now. Accursed desyncs...
Surprisingly I was able to go one day without one.

>> No.8545288

Another desync?
I wonder if it's my internet...I rarely desync with anyone.
Then again. Attempting to play someone in Canada while on the U.S east coast may not be a great idea.

>> No.8545305

It looks like the world will not allow me to play you.
That's saddening

>> No.8545310

East coast at delay 3. Even better than most of my West people.
Still what is up with this desync. We didn't have this problem the last time we played, or did we?

>> No.8545317

ggs sacchin
you're clearly better than me since you beat me a lot, but i still have a suggestion: i notice i can almost always hit you if you start a blockstring since you inevitably end up using an unsafe sweep move. (The same goes for me too though because I keep accidentally doing 421 or doing some dumb move) I think that's your biggest weak point atm, and i would have been able to punish it a lot more obviously if i could manage to do a full combo. I sort of had a hard time getting a hit in but i eventually learned that if i just blocked eventually you'd do that move and i could punish.

>> No.8545327

Nope! You kicked my ass up and down every stage.
I only got one win last time.
Noticed something was wrong when I start landing bull crap slow strings from my shitty C-Ryougi.

>> No.8545347

Sigh, mayhaps another time.

>> No.8545366

I had a couple of games where I just felt like I was playing relatively well
then I fucked up the rest of them
my blockstrings and blocking suck and once I pick up momentum I don't know how to keep it

>> No.8545360

>> No.8545387

also I have trouble making the most of every hit; there'd be a lot of times where I'd manage to get 2-3 hits and then drop a potential combo
and I can't react fast enough to orb counterhits yet

>> No.8545392

You did pretty good, there were just too many punishable things going on. you were pretty spot on punishing me when I did something wild though. Good games! I can't help much with how to improve since I'm still figuring stuff out myself, but even something as simple as staggering your blockstrings can help add pressure or create holes to do extra stuff


>> No.8545400

when I get someone pushed into a corner occasionally I can make miracles happen
it's rare, but I feel like if I learn more about move priority and what's safe and unsafe I could make shit like that a lot more consistent

>> No.8545434


>> No.8545475 EC


>> No.8545523

GGs. Could tell that the shitty delay was getting in the way of your combos though. Wish I knew why our connection was so bad.

>> No.8545547

Heh, yeah, the ping values across the network apparently varies so much for me. Genius routing.

Still my weakness is ground to air, and air to air, I'm still trying to learn how to deal with it.

>> No.8545563

And I live in the crossup/zoning. Bad matchup for you. If you don't mind wasting meter, Len's strings are simple to bunker out of, although better players than me will TK ice into their strings to keep them better connected. She's pretty vulnerable to poke outs at the end of strings if you're quick, but again, high delay makes it hard. There's not much you can do about her j.2C8 crossups in any kind of delay at all though.

>> No.8545597 [DELETED] 

Hahah, yeah, you definitely made me look like such a fool at many points.
You have my gratitude for the advice. I did think of bunkering, but I could barely keep you on the ground even after a knockdown. Eh, my shortcomings.

I got blown up pretty bad, I guess it's also time for training mode griding.

>> No.8545600

GG's Aslye. Even though I'm just terrible at blocking anything from anyone.
Got any criticism on my playing? More specifically with VAkiha since I'd like to try and get better with her.

>> No.8545605

Hahah, yeah, you definitely made me look like such a fool at many points.
You have my gratitude for the advice. I did think of bunkering, but I could barely keep you on the ground even after a knockdown. Eh, my shortcomings.

I got blown up pretty bad, I guess it's also time for training mode grinding.

>> No.8545612

You pretty much mashed 5A against everything and lost. Wakeup, anti-air, staggers. I didn't run a single mixup in any of those games, because you never blocked or respected anything.

>> No.8545690
East Coast

>> No.8545694

Is your port forwarded?

>> No.8545696

Try connecting again

>> No.8545720 ec

>> No.8545722

It's cool. Len lost damage from MBAC to MBAACC, but gained a lot more in mobility and I've been playing her for years. Work on your blockstrings I'd say. Len's bad against pressure. She has no good wakeup tools to even force people to give her respect, her pokes are very short range, and her dash is slow, so be ready for her to jump to try to escape if you're sticking to ground pressure. She can cat step underneath jumpins thanks to the even tinier hitbox, but quick IADs (or as close as you can get) with Nanaya's j.b (I think) can keep her well contained enough to let you keep poking at her. Don't underestimate mashing j.A for dealing with air to air

>> No.8545759

you had really low delay. I'd love to play you offline sometime, I just can't take netplay seriously.

>> No.8545769

That would be fun, would be nice to see your strategy in a lagless environment. wasn't sure how much of what I was doing was legit or just because lag screwed things up. good games!


>> No.8545774

you must live somewhere near norcal, it'd be great to see you at the next NCI, if you can make it.

>> No.8545795

aw naw, i'm socal, and not in the good fightan part.
profound sadness.

>> No.8545819 EU

>> No.8545826

that is sad. We should play again sometime though. Maybe I'll find a character to main by then.

>> No.8545895

I remember you from the days of the IRC channel. It's been a long time.

GGs, and hope you pop by in there again.

>> No.8545901
File: 167 KB, 1300x1200, archng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's been a while. good games. now I really want to play just to get more experience. You had such good pressure and zoning, and the fact it was only 2 delay, you really made the game feel twenty times faster. good shit.

>> No.8545908

GGs wara guy. Thanks for the smooth games.

>> No.8545910

btw rehosting, one last set.

>> No.8546101

Holy fuck how is it 3am.
GGs. I'm sure the lagspikes were because of me. Giggled like an idiot when you tried to heat a moment too soon and sparked empty air. You kept getting out of my floaty little mixups too. Very nice.

>> No.8546114

good games. yeah, that was really stupid of me. then again, every single match was really stupid of me so i guess it didn't matter. I really need to hit training hard for my blockstrings and punishes...or hell, even hitting my combos.

>> No.8546322 EU hosting

>> No.8546504


>> No.8546841

Anyone hosting currently?

>> No.8547067


>> No.8547177

US east.

>> No.8547193

dont play with her, shes overpowered

>> No.8547199

Archetype Earth isn't overpowered.

>> No.8547200

then why is she banned from every tournament?

>> No.8547218
File: 259 KB, 1280x960, cieltoptier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Powerlevel: MAXIMUM

>> No.8547223

Well fuck.

>> No.8547225

samefag, be right back. rehosting in a bit.

>> No.8547229

hosting agian

>> No.8547239

She isn't. You're thinking of old Archetype Earth, who's just a heavily buffed Warc/Arc hybrid. New Hime Archetype Earth is perfectly balanced.

Well, a little overpowered. That 2C has ridiculous range and TK 236C is an ExHiero. Plus combo into AD from everything for circuit break for the enemy. It does a billion hits, so it pushes them into max so that they lose all their meter, too.

Totally legit, though. Complain about CSAkiha, CSatsuki, CNero, and FRyougi more.

>> No.8547251

>telling people to complain about any characters

>> No.8547252

Smells like /v/ here.

>> No.8547269

C-Sei is pretty overpowered. Free fullscreen carry from anything into okizeme. Decent damage, great reversal, good zoning. Hype pillar combos. Fuck, I'm playing this flat chested slut.

>> No.8547271

>CSatsuki and FRyougi
Why these two?

>> No.8547275

He has no idea what he is talking about, don't listen to him. He is the type of player to blame his lose solely on a characters abilities rather than his own. He is trash.

>> No.8547278

That much is obvious but I'm still curious as to what is the basis of his claim.

>> No.8547288

>Complain about CSAkiha
Excuse me, what?

>> No.8547291

CSatsuki gets one knockdown on you and you'll never get back up. Her sandoori and fourway-esque oki is godlike. Plus amazing anti air, she combos into bnb from anything, her j.[C] link isn't near impossible anymore, and her AAD can easily be set up for an unblockable from any blockstring.

F-Ryougi has great normals that are pretty much all safe. Her specials are fairly safe too, depending on the distance. Great kamone oki. If you space right, it's really insane. Plus, her parries are hilarious. Especially against half moon. If you get shield countered, you can actually cancel your shielded move into a 623 parry and combo into 4k. So you actually punish them for trying to shield you.

>> No.8547292

Welcome to /jp/. This is a Melty Blood thread. You can find information in the OP. Have a nice day.

>> No.8547297

You know what characters are OP, those Necos. God tier everything.

>> No.8547300

CSeifuku is so stupid strong. So many options. At least make j.214 not jump cancelable on whiff. They need to un-buff her

>> No.8547312



>> No.8547316
File: 418 KB, 1000x1296, GREATEST POST DUDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea dude you are totally right, you know what they should do though? nerf every single character and give my character, white len, some buffs so i dont have to learn to play this game id rather cry and stuff then find ways around things. i 100% with you keep up the good work

>> No.8547353

really hating that disadvantage if laying on the floor

>> No.8547354

My only real complaint about her is it seems that pretty much everyone on the IRC I go against plays her. I feel sorry for the few FSAkiha's that play and have to deal with people hating the sight of character.

>> No.8547356 [DELETED] 

Rehosting. Archetype:Mash

>> No.8547362
File: 115 KB, 543x521, autism ciel kamina battlefield 3 edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just block/dodge/shield on wakeup.

>> No.8547419

Can't play right now, in a bit.

>> No.8547441
File: 144 KB, 1280x960, meidos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
na east coast only, delay <=4
no wireless users, day 6 c-kouma


>> No.8547453


>> No.8547459


>> No.8547516
File: 147 KB, 1280x960, kouma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8547514

Uhh but do you realize how much work she needs to put in to do any reasonable amount of damage?

Also learn her strings and you can easily jump out or even punish the gaps with a lot of characters

>> No.8547535

is there one of these for every character? I usually only see the Ciel one.

>> No.8547543

I want to start playing this, but I just get a black screen when I start the game. I reinstalled directx. Anything else to try?

>> No.8547548

Get a new GPU.

>> No.8547649


GGs to whomever I was playing. I really wish that I wasn't dropping my DPs 90% of the time, but oh well.

>> No.8547681

Why does /v/ and other boards feel the need to add "-fag" on everything?

>> No.8547690

He didn't even use the term correctly.
I swear to god, these people are fucking retarded.

>> No.8547703

I'll use any term in any manner that I want to. Problem autists? No one has ever complained about me doing such before, in all of my years of being here. I've also never been on /v/ besides checking out tera threads when the hype was pretty high.

>> No.8547770

> in all of my years of being here.
You don't even know how to use the term correctly so you have not been here for more than a couple weeks.

>> No.8547779

Your new is showing

>> No.8547785

Good god, would you fucks get out, or at least move your retarded mudslinging to another shithole board?

>> No.8548219
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>> No.8548430

Hold on, is this really a thing?

>> No.8548597

>> No.8548781

If all these posts are reewind, he truly is autistic.

>> No.8548800
File: 118 KB, 795x516, 1322408093507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

central us

shit tier

>> No.8548846
West Canada

>> No.8548851


>> No.8548855

I actually have to go do something. GGs
You're gettting a lot better

>> No.8548853

yea, rehostan

>> No.8548889

come join my game!

>> No.8548898

Oh shit that was a horrible idea.

I'm on EC.

>> No.8548906

Actually I'm down for another try if you're willing.

>> No.8548907

it was only 4 delay, which is not bad. the stuttering was something else. i've made stable connections to the east coast with 3 delay, but it depends on the isp i think.

anyway, rehosting

>> No.8548919

Actually I just realized you have trainers on. Which might be the cause of all of the lag and desynching.

Mind turning them off?

>> No.8548927

trainers? i don't have any trainers on. i am using mbaacctool. are you?

>> No.8548931

I'm pretty sure only the host needs to use MBAACCtool, and you are because we just played on a map that shouldn't have been pickable even if we did do random.

>> No.8548935

enable disabled stages is off. everything is off. i don't know what else to tell you.

>> No.8548932

Most likely not, the first guy who he's quoting doesn't even match his IP. From what I've seen in other threads, I think there's someone or a bunch of people trying to set him a bad rep by impersonating or associating Reewind with shitposts.

>> No.8548939

Grass stages are never supposed to be selectable, dude. That's really weird then.

You can't use the "regular" MBAACC client?

>> No.8548937

Don't mind him.
He just mad.

>> No.8549013

GGs pH

>> No.8549025

GGs C-akiha. I had a lot of fun. I think my inability to transition into combos effectively really showed there.

>> No.8549133


>> No.8549153

just a question, from those in central US:
how's your typical connection with people on either coast?

>> No.8549185

The 'Classic' and 'Witch on the holy Night' grass stages do appear if you choose random, though.

>> No.8549204

*for those, I mean
just now noticing that

>> No.8549220

Sorry, closed my game by accident. I'll rejoin if you want to host again.

>> No.8549227

GG's h-aoko. We were pretty evenly matched. If I may make a suggestion, your positioning and movement seems very strange. You were struggling with my pressure a bit but you kept putting yourself in the corner. I would try to be more focused on a plan than just random movement.

As for me, there were soooo many pokes that I could have turned into combos if I was better. Oh well. I would have liked to blame it on the 5 delay but you were obviously landing combos just fine.

usually pretty good. I have connected to both coasts with 3 delay, sometimes it's more though. I can generally play with both west and east coast, but occasionally someone is in a weird isp or something and the lag is bad.

>> No.8549244

Very GGs, your Half Moon Nanaya has very good pressure.

>> No.8549255

anyone still hosting west/central?
only if you can put up with playing someone fairly awful though

>> No.8549271

GGs. I was moving a lot trying to set up orbs but you would always chase me down. It was also hard approaching your Akiha so I just played defensively.

>> No.8549277

Yeah! It was definitely a pleasing two hour experience.
Hope the replays saved correctly, very good studying material.
By the by, do you have tournament experience?
You've got some really sharp adaptation and reaction skills.

>> No.8549282


>> No.8549297

yeah i tried to play with pits a couple of times while you were ranging me but you kept shooting me with fucking lasers so i just decided to rush you down.

anyway our series is tied 4:4, i suppose we should at least have a tie breaker.

>> No.8549303
File: 727 KB, 1100x1100, real life shiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
na east coast only, delay <=4
no wireless users, day 6 c-kouma

>> No.8549308

No, I don't have any tournament experience, but I have played all types of fighting games for a long time.

>> No.8549344

Well I usually play from EC to West or Central just to try it out. Central usually works, west can if I get lucky.

>> No.8549355
File: 199 KB, 770x1080, SHIKI6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 straight losses is all I can handle, thank you once more for fighting me. Good games.

>> No.8549365

You are welcome anytime. Keep at it!

>> No.8549374
File: 40 KB, 343x500, 5dfb346952a170d5f28c4fe02ef3ea72725f6d2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting again.
US West Coast
Low tier

>> No.8549386

gg naou, looks like you won the 2nd set 5:4. it's really funny how evenly matched we are, even though our playstyles are very different.

>> No.8549436

GGs Roa/Nero
but I can't take any more of this
not only do you outclass me in every way, but I feel like I'm not even getting any better or learning from my mistakes
need to stop for the night

>> No.8549445 [DELETED] 


>> No.8549452
File: 700 KB, 3180x2048, 23423423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we desynced but I heading off to bed so it's fine. Good games as always.

>> No.8549455

Right when I was getting warmed up too.
Good games once again though.


>> No.8549457

GGs man. Our games are really close but you would probably win the majority of them if you finish your combos. Keep working on those bnbs and hit confirms.

>> No.8549461

Well, if you don't mind, I do suggest more training in regards to blocking. On wakeup you really shouldn't mash.

From what I played of the level 5 CPU, they do deploy some advanced moves such as fuzzies. I suggest setting them in training mode and time how long you can last blocking against them.

>> No.8549469

I tried to avoid mashing on wakeup; I'm sure mashing did me in a few times but I felt I had more problems with getting hit by unexpected lows/overheads
and I know my defense needs a ton of work, but could you give me any advice on getting in/pressure?

>> No.8549542

Ah, no, that was what I was addressing for blocking. That is, high/low mixups and cross overs.
Not all CPUs are great for blocking training now that I re-play them. Don't hesitate to record your own strings.

As for getting in, I don't think you would have too much problems initiating. You learn this with match experience, to a certain extent. Elaborate otherwise.

As for pressure, you need to work on a tighter blockstring. Know your normals and specials: how far do they move you? Can they be used in a high/low mixup? Are they safe on block? Learn to stagger them, learn to follow up on them. And don't forget to cover jump-outs.
Blockstrings should be mainly normals, but not exclusively.

Other than that perfect your combos. Especially setup combos, not only combos that do damage. Ones that set up your orbs while the opponent is down, make the field dangerous to traverse and lock your opponent in on wakeup. Learn to follow up if your opponent steps into your traps.

For execution, you need to learn how to Tiger Knee your moves. Learn to Instant Air Dash.

>> No.8549545
File: 138 KB, 1280x960, netplaynanaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey it's nice to see people still use those. too bad they aren't all still accurate.

>> No.8549585
File: 134 KB, 1280x960, cielshitwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West coast, Terrible but i'll still probably mash out a combo tier.

>> No.8549662

ggs Naou
That was pretty fun.
Those combos man.

>> No.8549673

ugh, Aoko seems like such a complex character
I sorta figured that from the beginning, but I thought if I liked her enough I'd be able to get past that
now I'm genuinely regretting picking her as my first character. it's just hard to keep playing her when I'm not really noticing any tangible improvement

>> No.8549692

Yeah GGs. First time fighting a Nanaya. Those teleports are pretty tricky, but it was pretty satisfying landing a big combo after that counterhit.

>> No.8549700

I bet, you were smacking me all the way across the screen.
Those Sacchin combos are brutal.

>> No.8549702

and I know I still have to learn blockstrings and execution for whatever character I play, not just Aoko
...but I can't help but feel that with the setups and tricky shit she has, it's just making all that harder on me

>> No.8549792

GGs, time to stop autopiloting Melty and sleep or something.

>> No.8549797

Good games, sleep and then come beat me up more, I had a lot of fun trying to learn that match

>> No.8549860

Yeah it can be pretty daunting, but you can for sure take it slow. Drill yourself as much as you can.
Have you tried watching videos of how others' play? Checking out the framedisplay tool? These can be excellent shortcuts, if you are able to understand them.

>> No.8549877 [SPOILER] 
File: 560 KB, 900x1000, 1328530199494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting MW good tier

>> No.8549912

H-Kouma's damage is pretty low, especially in comparison to C-Kouma and F-Kouma.

Confirm or deny?

>> No.8549994
west coast
"i don't play this game" tier

>> No.8550027

ggs, but I cannot handle that lag.
You torrenting/sharing your connection?

>> No.8550035

there are a few background programs running, that I don't think would affect the connection that much, but I have closed them. The last matches I had went fine.

>> No.8550113

ggs, but I'm done for the night.
You're pretty good for not playing the game.

>> No.8550334


>> No.8550742
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, faboulas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8550893
central US
can't do bnbs in real games tier

>> No.8550943

getting a little too laggy for me. too bad, since we have only 3 delay. ggs.

>> No.8550947

GGs, I need to practice pressure.

>> No.8550948

Are you going to be rehosting?

>> No.8550959

yeah i just wanted to go to practice mode to hit on a few things i noticed myself doing that i want to avoid. i'm rehosting now.

>> No.8550978
File: 267 KB, 800x640, b5bd64e3d405f3806011af37119ffc4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8551032

GGs man

>> No.8551034

ggs ciel

>> No.8551040


>> No.8551068

sorry s.akiha, 5 delay would be okay but there's too much stuttering.

>> No.8551072

Yeah, I'm EC but I'm not sure why it was spiking.

>> No.8551081

sorry whoever joined, i had to step away from the computer for a minute. it's back up

>> No.8551109

GGs, shame we couldn't get lower delay with such a consistently low ping.

>> No.8551123


>> No.8551158
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>> No.8551178


no connection bro

>> No.8551255

ggs sion. rehosting

>> No.8551259
File: 511 KB, 768x1024, b84a4ec5880e151cf8653537d06677e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8551276

What did rev 1.2 add to rev 1.1?

>> No.8551304

I don't think so. You won't be raping me at all.

>> No.8551307

ggs komidol. i still have a long way to go to compete at that level.


>> No.8551309

Nice try, PH. Stop mashing 2A on okizeme, if it wasn't netplay I could shield it on wakeup.

>> No.8551314


Also you jump out too much in the corner on wakeup, I could just reapply 2A or 2B and hit you out of the air. You can just block once in a while and then shield bunker because you're using H moon.

>> No.8551325

you did that once or twice. my main issue is i don't know what to do. i've watched videos of akiha iad jc to oki, and also meaty 236b, but i don't have the technical skill required to iad that close to the ground or to perform the timing on the 236b. so i have to use what i can do. anyway, thanks for the advice. i will definitely try to find more things to do in that situation.

i've decided to build a stick next week since it seems cheap and relatively easy, hopefully that will help a lot with my technique.

>> No.8551326



>> No.8551330

yeah, i actually tried to bunker out a couple of times but i butterfingered or did it too late and got stuffed.

>> No.8551346 Central US shit tier

join mah game

>> No.8551354


If you IAD with (A+B) it'll be easier to do it closer to the ground. To IAD right I usually go 76(A+B), to IAD Left 94(A+B). If you're on pad though it might be easier to do 966. Good shit on getting a stick, I think you'll find the game to be way more fun (and also you can compete in tourney.)

You should all invest and come out to Final Round XV if you want to play with some real competition! For the first time in 2 years Japanese players are coming to compete. It's in Atlanta, Georgia - you can find more information here: http://www.finalround.org/events.cfm

You need to preregister there.

Friday night, March 2nd, will be MBAACC Teams. This tournament begins at 7PM.

MBAACC Singles will begin at 11AM on Saturday, the morning of March 3rd.

MBAACC Top 8 will take place on Sunday, March 4th, at 9AM.

This event is going to have everything that was at Evolution, so if any of you netplayers want to leave your cave and go, it's definitely worth it. Support the game this time and maybe you'll see the game get more attention for sure!

>> No.8551370
File: 534 KB, 1280x720, 13e958da032ca53881704b7f65375863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8551378

Netcode was ``fixed''. Saving replays from netplay was implemented.

>> No.8551423


What happened? I thought you were going to rape me.

>> No.8551450
File: 30 KB, 263x366, siondude0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You actually care about this shitty game WHAT A LOSER

>> No.8551454


get out final round devs

>> No.8551462

>Going to Georgia
No thank you sir.

>> No.8551472
File: 10 KB, 269x269, kohakusigde5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More like I obviously just love mai waifu more than you love your waifu, scrub.

>> No.8551482


No bullying.

>> No.8551491


>> No.8551493

i rehost

>> No.8551498


I don't think Final Round devs actually care about melty blood or would post here. They are all 30 year old+ black guys who played street fighter 2 for a decade of their lives.

>> No.8551575

I read half way through before I realized it was a surprise Komidol. 6956 master race.

>> No.8551580

I do find most Melty players to be black.

>> No.8551587


That would be fighting game players in general, but Melty has a nice mix because it also pulls in anime community people. Interesting mix.

>> No.8551796


were my EU bros at?

>> No.8551836


>> No.8551847
File: 49 KB, 532x500, 1208946392127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Prepare your body.

>> No.8552288

new thread
