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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 102 KB, 480x1024, animu and mango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8535752 No.8535752 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/. Message me on AIM or post your steam so I can add you and we can play pretend. I'll be whatever you want~

>> No.8535757


>> No.8535760


Anyone else? :3c One of you messaged me really fast! I was impressed...

>> No.8535764

probably some dude from /soc/ who's going to post it all later

>> No.8535765

Hi, naz/lualdi/miao!

>> No.8535768

nothing to see here, move along.

>> No.8535773

Not familiar with them, but I hope to muscle in on their territory!

Nope, I just like making people cum~

>> No.8535778

>animu and mango.jpg
ah I see, why don't you go on back to /a/ you seemed to have wandered off.

>> No.8535782
File: 167 KB, 1024x768, anime girl oh no im sexually vulnerable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mostly from /v/!

>> No.8535783

Whats AIM? Sounds like its some kind of dog treat or something.

>> No.8535787
File: 164 KB, 400x444, i_happen_2b_n_expert_on_this_topic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIM is AOL INSTANT MESSENGER, i used to use it a HELLa long time ago when i was a normalfagglet

>> No.8535791


Hah, and it's Asuka from Conboku to boot. Can't get any worse.

>> No.8535795
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mmm any more takers?

>> No.8535828
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>> No.8535835

what sort of weird, fucked up fetishes do you cater to

>> No.8535834

Bump :3

>> No.8535838


A lot of them!

>> No.8535841

Can you RP a 10-14 year old boy? Just curious.

>> No.8535851

my fetish is to be loved by someone

is that doable

>> No.8535852

Send me a message :3

>> No.8535855

Why are you still using AIM? We told you to get MSN a while back.

>> No.8535860

I liked it better when that other guy posted a really long message and it made me feel good about the human race.

This is just depravity.

>> No.8535864

I need to know before...

>> No.8535865


>> No.8535877
File: 562 KB, 1070x1548, 1313894844197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you dat teemo?

>> No.8535878



>> No.8535879

what the HELL are you guys doing

>> No.8535883

Gonna have really weird cybersex and then kill myself

>> No.8535887

Playing a game of pretend

>> No.8535888

I don't want to play pretend, but it'd be nice to play a cooperative campaign in Shogun 2 with someone. Anyone here have it?
I can't really play the game with normals because the campaigns are too long.

>> No.8535894

I'd prefer if you didn't die that way, anon

>> No.8535897

I'm considering downloading it, but I'm just not sure it's worth it. I played RTW and M2TW so much over the years that I got pretty bored of the game mechanics.

>> No.8535896

What the hell do people say in these things anyways.

"I'll suck your cock, dude"? Does the chat log read like a H-manga?

>> No.8535895
File: 198 KB, 844x1000, cbd24b41c6456986492bef4b664ab326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think you could play Alice? And stutter?

>> No.8535900

I refuse to believe you haven't had cybersex !bar.

>> No.8535906

I'm not familiar with the character, but you can tell me a few characteristics! I've got stuttering down!

Message me and I'll show you!

>> No.8535907

When I say I'm a virgin nerd as HELL I really mean it.

>> No.8535909

It reads way better than an H-manga

>> No.8535911

That's fucked up man. *starts sucking your cock, dude*

>> No.8535916

It's pretty much the same game except you can play it with other people, which is kinda refreshing, specially when you play as the reinforcements in a difficult battle or siege

>> No.8535921

>I'm not familiar with the character
Get out of /jp/.

>> No.8535929

>made me feel good about the human race

>> No.8535933

What the fuck.

>> No.8535937

send me ur email address i'll write u a poem

>> No.8535942

I am also astonished at people trying to get off via 4chan.

>> No.8535949

Every time I start to give up on the thread, I get another message!

Keep them coming~

>> No.8535955

How many people have you made cum yet?

>> No.8535959

Only three... Kinda slow tonight.

>> No.8535987

Do you know how annoying it is to make another account on AIM?

>> No.8535988

There's thousands upon thousands of 2hu ero doujinshi and you faggots are fapping to some faggot RPing?

>> No.8535992

It's more satisfying to have real sexual contacts with a real person.

>> No.8535999

It wasn't naz/lualdi/jessica/whoever the fuck.

>> No.8536005

Not very? It took me about 30 seconds

It's worth it~

>> No.8536008

I'm cybering him because I haven't done this since I was 13.

>> No.8536014


>> No.8536021
File: 486 KB, 250x141, mistake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's what this is about?

oh god i just wanted to play some games with weeabros

>> No.8536056

If you poor lonely faggots need some porn, here:

After school ended, I came to the Nieghbours club activity room with the suspicious game Sena had ordered me to buy. Despite the musical fantasy theme, wasn’t the Cero C rating a bit suspicious? I was beginning to question the wisdom in learning about relationships from a game with forced stripping when I opened the door.

As usual, Yumiura was demurely serving drinks to Yozora, while Sena, struggling and moaning weakly while bound from head to foot in leather restraints, was being used as a footrest.


Run that by me again.

>> No.8536062

“You’re late, blonde-colored penis,” said Yozora lazily, while landing a painful-looking kick at the back of Sena’s knees as she took the opened door as an opportunity to escape. She collapsed with a shrill squeal and landed right on her face with her butt sticking up in the air. Her ridiculous attire covered a surprising amount of skin but squeezed on her overflowing thighs, butt, and cleavage so seductively that I was starting to agree with Yozora’s favorite nickname for her.

“You lecher,” Yozora said, her face a picture of utter disgust.

I was called such by the girl using her classmate as furniture.

“What the HELL is going on here?!”

>> No.8536067

Aren't c rated games for 16+?

>> No.8536074

“I rewrote the play from last time, the heroine is now betrayed by her best friend and sold as a sex slave to the delinquent king of the school.”

“As expected of Aniki, your subjects offer virgins to you just to gain the attention of your eyes” said Yukimura, his eyes shimmering with pride.

“Ah, you’re praising me too much—wait, forget delinquent, you’ve suddenly made me into a feudal bandit lord, no, worse, a demon the equal of Yamata no Orochi!”

“Don’t think that I’ll be finding seven more virgins for you just because you said that,” she said, while grinding Sena’s head into the floor by her soft blonde hair. Sena’s eyes glittered with defiance, but her cheeks were flushed and her breathing heavy.

>> No.8536090

It's an oblique Ar Tonelico joke.

“This is the least of my questions, but what’s wrong with Sena?”

“Oh, she’s preparing for her part. Before she’s offered to the eight-headed delinquent, the scenario calls for her to be abused mercilessly by the girl she thought was her friend, forced into degrading poses and into having her breasts, anus, and clitoris assaulted unendingly with vibrators while her maid licks every inch of her body worshipfully until she shamelessly learns to beg for orgasm from her new mistress.”

“How is she supposed to prepare for such a ridiculously specific scenario?!” I demanded, ignoring for now my promotion in the demon hierarchy.

“By us already doing it to her for the past two hours.”

>> No.8536091

I'm trying something new

>> No.8536105

Sena choked back a sob while Yozora grinned. “Within ten minutes she was begging for us to bring a cock to satisfy her. She’s come eight times by now from our tongues and toys and she still won’t stop whining for your dick.”

“How dare you slander me so!” Sena finally managed to voice her protest. “You’ve but raped me over and oveeeeeeeer,” her voice crumbled mid-sentence into an obscene sound I could barely believe was coming from such an arrogant girl.

“Oh no. My hand slipped.” Yozora said, firmly pressed down on a suspicious remote control. Sena started convulsing as a humming noise filled the room.

“Did the meat cocksleeve serving as my footrest just tell an outrageous lie right to my face?”

“Ahhhhhhhhhh, nooooooo, stopppppp I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Sena begged while desperately kissing Yozora’s feet. “I’m a slut, a whore, a worthless piece of meat who writhes under men so pleeeeeeseeee stopppppppppp....”

>> No.8536122


>> No.8536266

Same here I just like someone being sweet to me.

>> No.8536276

I swallowed. My breath was heavy and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks, among other places, but suddenly a thought came to mind.

“Wait, didn’t you say earlier she came 8 times by OUR tongues?”
Caught in the heat of the scene, I asked a question that should have been the last thing on the mind of anyone with compassion for his fellow classmates.

Blushing as if the situation in front of her was a lie Yozora replied, saying “I read online last night that increasing physical contact is quickest way to deepen your relationship with someone.”

“Something on the level of Tex-Mex or Amazume Ryuta can’t even be put in the same league as skinship! And how exactly is rape supposed to deepen your relationship?”

“They say love begins with sex, don’t they? Besides, there’s no better subject for studying the properties of skin then this excessive, flabby, cow-like meaty cocksleeve.” She pinched Sena’s nipple until tears welled in her eyes.

“Besides, look here,” she said, and pushed Sena on her back. Yukimura caught her and held her gently but firmly from behind.

>> No.8536284

Yozora reached between Sena’s legs and slowed unzipped the zipper binding her crotch. Without a hint of gentleness, she yanked the vibrator free. Sena’s back arched and her hips gave a last spasm before she crumpled helplessly.

“Look,” she said, pulling the leather away from Sena’s glistening pussy. Yozora’s fingers were covered in the sticky liquid as she pulled and prodded at Sena’s pussy before spreading it as wide as she could. Pure pink and pale creamy skin.

“We’ve kept her a virgin. That should satisfy your otaku-level desires, shouldn’t it?”

“That’s very generous of you but what is the insane logic behind this situation?”

Once again Yozora stared at me as if I was an idiot.

“Obviously, if skinship increases friendship, the quickest and most lasting way to gain it is to thrust your cock into the deepest part of her meatsleeve in one go, isn’t it?” and so saying, she unzipped my pants and exposed my erect penis to the Nieghbours club activity room. Our sleepy Christian high school was rapidly heading towards a Bible-Black style scenario.

>> No.8536299

Sena somehow found the energy left to scream. “Wha-wha-what is that thing? It can’t possibly fit inside me! Use it for Third Impact!”

“Hey, don’t use a dated reference like that to describe my dick! It’s perfectly normal!”

“He’s right, you know, this is only around the size of the hero of Sacred Blackstar.”

I’m not sure how I should feel if her only point of comparison is an H-game where the protagonist’s member is larger than the heroine’s thigh.

“Aniki, even the most manly part of you is a paragon among men,” Yukimura sighed happily. Crap, I’m starting to blush.

A jolt ran through my cock. There, on her knees with an arrogant but dazed expression, was Yozora running her fingers along my shaft.

>> No.8536310

“Of course—WAIT, no, if you do that even I’ll need manliness training afterwards!” Yozora’s incessant ministrations were making me loose all reason, pushing me closer and closer to the edge while keeping it ever so far away. With two girls(?) on me, there’s no way I’d be able to hold back.

“But Aniki, your semen contains your pure manly essence. If someone like me has that thick, smelly stuff poured all the way down my throat I’m sure that it will cure my bullying forever! In fact, there is a small island in which the natives believe that boys can’t produce sperm until they’ve first drank it from the adults...”

Yozora nodded sagely at his dubious history lesson, and before I could utter a word of protest Yukimura swallowed my cock completely. His flushed cheeks radiated warmth against my crotch and her(?) tongue wrapped obscenely around the head of my penis, bobbing rhythmically up and down and squeezing as if to suck every last drop from me.

In protest, Yozora fought with Yukimura, their tongues dueling and fingers intertwining. It was hopeless. As if to prove she could, Yozora stole my cock from Yukimura and deep throated it as far as she could.

“I’m coming!” I screamed, and grabbed Yozora’s head, forced my cock into the back of her throat, and came.

>> No.8536305

“What are you doing?!”

Yozora ignored me and nuzzled closer. Her fiery breath tickled unbearibly, and strands of her long silky hair brushed against my dick and made me shiver.

“It’s impossible that you could get fully hard just from looking at that meat pig, right? We need you to get at least twice this size before we can really say that we’ve throughly, utterly, completely ravaged the absolute depths of that cow’s womb.” So saying, she tightly gripped her fingers around my shaft with her right hand while clutching my testicles with her left. With tiny, timid kisses she licked and sucked all along my shaft. Her galgame studying was paying off, while her movements were just clumsy enough to convince me of her innocence.

Twice as big would be impossible, yet I was harder than ever before.
I looked down to see a pleading Yukimura staring back with a pleading expression by the girl nibbling contentedly at my dick.

“Aniki, please let me use my mouth to make you come!”

>> No.8536318

“No fair, you promised Aniki...” with tears in her(?) eyes Yukimura gazed enviously at the cum-stained face of Yozora.

Yozora suddenly wrapped her arms around Yukimura and forced him(?) into a deep kiss. His eyes went wide before glazing over as she passed the cum into his(?) mouth.

“How is it?” asked Yozora.

“Aniki’s is...so thick...so good...” She(?) licked up every drop from her lips and fingers in an ecstasy.

I can’t image how much of a problem this will cause. In many ways.

While tacking advantage of Yukimaru’s daze-like state, Yozura was stealthily strapping a leather phallus to her crotch while massaging Yukimura’s anus. I can’t even imagine what perversion of logic she’s used to convince him pegging is another step on his quest for manliness.

“You...stupid...peasant...aren’t....you...forgetting me?” Meatsleeve—I mean Sena—was on the floor with her legs spread wide open, straining in frustration against her bindings. Her pussy was a miserable flood staining the floor beneath her. Her huge breasts were heaving breathlessly. All it would have taken was a flick of my finger against her clit and her pitiful arrogance would fall apart into sobs and begging for me to ravage her utterly.

Just knowing it was enough.

>> No.8536326

“O-oh-okay fine I’ll say it, I’ll say it, just please stick that fat cock of yours as deep as you can into my slutty p-p, my cocksleeve, my obscene little p—” I felt bad, totally ignoring her embarrassed monologue as I threw myself into her womb with a single thrust, tearing through her hymen without a shred of compassion, but I couldn’t help myself anymore. Her pussy was the only small thing about her, but it was coiling around me so tightly that it was painful. From her face, helplessly twisted in pleasure, I could see she came the second I put it in. If she even noticed that I took her virginity, it didn’t show on her face.

I pounded into meat as hard as I could, trying to ignore the girlish screams of “ANEGO! Y-you’re stirring up my boy-pussy...” from across the room.

Her arrogant demands and slurred self-insults became a string of wordless moans as I reached closer and closer to orgasm. She wrapped her legs around mine as tightly as she could and with her open mouth, begged silently for a kiss. As our lips met, I could feel my cock pressing against the entrance to her womb. with her second orgasm, the pressure was just enough to push me over the brink and flood her pussy with the fiercest ejaculation of my life.

>> No.8536329

And so, throughout the school, the rumor of the blonde delinquent who raped any classmate that crossed him, regardless of gender, was spread throughout the school.


>> No.8536373

damn i missed iit

>> No.8536380

It got pretty good when it stopped being so yuri yuri.

>> No.8536402

He logged off

>> No.8536413
File: 30 KB, 640x480, GarfieldThrowDish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8536426

Y-you still could r-roleplay with me

>> No.8536438

How the hell is this still here? The fuck, mods?

>> No.8536439

I promise more dicks next time

>> No.8536447

Im back!

>> No.8536451

I thought roleplay threads were disallowed in /jp/.

My how times change.

>> No.8536462

I really don't think that Team 4chan gives a shit around this time of the night. I say just let it roll on through and ignore it. There really is no other option.
