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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8541285 No.8541285 [Reply] [Original]

Dear NEETs and hikkis,

If you were kicked out of your parents house would you be more likely to pull your act together or commit suicide?

>> No.8541303

While I do live with a family member, I'm currently financially helping a friend to get on his feet. Once he's self-sufficient, we plan to live together.

If I were kicked out, I'd just move in with him now, I guess. It'd be inconvenient, but these things happen.

>> No.8541321

It's pretty cold now and I have quite a lot of liquor so freezing to death would be easy, but I think I'd much more likely get my act together.

>> No.8541353

well being kicked out would leave me optionless in ways to get my shit together...so I suppose the choice is clear.

also depends on the season, if it was winter fuck that shit il be off to Gensokyo before sundown.

>> No.8541361

I'd kill myself.

Hell I know my parents will never kick me out and it makes me feel guilty for taking advantage of them but that's life I guess.

>> No.8541383

It's not like being kicked out will help my job prospects at all, in fact taking away internet will make me lose them all.

So no

>> No.8541407

I don't live with my parents.

>> No.8541410

I don't want to commit suicide, but I don't know what to do if this happened. I have no friends and never did, where do I go?

>> No.8541429

Then there's this faggot who's neither a hikki or a neet but still feels the need to reply to the thread which clearly addresses only those two groups. Does having a job and living on your own make you this retarded?

Fuck off, shit for brains. Go be a brainless workhorse or something.

>> No.8541432

Transience > Transcendence

>> No.8541434

You can be a NEET and/or a hikki without living with your parents, you know.

>> No.8541442

probably suicide

>> No.8541443 [DELETED] 

Yeah your parents could be dead.

>> No.8541445

I'm a Hikki and I don't live with my parents.
I get money from them and don't need to work, so I basically sat at home all day for the past 6 months...
If they would stop sending me money i would probably die ....

>> No.8541447

And how would that work? AuTIsMBuX$?

Please give the name of the country or state which blindly supports hikki/neet lifestyle and I'll be on my way.

If you still get money from your parents you're still living off them.

>> No.8541452

You can buy lots of stuff from the Internet...
also I shop in the evening when there are less people around.
Hate it however

>> No.8541455


>> No.8541458

Flat ownership is divided between me and rest of my family. I am owner of the parent's house, so i cannot be kicked out.

>> No.8541459


lol thats why I postet twice

>> No.8541461

The transient and delicate nature of human life is what makes it so beautiful and sacred.

I get excited when I am reminded that I will die one day. If I ran out of money and others were unwilling or unable to provide assistance that day would come a lot sooner.

Not that poster but I have money tied up in investments. Most of the original capital cam from my parents, but for a while I hung up being a NEET and had a full time job.

>> No.8541476

Oh, that's true. I forgot.

I also signed the lease, so I can't be kicked out, either. It wouldn't happen either way, though, so I don't really need to think about it.

>> No.8541477

Line is too long. What the fuck?

>> No.8541482

I've been NEET for 7 years and living in my own apartment for 6 years. Living off welfare in Finland. I get more than I know what to do with really. Also I've never had a job in my entire life.

>> No.8541493

Why do you get welfare?

>> No.8541501

>pull your act together
>commit suicide

the only difference between the two of them is the number of years they take to make you dead

>> No.8541589

No shit sherlock. The question was would you rather die now or live a fulfilling life and die later.

>> No.8541592

My parents would never kick me out

>> No.8541598

Not actually commiting suicide more like starving or freezing to death.

>> No.8541654

I feel like this is really deep for some reason.

>> No.8541658

We'll see in a few weeks OP.

Already trying to find a way to survive right now, but it's hard. No job, education, or even a driver's license. And obviously no friends, or I wouldn't be complaining about this on /jp/. And I live in a sparsely populated area, so I don't really know what I would do. No way for me to get a job or even a place to live, maybe I would just steal and be homeless for a while.

>> No.8541846

Consider for a moment that most of us are in a cycle whereby we're depressed, so we rarely try, and have very little substantial to fall back on, and thus leads to reinforcing the depression. At least, this is how I am. If I were kicked out, I really would try to kill myself. Either that, or I would honestly freeze to death.

Not a bright future either way.

>> No.8541869

There's a big difference. People who die young are negative revenue.

>> No.8541941
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>negative revenue

You mean an expense.

>> No.8541943

You could use a library to apply you know

>> No.8541944
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How some of you willingly become helpless is beyond me. There are plenty of jobs for brutes like you where no education is needed. Just ask your local mexicans for yard job or local farms.

What, did you think it was gonna be fun? You are gonna learn to love the pain since you never put any effort in your life before.

>> No.8541950


>> No.8541959
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What do homeless people do? I'd like to know since.. well /jp/

>> No.8541976

Just sit around all day in the cold it seems

>> No.8541977
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Rummage through garbage. Eat waste from restaurants in their trash containers. Die of cold on particular nasty winters. Get really nasty infections due to lack of hygiene.

Remember, once you no longer have a home getting a job is impossible.

>> No.8541982

I'd be homeless, of course. I don't have the money to buy a gun or other means of relatively painless death, and I'm too scared of anything else.

I've been homeless before though, if only for a few days. It's not terribly difficult, you just need to know where the public shelters (libraries are especially good for this) are during the day, and where to sleep at night (hopefully there's a homeless shelter in your area, if not this can be scary as hell).

Food is easily gotten at supermarket dumpsters.

>> No.8541987

I live in a welfare state and get a fat disability check for my mental health.
Life's good.

>> No.8541991

Can't it be like my chinese cartoons?

>> No.8542004

More proof that mercy is weakness.

>> No.8542008

I'd definitely kill myself. I've fucked up way too badly to ever get a job now, and I'm too retarded to go to college. I can't even do basic trig, ffs.

>> No.8542009

But can you stack boxes on shelves?

>> No.8542056


Why would anyone hire me? I've never had a job and there are plenty of people with experience out there available to hire instead. I even tried applying to Target as a shelf stocker once and they said they had no positions available for someone with my qualifications. I've worked my life into such a dead end that I couldn't get out even if I wanted to.

>> No.8542064

You always can be a weird school janitor or courier.

>> No.8542069

If you applied once and got rejected once that means nothing. My mother applied for a couple hundred jobs as a waitress before she got her first placement. She was then fired, at which point she did the same thing again.

Even some of my old high school classmates who are doing very well in college have been sending out dozens of applications now that they're due to graduate. Obviously you won't be competing for the same positions.

>> No.8542083

There is always lots of jobs that require no experience or qualification. Unless you are living in some 3rd world country.

>> No.8542091

America is a third world country.

>> No.8542104

No, but that country is for sure is full of lazy idiots.

>> No.8542111

Dear OP,

This basically already happened to me, and I joined the military. It's all the same shit with a different person paying for my food and utilities with the added responsibility of being on the front lines of American Imperialism.

Almost nothing has changed.

>> No.8542141

I just stumbled into this board, and I have to say, this is the saddest and most pathetic thread I've seen on 4chan.

>> No.8542154

I'd think /jp/ is probably the least pathetic board on 4chan, but yeah.

>> No.8542151

Thank you. I, for one, take pride in this.

>> No.8542163


>> No.8542166

Don't live with my parents, but what happened to me was the former. Still a hikki, though.

>> No.8542182

You must be new to 4chan, let alone /jp/.

>> No.8542201

Suicide, probably. I might try to be homeless for a little while, but I have a feeling I wouldn't be able to deal with it.

>> No.8542288

I suppose I'd go up the tallest building I could get into and jump down. After all, my current life is just clinging into whatever I have left. I'll die when my mother stops being able to feed me, so dying a few years before that wouldn't be that much of a difference.

>> No.8543312

Can't you guys just go flip burgers or something

>> No.8544551
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I'm not exactly a hikki, though I enjoy my alone time. I have a lot of "friends" but a lot are acquaintences. I look pretty alright, maybe 6/10. Shave shower etc. I just lost my job today and while I am going to college n stuff, it's going to be hell getting another one (i live in new england, United States). i dont really want to die, i just dont want to live with the struggle of pain, going to try and get another job. i'm supported fine, i just don't wanna live off my dad.

i want to kill myself but i don't want my dad to be hurt, he's a really good guy, and worked hard to support me and my sister. he's single and he doesn't have much, so i don't want to leave him behind, but i dont wanna live off him and become nothing.

i fucked up at my super market job, got caught texting, but it was a few other things i had issues with. today was the last day before getting into the union, and they decided to fire me. how do i kill myself without hurting my dad as much?

>> No.8544565

Probably live as a drunken hobo, and die by gunshot wound on some shitty street of this city.

Or go live in some shack in the mountains and die anyway.

>> No.8544568


>got caught texting

get a load of this fag

>> No.8544580

i'd either kill myself or commit myself to a mental hospital. probably kill myself

>> No.8544894

I don't want to know.

>> No.8546610


well i was texting a girl id met a few weeks ago that i really think would be worth the time to pursue, level-headed normal girl. she ended up being busy. i was texting pretty slyly too, in my apron thingy. the only reason i got caught was cause a customer reported me to the manager. freaking bullshit still.

>> No.8546629

I'm jobless now. I have been putting off this decision forever but I think right now its looking like I'll kill myself when I run out of money. I have like 3000 dollars or something, but I live alone and have bills so its not going to last long. I keep spending it on figures and stuff too, so I will have to decide quickly if I should work or die. I wonder if I should be buried with my figures or give them to people.

>> No.8546632

Protip: By the time you're homeless, it's too late to get your act together. You won't get an appartment/flat without stable income and nobody gives you a job if you have no viable adress.

>> No.8546641

yeah it takes 3 weeks of continually calling fucking companies back and forth asking if you got the job, if you should come in, if they seen your app

like literally dude. you better start looking for a job now. loans are horrible but if it's your only choice, and you're not on food stamps, sell some of your figures, get a SMALL loan and go find a job.

if you need to start stealing food.

>> No.8546654

PROTIP: Dignity will not save you, find an unemployment office.

>> No.8546655

>Fired for texting
They...they fucking do that? Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.8546659

Well the idea is that I don't want to make that choice. Because I know what I'll choose anyway.

and selling my figures is a no-no, I've grown more attached to them than people. I feel good coming home because they are all facing the door, waiting for me. Without that I'd be dead even sooner.

>> No.8546661

I was just turned down for unemployment. What the hell is the point of it if they don't give it to people who are unemployed? I live alone and had to borrow money from the bank to eat. I waited two weeks for my check to come before they notified me that I didn't qualify somehow.

>> No.8546691

My NEET days are about the end, I'll soon be going back to my studies in an uni. I'm doing this for the sake of my parents, rather than mine. It feels wrong leeching them off without doing anything in return, so I think I should subject myself to this even if it's not what I want to do with my life.

>> No.8546711

Yes, and then write a "success story" and post it to reddit.

>> No.8546723

I wonder why those people don't just kill themselves. Maybe being a bum rummaging through the trash makes you suddenly want to live or something.

>> No.8546733


Get a load of THIS fag!

>> No.8546948

i was learning the cashier register a bit slowly, but i have only worked 15 hours a week for 4 weeks and yesterday was the last day before id be admitted into the union. if i got in its almost impossible to fire me.

i feel i learned it rather quickly, and all i couldn't do was WICs and Rain Checks.

scaning food, PLU numbers, etc., i could do. theres a lot to learn in a freaking supermarket as a cashier man.

i think it's bs, while i understand the texting, that's only thing i did wrong, and i mean, if they didn't find me texting i wonder if they woulda fired me. i think it was the nail in the coffin that they were trying to find.

>> No.8546969

I was NEET for 5 years
Parents broke up, kicked me out
Now Im a nuclear engineer for the USN

I can't wait for my contract to be up so I can be a sponge again

>> No.8546978

NEET with no job or education. I'll probably just kill myself, too late to make a comeback.

>> No.8546980
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>I was NEET for 5 years
>Now Im a nuclear engineer for the USN
What, no way. Explain yourself.

>> No.8547001


>Now Im a nuclear engineer for the USN

I'm sorry that your life had to come to that. I hope things improve for you

>> No.8547016

If you get a certain score or above on the ASVAB you basically have to be a navy nuke, they wouldn't let me do anything else. Working 60~80 hours a week and staying underwater for months at a time. I like the seclusion from the world, but I still have to deal with living in a metal tube with 120 other men.

I feel like a space pioneer when I'm underwater, so I use my imagination to pass the time.

>> No.8547022

>living in a metal tube with 120 other men.

How lewd.

>> No.8547038

parents a shit

>> No.8547041

I got lucky with my high school offering a medical course, which I've been a part of for 4 years now. I never really applied myself to anything else, being mediocre and all. I only went out of house because my only friend calls me once or twice a month to hide in his room instead while we play on PS2 or original Xbox, he did find some thrown away Xbox 360 which he fixed to work properly (dies every hours or so). The only joy I ever felt was working in nursing homes, made me feel less pathetic, even though I am still awkward and do worse than everyone else in the course. I can't even do vital signs correctly and my CNA certification test is coming up. No cell phone, No car, don't know how to small-talk nor communicate for longer than 5-seconds, foreign accent makes me hard to be understood, living off parents, step-dad wants to kick me out and move in his lazy 27-year old son to leech off him instead, same clothes for over 3 years, 5'0 tall, been told that plenty of women would love to date me if I was at least slightly taller, love anime but very elitist about it to the point that I hide my love for it from everyone, live in the woods, missed plenty of deadlines for college and financial help offers, only one friend and he is in similar situation as I am despite always being outgoing. How fucked am I?

Oh and that CNA test? I have to drive alone or with another testee, or I auto-fail the testing. Sometimes whish that I never had to leave this home, but money is the only thing keeping me from doing so.

>> No.8547057
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>mfw I have my own house and a good job

>> No.8547064

I live with daily threats of being sent to jail or a mental institution. I'm just trying to find somebody looking for a roommate and hope they'll put up with me just being a live-in maid for a bit. Just about anything is less work than having to deal with a single mother when you're her sole spawn.

>> No.8547071

Sometimes I fantasize about taking a loan and using it to pay for a 150 hour pilot course, then working for a private airline or joining Army Aviation.
Sadly the bank won't give me more than 15 000 USD and that's not enough. Every day that passes, I get closer to the age limit for joining (which is around 30 years old. I have about 8 years left) Then I realize I'm just a NEET with no skills who probably wouldn't be able to pass the entrance exams anyway and push it to the back of my mind.

Fucking bachelors in Italian Studies. Worst decision of my life

>> No.8547079


>> No.8547085

Eh, I'd probably get a McJob or something and try to get into a very shabby apartment ($400?) and slowly work my way up.

Then again, there's no future in that and I'd be dead in 2 decades at the very best anyways, so perhaps suicide isn't a bad choice. Although we all joke about suicide, I don't think it'd be that easy to end your life if you're still functional enough to post on an imageboard, as true depression would leave you incapable of doing anything really.

>> No.8547171

I'd probably steal from the supermarket for food if I got desperate, what are they going to do? Arrest me? Then I get 3 square meals a day and I'd probably buff the fuck up since there's nothing to do in prison except read books and exercise. For shelter...hmmm...tough one. If I didn't end up in jail, I'd probably use what little cash I have to hitch a bus south to warmer climes, hang out in a big city and be one of those laptop hobos until it gets stolen or broken...Then I'll just steal someone else's and continue doing that! Wow, life seems so easy if you abandon morality.

Honestly don't know what I'd do for money. The idea of working 40 hours a week just doesn't click with me. I can only do that for short bursts of time before I burn out and quit. And the whole "find a job you enjoy doing" thing is bullshit. This is why the country needs to raise minimum wage and mandate 20 hour work weeks, it would force everyone to hire twice as many workers, generating more jobs, and makes for happier workers. It would probably be easy to find work for me if I actually went out looking though, I'm pretty nocturnal and everyone loves the guy willing to work third shift; pays more too.

I'd never kill myself. Because there's nothing after death. And the concept of "nothingness" frightens the fuck out of me.

>> No.8547183


How's the pay?

>> No.8547222

live as cheap as possible off my considerable savings and investments (my grandfather was an accountant)

when I run out, kill myself or see if any of them take me back

>> No.8547230

suicide of course

>> No.8547237

Go look up E4 pay. It's shit.
The only "plus" side is the awesome pay in civilian life, but I just want to be NEET again, so I'm pretty buttcanned.

>> No.8547262

If I got kicked out by my mom I'd probably go live with my dad. He's already a hikki welfare bum so it would be fitting for us to live together.

Assuming both parents kicked me out and I had no job or money to burn, then I would probably try living on the streets for a while or try getting a night-job somewhere.

Of course I would consider suicide, but I have already, and am already committing a slow suicide by drinking and smoking and doing drugs. I think in the worst situation I would be the kind of person who commits suicide by continuing to be really lazy (freezing to death, drinking to death, starving to death, etc)

>> No.8547521

I'm currently on unemployment, they expect you to have worked recently to file for unemployment.

>> No.8547530

i'd go on killing spree
well, maybe would try robbery first

>> No.8547532

How many hours of free time do you have? Are there computers or a library?

>> No.8547571

My brother did this, if you're talking computers on the sub then no, there is no allowed personal communication with the outside world until you dock somewhere months later.

>> No.8547600


So, what the fuck do all these people do inside a submarine other than pilot it around?

>> No.8547820

Maintenance and secretly driving around under the sea with nuclear warheads as a "hey we have nukes and you don't know where they are" tactic.

All I do is fix junk and take logs on the machinery running, which is what 99% of us do.

>> No.8548068


Uh. Doesn't sound half bad, except for the part of being confined in a ultra-claustrophobic space for long periods of time.

>> No.8549550

I'd probably live as a bum until I got burned alive while asleep in some backalley in this shithole of a city.

>> No.8549565

I would most likely attempt to pull my act together and when I failed due to my horrible social anxiety, I would kill myself.

>> No.8549638

I'm NEET and mostly hikikomori but I can't answer OP's question because I live alone and even if living alone as NEET wasn't possible my parents would never kick me out.

If I imagine myself somehow being in such hypothetical scenario, I'd kill myself if -30C weather doesn't get me first. I'd have to go somewhere remote so I won't get saved but that would be easy enough.

I'm not sure I'd choose death over being saved from the cold and basically given a free apartment and some money every few weeks though.

Sorry, while I usually enjoy these somewhat off-topic NEET threads this topic is hard to relate to. I'll just get out but since I already typed all this I'm gonna hit submit first anyway.

>> No.8551385

seems like we have a pretty suicidal majority.

I think for most of we actually would, but we also do the bare minimum in life to prevent having to make that decision.

>> No.8551402

I would. I could easily muster up the courage to do it if I was faced with no other choice than starving in a gutter somewhere.

>> No.8551413

After 3 years of being a NEET this thing happened to me. Parents rented shittiest apartment they could find, and bought me tons of shitty food so I wont die from hunger. No internet.
tl;dr; one and half year after, I'm working at minimal wage job I hate, to pay the bills, food, and internet. I envy you lucky bastards on welfare.

>> No.8553307

I would take a third option.

Economy, how does it work?

>> No.8553882

I'd try to actually get a job and stuff. Knowing me, however, I'd be too picky, or I'd get too lazy. Then I'd just be a coffee-shop hobo with my laptop.

And I wouldn't commit suicide. Too painful and too hurtful to my family/friends. However, if I could just "fade" away into nothingness one night, maybe while I slept or while I thought about it, that'd be great.

>> No.8553907

The homeless are what hikis are without support. They become addicts because they're self-medicating their mental illnesses.

>> No.8554362

Hey there navy nuke, i'm a civvie engineer that fixes your boats (only 688 and Virginia class ones though).

Fyi, I was also a neet for a few years.

Wow, the USN is screwed if they have so many neets..... and stop forging all your nucleonics lab tests plzkthxbye.

>> No.8554420

This is /jp/ and their parents:


>> No.8554442

this one is better


>> No.8554486

This. I already live on my own and haven't had a job in almost a year now. Really, shit kinda sucks and I miss the income from the job I used to have, but I suppose the freedom of not working while still having everything I nee to survive isn't bad either.

>> No.8554494

I was a freeter after graduation until my early twenties, so I know I have the means to support myself.
but I gave up on it and moved back home to go to college.
Which I rarely attend and failed last semester. So I think it's about time my parents tell me to hit the streets.
and I gotta say, working for 10 or so bucks an hour scraping by, not worth it.
you only have a few years you'll put up with it, and I've burned those up already, so I'd go buy a quick ticket to gensokyo

>> No.8554504

I left on my own decision and am doing great, have faith in yourselves /jp/

>> No.8554532

>and I gotta say, working for 10 or so bucks an hour scraping by, not worth it.
Wow, faggot. I would gladly take that job than live with my mom calling me scum 24/7.

>> No.8554564

What are you doing outside of /k/?

>> No.8554578
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I'm so glad my parents aren't like that. Then again I actually have shame being a hikki/neet and my pathetic aura forces my parents to pity me. Even my oneesan who used to hate my guts for not being the successful genius she always thought I'd be is starting to feel pity rather than scorn.

>> No.8554600

I was under the impression that he lost a lot of his parent's money in stocks so he deserved it. lolforex His dad was drunk too.

>> No.8554816
File: 24 KB, 500x400, OfficeSpaceMotivation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You neets and hikkis are living the good life, considering you don't have to fight traffic to work every day and rot away in an office cubicle while having to deal with complete asshole coworkers all day just to fight traffic home and do it all over again.

I'm honestly considering quitting and just becoming a walmart night stocker or graveyard shift security guard, so I don't have to deal with people anymore.

......I can't be a hikki because my parents won't support me ;_;

>> No.8555034

I'd move in with one of my rich friends, I suppose. I'm pretty sure his mom already thinks of me as a pet pauper.

>> No.8555072


>got caught texting

I would've fired your obnoxious ass too.

How about you just get over it, because jobs like that don't mean shit to anyone? There is no way that you aren't going to make your dad feel like shit if you kill yourself.

>> No.8555097

You don't?

>> No.8558555

Everyone in this thread needs a federal gov't job. I do about 10 mins of work a week and just surf the interbutt the rest of the time in my cubicle. Monitor privacy screens FTW.

>> No.8558590
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Listen up dumbass. There is no way you can kill yourself without really hurting your dad to the point where he will never get over it if he cares anything about you at all. If you don't give a shit if you live or die, find. Don't do it for you, do it for him and anyone else who gives a dam about you.

Offing yourself if you have a single person in this world who cares something for you is pretty selfish. I was in your situation so I've had a lot of time to reflect. No matter how pathetic you think you are, killing yourself is the worst thing you can do to someone else.

>> No.8558625

I'd probably die of my weird mystery illness before I killed myself anyways.

Me being sick since when I was a child is the main reason why my mother still accepts my hikikomori habits.

>> No.8558628

Sometimes I think I'm a broken man. Even in the worst of situations, even when I have absolutely nothing to live for and I can't find a reason to get out of bed (if I have one), I am utterly fascinated with life. With existing. I have an undying passion for being alive, and I would like to live for as long as possible.

I don't understand what drives me, /blog/. I don't understand why I'm not like you, why I'm not suicidal. Why I'm content with whatever hand life deals me.

>> No.8558658

You're an enlightened man, anon. Not everyone is that hopeful.

>> No.8558693

You've won

>> No.8558700

Oh god there was so much unneeded buttanger I actually laughed.

>> No.8558703

What drives me is my hedonistic lifestyle. The only thing I want in life is pleasure, happiness, and enjoying myself. I used to be miserable until I found 2D but it has helped me learn that happiness is an internal force and that you should live for enjoyment. I have not had a real conversation with anyone but you guys for 2 years now but I have never once considered killing myself.

>> No.8558741

I'm like this, but only due to a morbid and horribly overpowering fear of dying. Life's not particularly great or anything, but it beats dying so I figure I'll just roll with it for as long as I can no matter how bad things get.

>> No.8558743

I wouldn't kill myself, but I'd probably die.
There's no realistic way for a homeless person to get into even .gov sponsored "emergency housing" apartments here, and no way to get a job without a house, so I'd either starve, die of food poisoning from eating out of bins, or get bummed to death in prison.

>> No.8558762

Black NEET here

I've never really considered killing myself

I've dropped out of highschool because the school literally fucks me over out of graduating(Wasn't even my fault) because of one class. My dad wants me to become something great and my mom just doesn't give a fuck. The thing is with me is that I don't want to become something great. I've never had a job before but I'm sure I'll be content just working my 40 hours a week and just living alone in some apartment. I would pretty much just live to watch anime and play visual novels and video games. That is the lifestyle I want for myself. I don't care too much about anything else. I don't want to raise a family or find love its not really something I'm interested in. Sex? I've had it, you aren't even missing out on anything if you haven't. If I had the money I would just disappear without a trace.

Fuck man I really just want to watch/play anime, visual novels and video games all day

>> No.8558787

>(Wasn't even my fault)
Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.8558788


get out of jp nigger

>> No.8558795

But it's so hard and it feels so pointless living for someone else. If he didn't care about me and try so hard to work and get a house in my name and stuff, and wasn't such a great guy, along with the rest of my aunts and uncles, i woulda been gone by now probably.

but without my own happiness, and my thoughts about nihilism and agnostism, i just care, but don't care. if something pushed me hard enough i would do it maybe. i just don't wanna hurt him but the way things are going i could see myself doing it anyways.

>> No.8558800

I tried to kill myself twice in my lifetime. Currently in the same boat as you in terms of my life. Anyway, the second my mom found out, and it hurt me more to see the look on her face when she thought I wanted to die because of something she had done. Just grit you teeth and deal with it. People always say things will get better, and as long as you're in school you'll be ok.

>> No.8558808

well i'm in school and moving forward torward radeologic technian, and it's in the health field. so it should be secure. i just try to get chicks and well things don't go so well for me. i'm not exactly beta anymore, changed alot.

i have issues with how to really woo a girl after the seond date or so. i can be pretty funny and social but i don't know how you get them really interested and hold them interested.

a lot of girls don't seem worth my time. i want one that's casual, avereage looking, plain looking, and farther from being ruled emotionally, the better. the one i met recently is like everything i could ask for, and more. i been with her 2 times so far. and i feel there could really be something there but she's going to florida when she graduates high school. (she's a senior), so that's 5 months ish. her dads here, and mom and sisters are down there.

i wanna get her to stay, after i see if it's worth it of course. but i'm just worried about investing time that might go to nothing, you guys know how i feel?

>> No.8558810

>(Wasn't even my fault)
No, it was your fault.

>> No.8558816

I have exactly two weeks to get my drivers license, buy a car, find a new apartment and move out before I'm homeless. And I have $1000 to do it all by myself.

Being a NEET is harder than I expected.

>> No.8558829


The bullying has to stop.

>> No.8558853


seriously, these people should have atleast some sympathy for that guy's situation or they probably don't belong here.

>> No.8558876

moralfags on my 4chan?

>> No.8558879



>> No.8558884



>> No.8558897

I'm bullied almost constantly on 4chan, for many reasons, and yet you don't see me complain about it. This guy just needs to learn to deal with it.

>> No.8558906
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>> No.8558911
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>> No.8558918

I think I would pretty much immediately resort to crime, if I got kicked out.

>> No.8558916

What's so funny about that?

>> No.8558928
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>> No.8558929

I am penis, not hicky.

I buy sandwich. From vending machine. And work on computer program. TYVM.

>> No.8558937

I was homeless for a while, and I shoplifted food constantly. It's kinda easy, and very exciting. I got caught 3 times, but always convinced them to not call the cops.

>> No.8558940
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for everyone here

>> No.8559057

Well, my mom's gonna kick me out on Friday. I'm going to stay with a friend for a bit, but it won't last forever...

I have no job and $2500. What do? Should I just go to Gensokyo?

>> No.8559072

Do what you think you need to do.

>> No.8559211

My mom kicked me out once.

I moved in with a friend who lived in the area, stayed there till I managed to turn my crappy 3 hr a day minimum wage job into a decent 6 hrs a day $8 an hour job.

My friend then turned me on to Day trading so on my off days I spent time on the internet learning about predictive stocks and how to best ride out the market.

I finally moved out of his apartment after 3 months; I had 3k in savings and was working multiple jobs + day trading to the point where I was making about 4k a month.

I had one glorious year where I lived on my own and Neeted it up, my next door neighbors kept thinking I died, to the point where we had Sunday night dinner together just so they'd stop calling the cops.

Then my apartment building had to be fumigated, my neighbors offered to let me stay at the house they were staying at, but I decided, foolishly, that I would stay with my aunt. Between her and my cousins they stole my entire game collection, half of my electronics and the tires from my car and broke most of the figures I didn't have in storage. So I asked them to pay for it, they laughed and then I sued them for it.

During that time I moved in with my old neighbors who UPON HEARING WHAT HAD HAPPENED GOT TOGETHER AND BOUGHT ME A NEW PS3 AND A COUPLE OF MY OLD GAMES. Which begs the eternal question of "Why are random strangers always nicer than my own family"

Long story short because I had to be in court I lost my jobs, losing my jobs meant I no longer had enough liquid assets to be an effective day trader and my aunt + relatives pleaded poor so they either went to jail or agreed to pay me the sum of $100 a month every month for the next 10 years (Yes, they stole that much shit from me)

So I'm back with my mom working a crappy retail job (which I should probably go to bed to get ready for), but for a while, /jp/ I really flew out there and it was really really awesome.

>> No.8559222

Fuck these stories about people who were kicked out and forced to work or whatever. I cannot see myself physically doing that. I think my brain would just declare GAME OVER then explode in a puff of logic or something.

>> No.8559225

>So I asked them to pay for it, they laughed and then I sued them for it.

Fucking amazing

>> No.8559241

Hopefully you can save enough from your retail job to go back to day trading. Must be a bitch dealing with the IRS I imagine.

>Which begs the eternal question of "Why are random strangers always nicer than my own family"
My experience in life is that good people are good people to most and assholes are assholes to everyone.

>> No.8559256

Yea, that didn't win my many fans in the family, I was an outcast for a while, then half of my family went to court as witness against me. By the end of the trial they were all on my side, especially after hearing a voice mail my aunt left that essentially said "Shit happens, we stole it cause we needed the money and it doesn't matter because I was rich anyway".

That sealed the deal.

>> No.8559267

I'm the only one in the house with a car and license, so fat chance I'll be kicked out. The fact my mom doesn't have her name on the lease helps.

Not to say I haven't been told to get out, I've heard that shit since I was 16.

>> No.8559275


>> No.8559277

Threads like this make me feel guilty that I have a mother who won't kick me out, a father that said he would support my /jp/ lifestyle indefinably as long as I tried to get a job or was in school, and a brother who lives in new england who wouldn't make me pay rent if I wanted a change of scenery.

>> No.8559326

>The median expected salary for a typical E4 - Petty Officer - 3rd Class (Navy) in the United States is $25,084
>nuclear engineer underwater in a metal tube for months on end

The US Navy sure has great compensation.

>> No.8559358

The fact they leave out of those navy "salaries" is that the Navy pays for essentially all of your housing and utilities. Also, after you go on a 90+ day deployment on a submarine, you get usually a few months+ off to do nothing but lounge around. Since you are spending diddly squat while on board a sub, you tend to save a lot of money. All the submarine guys around here are mostly 18~25 years old and drive +$30000 cars.

If I had to do top watch all the time while the boat is in port I would shoot myself though, many people have.

>> No.8559473

>day trade
Wrong. That amounts to playing scratch-n-sniff lotto tickets from the convenience store. You don't make jack shit, plus you can lose more than you put in, which is how the scam works. Fuck that shit, basically. You'd have to be as dumb as some of these people who fall for religious scams through the mail.

>> No.8559476

The expected value of lotto tickets is extremely negative, whereas the expected value of day trading even if you were just straight-up blind gambling is a small decrease corresponding to transaction costs.

>> No.8559515

>Praise Jeezuz! If I donate, all I could lose* is the donation, and I might get all the wealth and health the Lord hath promised!
Wrong. You gain nothing, because there's nothing real being offered, and you stand to lose more than you put in, that's how the scam works. Sell it walking, swindler.

>*then they steal your credit card number.
Or, with the day-trading scam, add fine print to the deal without telling you, involving "leveraged investments" you didn't actually make but which you've supposedly agreed to pay for anyway.

>> No.8559519

Now you're just raving.

>> No.8559698

I wouldn't have committed suicide, I will simply freeze or starve to death. I can't function at all.
It's more likely for me to end up in a mental institute or for my whole fucked up family to get kicked out of this country and then the story will repeat itself.

>> No.8560104

I've seen some of you say that you don't want to ever get married/rely on others and having others rely on you/etc. and I totally see where you're coming from.

That said, I've lived my entire life. Whether it was individual choices and wants, or something bigger (getting good grades in school), almost everything I've ever done is because of someone else. That's how I live my life - someone wants me to do something and I do it. My parents always wanted me to get Honor Roll/High Honor roll in school and, even though I would've been happy with C's, I always, always got it from 6th grade on (missed it 3 times in total by getting C's and got the whole "I"m disappointed" speech). And that's just one example.

I have tried killing myself but no one ever found out and no one will. I just trudge through life even if I don't want to, because that's what others want of me. I can't live any other way and I'm actually kinda happy this way.

>> No.8560163

I could never live like that. Even when I have my own motivations, it can be very difficult for me to work up the drive to actually accomplish something... When it's an outside motivation, it simply isn't going to happen.

I'm not unhappy with being resistant to outside influences, but... it can be pretty annoying to just lose interest in my own motivations all of a sudden.

There sure are a lot of things that get in the way of being ambitious, huh?

>> No.8560218

Well, that's commendable, at least from my point of view.
I could do that in high school, yes. But around age 14 I began to stop caring and my mother cried when I got my first report with insufficient marks. I guess that threatened her dream of her "brilliant" kid. Though I still finished high school.
But now, I just don't care enough. For more than 6 years I did work I didn't want to, just because I was told that's what I had to do. After that I just... I don't care enough for my family's expectations to keep going.

>> No.8560285

I wouldn't commit suicide; I'd just die from hunger or thirst -- whichever takes me faster.

>> No.8560378
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you don't have to keep playing the rat-race if you learn to cut back on your consumption and pursue sustainable living. just buy some really cheap ass land inna woods and learn how to build a house and farm for basic sustenance.

>> No.8560398

>That feel when my grandma owns 4200 acres of land and I could build a house if I wanted to

And better yet my grandma owns a farm and gives me free supply of eggs already fuck yeah.

>> No.8560406

I might be okay with this if I had an Internet connection.

>> No.8560792

Mad that your investments failed?
