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File: 59 KB, 400x598, nazi-400x598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8542223 No.8542223 [Reply] [Original]

Why do asians(japanese and coreans) like to dress as nazi?

>> No.8542226
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>> No.8542231

They were friends with Germany before they were friends with America.

>> No.8542234

German WWII uniforms are stylish.

>> No.8542232

The same reason they use the cross.

"Because it looks cool"

>> No.8542236

Didn't Hitler consider the Japanese Honorary Aryans?

>> No.8542240

Nips were Axis.

And Nazi uniforms are amazing.

>> No.8542242
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>> No.8542245

Because they haven't been taken over by Jews yet.

>> No.8542251
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>> No.8542257
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>Ukraine nazi

>> No.8542261

The nazis were awesome if we just go by their swag. I'd have _all_ the ladies if my country didn't associate nazi clothes with nazism.

>> No.8542266
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UK nazi

>> No.8542287
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Just your average patriotic festival in Ukraine.

>> No.8542289

it's amazing all the information you discover when you don't learn about WWII in school, college etc.

>> No.8542291

Basically this.

Anywhere in the western world you get battered by "OH NO HE'S MAKING FUN OF THE SHOAH/HE'S AN EVIL BASTARD" thanks of the effectiveness of the Allied propaganda in first few years after the war. Japan/Korea didn't/doesn't have a large Jewish population and wasn't subjugated to the same Allied propaganda as in Europe.

>> No.8542293

because HUGO BOSS is BOSS

>> No.8542311

I don't really understand why people goes buttmad crazy when they see people wearing nazi uniform, "YOU WEAR THIS SO YOU ARE A NAZI", is there an actual law against this ? do they censor this buddhist symbol as well ?

>> No.8542314

because jews lies

>> No.8542316
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Japs are typically narrow minded and nationalistic xenophobic slants but ever since Perry forced Japan to open her legs, the japs have been westaboos aping Western clothes, Western architecture, Western science, western culture etc and failing miserably.

It's no different with their obsession with the nazis and its particularly attractive to the nips because 1. they also believe in the racial purity myth(Japanese descended from Coreans) 2. gooks wish to be and/or lust for white women, particularly nordic white women

>> No.8542318

Trivializing mass murder is a douche move most ways you slice it.

>> No.8542327

You're a dumb fucker.

>> No.8542325

>mass murder
>this is what jews actually want you to believe
and nope i don't like the regime in iran

>> No.8542331

sup rabi

>> No.8542334

another /pol/ zany theories thread?

>> No.8542336

You laugh now, but you won't be laughing when I've murdered your firstborn to make matza.

>> No.8542341
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Axis thread?

>> No.8542345

This should probably read, "it is an absolutely certainty that you are going to offend quite a few people."

>> No.8542342

There is no law against wearing/owning nazi uniforms in public in the US (and Australia, as far as I am aware of).

It's just that Jews are butthurt and will label you as a racist/disruptor of peace and make others around them do the same.

In Europe however, it's a different story. Europe is th capital of OH NO BAN IT BECAUSE THERE IS A SLIGHT POSSIBILITY THAT YOU COULD PROBABLY OFFEND SOMEONE.

Italy is an exception. Search "Vini Lunardelli"

>> No.8542350
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We dont give a fuck either

>> No.8542351

I would love for some black and mexican gentlemen to put on these uniforms and parade on the street. I would like to see the responses from the jews.

Or better yet, gay black jewish klansmen.

>> No.8542352

Spend enormous amount of money and resources to kill jews the hard way during war time. Sound logical yeah.


>> No.8542353


>they also believe in the racial purity myth(Japanese descended from Coreans

The nazis denying the DNA analysis of Hitler revealing that he was a self-hating jew reminds me of the jap nationalists who don't want foreign historicans and archeologists digging too deep into Japan's history because it'll reveal Japan's Korean roots.

>> No.8542356

Jews caused Holodomor, killed many palestinians and stole their land, made Russian and Roman empires fall and competely destroyed Eastern Europe with their communism. Also, jewish anarchists caused many tragedies and wars in Europe.
Why would anyone feel even a slight sympathy for them?

>> No.8542358

Sup Rabi. Going to bingo next wednesday at the synagogue so you can brag to everyone how much money you've made?

>> No.8542359

The Mongollians also slew or caused the deaths of tens of millions of people but nobody would throw a fucking party if you slaughtered them all.

>> No.8542360

>The nazis denying the DNA analysis of Hitler revealing that he was a self-hating jew remind

Oh yes he was a jew,african,martian,reptilian had every disease known in medical history fuck off JiDF.

>> No.8542361
File: 29 KB, 328x260, Nazi niggah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8542369

at times like these, janitor is away.

I've changed my mind. It's not the jews who control /jp/.

>> No.8542366 [DELETED] 

Tell me you're just screwing with me and not genuinely this fucking retarded.

>> No.8542374


>stole their land

The land historically belonged to Jews. Sandniggers occupied it much later.

>made Russian and Roman empires fall and competely destroyed Eastern Europe

German barbarians destroyed Rome and the Russian empire fell due to the incompetence of a German Tsar.

>> No.8542371

No sympathy, but Europe brought this on itself when they banned jews from exercising normal jobs when they arrived. You see, Usury was the only option they had left. And boy, were they good at it.

I feel no pity for any of you. I hope Europe rots and the jews to be scattered again.

>> No.8542379

>The land historically belonged to Jews.
over 9000y ago
It must be mind-boggling for you but many nations have lost their land in history.

>> No.8542378

They also caused the Ottoman Empire to collapse it seems that everything they touch gets contaminated.

>> No.8542382

>England historically belonged to the Welsh
>America historically belonged to the Red Indians

Israel should never have being created.

>> No.8542386

Pardon, Anon, but just because the land belonged to them 2500 years ago does not mean they have a claim over it, in the same way that us mexicans have no claim over Texas. Sure, it was ours, but SHIT HAPPENS.

That's what you get for being decadent and unprepared to military incursions.

>> No.8542385

If the Ottoman Empire didn't collapse it would have been a fucking miracle. Being surprised that that clusterfuck fell is like being surprised that a straw house doesn't stand up very well to a tank.

>> No.8542388

So whose side are you on, the Jews or the Palestinians?

>> No.8542391

ottoman empire fell because they're backward fucktard retarded. They're like niggers, no technological advancement. They can't compete with nations with obsolete tactics and technology. It's a miracle they existed so long only to fuck up eastern europe development.

>> No.8542392
File: 108 KB, 483x599, 483px-Slavic_peoples_6th_century_historical_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The land historically belonged to Jews. Sandniggers occupied it much later.

Return ancient slavic land you damn Romanians and Moldavians it belonged to us over 1500 years ago

Retarded jew logic put to use.

>> No.8542394

The Ottoman Empire was artifically held together by Britain and France for a century anyway. That was the whole fucking point of the Crimean War, the creating of Romania and the treaties forbiding a Russian Black Sea Fleet.

>> No.8542396

The Jews didn't have the land returned to them. They killed a whole fucking ton of Arabs and took it. Right now the Palestinians are the ones whining to have the land returned.

>> No.8542399

Nobody is saying that all the jews should be killed. But jews, just like japanese, refuse to acknowledge their crimes and keep playing 'victums', while also demanding reparations and getting batshit insane if someone accurses them of something or does something seemingly antisemitic. Of course I don't mean all of them, but majority is of jews are hypocrites.
Here is a nice link:
There was also that incident with Kishidan uniforms, not so long ago.

>> No.8542401


>> No.8542402

The Seppos forced the bankrupt British to let the Jews enter their mandate.

They then proceeded to beat up shitty arabs.

All the Israelis immigrated there sometime in the 20th century. Fuck the Arabs are probably closer in genetics to Israel of the the bible than the jews.

>> No.8542403

Not all jews are bad zionists on the other hand..

>> No.8542408

Sounds correct.

>> No.8542405

>but the majority of jews are hypocrites.*

>> No.8542406

In this case? The jews are squatting. The UN just came, buttfucked the palestinian nations out of their lands, and danced over their rights.

But hey, the jews are victims right? Lets cut them some slack when they perform crimes they were supposedly victims too.

Thanks to it, we had all this terrorism bullshit. They could have *bought* the lands with resources and tech for these impoverished nations, but noooo.

>> No.8542409

I love how the stupid fat ugly bitch is put in her place.

>> No.8542413

They have a claim over it now because their army murdered the fuck out of the people who used to live there, ejected them, and settled it. This is the same reason why most countries look the way they do, except in most places it happened a long fucking time ago.

>> No.8542412

They used terroism to get the lands in the first place.
St David Hotel bombing etc.

It is ironic but Hitler actually did a lot to advance the Zionist cause.

>> No.8542415

For a fucking PRINCE, Harry couldn't get a better uniform? That's just a shirt with a swastika armband. I've seen better costumes on /cgl/.

Also agreeing with the people who say Nazis were stylish. Whoever designed their uniforms had taste.
Didn't some historian or journalist say this and get pretty much lynched for it?

>> No.8542424

Germans in general were stylish and pretty awesome until Prussia was disbanded.

They should bring back Prussia, would sort out the EU as well.

>> No.8542425

Everyone knows it. When people around the world think fascists, they think mass murderers in some very snappy uniforms.

>> No.8542426
File: 20 KB, 381x284, m40-luft-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helmets look great aswell.

>> No.8542428

>Germans in general were stylish and pretty awesome until Prussia was disbanded.

Actually pretty much the entire world looked classy all up to the mid 1950s when jeans got popularised.

>> No.8542437

USA and Soviet military uniforms always looked crappy though.

>> No.8542438

>mass murderers
If they were such mass murderers, how come we killed more of them than them of us?
Allied status = [ ] Told

>> No.8542439


I'd do her. For Addi.

>> No.8542434

I don't think the communists were ever much for fashion.

>> No.8542441

Communists never had the cash.

Imperial Russia had some awesome clothing

>> No.8542444

I'm pretty sure an actual rabbi would have better things to do on Shabbat morning than browse /jp/.

>> No.8542445
File: 42 KB, 332x329, JohnDill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, British uniforms sucked. We had some of the same cool hats, but they didn't have as much effort put into them. Everything from the neck down looked creased and boring.

>> No.8542447

Except the Allies had more war deaths than the Axis

>> No.8542449
File: 59 KB, 480x640, gtgatr_lea0Vd5j1qz53a0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just a hobby.
Not that serious

>> No.8542448

That's just because Russians are extremely good at getting themselves killed.

>> No.8542451

Redcoats were quite good.

Clothes were best in the Victorian era and only the Nazis had good clothes since.

>> No.8542452

Because being a nazi is a total white thing and nazi's clothes are some of the most stylish on earth. Everyone agrees.

>> No.8542453

And the Americans were very good at avoiding hard battles.

Soviets won world war II with American help.

>> No.8542454

According to what little history I know, Hitler's generals held back. They could have massively ass raped the british when they had them cornered against a beach, but they showed mercy. Bad move. Those same troops would later defend England, and would have meant a great demoralizing blow to the rest of their troops.

Hitler also made a big mistake by going to war against the Russians. Or rather, his generals didn't dare to tell him he could no possibly win the war like that. Bit too much than he could chew.

Otherwise... the Germany Hitler dreamed of could have been a reality. I am a bit envious of the vision he had for it. I would like it for my own country as well.

>> No.8542458

All of the victory at a fraction of the cost.

Capitalists were always good at efficiency.

>> No.8542461
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>> No.8542463

>Imperial Russia had some awesome clothing
Yes, but early XX century imperial military uniforms sucked ass.

>> No.8542467

The Germans did not expect the Russian population to fight to the death to support the communist regime.
Records show that even Stalin had doubts about this.
The Soviet government succesfully framed the war as a war to defend Russia and the Russian people and not a war to defend the Soviet government.

>> No.8542471


>> No.8542472

I agree.

The Americans and the Commonwealth did their job well, but obviously the needed the Russians to hold back the Germans.

>> No.8542474

This. I really hope there's some sort of neo-Victorian revival and we all start walking around in frock coats and top hats. Bonus points if we also resurrect the other good parts of the Victorian era (prudery, literature and so on) but not the bad parts (workhouses, prostitution).
Maybe we could have computers made of polished wood and start to use horse and carriages again to conserve the environment. And we'll call it "digitalpunk" and it will be awesome.

>> No.8542478
File: 41 KB, 500x370, MOE-NAZI-thumb-500x370-2770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cool

>> No.8542485 [DELETED] 


>> No.8542491

Dunkirk a bad decision, but invading Russia was NOT.

The Soviets were on a buildup of their armed forces to prepare for an invasion of Germany since the Blitzkrieg on France. They would have invaded anyway.

The Reich was able to catch the Soviets off-guard and capture hundreds of thousands of troops in a few short months in Barbarossa.

The major failure was in fact the FINNISH, who refused to move into Leningrad from behind, while the Germans sieged the city. An entire Armygroup was waiting for the fall of the city.

If the Finnish had done their job, that would have let Army Group North swing south and mount a counterattack against the Russian in Moskow and would have curb stomped the city into oblivion, along with crushing a major Soviet tank force. Then a quick campaign to the port of Arkhangelsk, and then no more Allied support to the Russian war engine.

>> No.8542494

Hitler-chan really stands out amongst so many blondes.

>> No.8542499

The only reason the Germans failed to capture Leningrad was because they decided to starve the city to death/surrender.

>> No.8542504
File: 405 KB, 683x956, 24967312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I stand corrected.

>> No.8542509

He is almost entirely wrong about everything

>> No.8542511
File: 149 KB, 548x480, 1325952324426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was a great man

>> No.8542512

I wish Hitler had won. With the Nazis' work ethic, I probably would have been pressured into not being a whiny little bitch and a NEET.

>> No.8542517

why the finns are such untermensch?

>> No.8542523

That was the plan only after the Finnish decided that they weren't buttmad enough from the end of the winterwar to move their troops farther than the borders of Karelia.

>> No.8542520

Prussia winning WWI would have been the best case. The work ethic is all based on the 'Prussian Virtues'
Though it wouldn't effect you unless you are European

>> No.8542521
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>> No.8542528

He is popular in Nico-nico douga.

''Hitler sings Rosen Maiden''

>> No.8542533

Oh bitch please. You don't know anything.

>> No.8542539

Evil extremist Nazis have come up for /jp/!
Give them one good reason why we shouldn't be genocided.

>> No.8542544

He is correct about Dunkirk.
The reasons he give for invading the Soviet Union are valid, although the Soviet Union was still years off being able to invade Germany, except they were not the reasons for the invasion of the Soviet Union.
The invasion was because of idealogy and the need for lebensraum.

Whilst the Finns could have contributed more to the siege of Leningrad (doing so would have gone against their war aims) the Germans only have themselves to blame for failing to capture Leningrad.

German strategy was based around starving the city to death and they did not engage in the same ferocity of attacks as in Stalingard.

Arkhangelsk was not the main Soviet port by that stage but the army seiging Leningrad could have being used to disrupt the supplies from Murmansk.

>> No.8542542


Sauce pl0x?
It`s my dream :D

>> No.8542547


The Germans had suffcient soldiers to capture Leningrad without Finnish help for most of the 872 days.
They just didn't make an actual proper attempt.

>> No.8542566

Hitler is metal as fuck.

>> No.8542567
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>> No.8542578

I wanna cum all over those tits.

>> No.8542581

Lebensraum is implied, however I was pointing out that it was in fact not a mistake to have invaded the soviet union. While it was the German decision to siege the city, it was on the Finns to take it. Instead, they set up defensive positions five miles out of the city. While Arkhangelsk was not the most major port, it was important enough that it's capture would have hampered supplies substantially to other areas along the front. The Kola Peninsula would have fallen easily because troops in the leningrad front would have been able to march on Murmansk and the area around it.

>> No.8542588

I must have.

>> No.8542589

Invading the USSR was Hitler's plan all along.


>> No.8542589,1 [INTERNAL] 

Seriously, Fuck the kikes.
