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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 274 KB, 1029x1500, 1328161173807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8515332 No.8515332 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Japan sexualize little girls in anime and mangas? I don't get it.

>> No.8515334

Little girls are erotic by nature, it's not japan's fault.

>> No.8515336
File: 283 KB, 1920x1080, 1318605610683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really find that sexy?

>> No.8515342

I don't think toes can bend like that...

>> No.8515345


>> No.8515349

Maybe you should ask yourself why you find little girls in anime and manga sexy.

>> No.8515352

Let's see. She has long hair, perfect skin, long legs, and birthing hips. She is also naked. It's not hard to find her sexy.

>> No.8515357
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This thread again?

>> No.8515365
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>> No.8515411

Why wouldn't you sexualize things that are sexy?

>> No.8515417
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.04_[2012.02.04_13.23.55].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's painfully obvious that she was drawn a few years older than the age she actually is in the anime.

>> No.8515440

But she's still a child

>> No.8515447


But then she is in loli territory, not toddler.

As far as drawn material goes I'm very ok with loli sexualizing.

>> No.8515450
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>> No.8515455

In general, mainstream jp culture believe that anime and manga are childish at best and doing that would be on the edge of sociopath.

>> No.8515466

Just because she looks over 3 makes it ok to sexualize her?

>> No.8515473


Yeah, considering she is drawn and all it is very OK.

>> No.8515479


>> No.8515482

/jp/ - Shitty attempts at trolling/Mass spectrometry

>> No.8515502

Best thread in /jp/. Not like that's hard.

>> No.8515506


>> No.8515511
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>> No.8515534
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>> No.8515535

Cute, not pedo.

>> No.8515537

I just think they are cute.

>> No.8515546

it's just a little girl taking a bath, nothing sexual there.

>> No.8515548

No-go territory. The anime doesn't really sexualize her. Masturbate to the other two instead.

>> No.8515562

Wait for the piss arc.

>> No.8515647

ITT: lolicons trolling lolicons trolling normals

>> No.8515656
File: 134 KB, 850x1200, 012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep dreaming. And the other girls are obasans. Hina is my angel!

>> No.8515670

I think I died.
That is the cutest picture I have ever seen.

>> No.8515675
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>> No.8515686



>> No.8515681



>> No.8515696
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>> No.8515703


>> No.8515718

This whole thread is giving me diabeetus. I regret having ended my anime watching a few years ago.
Back when I was on the bleeding edge and watching everything as it was subbed, I generally gravitated toward stuff like this, because, well... You know.

>> No.8515719
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>> No.8515729

Why wouldn't they? Why shouldn't they?

>> No.8515735
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>> No.8515749

Why don't you kids like the loli Hibiki?

>> No.8515754

The way her toes bend is my new fetish

>> No.8515755

I only like loli Hibiki.
Fucking Haruhi clone and that slut from Poro Hanime and fake Takane need to fuck off.

>> No.8515771

Same here. Plus that blonde slut looks too old for her age!

>> No.8515783
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A lover of only one type of Hibiki is no Hibiki lover at all.

>> No.8515784
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I love loli Hibiki because she is loli Hibiki

>> No.8515795

I just know she has a micro bikini under that bikini.

>> No.8515796

What are you talking about, it would be even more okay if she were sexualized as a 3 years old girl.

>> No.8515798
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Hibiki seems less popular lately

>> No.8515799

I don't get it either. There's nothing erotic about them. If you find an image like that erotic you should consider offing yourself because you are a danger to society.

This wasn't even acceptable back in the cavemen era. Even though guys waited until a women was fertile. There's no biological reason to do a little girl. It disgusts me.

Fuck off, lolicons. Go fuck a 9 year old Indian boy. Same result.

>> No.8515810


>> No.8515811

Excuse me?

>> No.8515823

That's where you belong if you believe sexualizing lolis is wrong.

>> No.8515829

There isn't also a "biological reason" to be gay at all.

>> No.8515830


Get out of /jp/, etc. etc.

>> No.8515836

/v/? Why /v/? Am I missing something here? You might as well have said /b/ because LOL MOOTKINS WANTZ TO BE TEH LITL GIRL XDDDDDD

But really though? Fuck off. You're disgusting. You're an embarrassment to everyone who knows you. Enjoy never realizing your sick dream and even if you do, you'll rot in jail. Where you belong.

>> No.8515839

I wonder if pedo fags give good head. They must be beta as fuck.

>> No.8515843


Suck my cock, dude.

>> No.8515845

>You're an embarrassment to everyone who knows you

Wrong board to be saying that.

>Enjoy never realizing your sick dream and even if you do, you'll rot in jail.

Lolis are 2D. That would be the case if he liked 3D girls though faggot, but he/she never stated that.

>> No.8515866
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>> No.8515873

Fapping to a girl and fucking a girl are two completely different things, you know.
Likewise, fapping to a 2D girl and fucking a 3D girl are completely different things as well.

>> No.8515874

OPs pic isn't sexual.

>> No.8515881


Trollololololol lololoool

>> No.8515882



>> No.8515891


>> No.8515904
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>> No.8515909

If you can't separate 2D fiction and reality then you do not belong here. Someone that belongs here should be able to note the difference between the two concepts and choose fiction every time.

The fact that you think the feelings of fictional characters can crossover to real characters shows that you don't understand the complete seperation of the two concepts.

Lets not turn this into a name calling match like you want it to be. If you despise /jp/ and what a lot of people on /jp/ like (or a lot of /jp/ posters are too indifferent to care about) then this place isn't for you. There's Gaia, ANN, Animesuki, Reddit, Naruto fan forums and countless other places with like minded individuals like you who share your conviction. Go there, posting here to be contrary, inflammatory or with the idea that you can change the entire board is counter productive for you and everybody else involved.

>> No.8515911


>> No.8515912

Blah blah wall of text blah blah I'm totally not a pedofag because it's not 3D blah blah I would never touch a 3D girl.

You're still fucked up in the head, bro.

>> No.8515917

I sense a projection.

>> No.8515918

You've lost credibility. It is clear that you have no intention for discourse from the beginning. If people were taking you seriously before chances are they won't now.

>> No.8515921

Holy shit, you newfriends are retarded. Stop replying to trolls.

Even if they weren't, they'd just be fucking normals who will never understand your sexuality or how fiction isn't reality. The fact that I need to explain this is really sad.

>> No.8515920

If you look at a picture of a naked little girl, and instantly think something sexual, you might be a pedo. Dude.

Sorry to say this, but when you're married with your waifu, and have lots of children, you're going to have to give them baths and cuddle with them a lot. If you cant do that without thinking of anything other then love, you are probably a pedophile

>> No.8515923
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>> No.8515927

Hibiki will always be popular in my heart.

>> No.8515942

Sexualization of little girls in anime is nothing new. Don't ask why there is porn/perverted depiction of anything. There are those who are into both 2D and 3D lolis, those who swear never to touch 3D (always trust an anon), and those into neither.

I walked down the streets with my pals the other day. I saw a picture of a naked 4-year-old or something on public display. A red flag went up in my head, then my pal said : "That's cute." I was about to say something, but I stopped.

Years of being on 4chan, watching intentionally sexualized young girls in anime and listening to depraved politicians pushing their agendas by 'protecting the children' has made me unable to appreciate generic cute things without thinking whether it's legal or not.

>> No.8515946
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>> No.8515959

experience has nothing to do with such approach

>> No.8516052

Do her earrings annoy anyone else? It makes me think she's even more of a slut.

>> No.8516072

People who freak out over loli are most likely just afraid of being called pedos. They are not self secure enough (in their sexuality) to think it's cute.

Therefore People who dislikes loli=pedophiles
People who like loli =/= pedophiles.

It makes sense because most politicians who flip about pedoshit are old men.

>> No.8516078

Cool story, pedo.

>> No.8516085

Was she ever popular?

>> No.8516091

Confirmed for /b/, now get out

>> No.8516098

>There are those who are into both 2D and 3D lolis, those who swear never to touch 3D (always trust an anon)
I'll never touch 3D simply because I'll never get a chance. I'm also too apathetic to actively seek opportunities for that, when I can just blow my load on 2D or CP and lose sexual tension. Not to mention that even if despite all that I'll still somehow get a chance, I'll probably pussy out because of all various anxieties and morals.

>> No.8516105
File: 86 KB, 720x900, 9e86f3021bdb01314bf21276f3e7f1da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never find it in me to fap to a loli. I just can't get the boner going, and I don't really want to. But I know something cute when I see it.

>> No.8516115 [SPOILER] 
File: 275 KB, 709x1001, v43rwcf3tv53wc3t34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, all of you motherfucking cocksucking moralfags. Little (2D) girls are cute, it's a simple fact. It would be a total waste to not sexualize them.
I don't care about the 3D kind, though.

>> No.8516122

I actually wished there was more people like you.

Nowadays everyone is a lolicon. Even if they masturbate to big 2D tits 80% of the times, just because they masturbate to loli sometimes they call themselves lolicon.

>> No.8516125

I thought /b/ was the real pedos... I don't know about neo/b/ though...

>> No.8516128

Both are pedos.

>> No.8516130

But it's not like you're prohibited to fap to something, you know.
I can fap to almost anything depending on the mood.

>> No.8516135
File: 455 KB, 635x900, 14d13f2a250dd41dc7ea1673862299e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can fap to flat chest, it's the whole underage thing that I can't get turned on by. I mean, if someone is into 2D little girls then that's their thing. It's just not my cup of tea.

>> No.8516142

Obviously because the kawaii meter is off the charts

>> No.8516147

I always liked this analogy.
"The vibrations on the bus give me a hard on but it doesn't mean I want to fuck the driver"

>> No.8516149

I'm just tired of teenagers who think it's cool to like loli. It's not a good thing. It could get you in trouble someday. Also, if they really were, it would be what they masturbate to 99.9% of the times.

>> No.8516152

Keep reassuring yourself with something along those lines next time you feel a boner behind your ass.

>> No.8516151

I fap to lolis, traps, and incest all for the same reason. Simply because I can imagine normals raging at me for doing it, because it goes against their morals. It make me feel special. I feel ashamed when I fap to anything normal, like I've lost or something.

>> No.8516155

>that feel when you used to date little girls in your teen years
>that feel when you cant do it anymore
>that feel when you wish you could have done more back in the day
That feel.

>> No.8516157

I used to fap to loli but then I grew up.

>> No.8516161

14 year olds aren't little girls, dude.

Did you date 10 year olds in your teenage years?

>> No.8516170

Nah, it was 12.

>> No.8516167

Who the fuck is boring and dumb enough to reply to this thread seriously 90 times

>> No.8516168

>Also, if they really were, it would be what they masturbate to 99.9% of the times.
[citation needed]
As for pedo, definition is simply "finding children sexually attractive". The similar could applied concerning 2D lolis. It doesn't say what you can and can't fap to and how much.

>> No.8516173

More like, you used to fap to loli because you thought it was cool and then realized it was not really your sexuality to begin with.

>> No.8516178

>As for pedo, definition is simply "finding children sexually attractive".

Actually, it isn't.

>> No.8516184
File: 537 KB, 1000x1000, 21105813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or that. I can't get a boner by looking at little 2D females having sex or getting raped. I only like little cute and non lewd things.

>> No.8516189

Ok, so if someone masturbates to those Kairakuten issues and the like virtually all the time, they are still pedos/lolicon if they fap to one loli doujin in a year. Got ya.

>> No.8516194

That's called homosexuality.

>> No.8516200

>one loli doujin in a year.
It's not the number that is the problem.
Like a 50-year-old guy raping a woman. It's not "1 woman in 50 years" that is the problem. The problem is 'rape'.

>> No.8516206
File: 680 KB, 775x800, 24690533_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take your word for it, you seem to know a lot.

>> No.8516209

That's a horrible analogy.

>> No.8516213

Rape is not a sexuality.

>> No.8516219

>anime and mangas


>> No.8516220


Captain obvious, the point is that there are things you are just NEVER supposed to do, even once. Even the thought of doing those things should make you feel ashamed. You don't contemplate genocide. You don't contemplate rape. You don't contemplate fapping to a child having sex. Or at least, that's what they teach you, and the internet is full of uncaring sociopaths.

>> No.8516233

As long as you know the difference between doing and contemplating.

>> No.8516238

Remember when you told moralfags to get out?

>> No.8516254


I've contemplated all of those things, and telling people to feel bad for merely privately considering something is beyond moronic.

>> No.8516279

The point you're making is literally "society says it's wrong, so, because we learned it this way, you have to do it this way". In a lot of other cultures, children are sexually active since they're around 8 years old and have intercourse for the first time around 10~13 years. Romans married when they were 12. Juliet was 12. And until the end of the 18th century many Europeans married at 13~14. There's a reason for the occasional feel to fap to loli.

You're also forgetting it's fictional. People sometimes feel like masturbating to something different, specially when there's no harm done. If they masturbate to loli doujins once in a long while, it doesn't mean they're pedos/lolicons at all. Maybe perverts. That's all.

>> No.8516290

Sometimes, I hope everyone in this planet would get rid of this thing called 'morality'.

"Don't do this, it's a wrong thing to do"
"Do this, it's a right thing to do"

What gives you the right to tell if something is right or wrong? What you perceive as right might come off as wrong to others, and vice versa. Everyone has their own standards.

My point is: please don't force your moral standards to other people, let them do what they want as long as they're not impacting you directly.

>> No.8516303

You know morals about little kids are actually biological traits. Because if all men were attracted to little girls humanity wouldn't survive for long.

>> No.8516307

Humans need control, least they turn into animals and destroy everything and themselves. If there's no moral control, you need total control of the law. Enjoy your constant surveillance and other shit.

>> No.8516324

Guess what priestfag. WE ARE ANIMALS

>> No.8516336

>Because if all men were attracted to little girls humanity wouldn't survive for long.
What kind of logic is that?

>> No.8516342

I doubt you appreciate raising a kid that contemplates stabbing you while you're sleeping (even if he's never done it obviously, since you wouldn't be alive then). Likewise, telling people contemplating something bad is okay, wouldn't really be okay. We already have enough people that don't care. But of course, if you don't let anyone know, they can't do anything.

This leads to another question : do you avoid doing certain things because you fear the consequences or because it is against your principles ? For many, it would be the former. {offtopic} A fictional hell could keep these people in check, and a fictional heaven could encourage the hard-working suckers to keep toiling away, so religion is really useful to some extent. Or it used to be. {/offtopic}

On another note, people in the US are already being punished for thoughtcrime. Just ask DHS.

Whether they're pedos is a semantic problem, not an ethical one. So regarding the ethical one, you wish to champion the cause of "let 12-year-old girls have sex." Well the official motto is that "Children make dumb decisions all the time. We allow them to do so in order for them to grow up, but in a safe environment where they don't have to pay dire consequences. Fighting with friends is a trivial thing. Having sex can lead to dire consequences and we as a rule shouldn't let them take such risks."
And it's just fiction, you say ? I actually agree with you there, but the official motto is that "Exposure to such material desensitizes you and borderline sociopaths will become inclined to come up with excuses and partake in such acts. We don't like that risk."

Notice that the act of having sex affects others. And whether mere contemplation should be wrong, I've said above.

>> No.8516353

No need to be upset. It was more of figure of speech.
The point is, people need control anyway. Moral provides at least some self-control. Completely removing it will likely bring more harm, than good.

>> No.8516364

If I were to raise a kid, I'd like to think he's have no reason to stab me. Other than that, I have no idea what you're on about. If one doesn't exercise one's mind to the fullest, just end it all already.

>> No.8516374

contemplate is a very hard word.

I didn't know it so I looked it up
to look at or view with continued attention; observe or study thoughtfully

Cool I've learned something new today. Thanks /jp/ have a nice day

>> No.8516376

You got it backwards. We wouldn't have survived this long if older civilizations didn't feel attracted to 13 year olds.

They can't destroy themselves or anything if what they're doing doesn't harm anyone. But your society will still say it's morally wrong.

Morals, culture and religion (and they often go hand-in-hand) are only tools for the majority to impose their will. I highly doubt humans need to be taught good, otherwise these same notions couldn't have even arisen. And obviously things such as the acceptance of killing and taboos will change depending of said civilization's necessities. It doesn't mean most of a society's morals are necessary, or that most of them are required to maintain a stable society.

>> No.8516382

I don't do any of those things; it's more the being abused by someone smaller than myself that turns me on, really. Therefore it usually has no sex.

>> No.8516386


>> No.8516394

From pedophiles trying to justify pedophilia to societal issues discussion. Never change /jp/.

>> No.8516397

It's not an ethical issue. Whether or not they're prepared for sex depends on their culture, the acceptance of such acts, how said acts are viewed, etc. Some cultures won't consider 12 year olds "children" (at least, not in the same way as we do). In others, they will still be considered young but such acts will accepted and considered natural course. Do you really need me to tell you this?

>> No.8516409

Are you a psychology major? You sure sound like one.

>> No.8516416

I've always wondered...most of the time when you hear about a kid being molested/raped in the west, nine times out of ten its a boy. Michael Jackson, the Catholic priests, Jerry Sandusky, etc. Yet Japan's pedo culture seems to be built almost completely around young girls. Is there some sort of societal reason for that, or is it just chance?

>> No.8516426


>> No.8516424

>implying the pedos aren't the same ones discussing those issues

>> No.8516439

>They can't destroy themselves or anything if what they're doing doesn't harm anyone.
But what will prevent them from harming someone? There's no morals, nothing prevents them from doing it if they can. And it won't even be condemned.

>Morals, culture and religion (and they often go hand-in-hand) are only tools for the majority to impose their will.
Sure, they are frequently abused to such extent, but they still serve their main purpose.

>> No.8516443

Pederasty makes for a more sensational story due to extra pinch of homosexuality.

>> No.8516450

>I'd like to think he's have no reason to stab me
Then you'd want him not to use his mind to the fullest.
>end it all already.
As I just said, you don't want your kid to exercise his mind to the fullest. Please end it all already. Or maybe not, and you want him to contemplate stabbing you ? Please decide already.

You can't tell people what to think, that's for sure. But as a rule, it is in society's best interest to encourage positive thoughts, even if it's useless anyway.

>doubt humans need to be taught good
{offtopic} People adapt to their surrounding environments. If you're suddenly thrown in a world where everyone kills each other to survive, you're most likely going to do that too. People and their earlier ancestors must have, by trial and error, come up with a winning combination of rules in order to ensure the survival of the group. So they came up with those things themselves. But although the group DOESN'T need to be taught good, there IS a need (or maybe there isn't, but they really feel like doing it) to teach their offspring what that winning combination is, or they'll waste whole generations to rediscover such a combination. So yeah, without morals, there IS a risk of things going batshit insane for a period of time before they rediscover morality (or go extinct completely), but seriously, that's one hell of a risk. {/offtopic}

Ironically, your whole reply serves to prove it's an ethical issue. And just as you say, like most ethical issues, it's also cultural. Or were you under the impression there's some kind of ethical code that doesn't depend on culture ? And can you define culture itself without ethics ? They're closely related.

>> No.8516452

It's like with all these piracy laws.

It's all a conspirecy

>> No.8516456

holy shit you are a bad poster

>> No.8516454

Cultural sensibilities.

See all the Idol industry. Most of those wota wouldn't even think about fapping to their favorite idols. Many of them simply admire the perceived purity of the idols, this includes the junior ones.

And you will only obviously hear about the molesting cases from your country. I'm also guessing it's easier to be trusted to stay in the same place with a boy rather than with a girl, when you're a man.

>> No.8516457

>Ironically, your whole reply serves to prove it's an ethical issue. And just as you say, like most ethical issues, it's also cultural. Or were you under the impression there's some kind of ethical code that doesn't depend on culture ? And can you define culture itself without ethics ? They're closely related.

Culture is defined by race.

>> No.8516461

So now genetics determines my culture ? Geez, no wonder I feel like a Muslim terrorist lately.

>> No.8516465

I don't care that it's wrong. Suck it down, moralfags.

>> No.8516471

Are you a professional douchebag? You sure sound like one.

>> No.8516475

Hey guys. You know what else is wrong?

Working on Sundays, thinking that earth is round, cursing and talking with strangers.

>> No.8516477

>So now genetics determines my culture ?

Yes. A person is defined moreso by their genetics than their environment.It's not utterly irrelevant, about a 60/40 split, but a nigger will on most occasions remain a nigger.

>> No.8516478

No, he's right. You're just looking at it wrong. Races may be equal but they do have differences that help to define their culture.

>> No.8516486

I'm not sure I'm supposed to reply to racism with a straight face.

>> No.8516487

>But what will prevent them from harming someone? There's no morals, nothing prevents them from doing it if they can. And it won't even be condemned.

No need to take it so literally. There will never exist a society without morals. I was referring to all the "2D loli is wrong, people should be jailed" mentality.

>Ironically, your whole reply serves to prove it's an ethical issue. And just as you say, like most ethical issues, it's also cultural. Or were you under the impression there's some kind of ethical code that doesn't depend on culture ? And can you define culture itself without ethics ? They're closely related.

Well, I was under the impression you were putting it as being wrong all the times, independently of culture/society/era. Probably a side effect of English not being my native language (or I'd like to use this excuse).

>> No.8516491


I don't often see loads of people on /v/ say that loli is bad. Some, yes, but not a great deal.

>> No.8516488

Are we still at "it's wrong because it's wrong"?

>> No.8516494

BOOOHOO ppl where racists on internet

>> No.8516504

I'm going to assume you're trolling, but being the idiot I am I will answer your insult anyway.
I am not a racist. I am a racial realist. I respect all races of the world equally, but I understand that they have differences due to evolution and how their race has changed as a society.
Any dog breeder will tell you that a German Shepherd is more aggressive than a Golden Retriever. Two different subspecies and yet they're entirely different in appearance and behaviour. They're both dogs and I love them both (dogs are awesome) but to deny they're different is an insult to the intelligence of the person listening to your rabble. If German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers could talk and build, their societies would obviously turn out vastly different.

The "human" term for "breed" or "subspecies" is "race".

>> No.8516516

>No need to take it so literally. There will never exist a society without morals. I was referring to all the "2D loli is wrong, people should be jailed" mentality.
Well, then you should have clarified it as such, because your initial post looked like you repudiate any morals and see it only as something detrimental.

>> No.8516517
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I used to say the same thing, in fact I said something like that when in an Inuboshi thread (Why was I in an Inuboshi thread then? Read on). Six months later I was fapping to loli.

For a long time I hated loli (but didn't care if people liked it, they're just drawings after all) because I associated it with something it's not. Eventually I realized that a lot of loli lovers weren't actually pedophiles. "How could this be?" I wondered. I started asking people why they liked loli (and never really got a satisfactory answer, but people can rarely explain their fetishes). I hung out in loli threads in /b/ and /g/ for awhile, asking people about it and trying to see what people see in the images. Soon I found myself attracted to these images and decided that loli was pretty cool.

I still can't say why I like it, it's not the underage thing, I know that much. I have some theories but nothing concrete.

>> No.8516520

(>>8516487) (>>8516504)
Are not the same posters. Just pointing out in case I want to do anything else, so you (whoever you are) don't think you're still talking to the same person.

>> No.8516526

People, like you, like to think they have the right to be offended. Even when they're barking up the wrong tree.
Realize the original claim is that "Race determines culture." As in, 100%. Nothing else. I didn't even try to set up a straw man. That's an absolute claim if I ever see one. It means that environment doesn't matter, that nothing else besides race matters.

And when nothing else besides race matters, that's called racism. No, you are not respecting anyone by saying their race alone determines everything about their culture.

>> No.8516535

I used to hate loli and lolicons with a fiery passion when I was younger (around 16), but some people say it's normal when it's something that's part of you. That's why you would feel so strongly against.

It doesn't seem to have been your case, but it seems it was mine. I love everything about loli. From their bodies, to their personality and age.

>> No.8516540
File: 118 KB, 560x840, 14678152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite little girl, /jp/?

>> No.8516542

>>8516526 is an idiot.

>> No.8516546

Don't make us choose one, it's impossible.

Kokoro is up there, though.

>> No.8516549


Now where is that picture of Moot in a dress when I need it...

>> No.8516560

I'd say at least 70% of men could feel attracted to loli if they could overcome their insecurities/shame/fears/taboo associated with it.

Toddlercon is another issue.

>> No.8516558

my imaginary imouto

>> No.8516569
File: 897 KB, 1000x1000, 1307818138640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I ever hated lolis, and never knew of any lolicon. Well, they aren't any more abhorrent than a serial killer or fraudulent bankers.

What I dislike are scantily-clothed or naked lolis. There is nothing beautiful about undeveloped meatbags from an aesthetic perspective. Not developed ones are that beautiful either. I prefer seeing them in beautiful clothes.

>> No.8516571


I agree with both of your statements.

>> No.8516578

I'm not the same guy (I'm >>8516279), but I'm gonna go play something. Thanks for the discussion.

It was enjoyable to have the opportunity to talk to someone with different views on the issue(s) but who's not just a troll.

>> No.8516591

Do you agree with 3D, too?

Because I think they also could. 13 years olds, at least.

>> No.8516595

There are actually a lot of beautiful things about naked lolis. Small cute body, smooth silk skin, nice elastic meat parts...mmm.

>> No.8516606

The pussy of a loli is the only favorable thing, because you know it's pure. Everything else is just so-so. Oh, and the eyes but that aren't restricted to lolis ofc.

>> No.8516611


As far as teenagers go, yes, I'm sure quite a bit of people would see them as just fine if they could get over societal taboos. I believe more men find teenagers attractive than they are willing to admit because it's socially unacceptable. Pre-pubescent girls? I'm not so sure about that.

>> No.8516616

I think it's also the face, especially if you're into the cute and innocent look rather than voluptuous and sexy. Can't go wrong with delicious pettanko either.

>> No.8516620

Not really. Small slender limbs are also often very arousing.

>> No.8516624


>> No.8516632

Everything about a loli is better.

>> No.8516645 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 488x405, i dont like this one bit not one bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another thread where people discuss the morality of lolicon

>> No.8516651

omg ppl the discuss things! On a board for discussion. Someone call fbi

>> No.8516772
File: 133 KB, 439x260, AgentSmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You rang?

>> No.8516790
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>> No.8516813
File: 49 KB, 488x405, i dont like this one bit not one bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another thread where people discuss the morality of lolicon
