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File: 112 KB, 350x350, buddhism_byakuren_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8517525 No.8517525 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a christian touhou?

>> No.8517528
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Whoever makes these, do you have templates?

>> No.8517537

It's just a macros, dude.

The font is Delicious Heavy.

>> No.8517542
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x1411, f8b6e6bb3778927f4054959aaaa93031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Implicitly Remilia and Flandre are Christians. With so much devil imagery in their attacks it makes it seem that they have a fascination with the occult. And to believe in judo-christian devils implies you believe in a judo-christian god.

>> No.8517541


>> No.8517553

Then I guess I should have asked, where are you getting these images from?

>> No.8517579

I've always suspected the worst 2hus to be some shitty kikes.

>> No.8517580

artist id on pixiv: 2527282

>> No.8517592

Going by that logic any non shinto/buddhist touhou can be christian.

>> No.8517593

Thank you. Much appreciated.

>> No.8517595
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What is a kikes? I do not know what that is.

>> No.8517616
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What logic are you talking about?

>> No.8517660

>Marisa uses magick. Marisa is a witch. Witches are closer to christianism than to buddhism or shinto. Marisa is christian.

Here's a quote of my inner thoughts to help you understand.

>> No.8517724
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I agree with everything except

>Marisa is christian.

I think there's a difference between acknowledging a Christian God and being a Christian.

I'm a christfag and from what I understand to be considered a christian you have to be:

Baptized in the church
Partake of the sacraments.
Wedded in the church
Buried on church property.

for more fundamental christian being evangelical also is a necessary point.

Marisa and Remilia do not meet that criteria and so they most we can say is that they use Christian imagery and may acknowledge the prescence of a christian god. But that's just my opinion.

>> No.8517764


Are you a Quaker time traveler or something?


It's probably Alice, both Marisa and Alice are the closet thing to "Americans" in Tohou and Marisa is a witch, there's too many "witches" to go through but most likely Pagan which pre dates Christianity so that pretty much excludes her.

>> No.8517783
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Sanae's spellcards reference the Old Testament and Moses/The Israelites, so she must be a Jew.

>> No.8517785 [DELETED] 
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hey guys i dont think we should have this thread here take it to /pol/ or sometihng i mean people are just going to argue about religion which is fine but it doesnt belong here

>> No.8517826
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>Are you a Quaker time traveler or something?

Yes I am. You found out my secret. Don't tell the church, I'll be put to death.

>> No.8517823

Hey guy how about fuck off back to /b/, ``please".

>> No.8517851

If I remember properly, there were some Christians in Phantasmagoria of Dimensional Dream.

>> No.8517858


Not in canon. Therefore, no. Unless ZUN explicitly states their beliefs, all the characters whose faith is undefined are either shintoists or non-religious.

>> No.8517869
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peace man and dont swear (this is a worksafe board)

>> No.8517972

Since there's Buddhist and Taoist Touhous that assumedly use magic stemming from their religions occult traditions, what if there was a Touhou faction that used Hermetic, Gnostic or Kabbalahic based magic?

>> No.8517996
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>> No.8518034

Sanae does borrow a few of her miracles straight out from the Bible. Maybe she has read about it?

>> No.8518074

Thankfully no.

>> No.8518094

ZUN once drew a christian girl in one of the books/music albums, that's about it.

Also some spellcards reference events from the bible.

>> No.8518100

genuinely christian, I doubt it. Christianity in the touhouverse I think is similar to how it is for the Evangelion series, more of a novelty religion that isn't taken as seriously or as definitively as it is in the West. ZUN probably threw in some crosses and biblical names here and there for some of the more western-appearing touhous just because it looked cool.

>> No.8518565
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>She will be revived very soon.
>Compared to that pagan prophet who resurrected three days after his execution...
>...this will be much more divine and magnificent.


>> No.8518598

Remila is the only religion I need

>> No.8518618
File: 23 KB, 450x532, THAT IS SO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumia loves Jesus so much she seeks to mimic his sacrifice.

>> No.8518874

I think you're mistaking catholicism for christianity as a whole.

>> No.8518907
File: 664 KB, 900x823, 0a068b62509f9f8edc21ccf25276468b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christian touhou thread
>no Yumemi

Seriously, guys? Is /jp/ really that inundated with secondaries right now?

>> No.8518911
File: 147 KB, 942x627, What the fuck am I reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8518920


pagan to the taoists

>> No.8518922

Well, the story is largely based on pagan myths, so he's kinda sorta right.

>> No.8518927

The Bible as we know it now was established before "pagan" was even a thing.

>> No.8518937

>I believe The World's 16 Crucified Saviours even though it is no longer taken seriously among historians

>> No.8518939

Why is Buddhism such a trendy religion /jp/?

Why do people go around spouting shit like "Buddhism has never caused religious violence" and "Buddhists don't use their religion to control people" and "Buddhism is not a religion?"

>> No.8518945


Ignorance of world history.

>> No.8518949

Buddhism is one of the most violent religions ever. People who claim otherwise have no concept of the history of buddhism.

>> No.8518956

oh and before someone tries to disagree with me

>Buddhism has never caused religious violence
That's why Sri Lanka is such a peaceful utopia I guess.

>Buddhists don't use their religion to control people
Because apparently no rich and powerful Buddhist has ever used the karma cycle to justify their place in the world, or suppress the weak and poor.

>Buddhism is not a religion.
Yeah because Buddhism doesn't require people to accept things by faith and there certainly isn't a Buddhist clergy or anything.

>> No.8518960

Or they might have researched its tenets and concluded that it made a lot more sense than other religions, but that would just be implausible, wouldn't it?

>> No.8518965

People who need religion in their lives are pathetic.

>> No.8518969


>> No.8518974

Buddha commanded none of this, any more than Jesus commanded his followers to kill sandfags and demand money on TV.

>> No.8518968

>Ignorance of world history.

That's exactly it!

Ignorance of current events even. Fuck's sake the violence in Sri Lanka had been going on for decades.

>> No.8518979

>Or they might have researched its tenets and concluded that it made a lot more sense than other religions, but that would just be implausible, wouldn't it?

Researching the tenets of Buddhism and thinking that the religion makes sense excuses making idiotic statements like "Buddhism has never caused religious violence?"

How exactly?

>> No.8518986

The question was "why is Buddhism such a trendy religion".

>> No.8518988

‘Go kill people and be a dick and stuff.’
— Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha

>> No.8518993
File: 1 KB, 100x100, shii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddhism is great you guys are just tsun tsun.

>> No.8519000

That was pretty much what he said though. If you read his books you'd know that.

>> No.8519004

Well it is for some reason.

I've known "Buddhists" who can't tell me what the four noble truths are but they "read about Buddhism in a book" so they think that they're Buddhist.

I wonder if teenagers in Asia go around wearing crosses and claiming to be Christian for the sake of edginess.

Do Asian societies suffer from the opposite of what we call "orientalism?"

>> No.8519002


Because hippies and stoners.

>> No.8519009

And that's why people on this board seriously believe they will go to Gensokyo after they commit suicide, right?

>> No.8519011


I've personally seen a couple cases of that. There's a bunch of Chinese and Japanese people who seem to really like the west, Germany in specific.

>> No.8519015


but wanking to anime isn't

>> No.8519019
File: 10 KB, 193x245, worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy nutjobs gonna crazy. No matter they have religion or not.

>> No.8519022

Of course not. You're not devoting your life to a dogma when you imagine cumming into some big breasted anime bitch.

>> No.8519025

I think it was Alesteir (or All-Star, or something) Crowley.

>> No.8519031

Aleister Crowley was an occultist and a satanist, but he emphatically requested his followers NOT to be a dick or kill unnecessarily. Hell, self-professing "satanists" are on a whole more decent people than abrahamics.

>> No.8519033

Let's not talk about that guy.

He ate his own feces. For "magic."

>> No.8519040

Speaking of Buddhism and violence, Zen Buddhists masters have been known to chop off their students' fingers to help them achieve enlightenment. I prefer taoist philosophy but the deity worship aspects of the religion are pretty dumb.

>> No.8519047

There is no aspect of it that isn't dumb.

>> No.8519049

Christian Touhou? No. That would be awful. So awful.

>> No.8519071

Of course that's not actually any more misinformed than "hurr Christianity is dumb and it's only for controlling people and it causes all the violence derp derp."

Seriously what's with these trendy kids and "Buddhists are magically resistant to any kind of corruption or hypocrisy but Christians are pure unadulterated evil."

>> No.8519086
File: 26 KB, 260x347, baron ungern-sternberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every westerner who converts to buddhism should aspire to be like this guy.

>> No.8519142

I think your idea of Christians has been fucked up pretty bad. As a Christian myself even I hate them hardcore Christians that make us all look like idiots.
We aren't all bad anon don't let those other faggots lead you to believe other wise.

>> No.8519163

>As a Christian myself

my troll senses are tingling

otherwise, here's a protip: don't share these things with 4chan

>> No.8519172
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He's got a point. Not all christians are assholes.

>> No.8519187

I know that but it's almost impossible to have any kind of decent discussion on Christians or Christianity here.

>> No.8519198
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Or anywhere.

>> No.8519346
File: 178 KB, 712x975, And Jesus said 'Go forth and slay anybody your religious leaders ask you to slay.'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But religions aren't judged by what they're about or what they teach, but by how people mangle said beliefs to control people.

I won't bring it into any other threads, but in a thread about religion it only makes sense to state your beliefs. Christian here.

>> No.8519396
File: 74 KB, 380x380, good_morning_left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based goyim for keeping my thread alive while I was asleep.

>> No.8519409


Armed Buddhist monks in Thailand are not an exception to the rule; they are contemporary examples of a long historical precedence. For centuries monks have been at the helm, or armed in the ranks, of wars. How could this be the case? But more importantly, why did I (and many others) hold the belief that Buddhism=Peace (and that other religions, such as Islam, are more prone to violence)?

It was then that I realized that I was a consumer of a very successful form of propaganda. Since the early 1900s, Buddhist monastic intellectuals such as Walpola Rahula, D. T. Suzuki, and Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, have labored to raise Western awareness of their cultures and traditions. In doing so, they presented specific aspects of their Buddhist traditions while leaving out others.

You have monks taking up arms and marching in the Russo-Japanese War, or earlier messianic battles in China when they thought killing people would bring them closer to enlightenment (a Ten Stage Process). Buddhists have fought against non-Buddhists, or other Buddhists. Japanese Buddhists fought to cleanse the impure Buddhist lands in China and Korea. Thai and Burmese fought for centuries against each other, each claiming religious authority as Cakravartins. This is what the book covers.

>> No.8519410

via Monks With Guns: Discovering Buddhist Violence | RDBook | ReligionDispatches.

The recent bloody violence in Sri Lanka and Thailand are but examples of this. Yes, Sri Lanka’s violence has traditionally recognized political and cultural components to it, but the Janata Vimukti Peramuna had very clear religious motivations voiced during their assassinations and calls to exterminate the LTTE.

Shaku Soen and D.T. Suzuki, along with Paul Carus, were instrumental in bringing Japanese Zen to this country. There is a long history of this, covered quite well by Verhoeven in “Americanizing the Buddha.” And lets not forget that Suzuki and his teacher Soen were at the vanguard of Japanese militarism during the Russo-Japanese and second World Wars. In Suzuki’s own words, Buddhism must protect the nation.

Walpola Rahula did the same for Sri Lankan Buddhism in the United States, and he had similar concepts of religiously justified violence in Sri Lanka.

In a way, I wish I could return to that dream of Buddhist traditions as a purely peaceful, benevolent religion that lacks mortal failures and shortcomings. But I cannot. It is, ultimately, a selfish dream and it hurts other people in the process.

Buddhist Warfare certainly contributes to the broader discussion of religious violence, but on a more intimate and local level, I hope this collection will effect some significant change in the way Buddhism is perceived in the United States. Only time will tell.

In the end, what I find odd is how we try to displace a very long and lengthy history as anecdotal or enigmatic examples of people gone awry, instead of seeing the nature of religious violence present in Buddhist traditions (as well as others)

>> No.8520127
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Buddhism is the teaching of the mind. If you ever looked at a thread surveying people's favorite visual novel/touhou and thought :" Pfft. Opinions." then you would probably understand that many things, if not all, are determined by perspective. If the world are as the mind interprets it, then mastering the mind would allow people to find meaningful things under any circumstances. Buddhism attempted this by promoting acceptance of facts and understanding of cause and effect.

Buddhism makes sense to me. Internal solutions for external problems. Salvation comes from within. The Buddhism trend you guys speak of, the few individuals that's not in it for the bandwagon effect surely must share my notion.

>> No.8520160
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I'm not well-versed. What do others religion teach?
I'm not going to deny Buddhism relation to many major bloody conflicts but human ruins many good things. Others religion get this treatment as well. Heck, I even have this hunch all religions teach some things that worth learning. Living friendly, kindly and contently and such. But then, rascals and scoundrels happened.

>> No.8520563
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>> No.8520568 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8520575 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8520583 [SPOILER] 
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