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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8516056 No.8516056 [Reply] [Original]

has any former NEET here actually managed to reintegrate with society and get a job, degree etc?

>> No.8516060


>> No.8516064

I was totally NEET for a month after I dropped out of college.

>> No.8516065
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yesh, when i first came here as HELL i was a NEET, not any more tho

>> No.8516068

I've been trying for years, with no luck. I have another job interview next week, but I'm not expecting much.

>> No.8516070

>im not expecting much
which is exactly why you will be passed up after your job interview.

>> No.8516073

Yes. Former 4 years NEET, now a corporate drone. Fucking hate every moment of it, but I need money to survive, and it's better than flipping burgers.
Meanwhile saving money for another round of NEETs life and drinking daily.

>> No.8516076

How do I get a job? Applying online hasn't worked so far. Will they hire me if I just walk into McDonald's/Wal-Mart?

>> No.8516077

Yes. After highschool I stayed at my dads beach home for five years until he decided to sell it and he told me to get out. He payed for me to get a 2 year degree at an avionics technician school and now I'm working for Boeing at airports.

>> No.8516084

I could fantasize about getting that job and being able to break free, but it wouldn't change anything during the interview.

>> No.8516093

Applying online doesn't work.
Talk to all your relatives. We all know someone who knows someone. It will take time but they will get you a interview.

>> No.8516095

Corporate drone here, this is exactly how I got my $60k job.

>> No.8516096

That sounds pretty cool.

Is it?

>> No.8516097

I went to the interview for the job I currently have by applying online. I was a NEET before.

>> No.8516100

>Talk to all your relatives. We all know someone who knows someone.
My family doesn't know shit. And they all hate me/pretend I don't exist because I'm a NEET. Should I just kill myself?

>> No.8516099

Yes, I dropped out of school for two years, eventually I went back to highschool for my senior year. Ended up getting straight A's and being generally successful, then got into a somewhat good university (before dropping out I had been a C student). Now I'm studying math, but only because I enjoy the subject. After I graduate from college, I think I'll go back to being a NEET, working is alright if you like your job, but for the most part, its soul crushing.
I still cant talk to people, and only leave my house once a month (outside of college), but its definitely a big step up from what I used to be.
I do miss having time to have hobbies though, I miss not being rushed, and waking up when I want to, rather then when the alarm wakes me.

>> No.8516103

It's easy enough work for the pay. It's checkup work on the system and if anything is faulty some other guys come to replace it.

>> No.8516106


You'd think that but even the one's with connections pretty much told me to fuck off, or said they'd put a word in but obviously only said that so I'd get off their ass.

>> No.8516107

No matter how much you fuck up your parents will always try to help you if you let them. It's in their own self interest- they need someone to take care of them for free when they get old. Talk to them. Beg them to get you a interview.

>> No.8516111


>It's in their own self interest- they need someone to take care of them for free when they get old.

The welfare state does that for them in this day and age, unfortunately.

>> No.8516116

1. My parents are divorced.
2. I asked my mom already and she said she doesn't know anyone and told me to stop being lazy and do something by myself.

>> No.8516120

Then stop being lazy and do something by yourself.

>> No.8516126

Why can't you call your dad, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and cousins?

>> No.8516139

Kind of; I have two part-time jobs and am trying to get a full-time job so that I don't have to work in the early mornings everyday anymore. Plus, I'd get paid more.

I am applying for disability, but there is no way to rush it so I'm going to have to wait until October for any hearing. One of the part-time jobs is negatively influencing my conditions, so I'm kind of legitimately disabled.

I have a master's degree, but that hasn't helped me much.

>> No.8516140

You should not strive to be a NEET. Being a NEET is not something to be proud of.

>> No.8516145


>I have a master's degree

What did you major in?

>> No.8516148


That's horse shit though, don't teach your kids anything, waste 13 years of their life at a shitty state institution because a highschool diploma totally guarantees a good job!, and then tell them "fuck you kid I know I didn't instill you with any skills, but good luck!"

That's modern parenting, they don't provide any future for their children and then wonder why they end up as skilless sad sacks.

>> No.8516159

Some of us did not become NEET by choice. For example I'm too dumb for college, failed too many math exams and had to drop out. I fucking hate math, I wish it wasn't mandatory. Now I fill in captchas for a living. 1000 captchas = 85 cents of a dollar.

>> No.8516164

I love how even a janitor job requires three years experience these days.
I also love that there is a fuckhuge queue into mcdonalds and other fast food restaurants here.
I also love that companies are moving out of the country due to high taxes.
Things are looking chipper.

>> No.8516166


Mturks pays more than that... Christ.

>> No.8516176


>I didn't instill you with any skills

Are they supposed to decide what you're going to be? Because that's shit you should have figured out on your own. And it's cute how you blame your parents for not teaching you shit because they finally got fed up trying to drag you away from the TV/computer/console. It's always somebody else's fault. No personal responsibility Typical Generation Y thinking.

>> No.8516171

>1000 captchas = 85 cents of a dollar.
For a living? How.

>> No.8516172


that's a lot of 4chan posts you could be making with those

>> No.8516175

It's nothing to be proud of, but it's better than spending your life doing something you hate.

>> No.8516180

Hey now not all of us are like that. I realize I am a sad sack of shit due to my own lack of efforts.

>> No.8516183

This is how my work day goes:

Wake up
Eat breakfast
Take train to work
Take train back home
Computer/TV time

Repeat ad infinitum.

>> No.8516187

Sorry for using that term. It's just money I use to buy games, otaku merchandise, books and stuff, I live with my parents so I don't have any expenses.

>> No.8516190

Everyone's life.
It looks like shit.
I really want to off myself, not because I have huge problems or I'm emo, but because I never see anyone enjoying their life. I really don't want to think about the future.

>> No.8516203

The only way I have fun now is video games.
If you didn't have to work to get money and live comfortably, I'd never do it.

>> No.8516205


>Are they supposed to decide what you're going to be?

Yeah that's how it's been since the dawn of man, people play videogames and watch TV as often as they do to supplement their time, not because it takes priority over other things, if parents aren't involved, if they don't give them an outlet for creativity or a hobby that's where it lands them. In my youth I wasn't allowed to experiment with anything becuase it was either too dangerous or it'd make a mess apparently, about the only option I had that was parental approved was vidya.

So fuck your stupid ass, and for your information I'm doing a lot more these day s and I've gone back to school, but I'm sure as fuck sour about all that wasted time.

>> No.8516211


Experimental Psych. I've posted about it before.

>> No.8516214

But how is it comfortable if you can't do what you like?
It seems so contradictory to me.

>> No.8516218

I had the same problems. They wouldn't even let me play videogames for too long, lol. Whenever I grabbed my gameboy color my mother used an alarm clock to make sure I didn't get to play for more than 1 hour. It used to drive me crazy, thank god she got busy with work when I entered highschool, and after a few years she just stopped caring.

>> No.8516251

the comfortable part is when you're at home
the part where you're at work is the crap you have to do to go home

>> No.8516255


I totally know what you're saying. These days, people are either unemployed, employed but still impoverished, or have a well-paying job but it absolutely destroys their life. That is the hell of it, really; even with money, life will suck.

I really don't know how it is going to get better. People say that it will, but I personally can't see it happening.

>> No.8516305

I had to move in with relatives who demanded I get a job. The first place I applied to was new in the area and desperate to hire anyone. They didn't even call my references which was a good thing because I had only listed family members. I hate the job and lament the loss of my NEET days. I don't make enough to live on my own and the other shitty jobs that pay more all require "professional references". I'm thinking of getting a student loan and going to college just because it would be slightly more tolerable than working a horrible job full time. I'd still need a part time job to pay for my gas and bills. That feel when you can't escape wage slavery.

>> No.8516312

How many captchas can you fill in an hour?

>> No.8516333

I work at my parent's store, they don't pay me, but i don't have to worry about costs until now. Need to find a way to get cash for a new computer.

>> No.8516384

With wage slavery, how are you going to get married and send kids on to university, let alone a community college? It's the fate of 2/3 of america in ten years or so as the between the well-off and poor widens with the destruction of the middle position.

>> No.8516391
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I tried but apparently most employers in this town want "fun" highscool students and and the middle aged rather than some one who just shuts up and does the work. Hell when I did work, half the time I worked two spots, and made sure the newer people did their work, for around 60-70 hours a week at minimum wage.
I didn't get hired again last season regardless of how hard I worked before, I had to find work out of state.
Work hard and it'll pay off they said.
I'm going to try again in a bigger city.

>> No.8516408

This thread makes me depressed. I should just kill myself once my NEETdom ends.

>> No.8516411

Anyone else here with a Bachelor's in Italian Studies? People just laugh when I mention it. I think I'm going to erase it from my resume.

>> No.8516410

Confidence and networking are everything. Skill and hard work won't get you shit.

>> No.8516420

That's why we can't have nice things

>> No.8516421

Could you not have wasted your time on a totally worthless degree?

>> No.8516433

High school never ends, friend.

>> No.8516449

I was lied to. I thought I'd be able to work in museums and libraries.

>> No.8516458

>>8516139 here.

I have something else to say, that may contradict what I may have said earlier. I am sick and tired of busting my ass for little if anything.

When I was younger, I basically had to do unnecessary work on a farm for nothing and I basically just got screamed at for it all the time. This made me hate work, instead of instilling a strong sense of work ethic that my dad had in mind.

When I was older, I busted my ass during college, vocational school and graduate school, and none of those degrees really helped me get a job, with me having to spend years of NEETdom, despising the fact that I was an unemployed loser. Maybe this wouldn't have been so terrible if I hadn't had to live with my impossible family.

After a year and a half of unemployment, I now work two part-time jobs totaling at about 26 hours a week. I spend maybe 180-200 dollars on gas for the second one, so in reality I make about 500 dollar a month at most. That isn't enough to live on at all. Not to mention the fact that I have to wake up at 2 AM every fucking day. It just wears you down, and is so depressing. I am seriously expecting a nervous/physical breakdown soon; my psychiatrist noticed this, too.

>> No.8516463


This is where disability comes in; my parents had me apply for disability last year because they think that I'm a gimp and that I can't work, even though I can. At first I shrugged it off and was even insulted by it, but now I realize that it could very well be my ticket out of busting my ass for nothing. The monthly checks would be enough for me to live on my own and focus on my life if I lived cheaply enough, and I would use that time to refine my interests, such as writing. This, ironically, could make me significant in this world if I ended up being talented at it.

You see, it isn't that I am lazy, it is that I don't give a shit anymore. I've busted my ass all of my life and have gotten little in return; I am not a fucking slave. Now since I have potentially found the golden ticket, it could very well be time to slack off.

If you are interested in what I am doing, look up Uncle Remus'es guide in the archives. Although there are errors in them (such as you can't really speed up the process), it could very well help you.

>> No.8516519

HA, life totally shitted you in your face!

>> No.8516575

Since when was being a welfare queen considered a good thing. I'm noticing this a lot in these NEET threads. I have nothing against the whole "stealing from tax payers" thing, but welfare is bad in the same way cocaine is bad. You'll never amount to anything on welfare. All you'll do is survive like some wild animal. I'm fine with talking to losers, nerds, outcast and freaks, but failures is something else. Trash of this degree should be frowned upon.

Seriously, get a job.

>> No.8516583

>Seriously, get a job.

>> No.8516580

can you fill in my captchas
i pay you twice that

>> No.8516586

If you can post on /jp/, download eroges and cook up welfare schemes you can work.

>> No.8516592

Sure you can work.
But in the current job market, you probably won't be.
Most people on /jp/, even if they really wanted to get a job, barring familial connections, are basically unhirable, due to lack of references and former employment.

>> No.8516608

Bachelors in Comp Sci, but I'm working a shitty minimum wage job (nothing related to computers in general) for 2 years, full time. I make just enough money for food and bills, a shitty car and a cheap apartment. I couldn't get a real job because I have no social skills, no references, no prior work experience and no motivation. Pinching my money like a Jew only goes so far. I want to be a NEET, but then I will starve. Must off myself soon.

>> No.8516609


I found a part time job off of craiglist and I'm making $450 a week. That's something welfare won't give you.

>> No.8516629
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I managed to for 6 months.

I took a course at a local adult education center and got my GED, then my aunt put in a good word for me with her manager and got me hired at a family restaurant.

About a month after I got hired, a fat yaoi fangirl I used to go to school with asked me out and we dated for all of two weeks before I dumped her because I couldn't work up the courage to even hold her hand.

finally the stress got to me after a few months and I quit my job at the restaurant and resumed my life as a recluse.

It's been 4 years since then and I would give anything for a second chance.

>> No.8516625


Fuck you. I tried, alright?

>> No.8516627

What do you do, suck dick? Anal?

>> No.8516636

I hate wage slaves so much.

"Lol get a job faggot, stop being so lazy, you never do anything, I'm a hardworking individual, I earned my money, you have no dignity or morals, you're a waste of oxygen you fucking leech"

not 2 minutes later

"haha my job is so easy, I sit at my desk all day browsing the internet, sometimes I have to take a call and push a few buttons that's it. i got this job because a friend hooked me up"

I hope there's a great depression again and you lose everything. I have nothing to lose so I don't give a fuck.

>> No.8516638

Keep trying. Don't focus on one, shoot for many.

PHP programming from home.

>> No.8516639

Nothing to lose but your welfare that my taxes pay, cunt. I'm losing hair over my job, most of the workforce hates those people just as much. Especially when we have to work with them.

>> No.8516641

Get out of /jp/, normal. This party is not for you.

>> No.8516647

I'm not on welfare. I leech from my parents. I have no possessions except my computer and some clothes. Wage slaves have much more to lose- houses, families, healthcare, etc.

>> No.8516650

I have. Former NEET now aspiring to become something of myself. I'll give you advice /jp/, you'll have a better chance working/studying a skilled trade if you don't know squat and you're desperate for making a living. I took a course at a vocational college and signed up to become a mechanic (heavy Equipment). The course was 2 years and it offered an 8 month Co-op to do a theory/practical basis. Now I'm back in school to finish my diploma. I use to be afraid and shy away from others due to anxiety, but when I was thrown into a new environment, everything changed, for the better.The greatest satisfaction with the trades is that your results are tangible. You can actually see the fruit of your work when you finish. I've made some great friends (Older gents) and I've set my eyes on becoming licensed and a master tech.

You can do it /jp/, work hard and be determined if you want to live!

>> No.8516657

Color me surprised you read me like a cheap $2 children's novel. But the point still stands, people on welfare are bottlenecked by their lack of income. Also, you'll never create or do anything of value as long as you're living on easy street. People might deny this but working makes them a better and more active person. And besides, aren't you tired of hotel momma?

>> No.8516660

Dear /a/nonymous
We are sorry to inform you that because of recent events we can no longer let you keep your /jp/ license. Normals are not welcome on /jp/ and this is only for your and everybody else's happiness.

Please leave now and never return.

>> No.8516662

Why the fuck would I care about creating shit? All that would change if I had a job is my free time would decrease hugely, and I could waste money more often. Time is the most precious thing you have, so why do you waste it on other people for shiny things you don't need?

>> No.8516663

You type like a child. I assume you still go to high school.

>> No.8516666

People who admit to having jobs or money in this board should be b&. I despise them. Yeah I know I'm not being rational, someone got lucky, was born with the right connections and managed to get a job. I don't care. I still hate them. I know deep inside I'm just jealous because I made some terrible choices after highschool but I don't care. I just want you to stop posting. Get out. Die

>> No.8516673

I should finish my degree within months (foreign language). I'm pretty much scared shitless and go to sleep with an upset stomach every night. I really can't picture myself being up to whatever will be asked of me, let alone finding someone who asks.
Sorry for the blogging. You can ignore this post, I just felt like saying that to someone.

>> No.8516678
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/jp/ is also not a place for failures, so by all means take him out with you.

/jp/ers are NEETS, losers, nerds, outcast and whatever else you want to call them, but they're not failures. From my years on /jp/ I come to the conclusion that /jp/ers are losers who try every day to be winners. Even among the boards of 4chan, /jp/ stands out as a helpful, intelligent and creative board. Fun fact, the ronery meme that started on old /a/ was originally used to mock people for being so pathetic. Ronery was an insult, not a status symbol. Continue wallowing in your own self-pity like a teenage girl though, I think it's cute.

>> No.8516681

I know that feel. I feel exactly the same about unvirgins and girls on this board. At least have the decency to hide it.

>> No.8516683

It's more the faggots like >>8516657 and >>8516639 that need to get out, with their 'get a job whaaa' whining.

>> No.8516685

Just got over an illness spanning a few months. Started working out again and plan on going into the military. I've heard of a few NEETs who had luck there.


No one here wants to "amount to anything." If I could get away with doing what I wanted all day, I would. So would you. No one works because they think they're making a difference. They work because they have to. Don't act like you're any different.

>> No.8516688


You have a point; time is valuable. And another thing, most people with jobs don't even bother to create stuff, so the point that the other guy was trying to make is moot. Hell, being on disability would potentially give you more time to work on something significant.

Being employed does not mean that you are spending your life wisely by default.

>> No.8516698

Yes, I have. You may not reach the upper echelons, but you can at least try to make your life better.

If you cannot or are too afraid to find education or employment, you should at least be able to train yourself.

>> No.8516705

Both the guys telling people to get jobs and the NEET IS LEEJUN guys are pretty retarded and need to get out.

>> No.8516722

Back to >>>/b/ please. I think it's more suitable for someone of your intellect.

I can't speak for others but when I say get a job I mean do something with your life. Don't throw it away on welfare. Being a NEET is not synonymous with being a moronic, waste of space, welfare queen. I'm okay with you blogging about your misfortune, but don't try to make your stupidity seem like the norm here.

>> No.8516741


>/jp/ stands out as a helpful, intelligent and creative board.

I'm really not sure if you're being ironic, I mean people can be helpful if you're on at the right time, I don't know about intelligent, as for creative, I guess there's some 'creative' shit posts from time to time...

>> No.8516742

I'm not even a NEET.

And enjoying your life is doing something with it. Though it's also a good idea to use your NEETdom as extra time to pick up interesting skills, learning some computer programming or Japanese or whatever interests you.

>I can't speak for others but when I say get a job I mean do something with your life
So what you're typing and what you mean are entirely different? Good job there. Why not just say that then?

>> No.8516757

Yup. My life is pretty much the same, except I get deployed and get paid more.

>> No.8516758

The good thing about having a job is that you can take it easy in the sense that you won't be worrying much about the future, specially if you're serious about saving money like me.
When I was a NEET, the anxiety of my uncertain future was asphisxiating. My job is shit and pays shit and leaves me with little free time, but at least as long as things go smooth at work, I can take it easy and stop worrying about having food on the table and a ceiling over my head.
That feeling of lingering undone things rotting away is mostly gone; mostly, because I've never had a girlfriend or sex and I'd like to at least once just so it stops bugging me...

>> No.8516768

If you're getting autism bux you may as well save up and move out of your moms house at least, folks.

>> No.8516778

>No one here wants to "amount to anything." If I could get away with doing what I wanted all day, I would. So would you.
Need I link you to all of the original content threads which on average garner 200+ post? You are correct about the "doing what I want all day" thing. What I want to do with my time is produce things. Do you really think everyone here is as pathetic as you and wants to live the rest of their lives playing MMORGs all day?

>Started working out again and plan on going into the military. I've heard of a few NEETs who had luck there.
I like the contradiction in your post by the way, if you want to sit in your own waste all day why even bother "working out" and "joining the military." Admit it, you want to go to the military to better your life, something that staying at hotel mamma all day won't give you.

Your comprehension skills seems to be limited so I'll say this one more time. I tell people to get a job to better their lives. Welfare will only help you with sitting in your own waste all day. You do not speak for /jp/ but you do speak for all failures. The day your actions stop contradicting your morals, will be the day you become a good spokesperson for failures.

>> No.8516792
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> Mfw I'm falling apart.
> Getting kicked out of university for poor grades (clearly year-long co-op / time-consuming, difficult SE work is not for me).
> Have to beg and plead to even be able to switch to CS soon if I want to continue in some respect.
> Parents say that if I'm not in education then they'll refuse to support me (naturally, having a CEO as a father is pretty shitty).
> They don't seem to understand that I lack the capacity to work for more than four months at a time without losing it completely. Mother hasn't worked a day in her life and yet criticizes me.
> Have the best co-op job in the world but still hate every day but the weekend.
> All I want to do is be able to be alone with food, water, a computer, some electronic parts, a soldering iron, solder and PCBs.
> All I want to do is sit around, making interesting little inventions (some of which I've already planned out the code and the PCB schematic, I just haven't made it), learning things at my own pace without the need to display anything formally.
> Because of a full-time job I'm exhausted at the end of the day, just play vidya and browse 4chan to relax. Weekends are the only thing I look forward to, and hence dedicate them entirely to the aforementioned (I get enough 'work' at work).
> Parents say that if my time was truly valuable I'd be dedicating all that time to designing something that can escape a day-to-day job.

Feels like no one can empathize with me. Sucks. I'm going end up in Gensokyo if I ever get stuck in a day-to-day job for more than a year - I can't fucking stand working for other people and/or doing mindnumbing work.

>> No.8516797

What have we told you about greentext, anon?

>> No.8516798


Autism money won't even cover rent here

>> No.8516799 [DELETED] 

At this point you should have just written your post out as prose. It's not like it would have been much (if any) longer.

>> No.8516801
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work for me

>> No.8516804

I didn't exactly mean to make it so verbose and less suitable for greentext. My apologies.

>> No.8516811

>Feels like no one can empathize with me
I cannot empathize with you because I refuse to read imaginary quotes.
Stop it.

>> No.8516812


Yeah it will, depends where you live, there's studio apartments in my city for 60 bucks a week.

>> No.8516820

How could a compsci bachelor not find a job in the ongoing Silicon Valley Bubble?

>> No.8516823

Where the hell do you live?

>> No.8516833


Fall river, ma. It's a complete shithole though.

>> No.8516850


Glady. I have no regrets or ill will.

>> No.8517005

epic thread!

>> No.8517049

Must not live in the right area. Reminds me of the wife bitching to Obama how her semiconductor engineer husband couldn't get a job. You live in Texas. Move your ass to the job area.

>> No.8517062

I was a NEET for 2 years, now I have a full time job.

Being a NEET doesn't mean that you have problems with people or society. It just means that you're Not in Education, Employment or Training.

>> No.8517176
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>> No.8517184
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