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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8524079 No.8524079 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make friends on the internet, /jp/?

I'm very shy and I've never had any success with making friends. /jp/ sounds very shy too though, but it seems like a lot of you have internet friends and are able to socialize in online games.

How do you do it without feeling nervous? I have trouble even typing to people outside of /jp/ without panicking, even talking to people that are from /jp/ but in a setting outside of the board (steam groups and irc) is too terrifying for me to try.

>> No.8524083

MMOs for me. But when I quit them I usually stop talking to them.

>> No.8524082

I don't.

>> No.8524093

I don't, the closest I've ever had to an internet friendship was a twelve year old who died shortly after I met her and some chubby transsexual who owned a chat site I used to go on. I never really had a deep relationship with either of them though.

>> No.8524094

Why would you want friends?

>> No.8524102
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Oh boy another chubby thread!

>> No.8524100

Go to job corps, deal with mentally retarded ghetto people. Get a whole bunch of contact information. ???

Profit! [Captcha= SOLUTION: nicatri]

>> No.8524110


I think he just wants internet friends. Real friends will stab you in the back any chance they get.

I wouldn't mind being your friend, OP, but there should be some MMO/Game you frequent that I could add you on.

>> No.8524122

Do online stuff with other people. Easiest example is video games. You'll eventually find someone(s) you get along with. Exchange contact info. Whenever you find something you'd like to share, share it with your new friend. Remain vigilant, don't let the friendship stagnate.

Easy mode.

>> No.8524128

Think of the internet as a complex social simulator video game. Try to forget that you're talking to real people and pretend that they're very advanced AI.

Would you feel social anxiety if you were playing an eroge? If you make a fool of yourself then just delete the character, make a new one, and no one will ever know.

>> No.8524140

this thread made me realize that i haven't had an online friend since i quit WoW, 5 years ago.

>> No.8524146

Use smiley faces. They're disarming and make people feel comfortable around you.


>> No.8524150

I'm never able to think of anything to say after I meet people. I have no problem talking about the whatever game it is I'm playing, but after that is only awkward silence.

>> No.8524151
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I'll be your friend if you want, OP.

>> No.8524155

/jp/ is my friend. Ever since finding 4chan, I have pretty much given up socializing with people on the internet... or even interacting with them non-anonymously, for that matter.

But before that, I found that participating in niche discussion forums (ones that can thrive on maybe 50 or 100 regular participants - accent on "thrive", you don't want a dead forum, you want something that's regularly updated, with hundreds or even thousands posts a day) can make you many "friends" in a short time. It may seem shallow, but remember, even if you want "real" friendship, you still need some foundation to proceed from.

>> No.8524158



>> No.8524157

I laughed.

Really, though, you pretty much just have to be outgoing. Nothing else to it.

I'll wish you luck, I guess?

My problem, personally, is keeping friends. I have a habit of getting angry or depressed for a while and losing contact with them as a result.

>> No.8524161

"Hey, what other games do you play?"
"Are you watching any anime series at the moment?"
"What music are you currently listening to?"
or just share links to anything interesting.

>> No.8524163

First play an MMO. Now approach random people and type "Hello, I'm very lonely and I have no friends. Would you like to be my friend?"

Most people will probably think you're retarded, but eventually you will meet someone who is also very lonely and they will be your friend.

>> No.8524170

That is so goddamn pathetic. I love it.

>> No.8524177

Define outgoing.

>> No.8524201

Basically this, nothing is less abrasive and easier than these, talking is just too stressful.

>> No.8524206

Pretend you're a girl. It's the easiest way to make friends.

I spent years playing male characters and no one ever talked to me once. Made a female character, started using emoticons, and some guy told me he loved me within a month.

>> No.8524227

What exactly are you terrified of, OP? What could possibly go wrong? It's the internet.

>> No.8524228

I dunno, the internet's pretty terrifying.

>> No.8524229
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>> No.8524234

Wh..what if they steal my cuteness..?

>> No.8524235

It's not like your life could be any worse than it already is.

>> No.8524243

I suppose you've got me there...
Well played, anon.

>> No.8524248


I've always wished that I could feel this way about the internet. Online socialization feels pretty much just as scary as real life socialization.

Just accidentally saying something stupid and feeling humiliated is terrible, even if it's just online I still get that weird butterfly feeling in my stomach and then I feel like I'm going to cry.

>> No.8524250

I feel the same way sometimes OP, then I realize I simply don't have anything I care to talk about with people.

>> No.8524251

Does /jp/ plan on playing Tera...?

>> No.8524263

Yeah, you might get that feeling, but you can just start over with another person.

>> No.8524267

I was, but it's starting to look shittier by the day.

If /jp/ managed to keep a decent little guild I might.

>> No.8524285


I think I'm going to try it.

>> No.8524287

Sad, but true. I'm a pretty laid-back, easy going guy, but I never make any friends in MMO's by being myself. I guess I'm just not talkative and assertive enough. However, the few times I've pretended to be a female (not even the emoticon spamming type), I always end up with lots of friends and am greeted with several messages as soon as I log in.

I've pretty much given up on being myself in MMO's.

>> No.8524302


This. It's all about the smiley faces.

A simple smiley face at the end of a sentence can make the difference between sounding like an anti-social serial killer and sounding like a friendly person.

>> No.8524310

Or sexually ambiguous. ^_-

>> No.8524321

Smiley faces can be somewhat awkward when they're overused and they make you feel attached to people sometimes. o -o

>> No.8524325

( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

>> No.8524328

I like Japanese emoticons (*´▽`*)

>> No.8524330


What smiley faces are acceptable?

I feel comfortable using ;_; when I'm sad, but I don't know what else is okay to use.

>> No.8524342

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ is for when you're afraid of flying tables

>> No.8524348

:3 is acceptable when you want a shit eating grin

>> No.8524351

I have this on my profile: http://youtu.be/OY3ct_kBqdo
Does that turn people away?
I have it there because my great grandfather is in one of the pictures, and the song is beautiful.

>> No.8524352

(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ Is when you attack the table in self defense.

>> No.8524353

Steam profile*

>> No.8524379

Hey OP. I'm just an ronery as you are. Skype me.


>> No.8524392 [DELETED] 



>> No.8524401


Definition 2.

>> No.8524417

I want to play an MMORPG with /jp/ someday.

>> No.8524416

This is why I'm afraid of making friends with /jp/..
It's better if I just blended in..

>> No.8524418

By responsive does it mean just responding to people when they say something to you, or does it mean knowing how to respond depending on what someone says to you.

>> No.8524421

Knowing how to respond. It can be a little difficult sometimes.. Normally if I'm not sure how I just give a weak smile and laugh, or say oh? or something like that..

>> No.8524422

Not into Skype but I'll be your penpal if you really want someone to talk to.

>> No.8524423

try asking Hotglue

>> No.8524424

Do they even exist anymore?

I don't go on IRC but nobody mentions them.

Is /jp/ going to play Tera?

>> No.8524437

too busy making VN lol

>> No.8524440
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>> No.8524444
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>additional details

>> No.8524446

you need to send them 'please respond' so they know you want to talk to them

>> No.8524447

Holy shit, nice quads
