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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8536940 No.8536940 [Reply] [Original]

So, guys, I'm going to need your help for something crazy. I'm the Vice-President of our university's Japanese Pop-culture Appreciation Club, and we most recently converted from being the Anime Club. We've been SHAFT'd into a small room with no audio and only 30 chairs - we have 50+ members. I need a plan to help keep some weaboos, otaku and plain nerds interested and content for at least one more meeting. Wat do? We need a good excuse to make vidya gaems Japan-related. I told myself I wasn't to post here, but I realized /jp/ would be an equally adequate source of ideas for this sort of thing.

TL;DR, we need interesting things we can make interactive with club members that gets people interested in the culture but isn't like a classroom.
With three hours on our hands, we watch...
>Daily Lives of Highschool Boys
>Moretsu Pirates
>Blackrock Shooter
>Ano Natsu de Matteru
...and we play
>Street Fighter
>Phantom Blade
>Touhou 12.3


>> No.8536945


Too bad, loser.

>> No.8536944

You should try getting out of /jp/.

>> No.8536948

i could kick the ass of every single faggot nerd there

>> No.8536946

>Japanese Pop-culture Appreciation Club

Fucking kill yourself. This has nothing to do with /jp/

>> No.8536952


>asking for help about /jp/ things
>trying to culture people's knowledge
>doing something bad

Pick two I guess? Also, Happy Birthday yesterday, Nujabes.

>> No.8536953

Keep your faggotry in >>>/adv/ and >>>/soc/
I guess not even /a/ has stoop to your level.

>> No.8536955

I see /a/ are being super helpful, our help would be redundant. Delete thread and get out please~

>> No.8536967

>Japanese Pop-culture Appreciation Club
/jp/ might have helped you if you were the Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture.

>> No.8536968
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I may have thin skin but posts like these manage to piss me off more than regular Sion spam, cock sucking threads, and atmoic bombs nanking xD threads combined.

>> No.8536974

I don;t like how common this is in boards outside /jp/.
Why do you need to state the same thing twice? If the second explanation is better, why don't you delete everything before the TL;DR?

>> No.8536971
File: 173 KB, 650x730, 1328046402742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, considering everyone here's too busy [generic insult to /jp/'s tastes here], I guess I'll just give up and let a good lot of people lose their interest in Japan or just become weaboos and thrive off of Hatsune Miku and yaoi fanfics. Good job, guys.

>> No.8536979

Such a tragedy, I weep for the collective loss of yours, ours and Japan's.

>> No.8536975


Thank you. You made me smile.

>> No.8536978

They were doing that anyway.
Later, man.

>> No.8536984

Yeah, because /a/ is being much more helpful amirte?

>> No.8536981


I felt the first may have had more detail but longer, as per reason why TL;DR is written. I've the habit of being redundant though. I'll watch myself.

>> No.8536988

Oh, you have a problem with Miku?

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.8536986
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>> No.8536987

>a good lot of people lose their interest in Japan or just become weaboos and thrive off of Hatsune Miku and yaoi fanfics.
This is a good thing.

>> No.8536992

Why so much spoilered text? I'm masturbating in my bed and I'm not going to move my mouse to read your shitty post.

Also you can make lists using -, *, + or whatever.

You are a huge homosexual and I hope a huge plane crashes in your house and its nose came directly into your ass.

>> No.8537005

Reported for off topic posting


>> No.8537006

It's sad to see you type this with a straight face.

>> No.8537002
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Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.8537008

>30 chairs - we have 50+ members
Fuck chairs, get on your knees and play some Hanafuda.

>> No.8537012
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> but I realized /jp/ would be an equally adequate source of ideas for this sort of thing

Well you thought wrong.

>> No.8537011


That picture made me just think of all the animals in the world that only want love and contact and will end up at McDonalds.

>> No.8537013

Go fuck a cow your tree hugging PETA furfag

>> No.8537015
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>using real meat

>> No.8537020
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>/a/ stopped commenting and let the thread die
>we're still posting

>> No.8537021

Why don't you just watch actual Japanese television? Like, their variety shows or dramas, subbed of course. If you're just playing videogames and watching anime, or even going so far as to plaster hot glue on figs or discuss visual novels, you're pretty much breeding the next generation of loser otaku, like us /jp/ers here.

My point is, Japanese Pop Culture isn't anime/videogames only. Start off with their silly game shows. Maybe talk about learning the Japanese language. Discuss stuff to do in Japan or some shit.

>> No.8537022

Play musical chairs.

>> No.8537025

>like us
Speak for yourself loser

>> No.8537028


We were actually going to watch some live action stuff, but some Japanese television sounds like a great idea - I feel stupid for not thinking of it. Thank you. I'll go do some research now.

Also, we got a petition successfully signed, so we'll be having Japanese taught here next semester.

>> No.8537032
File: 127 KB, 624x882, 1325547599062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could help, but I have zero anime club experience.

The thought of raising an army of nerds appeals to me though. Why not make the meeting half anime, half video games? Try to show some popular anime, like Idolmaster. Maybe some Touhou videos or something too?

Also just tell them you play all your video games in Japanese to study the language. Problem solved.

>> No.8537030

Ha ha, look at all those dumpy fat brown kids.

>> No.8537029

Yes, channel that autism.

>> No.8537048

Actually, I've read the entire post instead of just the tl;dr. If you want a club about anime and stuff, why did you convert it into Japanese Pop Culture? Pop culture is ridiculously so much more than anime and videogames. You should have just kept it the anime club and let some other folks make a Japanese Student Association or something for that other stuff.

>> No.8537046

Get them into groups and force them to play mahjong.

>> No.8537052


Should have added ">>8537021 here"

>> No.8537053 [SPOILER] 
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thread a shit

>> No.8537058

I'm surprised you took the time to do this.

>> No.8537060

Typical tripe code user retardism

>> No.8537064

I desperately wish I could find out where you go to collage so i can shoot up your club

>> No.8537065

Watch Gaki no Tsukai and Game Center CX.

>> No.8537067


The thought of doing everything purely in Japanese is very interesting. Definitely emphasizes the language, obviously. We're going to be doing "panel" sort of things, in which Touhou is certainly getting one. As far as other games, if in strictly Japanese, I don't see why it'd be an issue aside from the language barrier we'd need to get over. Thank you for the advice.


I actually brought up that same question - we were a bunch of folk who got together to watch anime, and that's it. Not too sure why we made the transition, but now we did, I'm trying to help it along so it doesn't simply die out.



>> No.8537071


Come at me, bro. Guns won't help you here. Savannah, Georgia. Armstrong Atlantic State University. You're invited.

>> No.8537074

>Reported for off-topic posting.

>> No.8537076

Oh wow.
That is dumb of you to post your location.
Good luck to your future social life.

>> No.8537078

Prove you are the op faggot

>> No.8537079
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Gosh this thread when straight down in the pooper.

>> No.8537082

Not OP, but if an autist from /jp/ actually got the nerves to leave his house I'd be pretty proud of him. Well, I'd be a little sad afterwards that a bunch of kids got shot up.

>implying he gave his real location
>who am i quoting

>> No.8537084

Imagine Chen going to the bathroom really badly because she had some spicy tacos the other night. She sits on your face with your mouth eagerly awaiting your delicious meal she is making for you. She squirms and strains and struggles as her cute little pink anus is flexing and twitching open and close. she lets out tiny little farts that are quite strong and smelly as she giggles and apologizes for them sinking so much. But this only gets your mouth watering for what is to come. she give one more good push and lets out a little cute brown bud that slowly emerges into a thick long and delicious poop log. As she is getting more aroused from the sensation of someone serving as her loyal toilet she says in a lustful yet innocent manner "itedekimasu unko-san~" As your long awaited meal that has been slow roasted inside her you began to eat gingerly. You can hear Chen breathing heavier as she is about to cum from this ecstasy of pooping in someones mouth. As you chew on the warm delicious product of Chen more comes from her cute butt and plops on your chest. She steps off of the seating apparatus and looks at you eating with lustful eyes. "Mmm that looks tasty~" She slowly encroaches on top of you and takes a deep smell of her meal and starts to slowly rub it all over you while taking the remaining pieces and eats some herself. "I-I can't take it anymore unko-san! I'm g-going to cum~" She then squirts quarts of her female cum juice and coats your entire body with it as you cum in sync to her cumming. She plops on your shit smeared body in complete exhaustion from the immense orgasm as the both of you bask in the afterglow of such a wonderful event. Fancy that.

>> No.8537089

He's already the VP of a fucking anime club. What can you do to him?

>> No.8537090 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 199x176, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8537093

Go to archive and see the guy that show off his JLPT1 yesterday. He was so buttdevastated that he deleted his thread the next minute.
Cover your track online next time and dont post anything that might compromise your IRL identity.

>> No.8537094



>> No.8537096

It was stupid of him, but who the fuck cares anyway. If you really wanted to, you could find out the full name of the person and post his full name and information here and do, uh, what with it, exactly? Spam his Facebook?

>> No.8537098

You think your hot shit huh kid? Yeah posting your memes behind the safety of your computer.

If it was just you and me mono e mono I could easily buttfuck your panzy ass to the ground in less that 15 second flat.

reported for insulting my inteligence

>> No.8537102
File: 25 KB, 210x222, 1325272987173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itedekimasu unko-san~

>> No.8537104


It's no joke - it's ridiculously easy to track someone down online these days. But honest, I don't believe a single soul in /jp/ to have a bad bone in their bodies, even if they act like it. If you really actually want to spam me, just do it via email. I'm going to sleep, considering I dun goofed and forgot to make a delete for this thread.


Thank you for being a contribution to this desprate anon's questions.

>> No.8537106

You don't need to set a password as long as you have cookies turned on.

Just click delete and it'll work.

>> No.8537112

I'm not liking how Anons are insulting the HELL out of each other lately.

This is /jp/; only self-depreciating humor is allowed here. People who want to drop 4chan f-bombs ("faggot" and such) all day in a futile effort to make that other person on the internet angry should really go back to /a/ or /v/.

>> No.8537113

I think it's just the reputation it's getting for shitty posts. See /v/ for instance. Only cure is for a mod to babysit this board very very closely.

>> No.8537114


I tried, and it's not working. I'm not sure, but hopefully people will either let it die or a janitor will wipe it off the face of the earth.


a smart tripfriend is he.

>> No.8537116

50 people in your club and no one has decided to publish a doujin?

>> No.8537115

Just check the blank box next to your post then scroll down to the bottom right corner and press delete.

>> No.8537118

sucking cock and brown nosing is not how to go on in life faggot

>> No.8537121

Oh dont worry this thread is done. Go ahead and just delete it

>> No.8537119


We actually considered doing this in joint of teaching art, however, we didn't want to stress people out.


Derp, thanks. I'll delete this thread in a little bit, as soon as people are done talking.

>> No.8537124
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Good night and sleep well to you, friendly /jp/.

>> No.8537127

fuck off
