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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 66 KB, 500x551, fucking gook languages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8536092 No.8536092 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a reason you nerds actually idolize Japan? It's an oppressively overcrowded place full of shrieking women and depression.

Have there ever been any great literary dudes from Japan? Face it the only thing Japan has is ninjas and even then I think vikings are cooler.

I just don't see the appeal.

>> No.8536104

>Is there a reason you nerds actually idolize Japan?

>Have there ever been any great literary dudes from Japan?

>I just don't see the appeal.
Good on you, mate.

>> No.8536101

A ninja would shit on a viking

>> No.8536106

Not if the ninja knows Aikido

>> No.8536108

reported for trolling

>> No.8536111

So where's the punchline?

>> No.8536112
File: 25 KB, 350x330, laughter35251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about Japan

>> No.8536115

I'm serious though. People of your type have been ruining my home board lately and I wanted to see what you actually saw in all this Japanese crap.

Looks like you really have no answers, so I'm very confused.

>> No.8536117

People gave you answers.

>> No.8536118

Wait what

>> No.8536120

>People of your type
If they really idolize Japan they're not our type.

>I wanted to see what you actually saw in all this Japanese crap.
Cute girls.

>> No.8536121

They must be filtered or something because all I see is inane comments.

>> No.8536125

/jp/ is not about Japan, it's about escapism.

Japan offers the best media for escapism, hence /jp/.

>> No.8536127

Sorry, let me more specific: two-dimensional girls.

Wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea.

>> No.8536131

/jp/ does not care about Japan, they just about their 2d porn and video games.
Gland to be of help.

>> No.8536132

Bad thread by a bad poster.

>> No.8536133

Thank you, but in the future can you let your people know that they should escape into /jp/ and not boards that have nothing to do with Japan?

It'd be nice if you guys had a sticky or something to let everyone know that we don't really care about Japan and anime in some other boards.

>> No.8536140

>but in the future can you let your people know that they should escape into /jp/


>> No.8536139

what the fuck are you even trying to say

>> No.8536138

Did it ever occur to you that those posters arent from /jp/ but fuck tards that like to stir up shit in other boards?

>> No.8536147

He's mad that there's weeaboos on /g/.

>> No.8536151

Basically people from your board and /a/ come to my board's desktop threads and post pictures of anime girls instead of desktops. I really feel like that junk belongs in some of the anime-related boards but I thought maybe you could shed some light onto why these individuals feel it necessary to force this - frankly pedophilic - garbage on others that really don't want to see that crap.

>> No.8536152


You must be new around here, so simply know that not many over here give more than a flying fuck about Japan itself, like you seem to think. You probably just came here thinking that whichever faggot is raiding your board was "oh, they're talking about Japan, so they must be from /jp/ because it's JayPee! Japan!"

No, it's not about Japan here. Now kindly get out of /jp/ and delete your thread on your way out.

>> No.8536157

Which board should I instead be petitioning?

>> No.8536159

Deal with them yourselves in your own fucking board.

Don't come running here to shit up someone else's.

>> No.8536163

The one you came from

>> No.8536164

No problem buddy, I'll be sure to contact every single one of those troublemakers on the secret /jp/ MSN group!

>> No.8536165

No mods moderate our board so we cannot do anything about them, so we are trying to stop them at their source.

>> No.8536168

We cannot do anything about them either.

You're totally doomed.

>> No.8536169

Do you honestly think this is going to work?


>> No.8536172

/g/, because that's were your problem is. Most of us use /g/ as a main board, not /jp/ or /a/ and as you know, arguing hasn't solved anything yet. You message probably isn't going to reach any other /g/ weeaboo except me so no point posting it here.

>> No.8536173

Report thread, contact mods on irc. What can we bunch of NEETs do?

>> No.8536174

We can't even control our own self-trolling shitposters, let alone yours.

>> No.8536179

I'm not sure, I thought you'd be better suited to communicating with them - they are like children.
Actual quote, posted alongside some anime

ur so analmad n i dont even care. deal w it gaylord. enjoyn
ur buttfrustration? u got 0wnd ROFLMAO ur just a patetic nerd
colonrampage'd. "i hav a small peniz" - u. yu're tears feul my
butownage. get ur mom 2 lik teh tears of ur ballz, assmaster. y r u
so paind in the glute LOL.

>> No.8536176


What the fuck is wrong with you. You really must be new to this whole imageboard-thing. Do you think we have some executive power over some faggots here? You are on a anonymous image board, ffs.

>> No.8536178
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1326797552860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8536184

Somebody is posting something you don't like in your own board, so your only recourse to do is go to an entirely different board and complain about completely unrelated things to anonymous strangers who have no power to solve your problem.

That's what passes for logic these days, I guess.

>> No.8536186

ok well I'll go try in /a/, maybe they are nicer than /jp/ and can help us out

>> No.8536187

The fuck, were did you see that?

>> No.8536183

/jp/ doesn't care about you or your problems. Go away.

>> No.8536193

You should really look at the site you're on.

>> No.8536199

well if you were posting anime in this thread I would understand, but the boards I usually go to are NOT about those things at all

sorry for wasting your board's precious time

>> No.8536200

He would turn the Vikings shit on himself, and make the viking shit himself

>> No.8536201


Congratiulations, you were successfully trolled by them. Kind of sad, seeing how weak the troll attempt was.

Newfaghint: They won't stop. They will intensify they shitposting after seeing such a thread.

>> No.8536207
File: 24 KB, 247x362, 1283675052138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just ignore them? If you even try to point out their idiocy or try to stop them they get that autistic thrill and continue to act like asshats.

Trust me, I know this autistic thrill. It's better to just let them die off.

>> No.8536208

why do people always question idolizing japan in this site?

who gives a shit what you think

>> No.8536212

Got what you're talking about, and those are mainly from /a/.
Bu I don't think raiding their board would work any better, though. Actually, I just think it'd get the situation worse since they outnumber /jp/ regulars by many, many users. Just bear with it.

>> No.8536213

I fucking hate you OP. I was having such a great nice until I saw this shit on the top of /jp/.

>> No.8536210

Since they are autistic, they won't stop either way and they take up the thread image limits with their stupid cartoons.

>> No.8536211


I doubt you'll have any luck... anywhere else. You're on a wild goose chase, my friend. Better try to do something about it yourself in your own board rather than running to autistic NEETs in search of help.

>> No.8536221

/g/ has always been full of anime, if you don't like it, find another website, because 4chan has always been very anime-centric.

>> No.8536220

Relax, anon. You know the drill.
Hide thread and creat a new toho vs kikes one.

>> No.8536224

There are few that will actually continue on their own for a long time. This board was flooded with K-ON and Saten threads for a while, but they seem to have disappeared after people learned to ignore them. Sure, some of them still post, but they've become so easy to tolerate now that it really isn't a big deal anymore.

>> No.8536233

You are throwing stones at a hornet's nest, do you know that? You are like the high school kid who announces in class that everybody should be nice to him since he has a bad day. You are asking for trouble. It seems you're not very versed in imageboard things.

>> No.8536238

Ninjas didn't exist OP.

>> No.8536243

so many butthurt weeaboos here

>> No.8536247

You could at least post a picture with Japanese in it, OP.

>> No.8536248

Don't say things like this unless you want my fist in your ass.

>> No.8536254

But I do.

>> No.8536263
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x1697, 3671119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much sage~

>> No.8536267

Oh god. this thread is fucking hilarious

>> No.8536275

Since we seem to have attracted other /g/ posters with this thread...

is OP a known troll over at /g/ or is he actually serious?

>> No.8536285

He's /g/'s favorite tripfag.

>> No.8536288


>this - frankly pedophilic - garbage

get a load of this nerd

>> No.8536294

Haha, what a faggot. You start a thread with a miserable attempt at trolling and then you baww about being raided and demand people to do something about it?
I hope your stupid board will be swallowed up in an ocean of cartoon cocks for all eternity just so you can be this buttfrustrated forever.

seriously? They trolled you with THIS? This doesn't even work on twelve year olds.

>> No.8536309

I always find it the funniest thing ever when people make threads like these. You REALLY think anyone here has any sort of control over what other people do? Do you think we all meet up at the end of the week and hand out punishments for mischief makers or something? Lord.

>> No.8536324


Now, now, no need to make things secret. I, for one, love our weekly meetings and punishment games~

>> No.8536360

anime? shitting up with it?

>> No.8536382

I'd become a shitposter to get punished by big /jp/ men and their cocks.
