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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8534493 No.8534493 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best thing?

It is Finland.

>> No.8534497 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8534514
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What is the most majestic thing?

It is Britannia.

>> No.8534523
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>> No.8534522

Moderator I am displeased that you removed my post.
I have filed an official complaint with your supervisor.

>> No.8534521

finns are fucking retarded.

Finland is a country created by the Russian Empire in the early 19th century.
There are no "finns". The people who call themselves "finns" are actually swedes and russians.

>> No.8534528

Nobody's saying it is a distinct race or anything. It's just a demonym. You are from Finland, you are a Finn. Hell, some cities and towns even do this.

>> No.8534525
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AP, en välitä vittuakaan kuka sä oot ja missä asut, mutta voit olla varma että tulen antamaan sun elämällesi helvetillisen lopun. Saat tuntea niin vitusti tuskaa että se saa näyttämään Jeesuksen ristiinnaulitsemisen joltain vitun selkähieronnalta paratiisisaarella. En välitä kuinka vitun kova jätkä oot, miten sä tappelet tai vaikka sulla olisi aseita. Mä tunkeudun sun kotiin kun et ole kotona, laitan kaikki valot päälle ja veden valumaan, avaan jääkaapin oven ja jätän auki, laitan lämmityksen täysille ja avaan ikkunat. Sua alkaa kuumottaan vitusti, sun verenpaine triplaantuu ja sä saat lopulta sydärin. Joudut sairaalaan sydänleikkaukseen ja viimeinen asia minkä näät yläpuolellasi leikkaushuoneessa on minä, lääkäriksi pukeutunenaa. Leikkaksen jälkeen pelkäät itses kuoliaaksi, ihmettelet minä vitun aikapommin mä asensin sun rintalastan alle. Kun pääset sairaalasta parantuneena ja kävelet ulos, niin arvaa mitä, ajan autolla täysiä suo päiten tappaen sut. Haluan vain että tiedät miten vitun helposti lopettaisin sun säälittävän elämän mutta mieluummin näen vitusti vaivaa että sun viimeiset päiväsi on helvetillistä kärsimystä.
Kaadan tabascoa sun kurkkuun kunnes se tulee sun perseestä ulos, liimaan pikaliimalla lasinpalasia pesismailaan ja tungen sitä sun avonaiseen peräaukkoon kunnes sä menetät tajusi, vain että heräät ja huomaat että käynnissä oleva moottorisaha on sun naamassa kiinni. Nyt on jo liian myöhäistä pelastautua ja tehdä itsemurha... Mä elvytän sut painepuhalluksella ja tapan sut itse, kyrpänaamama.
Tervetuloa helvettiin, asukkaat: sinä.

>> No.8534527


Your memes are bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.8534538

Finland is pretty awesome, you're a lot cooler than your faggy neighbors Sweden and Norway, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.8534546

I don't understand why the Ryssians are still so touchy about Finland. They've lost plenty of client states.

>> No.8534548


Swedish person here, I can definitely confirm this.

>> No.8534553
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>> No.8534552

Why don't you all take you patriotic circlejerk over to /int/?

>> No.8534555

Why the HELL are Finnish teenage nerds still so intrigued by nationalities? It's 2012. Didn't they stop force-feeding patriotism in schools like ten years ago?

>> No.8534561

Voisit viedä noi 3D-huoran kuvat muualle kiitos

>> No.8534565

my country better than ur deal wit it

>> No.8534574

Every time I see Finns on internet I feel kinda insecure. It's even worse in IRC since they seem to be on most of the channels I frequent.
What if they found out I was Finnish as well? They might even try talking with me!

>> No.8534578

Vau, joku koittaa taas tosissaan sopia joukkoon. Mitä jos painusit vittuun täältä, nörtti.

>> No.8534587

Please stop that. You are making some people very upset with this.

>> No.8534590

Maybe because Finland was just a conquered piece of land on which Russians created a country and gave it a significant autonomy?
Unlike Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania etc it didn't have any prehistory, aside from being a territory of Sweden.

>> No.8534597 [DELETED] 

Kyllä koitan sopia joukoon kirjoittamalla kieltä, jota kukaan muu ei ymmärrä. Sinä voisit lopettaa paskasi tunkemisen tänne. Mene lustaa 3D-tytyjäsi vaikka >>/cgl/ tai >>/soc/

>> No.8534598
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No Briton shall ever ever ever be a slave.

>> No.8534599


Maybe if you hadn't been such absurd dicks to the people living there, they wouldn't have shown you the door.

>> No.8534606
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>> No.8534611

Finland a shit

>> No.8534614


>> No.8534668

It's 4chan, what did you expect, motherfucker?

>> No.8534680
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>> No.8534693

>Nobody's saying it is a distinct race or anything

Actually, it is. Well not a /race/ race, but a genetically distinct ethnic group separate from either the germanic or slavic tribes. Oh, and everything in >>8534521 is completely wrong. Finland is actually older than either Sweden or Russia (though obviously it wasn't called that then).

>> No.8534699


But that is wrong, you retard.

Finns have been on pretty much the exact same spot they're currently at since the Ice Age.

>> No.8534703

Worst Strike Witch.

>> No.8534715
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>> No.8534723


>> No.8534730

Finland confirmed for Corea 2.0

>> No.8534746

I think you both belong here. Just fine.

>> No.8534747
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posting sum finnish touhou

>> No.8534762


>> No.8534775
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Best 4koma artist

>> No.8534776

We can all agree that the one country that has the most people who are ashamed of their country is the Philippines at least.

>> No.8534779

>What is the best thing?

A Finn asks a similar question here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PQ6335puOc

>> No.8534790
File: 319 KB, 1360x2503, finland is awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8534809

Typical scene from parliament. Finnish, German conference. Though this must be from 2WW

>> No.8535205
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Have some Prismrivers singing christmas songs
