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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 138 KB, 849x1202, nazituhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8532888 No.8532888 [Reply] [Original]

1) Your favorite Touhou.

2) Do you honestly believe the holocaust happened?


Here's some 'holocaust' facts to help make up you mind...:

1. The post WW2 books written by the wartime leaders Churchill, Eisenhower, and De Gaulle never mentioned any gas being used or any planned, systematic extermination of anyone.

2. In Eli Weisel's book titled 'Night' he doesn't mention gas being used. And when the choice came that he would retreat with the Germans, or stay and be under the Soviet umbrella he chose to retreat with the Germans.

3. If millions were murdered then there would have been tons of human remains buried somewhere, and it would be way too much to hide for very long. No tons of human remains were ever found. And if they would have been cremated then there would have been tons of ashes and no ashes were ever found.

>> No.8532894

8. Katyn Forrest Massacre - originally blamed on the Germans, and in the 90s the Soviets finally confessed. This shows that the Soviets were using claims that the Germans were committing mass murder as propaganda.

9. Original claims that Dachau and other camps liberated by the Allies were also Death Camps were later dispelled - Zyklon B is used to delouse clothing - Typhus is a very serious killer during wars especially when you have a large group of people isolated in one spot. Anne Frank died of Typhus.

10. Anne Frank - how did a 15 year old girl make herself useful at Auschwitz when the Germans killed everyone under the age of 15 because they were not useful as workers - you are telling me that 14 year old boys who would make useful labour were killed but Anne Frank, a frail Jewish girl survived and proved useful enough to be evacuated from Auschwitz? Why not just kill her along with the other million people that had been murdered instead of spending valuable resources to ship her to another Concentration camp?

>> No.8532891

4. Red Cross visited Auschwitz, and they found nothing wrong.

5. Auschwitz was a place where synthetic rubber was being produced, and U.S. intelligence was focused on Auschwitz for that reason. No U.S. intelligence reports ever gave any indication of gassing or mass extermination.

6. In 1939 fact book World Almanac calculated that there was a world Jewish population of 15,748,091. In 1947 they calculated that the world Jewish Population was 15,690,000.

7. Torture used at Nuremberg Trials: The greatest argument in favour of the Holocaust is that "the Germans admitted it." The best response is to point out that the Nazis who "admitted" the Holocaust at the war crimes trials were tortured by their (mostly Jewish) interrogators, usually by having their testicles crushed; you can get almost anyone to confess to anything with the correct torture techniques.

>> No.8532895

11. False photos - a number of famous photos have been shown to be fake

12. The state of Allied POWs when they were rescued - many were virtual skeletons. The truth is in war sometimes you run out of food, and who are you going to feed? The people you lock up because they are perceived enemies of the state, or your soldiers?

>> No.8532899
File: 312 KB, 789x600, 1320121598853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh...


>> No.8532900

1) Nazrin.
2) No.

I think it's time we put those kikes in their places.

>> No.8532904
File: 35 KB, 365x365, slav_yuuka_reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Yuuka
2) Yes

I also don't appreciate very much the lies you spread about Soviets and the Katyn ``Massacre''.

>> No.8532911

/jp/ - Jewish pride

>> No.8532914

1) Suika
2)Somewhat, I'm sure a fair amount of it was greatly exaggerated or made up.

>> No.8532938
File: 1.02 MB, 768x1024, 23193204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Letty

2) i generally find numerous information like that on 4chan,
so now i don't really know what to think about WWII, America used massive propaganda to make us think Nazi were bad ?
I've seen information about Nazi being nice with any colored people and only hate jews, and that there were no sign of gas used in concentration camp like auschwitz, i find this hard to believe that there 6 million jews killed anyway.

>> No.8532937


>> No.8532940

Does this explain your view?

>> No.8532939

Fuck you all.

>> No.8532943

>not available in your country
trying to hide something ? i want to know the truth

>> No.8532949


what you get to see is a batshit clergy dude

>> No.8532952

It basically says there was no gas chambers, and only 200 000 - 300 000 Jews died in prisons camps.

>> No.8532954


>> No.8532958

fuck I don't care about dead jews. why doesn't anyone cry about my korean countrymen who were brutally raped and murdered by the japs?

>> No.8532963


I don't have an opinion about any specific events since I've never deeply studied the holocaust. Anything I have heard or read has a very obvious strong bias against the nazis so I assume it's exaggerated and that some of it is probably made up.

>> No.8532964

2: No, but it would have been cool.

>> No.8532968

who give a shit about korea in the first place, ask your fellow countrymen

>> No.8532966

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>> No.8532988
File: 60 KB, 384x480, 1324276581674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Been partial towards Utsuho lately. I like Nitori, but damn if I can't find enough art of her. Might have to start a thread of my own.
2) Don't really care. Partial towards "it didn't happen".

>> No.8532995
File: 198 KB, 1200x983, eirin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's hard to choose just one, but lets say eirin

>> No.8533016

Sup rabbi

>> No.8533021
File: 118 KB, 400x616, suigintou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jew mad

>> No.8533035

1. Remilia
2. Yes

>> No.8533031
File: 392 KB, 740x1036, 9999999999BAKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the baka

>> No.8533043

2nd worst 2hu

>> No.8533046

The only people to say yes- A communist and a tripfag.

>> No.8533049
File: 202 KB, 600x600, f6ca9d5ae96526805e622b13a879da106269a087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's a greatly exaggerated jew lie.

>> No.8533057
File: 35 KB, 237x237, 1300450687816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Utsuho, Nitori

>> No.8533062

Posting to get banned for denying the Shoah.

>> No.8533070
File: 458 KB, 1200x2001, 1315625348470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have reliable information to disclose a verdict but if I had to answer not anonymously I'll say yes since any other answer is heresy according to society.
I like how this thread is not filled with "get out" and "reported" just because you ask us about our fav 2hus.

>> No.8533077


This post is pretty much exactly what I was going to post. Same touhou preferences and everything.

Are you my clone?

>> No.8533090

The truth does not fear investigation, yet it is heresy to question the holocaust?
Just suggesting that you might want to look into it a bit more.

>> No.8533093

>heresy according to society
the thought that the earth was a sphere was heresy you know
Also there's enough evidence vs the jew lies.

>> No.8533103
File: 199 KB, 1089x734, moonbasefuntime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1:Obviously Eirin

2: No. I'm too busy flying my Haunebu to orchestrate such a thing.

>> No.8533105


yes, and i also believe no atomic bombs were dropped on japan, they made it all up because they didn't want to fight anymore but were too prideful to just give up.

>> No.8533108
File: 1.55 MB, 1173x1100, ^^1324258851563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8533124

Let's not start this roleplaying shit again.

>> No.8533135
File: 21 KB, 350x375, stalin (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1: Kanako

2: 12 million Jews died in Auschwitz alone because I said so.

>> No.8533144

Oy vey, everytime one of you goyim deny the shoa it's as if you're killing 6 trillion Jews all over again!

>> No.8533188

What an astoundingly fucking shitty thread.

>> No.8533199 [DELETED] 


>> No.8533205

1) Wriggle
2) Who gives a fuck

>> No.8533241

samefag futa hater troll alert

>> No.8533245
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>> No.8533246
File: 184 KB, 813x813, 208374190823471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course it happened! What, would you expect me to make my waifu sad!??

>> No.8533266

you're waifu is jew

>> No.8533276

She is a devout Buddhist. I assure you.

>> No.8533291

2.I wasn't there so I wouldn't know

>> No.8533377
File: 257 KB, 496x700, 1303138306400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8533539

Only to a degree. It was probably exaggerated to hell and back.

>> No.8533560

1) Remilia
2) Yes

>> No.8533592

2nd worst 2hu fags live to their reputation of being dumb

>> No.8533598
File: 360 KB, 950x730, 132860392297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh I want to make a thread on /jp/ about Holocaust, but I don't think it is related to /jp/, oh, I know what I'll do, I'll just ask for their favorite 2hus as well!"

>> No.8533621

1) Remilia/Tewi
2) Yes, but don't mind at all.

>> No.8533619

Unfortunately for you, you would need to ignore the first person accounts of the jews who lived through the holocaust.

But they're jews! It's a jewish conspiracy!!

All of them? Every single one? That's impossible to believe. Show me a holocaust survivor who decided to do the right thing (according to you) and admit that the whole thing was a lie.


That's because the holocaust was real dipshit.

>> No.8533620
File: 1.42 MB, 1198x2000, 851f4e8abd70f3036cd37a8fa94fce01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Rinnosuke has been my answer every time. Too many good Touhous to pick a proper first.
2. I don't care. But if I was forced to give a proper answer I'd say no. Any "ohh something terribul happen to our ancestors!" shit is always massively over exaggerated/

>> No.8533625
File: 648 KB, 850x1182, 1327746775003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Patchouli.
2) http://nizkor.org/features/qar/qar00.html
Give that a read. It'll change your life (back).

>> No.8533623

ITT: butthurt rabbis

>> No.8533627

>Show me a holocaust survivor
how can he show you that if the holocaust didnt happen?

>> No.8533631
File: 682 KB, 1450x1642, 1265990995048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. This girl right here.
2. Yes, because I'm not a blithering conspiracy theorist.

>> No.8533633

Stop making so many shitty /pol/ threads.

>> No.8533634
File: 365 KB, 1600x1200, wallpaper-64956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugintou is best toho.

Nobody actually believes in the holocaust, right?

>> No.8533635

Just like all those people who've been abducted by aliens, or have seen Elvis, or were miraculously healed by faith healers.

>> No.8533638
File: 85 KB, 444x544, eg-04..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 1. The post WW2 books written by the wartime leaders Churchill, Eisenhower, and De Gaulle never mentioned any gas being used or any planned, systematic extermination of anyone.
> 2. In Eli Weisel's book titled 'Night' he doesn't mention gas being used. And when the choice came that he would retreat with the Germans, or stay and be under the Soviet umbrella he chose to retreat with the Germans.
What the HELL does this even mean? I haven't read any of these books, but just because a few historical figures never mentioned anything in their books doesn't mean it didn't happen.
> 3. If millions were murdered then there would have been tons of human remains buried somewhere, and it would be way too much to hide for very long. No tons of human remains were ever found. And if they would have been cremated then there would have been tons of ashes and no ashes were ever found.
A few people were shot and thrown in ditches. Pic related. As for the people who were cremated, it's easy as HELL to get rid of ash. Throw it in a river or use it as fertilizer. It's not toxic so you can dump it pretty much anywhere.
> 4. Red Cross visited Auschwitz, and they found nothing wrong.
The delegates weren't permitted to visit the extermination camps, only the camps that housed prisoners who weren't going to be exterminated. SS testimonies confirm this.
> 5. Auschwitz was a place where synthetic rubber was being produced, and U.S. intelligence was focused on Auschwitz for that reason. No U.S. intelligence reports ever gave any indication of gassing or mass extermination.
Prior to the War, yes. It was a factory.

>> No.8533642


>> No.8533645

Zionist propaganda.

>> No.8533647

> 6. In 1939 fact book World Almanac calculated that there was a world Jewish population of 15,748,091. In 1947 they calculated that the world Jewish Population was 15,690,000.
This one I don't know about, but it's possible they hadn't accounted for the Holocaust yet. No real estimates were made until after the Nuremberg Trials.
> 7. Torture used at Nuremberg Trials: The greatest argument in favour of the Holocaust is that "the Germans admitted it." The best response is to point out that the Nazis who "admitted" the Holocaust at the war crimes trials were tortured by their (mostly Jewish) interrogators, usually by having their testicles crushed; you can get almost anyone to confess to anything with the correct torture techniques.
But other people have confessed of their own free will.
> 8. Katyn Forrest Massacre - originally blamed on the Germans, and in the 90s the Soviets finally confessed. This shows that the Soviets were using claims that the Germans were committing mass murder as propaganda.
The Soviets were dicks too--more at at 11.
> 9. Original claims that Dachau and other camps liberated by the Allies were also Death Camps were later dispelled - Zyklon B is used to delouse clothing - Typhus is a very serious killer during wars especially when you have a large group of people isolated in one spot. Anne Frank died of Typhus.
They had gas chambers and Allied forces assumed it was an extermination camp at the time (because of the other ones). Zyklon B is also toxic to humans. It was used for both gassing and delousing. In fact the majority of it was used for delousing in closed-off buildings: nobody denies this. Anne Frank may have died of typhus, I don't know.

>> No.8533648

> 11. False photos - a number of famous photos have been shown to be fake
If you're referring to things like the human lampshade photographs and movies, yes they were fake. The Allied forces employed wartime propaganda too. Propaganda isn't exclusively used by the bad guys.

> 12. The state of Allied POWs when they were rescued - many were virtual skeletons. The truth is in war sometimes you run out of food, and who are you going to feed? The people you lock up because they are perceived enemies of the state, or your soldiers?

>> No.8533649

you are fucking stupid

>> No.8533650
File: 571 KB, 1132x1650, 17126954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Koishi
2) Yes, but I always thought it was greatly exaggerated.

>> No.8533653
File: 1.29 MB, 1500x1803, 45c817bbeea8bd416b8052504a5e3182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, god, please. Never try to debate with a conspiracy theorist. They have all the answers already and will never listen. A for effort, but you're wasting your time.

>> No.8533663

no u

>> No.8533664

Everyone knows in 1946 all the Jews met up in secret and made up a backstory for themselves and made sure it all worked!

>> No.8533669

...the janitor deletes >/jp/ threads within 15 minutes but a poorly disguised /pol/ thread is left untouched for hours.

I do not know what to say. Janitor, i am dissapoint.

>> No.8533673


>> No.8533677

>the man in charge of killing all the jews
>After fainting at the sight of 100 Jews being shot on the eastern front, he orders a "more humane means" of execution - the use of poison gas in specially constructed chambers disguised as shower rooms.

Told status:
[] Not told
[x] TOLD.

Go back to /b/, you little child.

>> No.8533678

Hotglue shitposts on /jp/ now?

>> No.8533691


>> No.8533690

I love these sort of things. You read up on ``Holohaux'' nonsense and think, "Wow, maybe these revisionists have a point. How foolish we were to be tricked like this!"
Then you read confirmed diaries by high-ranking Nazis and they're like,
> Dear diary,
> Today I gassed some Jews in Auschwitz, like Hitler wanted.
> I sure hope we don't get caught!
> - Hans

>> No.8533699

Do you know German? It's a well known fact that 99% of German to English translators are Jewish.

>> No.8533706


a) This wouldn't get by people when the original sources are available.
b) There's no need to lie about it because the Holocaust happened.

>> No.8533707

If there was no mass murder with gas (there was) it was still a crime against humantiy. Have any of you visited the remains of a KZ? Most of them are museums nowadays, full of photos, documents and similar things. Even if none of those documents mention gas murders, being in one of those camps was hell.

>> No.8533708

post of the year 2012

>> No.8533711


Let me guess: the same "diaries" which were used as an evidence for "humans to soap" factories and human skin lampshades, right? Oh, wait.

>> No.8533712

If you start questioning it using your high school understanding of German, the holocaust police take you away. Everyone is just too frightened to say anything. Most of the reported German "diaries" are really just accounts of what they had for breakfast.

>> No.8533722
File: 109 KB, 787x720, autism19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the holocaust police take you away.

>> No.8533729

So this is really a thread.

>> No.8533737

Every thread is a thread and therefore must be replied to.

>> No.8533743

What's with all the /pol/shit threads lately?

>> No.8533744

>6. In 1939 fact book World Almanac calculated that there was a world Jewish population of 15,748,091. In 1947 they calculated that the world Jewish Population was 15,690,000.


>> No.8533751
File: 748 KB, 768x1024, 059dd13a303b078b5e51a3c729ee282c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you kikes

>> No.8533755

This. The only winning move is not to play.

>> No.8533762

>Implying conspiracy.
History is written by the victor.

>> No.8533767

Jews this Jews that, do you really love Jews that much?

>> No.8533769

Explain how only questioning the "holocaust of jews" is considered a crime and banned.
There're genocides agianst many nations.

>> No.8533782

This is the only problem I have with the holocaust.
I'm german and we get teached shit like we HAVE to feel sorry for what happened 70 years ago and it's actually a crime to deny the holocaust happened. Retarded.
I have no problem admitting that it happened, but why should I feel sorry for something I didn't do? It wasn't me, 95% of the people who did it are now dead.
And shouldn't everyone be free to say what he thinks in a democratic country anyway?

>> No.8533794

1. Kanako

2. Yes. I really, really don't understand /jp/'s obsession with jewish people.

>> No.8533797

No, because any action technically can be construed as an exercise of freedom of expression and thus permitted by the Constitution. Governments can't have this, or they would have no power to govern, so they have to be able to put limits on expression. Of course, the Constitution did nothing to specify what types of expression are allowed, so the government can restrict any kind of expression as long as the Supreme Court agrees with it.

>> No.8533805


But yeah, I agree.

I especially love when people who are like, 20 get defensive or upset about the Holocaust. You weren't even there, shut your face.

/r/ing the video of that girl who cries and the guy (forgot his name) ``epic pwns'' her.

>> No.8533814

> 2. Yes. I really, really don't understand /jp/'s obsession with jewish people.
Even if you don't agree, Holocaust deniers and revisionists believe they have been lied to about a major event all their lives. And that's just the tip of the Zionist iceberg. Even for a shut-in, it's something worth caring about.

>> No.8533820


>> No.8533836

1) Mokou
2) Yes, probably less victims than they say, but it definitely did

>> No.8533920

Holy shit, she got OWNED.

>> No.8533924
File: 450 KB, 926x534, umadib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb fat ugly bitch asked for it

>> No.8533964
File: 29 KB, 430x650, 1317042903958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear, she got so owned.

I don't even deny the Holocaust, but oh my Lord.

>> No.8533965

1. Reimu

2. Yes, but we should forgive the Nazis they did what they had to do. We should stop feeling sorry for the Jews. They are not the only persecuted and despised group of people (gypsies, blacks, etc).

>> No.8533966

Why do you keep trying, OP? Mentioning Touhou doesn't make it /jp/ related. I don't come to this board to read up on the latest in the Holocaust debate, and I'm sure nobody else does either.

>> No.8533974


Fuck no

>> No.8533981

hitler had the right idea, all of the minorities should get the fuck out of the countries they don't belong to or get killed if they refuse, especially those who refuse to abandon their old language and culture and integrate into their new place.

i hope another holocaust, except this time of muslims will happen soon. those dirty towelheads need to go back to their deserts and camels.

>> No.8533992

>another holocaust
>5500000 jews in europe before hitler
>5000000 jews after hitler
>6000000 jews died

>> No.8534000

even if they exagerated the numbers, it still scared the jews shitless.

>> No.8534009
File: 92 KB, 720x540, 132824720312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534016

The Muslims are actually quite peaceful people. Sharia is a strong political weapon to be reckoned with, but besides a few extremists Islam is a religion of peace. It's a lot more "modern" than the other religions because it was created centuries later. The Quran even directly acknowledges Jews and Christians as fellow "People of the Book" and basically says to be tolerant of them:
> And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit.
Compare this with the founding principles of Zionism, from an era where Judaism was the "one true way".
Zionists want you to hate the Muslims. Notice the wording: you hate "the Muslims". You don't hate "immigrants" or "terrorists" or even "Arabs", you hate followers of a religion who aren't even a particular race. This is what your Jewish overlords want, and this is why it's fashionable to be anti-Islam.
Now Christian countries like the United States and parts of Europe are about to go to war with Iran--a country that has no confirmed weapons of mass destruction--in the name of Israel, a country that has weapons of mass destruction and has threatened to use them. If it goes on like this, Christians and Muslims will wipe each other out in a Zionist divide-and-conquer strategy. Meanwhile, Muslims and Christians live together in harmony in plenty of parts of the world free from Zionist influence (e.g. Palestine).

>> No.8534015
File: 343 KB, 990x768, b5a35b722628f81d955566f75d38405e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because genocide is only human.

>> No.8534025


>The Muslims are actually quite peaceful people

You tell that to the Buddhists who have to deal with them in Southeast Asia

>> No.8534038 [DELETED] 

One Jew manages to take over the whole thread.

Luckily, soon the US won't be able to afford to support Israel, and the Arab nations will trample your illegitimate country into dust.

>> No.8534069

Even though it's impossible, I hope Ron Paul wins. Let the jews deal with their own wars.

>> No.8534073

This. I'm not even American, I just want America to stop policing the world. Even if America was literally some sort of omnipotent self-sufficient force that could do anything, it needs to leave other countries alone.

>> No.8534081

I'd hate to agree with you, but Christians and Muslims have actually worked together quite well not too long ago in the first world war. After the fall of their kingdom and restructuring into Turkey their first leader went ahead and tried to emulate the west pretty hard. Would that be the first "westaboo"?

>> No.8534081,1 [INTERNAL] 

