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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8512261 No.8512261 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>8494649

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.8512268

You do not "play" a VN, you read it.

>> No.8512292

In no particular order...

Wanko to Kurasou: on hiatus in Risa route
Corpse Party: complete (crossing my fingers for Book of Shadows)
Saya no Uta: will reread soon
Monster Girl Quest: completed part 1; awaiting part 2 translation
Imouto Ijime: got some bad ending; too bland to play further
Cross Channel: backlogged
My Girlfriend is the President: backlogged
Bible Black: backlogged
Sugar's Delight: complete; too short but sweet for what it is
Yume Miru Kusuri: backlogged
Sagara Family: backlogged
Sharin no Kumi: backlogged
Amorous Professor Cherry: backlogged
Sono hanabira ni kuchizuke wo - Watashi no Oujiko Sama: on hiatus
Katawa Shoujo: two routes complete (Emi and Lilly); will put on hiatus after Shizune route

>> No.8512299 [DELETED] 

They're computer games.
Deal w/ it, nerd.

>> No.8512308

Might as well post it here too.

Sure, I see what you're saying there and yeah the game is not without its flaws (pacing issues, the gratuitous rape and some of the antagonists "hey look at me, I'm so evil" come to mind).

Thing is, I have yet to read/play/watch anything that explores its themes as perfectly as Muramasa does. The routes contrast with each other, Kageaki seeks different things and behaves differently in each route and heck, even the endings are contrasting.

Muramasa isn't even my favourite eroge. I do think it is by far the most complete, and the best, one I've ever played though, and I'm not afraid to say it. I can't even think of a scenario where someone who has fully understood the game and what it has tried to do not appreciating it. If that comes across as obnoxious or heavy-handed, then so be it.

>> No.8512316

I smell black magics.

>> No.8512328


>> No.8512335

What is your favorite eroge?

>> No.8512341

then take it to /v/

>> No.8512348

Oretsuba is, but that has more to do with me being in love with the entire cast than anything, really.

>> No.8512354

Just finished: アッチむいて恋.
Pretty much started this only for the imouto, and as I thought- I didn't think much of this game. But holy, one of the VA was ridiculously bad. Minako. Not to mention I forgot to patch the game and on her route the voices didn't match the lines.

Now playing: Katahane
I usually hate kids or 'moe' characters but Coco is just absurdly adorable.

>> No.8512378

Finished Sakura Sakura
Overall it wasn't too bad but I liked the side cast quite a lot more than the main cast.

>> No.8512391

Araragi is so cute and perfect

>> No.8512401
File: 82 KB, 800x600, shy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started Koihime Musou.

Is all right I guess. Surprisingly a lot of loli especially for a commercially translated game. Do they censor the loli in it or something?

And is this Yuko Goto? Sounds like her.

>> No.8512404

Thats supposed to be Zhuge Liang. The loli is no less censored than anything else in the game.

>> No.8512403

You're just mistaking flat chest for loli.

>> No.8512406

so what's the op pic from, looks, uh fun.

>> No.8512411
File: 340 KB, 799x2287, 1328241238343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-Senjou no Maou
Downloaded cross channel off of a recommendation but the patch i got didnt work so I kinda just gave up on it.

>> No.8512422

It would be great if Google had an option to search by image... Don't you think so, anon?

>> No.8512423

>>8512411 G-Senjou no Maou
That translation...

>> No.8512425

isn't that the game about nazis?

>> No.8512429

Rub a Dub Dub, thanks for the grub

>> No.8512442
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>> No.8512451

Finished Little Busters after a 4 year wait, now I'm trying to fill the gap but I can't figure out what to do. I put Demonbane, My Girlfriend is the President, Galaxy Angel 1 all on hold. I don't think I'll finish Demonbane as I already finished Al's route and the others seem rather boring.

Also redownloaded Koihime after having lost it in my previous install. Only problem was that I got pretty far so I don't feel like re-reading everything, yet I think if I skip through everything I'll probably miss stuff I've forgotten.

Also downloaded Majikoi, and am downloading Hoshizora no Memoria in preparation for the patch.

>> No.8512448 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8512458

Playing: Dies Irae until I finish Kei's route.
Next: Finishing Parfait and Nekonade.
Looking forward to: Navel Plus, Exodus.
Finished: Oretsuba around a month ago. Partially/near completion in every game I'm playing.

>> No.8512466 [SPOILER] 
File: 52 KB, 512x384, 1324954685361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So whats a good long vn that i can still download in these turbulent times...

>> No.8512482

Holy shit if that's true they deserve my money for this game.

>> No.8512486


I never said I hated Muv Luv, I just feel that it has severe issues with pacing. It's still one of my favorite VNs, my apologies if you thought I was whining about it solely because it was translated;I can see how it might be interpreted as such in that context.

>> No.8512491


Personally, I thought Ruri normal end in demonbane was alright.

>> No.8512492

The person who voices her is cancer. I'm offended that you would even suggest she sounds like Yuko Goto

>> No.8512580

The black ink turned... transparent when you warmed it with your hands?
Such a nice work.

>> No.8512606

Somebody in the last thread said that Muramasa was polarizing. I really enjoyed Hanachirasu (not my favorite game, but I thought it was really great), so how does Muramasa compare?

>> No.8512620
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Just finished Majikoi S. The way they handled Koyuki in the final route was just dumb. A completely tacked on heroine in a "what if Yamato had invited her into the group"- scenario? Come on, just give Koyuki her own route where Yamato fixes her with his dick.
Warmly expecting Majikoi SS with routes for Seiso, the Ryouzanpaku girls and more Benkei. Much more Benkei.

>> No.8512634

after Agave felt like a better Yuki route than the actual Yuki route, and that's something. It was honestly just annoying seeing Yuki thank Yamato so much for accepting her when you know he didn't in the other 90% of the story.
Also maybe it's just me but I found Tsubame pretty shit.

>> No.8512655

Is corpse party good?

>> No.8512670

Dunno, I thought the Tsubame route was the best route in all of Majikoi by a pretty wide margin.

>> No.8512684

Hanachirasu is Muramasa 0.1.
If you liked Hanachirasu you'll fucking love Muramasa

>> No.8512693

Muramasa isn't really polarizing, it wouldn't have a 90 in EGS if it was.
It's just that like every eroge ever not everyone will love it.

>> No.8512695

It's fun, it isn't really scary but the story is really japanese-horor interesting.

>> No.8512706

Thanks for telling. Gonna give it a try.

>> No.8512722

What did you think of Al's endings? Ruri is a typical Princess character whilst the Sister's identity is pretty obvious, and I imagine her route is silly.

It's a light read, it's not that deep or amazing but it's decent enough.
It's also incredibly short if you avoid getting all the bad ends and only read the main story.

>> No.8512791

Leica's route is worth doing to watch Sandalphon do Sandalphon things.
And really, Sandalphon is far more relevant to that route than Leica is.

>> No.8512876


Shuri's seiyuu is Erika Narumi. Same as in the anime, IIRC.


Whoa, wtf, she's also Kosame in Hoshimemo? Quite the difference there. I should finish reading her route for QC'ing now...

>> No.8512906

so I just started Cross Channel...not sure if i read this right but did that really just say
"My nipples collaborated with the wind"

>> No.8512924

Not sure why you would care. The Japanese say that you play it too, and not read. It's not a big deal.

>> No.8513394

Benkei not getting a full route is fucking blasphemy

>> No.8513404 [SPOILER] 
File: 704 KB, 801x601, Excitement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ridiculously fucking excited for this chapter. (Dies Irae)

>> No.8513539


Honestly I can't remember endings, its been a while. I probably liked AI's routes best out of all, with Ruri normal end way up there as well. Ruri route reveals circumstances surrounding the Hadou rise to power and it's struggle against black lodge. Reading her route will make her way more relevant in the plot then she first appear to be.

Yeah this too. Pretty much all the routes are going to explain some unique parts of the grand scheme of things. I just didn't care for sandalphon nor the sister's history since with her identity being pretty obvious, made me lose motivation to read her route since you just feel like you know what will happen or the route will be very predictable.

>> No.8513570

Honestly, I'd recommend that you put it down unless you're reading it in japanese. The english translation is not only littered with severe inaccuracies, but worse, because of that the experience and merit of the game becomes totally defaced. I didn't reread the whole game when I learned japanese, but I reread key parts, and my initial impressions, a 6/10 rose to a 9 because of that. Not necessarily speaking ill of translations in general, but that one was notoriously bad.

Come to think of it, I was watching a friend of mine play Alternative translated and had the same impression about a lot of its text. Though I'm not really sure if that's because the translation or editing was bad, or because the power of certain parts of the original couldn't transition over to english very well.

>> No.8513591
File: 22 KB, 215x350, 美少女万華鏡.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /jp/'s impression of 美少女万華鏡?

I'm not necessarily looking for a Nukige, though I know that's what I'm getting, but I dig the art and gothic theme. Is there any merit beyond the ero though? Worth playing for any other reason?

>> No.8513613

I'm reading Chaos Head Noah on psp and Majikoi now. Majikoi is pretty great.

>> No.8513651

I played this for a while, and it wasn't half-bad for a nukige. The mystery part is a bit enthralling considering it's mainly a nukige. And when it comes to its erocontent, I think it makes up for it, because it's damn hot.

Majikoi R for PS3 on the 23rd...

>> No.8513672

Just an all ages psp port? meh. I'd rather have the ero. I am going to need to find other things to read on the PSP after im done with chaos head though...

>> No.8513680 [DELETED] 

I just played the that entire chapter last night.

It was pretty badass

>> No.8513685

PS3 port. It's said to have 3 times more scriptlength than the original, plus 20 endings and some minigame crap. Just saying.


>> No.8513690

I just played that entire chapter last night.

It was pretty badass

>> No.8513696

Ixrec should edit the trans, if it's really THAT bad.
Now, will he?

>> No.8513706

It would've been nice if the minigames were more than just mahjong and some card game. This is a PS3 port for crying out loud.

>> No.8513707

>It's said to have 3 times more scriptlength than the original

How the fuck. The original is already pretty god damn long, 3 times that would be a fucking chore to slog through.

>> No.8513711

I'm guessing more lines for friendship routes and hermit crabs for one thing.

>> No.8513728

I want that piece of paper so badly... I read somewhere that the ink actually goes away.

Anyhow, I'm searching for something similar to Asairo. Probably picking up Itsusora... I stalled it some time ago since I didn't really like the characters, though I may have been hasty in my decision.
Amazon suggests I try 天使の羽根を踏まないでっ. Looks pretty different to me...

>> No.8513756
File: 204 KB, 800x600, 1327627174552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found a VN i wanted to try
Grisaia no Kajitsu
can anyone point me in the right direction of an english patch / download?

>> No.8513764

Try Google.

>> No.8513763


>> No.8513767

i wouldn't have posted here if i hadn't already tried

>> No.8513794

What does everyone consider as the top 5 translated VNs? I've been away from the scene for a while and I'd like to know what people think are the cream of the crop these days.

>> No.8513815
File: 124 KB, 640x480, cg05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am seriously hyped about this game. Gender bending with a minimal amount of female heroines? 2 out of the 3 heroines used to be boys? The male characters look like they came from a fujoshi targeted game? I seriously hope that rape, if any, is optional, as was the case in the previous Xchange Alternative.

I want to see how this turns out.

>> No.8513823

Crescendo and Kana Little Sister. Anything else is subjective.

>> No.8513825

You're fucking stupid.
Most VNs are not translated.

>> No.8513843

I know a guy working on it.

He's willing to send people test patches for a little investment.

Are you interested?

>> No.8513853
File: 184 KB, 816x761, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may,be youre not googling hard enough bro??

>> No.8513915

That's a lot of work, but, I don't think that Ixrec is necessarily a competent translator to begin with, that and it seems that his editing staff isn't conservative enough, and don't speak japanese, so they don't know the damage they're doing.

>> No.8513938

Oh gee,another thread for no life losers.

Saged,closed and reported.

>> No.8514120 [DELETED] 

This. I don't hate the guy or anything but he does make a lot of mistakes and rarely seems willing to release anything after the "finished" patch (except for MOON. where he did a re-edit).

>> No.8514165

It is that bad. He was still fairly new to the language back then, which didn't help. He's stated in the past he intends to re-translate it at some point, along with Saihate no Ima as a sort of package deal.

>> No.8514193

Why is no one translating the Vanadis VNs?

>> No.8514213
File: 229 KB, 800x600, Tokino_Senka_0121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been playing toki no senka. I originally just wanted extract the hcg but the game interested me. Unfortunately I'm not a moonrune decifier so if someone can give me some combat pointers I'd really appreciate. Thinks like what APs do, how xp and gold is gained, what leveling leaders do, the difference between troop types and general combat tip etc.

Reposting from the old thread, dont mind me.

>> No.8514226


Cross Channel is that bad, yes. I don't know about his later stuff. However, I did get a glimpse of forest, and was baffled by some elements of the translation. He did that this month.

On the other hand, to be fair, in my opinion, that game cannot possibly work in any language but japanese. It utilizes the implicative tricks of the japanese language and vague particle listings in every other line, and because there is no insignificant line in the game (except for some portions of some ero scenes) fucking up any aspect of it continually is easily fatal to comprehension.

At the same time, I'm not a participant or player of translated games as of like 2 years ago, so I also recognize I don't have the expertise or details or insight of someone active in that field. Thus my criticism may well be invalid.

>> No.8514250


Seriously agree Koyuki route should have been name something else.Though i wish it was seiso route with yamato and seiso facing each other off but she got defeat so early it a bit dissapointed. Why didn't Yoshitsune have a any CG at all? Also agree Tsubame route wasn't great not to mention her constant nattou is a bit annoying in the other route.

My wishlist route for Majikoi SS:Full route for Benkei and Yoshitsune, Side route for Azumi and maids.

>> No.8514330
File: 127 KB, 510x546, 1328148518126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY?! I've been playing Majikoi for FIVE WEEKS ON AND OFF and I just now got to the fucking intro! I THOUGHT I WOULD BE HALFWAY THROUGH THE DAMN GAME BY NOW. WHY?

>> No.8514371

is that bad? and why would it take you that long?

>> No.8514374

It's not bad, I just didn't expect it to be that long.
And I've been playing m&b warband mostly. Among other things. I just haven't been able to pace myself thoroughly on vn's lately.

>> No.8514552

Ore wa Tsuma Killer.

>> No.8514585

Man its taking a while for Hiyoko strike to come out.

>> No.8514604

Damn, a lot of Ixrec bashing around here while I'm off /jp/. Guess that's what you have to put up with to have 6 games translated in 2 years.

>> No.8514605

To that guy from the previous thread who wanted Triangle Heart


>> No.8514619
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

天使の羽根を踏まないでっ isn't very similar to Asairo.
Honestly it's pretty weak for Shumon.
Most similar is probably めぐり、ひとひら, it even has proto-Hiyo

>> No.8514627

>On the other hand, to be fair, in my opinion, that game cannot possibly work in any language but japanese. It utilizes the implicative tricks of the japanese language and vague particle listings in every other line

I kind of understand what you mean; Japanese (and Asian languages) are too different to English, but that doesn't mean it can't be translated. I think this conversation has taken place countless times but Japanese isn't a mystical language that can express things other languages don't. For that reason professional translators study languages very deeply so they can find ways to express the same things in different languages.

You just can't use the same thinking process that you use when you translate from French to English, than the one you use to translate from Japanese to English; sometimes sentences must be changed completely to convey the same feeling. But we can't ask that much to non-professional hobbyist translators, and we just should be thankful that they dedicate so much time to this.

If we are proficient enough to pinpoint their mistakes, we may as well try to help them, don't you think?

Anyway I think this is my first and last post because I don't want to derail this thread into a VNTS one.

>> No.8514631

My bad, I didn't really mean to "bash" but to provide reasonable criticism. On the other hand, when a game gets translated by someone, another, perhaps more competent translator has no impetus to redo it. I think with relics like Forest and Cross Channel and MLA, it would be best for him, or perhaps his team I should say, to not have translated them at all. In my opinion, the quality of the translation should always be of a greater imperative than the quantity in order to preserve as much of the experience of playing the game as possible. I haven't played forest or MLA in english, but I've seen portions, however the title I did play, Cross Channel, the damage to said experience was far greater than the excuse, "it's good enough that it's translated" could suffice.

Then again, with a rabid crowd of people demanding translations, I only really have the authority to say that because I wouldn't feel the loss if it was there or not.

>> No.8514678

> I think this conversation has taken place countless times but Japanese isn't a mystical language that can express things other languages don't.
Sure. But unless you plan on rewriting the entire thing, there is stuff that just doesn't translate properly or the same way.

>when a game gets translated by someone, another, perhaps more competent translator has no impetus to redo it.
Let's be honest here. This is very silly thinking. How many VN translators are out there that actually finish projects? How many of them are better than Ixrec? And then how many would've translated MLA etc?

>> No.8514682

It's short if you put it this way: there is one role that these translation teams always need and nobody bothered to fill in, and that is the punch-up writer.

>> No.8514692

MLA, I know little about, but the first Muv-Luv is beyond salvageable no matter how you translate it. You know you're playing a bad game when it has an alien invasion plot yet moves at slug pace and doesn't you the fucking aliens.

>> No.8514703
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>alien invasion plot
>doesn't show you the aliens


>> No.8514715

>when it has an alien invasion plot yet moves at slug pace and doesn't you the fucking aliens.
that was sort of the point, the focus wasn't on the actual conflict but on the setting and how military trainees lived under the threat. I guess this is another case of people getting into the series for mecha and explosions and being disappointed by finding out it's about something else entirely. This doesn't make it a bad game however.

>> No.8514727

If that was the point, then the game was a prologue padded with unnecessary branching and gratuitous nudity to have a script at double the length it needs to be.

>> No.8514736

Welcome to VN's, enjoy your stay.

>> No.8514742

>mecha and explosions
For MLA, at least, that pretty much was the point.

>> No.8514745
File: 18 KB, 300x400, Gavin-McInnes-Says-FCK-THE-MUSTACHE-INSTITUTE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been in the field for 2 and a quarter year, thank you very much, good sir.

>> No.8514746

>a prologue
you're still judging everything from the point of view of of the last bits of mecha and action. Muv Luv was a decent game on its own before Alternative came out.

>> No.8514793

Point is, if they're gonna induce a sense of panic into the player, why don't they just let the aliens attack the base for once? The main character doesn't even need to have some actions in it, but let him witness that these aliens aren't fucking around. And if they want to show you that clearly, humans are sliding toward the losing side, they could've flashed some frontier news on the TV when the squad has some R&R. That shit is more exciting than watching the main character flirting around with his teammates.

And talking about mech, how the hell did Takeru's gaming skill translate to actual mech piloting skill? An arcade machine has around 6 buttons for action commands (8 at best) and 1 or 2 joysticks. Actual mech has got to have at least 30 buttons, levers and switches. Again, how did his skill translate?

>> No.8514820

Again, it wasn't a war drama, it was a character game with genre shift. And they did sort of do that anyways with the sudden attack towards the base where Takeru faints, I'm pretty sure it's one of the basics of horror/suspense that not showing the menace feels more threatening than showing it.

Also, Takeru's advantage wasn't just in the controls (I don't remember much about the console, so unless you can quote some lines any number of buttons is just going to be conjecture), but that he was pretty used to all the vibration and sudden jerks of the machine already, whereas everyone else got completely destroyed by it.

>> No.8514829

>And talking about mech, how the hell did Takeru's gaming skill translate to actual mech piloting skill?

Isn't that just a common mecha trope?
I remember seeing characters like that in Super Robot Wars games and in mecha anime (like Max from Robotech).

>> No.8514842

Ah yes, that's Ryusei. The dude was playing a simulation of EXISTING mecha technology, meaning what he piloted is just like the real shit.

Now Takeru had his gaming skill in ML Extra world, where mecha technology was never invented.

>> No.8514865

I think once he gets into the training mechine he comments that the controls are pretty much the same. Of course it was convenient, but then again as that guy said it's just a common mecha trope that videogames give the mc an edge in piloting

>> No.8514866

Well it better be a war drama because the main characters are the ones fighting the war. If they were civilians the whole time, yeah, run away from all that fighting and deal with the life of war refugees. A better execution of this kind of story would be Jarhead (2005), not an excellent story in anyway but that's how to keep a constant tension without engaging your characters in actual combat. Just 1 or 2 false alarm attacks aren't enough tension, but if they play up that trick for the 5th time, I'll honestly piss my pants because every attack could whoop your ass.

>> No.8514873

>Muv Luv was a decent game on its own before Alternative came out.
Exactly how?
Extra is horrible, the only remarkable part about it is the use of rugp. And unlimited is fun and all but is a total let down because of its no ends.
It's like mediocre at best and a real annoyance at worst.

>> No.8514904

Extra was a fucking great school life comedy. I'm sorry you hate fun.

>> No.8514914

Well it better be a war drama since the main characters are the ones fighting the war. If they were civilians the whole time then yeah, run away from the fighting, we can see them deal with the life of war refugees and not the war itself. A better execution of this kind of story would be Jarhead (2005), not excellent by any means but that's how you keep a constant tension without engaging your characters into actual combat. The game here has 2 false alarm attacks, and quickly after these 2 have gone through, the game returns to its comedic shticks, like the attacks never had an impact on the characters to begin with. They squad should have been haunted by the attacks, but they never were.

>> No.8514916

Extra is average, to be fair, and Unlimited pretty decent. The genre shift, lack of good ends and sense of defeat made it a pretty good utsuge-like experience.
If you think those are horrible you must play very few games and all of those in the top egs tier or something.

>> No.8514917

I always thought unlimited had the same kind of atmosphere as ender's game.

>> No.8514921

Holy fuck. People are different and WILL have different opinions, deal with it. Arguing over specifics is silly, you all judge it with different standards and value different things.

>> No.8514941

It was convenient to the point that the simulation behaves exactly like an actual arcade games so that it could "cancel" a jump and "pre-input" a move before the current move is not done yet. That doesn't make any fucking sense. Those are fighting game terms. In those games, the model can only perform a set of pre-programmed moves with fixed animation, the 2 moves can't be animated simultaneously so inputting 2 different moves at the same time will force the arcade machine to queue up the moves. A real mech does not move by fixed animation so it doesn't need to queue up commands, there is no "pre-inputting" when you simulate a real thing like that. I was surprised the game did not throw in "block stun", "air parry" and "frame skip"

>> No.8514942
File: 43 KB, 510x387, koitate001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished koitate, this gave me similar feel as akatsuki no goei, but less disjointed, but still didn't bother to expand on possible potentials (storm in tea cup at best). Average at best, imo.

Going to start trample on schatten

>> No.8514988

You obviously didn't understand shit.
The cancel jump and pre-imput things were thought up by Takeru and made into a new OS, before him the simulations didn't have this.
As it's stated in the game the only difference between Takeru and the others is that he can have a fresh look on things.

Takeru during MLA had 3 years of training behind him, of course he is stronger than the others.

>> No.8514997


You don't understand anything. The game was full of plot holes and convenient happenings without explanations. I mean look at Tama's hair, how can that possibly exist in real life? That hair defies gravity and natural color pigmentation.

>> No.8515006

ahah oh wow

>> No.8515007

Is this where you bust out the "suckers" card to save face?

>> No.8515016

I liked how the least promising route with the boring looking character ended up being the best route by far.

>> No.8515019

So he made changes to the simulation software, how does that help the purpose of training anymore. The simulation is supposed to reflect actual combat so now if you make it into a game, your skill ain't worth shit when aliens come owning your ass.

And speaking of 3 years of experience. They could easily cut off half the script of Unlimited and spend that length to show the battle with the aliens. Of course humans will lose, of course Takeru will have jump back in time again to fix his shit, but at least we can see how Takeru mature into a full-grown war veteran and dare I say, making the ending of Unlimited even more poignant knowing that the dude can't save humanity despite his efforts. See, the game just denied every opportunities to be actually awesome.

>> No.8515033

You obviously didn't even read MLA so why the fuck are you ranting about?

>> No.8515050

True, planning to anyway. Alternative could be an awesome game and I'm not judging it. I'm just criticizing the first game for not being a strong standalone game. And I'm just wishing Ixrec's script doesn't ruin Alternative too much, which is what this conversation was originally about. Who the fuck knows, maybe I'm just watching a Deathly Hallows Part 1 and didn't touch a Deathly Hallows Part 2 yet.

>> No.8515051

Extra is a fine standalone title. Unlimited is part 2, meaning it's not going to be as self contained as the other installments.

>> No.8515058

Yeah well, I have said this ealier anyway. Like Deathly Hallows Part 1, it's an unnecessary dragged out prologue of the real thing.

>> No.8515062

you're basically complaining that empire strikes back sucks because it didn't show luke becoming a jedi master and confronting his father.

>> No.8515065


Yeah well, at least luke didn't have ridiculous gravity defying pink hair.

>> No.8515076

I'm not. TESB can easily stand alone, it doesn't exist just to be a prologue to the real shit. TESB is the real shit, that's the difference. Can't say the same about ML Unlimited though.

>> No.8515084

unlimited isn't supposed to be a prologue, it's meant to be a counterpart to extra. you can criticize it for ending abruptly without explaining anything, but complaining that it's a bad war drama when it was never meant to be a war drama is stupid.

>> No.8515088
File: 967 KB, 932x1083, meiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of hair styles and stuff, I remember that I decided to give Muv-Luv saga a try when I saw Meiya's aggressive "air intakes" and elegant ponytail. I just couldn't say no to that character design.

Well, I have a huge hard-on for old-school art too. This must be the root of my weird taste.

>> No.8515092

ML fanboys so bad

>> No.8515102

well I guess we got owned and hurt feelings, now we can move on to discuss other shit

>> No.8515119

Then tell me what it is. Unlimited is a huge mess to begin with. It started out as an alien invasion story, then halt that whole story for a good length to become a school slice of life, then it turns into a military story when the squad has to go to the island for boot camp. Then returns to the school slice of life, then stopped for a moment to remind you that "Oh yeah, there're aliens out there, remember?" then gone back to school slice of life again like that last event had zero importance. Then finally the mecha genre comes in (took them long enough) only for a search and rescue mission. Then back to school slice of life. Then somewhere in the latter half there is some romance in the story that had next to zero branching to give each heroine some minimal private interactions. How much chemistry did the romances have? About the same amount of time they make you remember there is a war going on.

I used to loathe Sky Girls for having too much slice of life for a military and alien invasion story, but compared to this, it doesn't seem so bad now.

>> No.8515130

I'm definitely checking that one out, thanks.

>> No.8515143

Are you the guy who was playing Asairo in the previous thread?
How did you like it?

>> No.8515152

>Well, I have a huge hard-on for old-school art too. This must be the root of my weird taste.

Same here, I never got why people dislike Bou's artwork so much.

>> No.8515168

It wasn't an alien invasion story. It was a slice of life in a military training installation with a vague alien invasion as the backdrop. Alternative's second half is the alien invasion story.

>> No.8515193

Not him, I played it eight or nine months ago. It's still one of my favorites. I acknowledge that it's far from perfect, but I gave it a 10 out of 10 back then, and I wouldn't change that. The atmosphere created by the backgrounds, the narration and the music was enchanting. Every time I hear that two or three tunes from the OST I feel like I've just finished playing it.
No routes, not much ero? I don't care. Hiyo is perfection. I cried. That's about what I wanted from this kind of game. I can see how people who have problem with these things will not rate the game as high as me, de gustibus.

>> No.8515231

Aah, see? Fundamental mistake right there. This kind of story would work really well if in the backdrop, the war is balanced on both side, no side is clearly winning and the military rookies are having their training leisurely, caring less about the war going on. Sky Girls at least hit the right note on this part. But it's not that, it's established fairly early on that humanity is losing at a bad rate and the war could end in a flash at any moment, and then didn't make a big deal out of it. Now if they make the humans having the advantage instead, then aliens turning the table in the last minutes and suddenly bringing a dangerous threat to the squad's leisure life, I can totally see this kind of story works. As it is right now... no.

>> No.8515236

The guy would be me, still in chapter 2, because is fucklong for some reason and I'm not really a fast reader, not that I mind because some scenes are incredibly well done, last I can remember was the presentation of their masterpiece and their victory.

>> No.8515277

But the war was at a point of balance at that particular point in time. The front lines had recently moved in the humans' favor two years previously (capture of Yokohama Hive) and had been kept more or less stable in Britain, Japan, Egypt, Siberia and Malaysia since then. The situation was pretty bad overall with most of Eurasia belonging to the BETA, but the humans had managed to achieve a stalemate of sorts. The stability of the front line in Japan is part of why the atmosphere in Yokohama Base was relatively relaxed.

>> No.8515286

Guys, I like Muv Luv too, but it's engulfing this thread. Let's take it to a more suitable avenue of discussion, yes?


>> No.8515288

Okay niggas, I really liked Unlimited when reading it, even with all the hype for what would come next, but you can't really say that it wasn't designed as a prologue.

Maybe 'prologue' isn't the right word, but, while it has plenty of merits of its own and IMO entertains well, it was a huge setup for Alternative. I mean, the game can't exist without a continuation, and that's why age wanted to release Alt at the same time as the first game.
So yeah, the feeling you get when finishing Unlimited is a mix of incompleteness and inmense hype because you're about to play the inmensely hyped one.
With all the unanswered questions and potential plot points left in the air (even the subtle foreshadowing of the time traveling back, think the undeserved focus they put on the boat scene), I really ended up thinking of UL as a huge set up for what was coming. I mean, the whole setting of Alternative is based around Takeru retaining his memories of Unlimited.

>> No.8515293

Guys? Please?

>> No.8515292

>then didn't make a big deal out of it
Because the humanity being at a loss part has been going on for literally years by that time. It's a constant, rather than something happening suddenly, and people learn to deal with it in theor ordinary lives. They're trainees and you're basically complaining they aren't moping around all the time for something that began before they were even born? Takeru also had the excuse of not fully really realizing the situation he was in, which is something his development does explore.

>> No.8515298


So what about Forest? Thinking of reading it, anyone can say anything about the translation?

>> No.8515313

Apparently, it loses a lot of nuance the original version had, but I liked it anyway.

>> No.8515314

The OP should really specify untranslated games so we don't get stupid shitstorms like this.

>> No.8515331

Not like that'd stop people from discussing whatever the hell they want.

>> No.8515343
File: 27 KB, 640x400, umineko51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Download Hoshizora no Memoria
>Apply Isuzu patch
>Game crashes after protagonist get home


>> No.8515346

I fail to see why we won't have shitstorms over untranslated games as well. Unless you think moonreaders are less prone to heated discussion than non-moonreaders.

>> No.8515351

Have you made sure you set your time to the japanese standard?
The engine won't work otherwise.

>> No.8515353

someone tried to do a "translated general" mirror thread once but it died and no one bothered since. I think a lot of us played MuvLuv in japanese anyways, it's not like people should be forbidden to discuss games just because they're translated.

>> No.8515354

Not that anon but seriously? That's just weird.

I had a relatively hard time finding a download for Memoria as most links used Hotfile who generally delete most files, or fileserve or megaupload who are obviously gone now.

>> No.8515355 [SPOILER] 
File: 216 KB, 800x600, capture_04022012_165523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fuck. My brother's friend was watching while I played Baldr Sky and after battle this scene popped up without any warning. Very awkward situation with me trying to explain that "I'm playing it for the story..." ;_;

>> No.8515358

Yes, worked with every other game. Ran a good while before the first scene at home. Then crashed.

>> No.8515359

It's favourite's engine.
And for the dl, I just finished from the ftp, always gets good speeds.

>> No.8515372

I couldn't remember the address of the FTP, and google didn't yield any answers. I ended up finding a torrent on a random website which had 10 seeds so I grabbed it off there within the day.

>> No.8515370

This is more of a technical question but here it goes.
I finsihed Baldr sky a real while ago, and I've been wanting to move both folders, for dive 1 and 2 to another one, but if I move dive 1's, 2 will say it can't find its data.
So, is there any way to do it that doesn't imply reinstalling?

>> No.8515374

I think save data and everything are in documents or appdata, look for a GIGA folder there

>> No.8515384
File: 564 KB, 800x600, 2-4-2012 10-14-55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn crash message looks like this, by the way.

>> No.8515390

I kinda just got into these with Katawa Shoujo and I'm halfway through Yume Miru Kusuri. What would /jp/ recommend for newcomers for Visual Novels?

>> No.8515391

You should have seen that one coming.

>> No.8515395


I'm serious, they're perfect for guys just entering the VN "scene" like you.

>> No.8515398

Yeah, if you aren't set to Japanese region, Favorite's engine makes the game crash when a character's sprite shows up.

That said, the Isuzu patch should have fixed that... So, I must ask, did you apply Favorite's 1.1 bug fix patch first?

>> No.8515400


You actually set the Format tab to Japanese? Not just non-Unicode?

>> No.8515406

/jp/ isn't particularly welcoming towards newcomers, since they deal largely with untranslated games. You're better off asking /a/, they're more friendly with this sort of thing (the 'no recommendations' thing doesn't seem to extend to VNs and ADVs), and maybe to a lesser extent /v/.

>> No.8515409

Oh, didn't know the game has an official patch.

>> No.8515412

Did you change everything to Japanese? Even the date/time format, because the game doesn't work otherwise.

Changing just the non-unicode language is not enough.

>> No.8515418

I just checked and the patch gives me the same shit as him.
The normal japanese version works fine though.

>> No.8515419

It's more we want to get rid of the mentality that you need to be told everything.
"What anime you should watch","What manga you should read","What VN you should read".
Give a bit of research and decide for yourself.

But I must insist that we don't continue this conversation as we're digressing from the purpose of this thread.

>> No.8515420

Ask /a/ or /v/, we try to avoid spoonfeeding.
Or go to vndb.org, sort by popularity or ranking, read summaries and pick whatever you find interesting.
You know, doing your own research is pretty fun and really rewarding, you should try it if you have time.

>> No.8515423

Yes. Basically, what >>8515412 said. The date should be in year/month/day format and everything.

Yup, that'll probably fix it then. With the Isuzu patch, you *shouldn't* need to switch to Japanese region.

1.1 bug-fix patch is here.


>> No.8515435
File: 45 KB, 400x400, DosEquisLimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link's dead. New link is:

Found out by myself. Anyway, have a beer, /jp/.

>> No.8515436

This is why I keep telling Insem that we need a readme or something... Something like...

1. Install Hoshimemo
2. Run official 1.1 bug fix patch
3. Install TL patch
3.5. Install the proper font to fix the wordwrapping (can't remember if it's included in the patch). Select the font on page 2 of options (should be at the bottom of the list).

Otherwise, you WILL need to use Japanese region format.

>> No.8515439

Really? Odd, link works fine for me. But yeah, that's the page to find the patch, so whatever works.

And I don't drink, but the thought is appreciated all the same.

>> No.8515461

I've been wanting to play a lighthearted moege lately but, HoshiMemo is more of a nakige, right?

Go to vndb.org, set the filter to English releases and sort by rating or popularity. Read the descriptions there and see if you like something.

I think it's because many newcomers are retards about it. As for myself, I can't read untranslated AVGs because I'm too unmotivated to reach a proficient level in Japanese and it's been like that for years, but I've always tried to search for myself and I enjoy what I read since the first time I read a VN until today. I feel a bit sad that I can't talk about them with /jp/ though.

>> No.8515470

Oh, also:
>Isuzu Partial 1.1 has been discontinued. Previous 01/04/12 release date for the complete patch has been pushed forward to 20/03/12.


>> No.8515474
File: 47 KB, 513x399, 2-4-2012 10-46-57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Install the proper font to fix the wordwrapping (can't remember if it's included in the patch).

As a matter of fact, it is.

>> No.8515476

I think they are trolling again, there is only 12 months in a year.

>> No.8515475
File: 146 KB, 800x600, mon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time.

>> No.8515481

Mine still doesn't wordwrap correctly.

>> No.8515486

Appears they've removed their past translations, although I managed to obtain the prologue patch via a bit of Google.

The removal of several file hosting sites has made looking for old stuff harder though. I don't think I can find the Isuzu patch.

Also can I have a link for the /jp/ FTP server for future reference?

>> No.8515498

I suppose I got lucky I downloaded it yesterday.

>> No.8515501

ftp://jpftp.mine. nu/

>> No.8515504

Just google the patch's filename.

>> No.8515518

Don't remember the login and password, it was anon or something if I remember correctly.

Fuck. I tried googling Memoria Mediafire but that failed to bring anything up.

>> No.8515530

Name: Anonymous
Pass: /jp/

>> No.8515539

Goddamn, I though it was a combination of /jp/ and anon but never figured it was the full word.
Thank you very much.

>> No.8515542

Mmm... I'd say it's still pretty lighthearted. At least for the common route and some of the chara routes. Komomo and Kosame had some fairly serious shit, but for Asuho and Isuzu, once you get past all the drama, you get some nice ichaicha and everything.

Not sure if serious or if the same dumbass who doesn't realize 20/03 is March 20 in Aussieland.

Still wish we kept the April 1 release. Would've liked more time to look things over.

The wordwrap still doesn't seem perfect, unfortunately, but Favorite's system is apparently a bitch to hack, and this is the closest we've got. Wordwrap should work 95% of the time (excluding the backlog, which is NOT wordwrapped).

>> No.8515567
File: 38 KB, 334x485, 1264697935330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lawl, this list is as good as dead. Ha...

Fuck, I shouldn't have laughed.

>> No.8515583

Aah, yes. Aussie.


>> No.8515677


By the way, is it okay if I submit or is this regulated? I fully understand if the owner takes care of his ftp, but I'd like to contribute if I have something someone else needs.

>> No.8515687

The more important question is: What's the capacity of the server?

>> No.8515688

I believe it's regulated.

>> No.8515787

Looks like Fileserve brought back a shitton of files.

>> No.8515857

I was expecting Kou to beat them to a pulp and then scold them, not beating them to a pulp and ripping their clothes off while doing so.

>> No.8515928

That's real nice, shame one of the downloads I want is still restricted to the uploader.

>> No.8515939

fileserve is back up?

>> No.8516029

If you lose is the other way around...

>> No.8516728

Just completed one route on Galaxy Angel 1, now I have to replay it and get the others...
Kind of annoying there's no skip function for previously read text or the battles.

>> No.8516743

There aren't any differences until the ball. Just save the game there and pick which route you want. It lets you choose from whoever the top 3. They did add an option to skip the battles in the last game, but I don't think in the first two.

>> No.8516765

That's the thing, I figured that was the case as I had 3 proposals at the ball, so I saved at that point but then I fucking overwrote it...

I'll try not to do that this time. Absolutely loving GA though, I watched all of the anime (except for that awful one with the new characters) a long time ago so it's like meeting an old friend again.

>> No.8516805
File: 712 KB, 640x480, 26a0a5bcd5ca01c0bb7251b474d48773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranpha is olev.

>> No.8516842

Only one route left in akatsuki no goei. I don't know why I keep reading it despite the consistently sloppy way they handle the plot / drama in the routes. It's fun, anyway.

I'm wondering if the sequel and/or fan disk are an improvement?

>> No.8516853

>I'm wondering if the sequel and/or fan disk are an improvement?
Pfttt... hahahahahaha
You should know what this series is 'famous' for.

>> No.8516864

What, writers who get bored halfway through?

>> No.8516866

And then go and shit on the endings even harder.

>> No.8516942
File: 237 KB, 800x600, how about no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I've never touched Aisha! The only girls I've fucked are you and Shuri, Rinrin.

What the hell, is it too hard for the developers to set a flag and check whether or not a statement is true before running it? I don't like Aisha, she's a bitch.

Though I admit I'm also going for the drill hair ojou because goddamn I love drill haire'd ojous Aisha just comes across as a bitch.

>> No.8517418

do any of the other koihime musou games go further than the animu? I want to see zhou yu spanking huang gai to decieve cao cao.

>> No.8517447

Finally got around to doing Snow Sakura. Pretty Generic frankly. Also anyone know is someones translating Ane Hara Mix? Just recently found it again.

>> No.8517532

The game automatically assumes you are having sex with everyone regardless. It's one of the reasons I dropped it.

>> No.8517560

That bothered me, too. I mean, I'm going to bang them all eventually, but I'd like to pretend those are all alternative realities and not that I'm unfaithful manslut.

>> No.8517576
File: 585 KB, 800x600, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or does Mitsuki's hair get bigger when it's her sort of angled sprite?

>> No.8517599

The anime is completely original as far as I'm aware. It borrows characters and locations but the main character is Aisha.

Just resume Galaxy Angel, got to chapter 10 with Forte but the battles are far too long.

>> No.8517617

just finished reading Yayoi's route in Pururun Cafe for shit and giggels, got to admit that was nice sidedish when getting back to read FSN and maybe start reading Quartett or Shuffle

>> No.8517860

so the games don't sort of follow history with the coalition against dong zhuo and shit?

>> No.8517872

If you've watched the Galaxy Angel anime, that's what the Koihime Musou anime is.

>> No.8518090

Fandisc is only worth for Anzu's route/Kaito's past. Sequel has even worse endings than the first, but it's the better one if you don't expect much, just because the 禁止区域 part is awesome.

>> No.8518298
File: 481 KB, 817x639, hm1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Hoshimemo. If I've just gotten past the miko scene, about how long is it until the routes split off? I'm thinking of going into Komomo's or Asuho's first.

Also, the variety of -deres in this game pleases me. White-haired loli tsundere, loli kuudere, twintail tsundere, 's all good

>> No.8518327

If anything the VN follows history more closely.

>> No.8518351

how far does it go though? does it go up to red cliffs or more?

>> No.8518375

I don't even recall Red Cliffs being in the original Koihime, though maybe that's just my bad memory.

I know Red Cliffs was in Cao Cao's route in Shin Koihime though

>> No.8518393

You're 11,679 lines into the game. There are 7070 more lines left in the common route. Note there's an error margin of 1% in these numbers due to scene differences from decision points and unlockable scenes.

>> No.8518651

I noticed that earlier. filesonic/wu-upload being gone (permanently?) still sucks though.

>> No.8518702

Anyone have the full voice version and/or the vista version of one up for download I can find the original but I can't find those two anywhere, I just want to read it raw with voices ;_;

>> No.8518772

Mmm... Most, myself included, recommend doing Asuho's route first. Personally, I think you should go...

Asuho --> Isuzu --> Komomo --> Kosame --> Chinami

Asuho should probably be done first, and Chinami most likely last. Kosame has to and should be done right after Komomo. Komomo has the best atmosphere of the initial three routes and actual plot, but not the best romance, hence I suggest doing hers last.

>> No.8519329

Since StaicaseSubs apparently pulled their Isuzu patch and nothing came up from googling it, any kind anon wanna put up a ddl link for it?

>> No.8519381


>> No.8519480

Kind of exciting to see that other people are playing Dies Irae as well.

Question, playing Kei's route, feeling like I'm close to the end but I don't know for sure. There's this one thing I didn't really get in chapter 13: What is it that happened with Marie? I get that she left the guillotine and then was transferred over to Beatrice's sword, but HOW did that happen. Shortly after that scene, Shirou mentions that he and Kasumi were a medium for that (well, granted that Shiro did throw her across) but in what way did they mediate that process. Also, I guess I don't necessarily understand why it was necessary, outside of to help everyone, and because both Ren and Beatrice were fated to lose against their opponents. If this will be explained in later routes, then please let me know. I'm just not sure if I missed a detail because all the components aren't really clicking into place as a unit for me.

Also that scene with C/Karl and Shirou was fucking AWESOME. I can't fucking wait for Marie and Rea's route. Haven't been so pumped to play a game in a while

>> No.8519492

question /jp/, i'm playing yu-no, and i'm stuck. The idiot project manager guy dropped a photo of ayumi on the ground and supposedly she's supposed to be home "soon" but nothing i do is making time pass. The walkthrough says something about going to the park but it won't let me go to the park through the city.

>> No.8519805


WA2 unofficial popularity vote
Kazusa won by a very small margin

>> No.8519815

And rightly so.

>> No.8519816

Kinda wanted Setsuna to win.
At least it was damn close.

>> No.8519818

Are there any eroge that can compare to Evangelion?

>> No.8519820

The main problem there is that Io's above Tomo. What the fuck?

>> No.8519822


kana imouto

>> No.8519828

Subarashiki Hibi

>> No.8519832

She was kinda cute in a tsundere ending in Setsuna's true end, even though she was being a selfish bitch in Kazusa's epilogue.
But at least Japan can appreciate a good bro like Takeya.

>> No.8519834

Katawa Shoujo, you know it to be true.

>> No.8519837

In term of Author Trolling? None.

>> No.8519839

WA2 is a kusoge, Moogy agree

>> No.8519848

How about itsusora, which was 'hi I'm your generic moege with cutesy opening, except no you gullible retard'.

>> No.8519887

How so? The only thing that seems similar is Rei and Ayana.

>> No.8519925

Can someone help me find a download link for Haruka Ni Aogi Uruwashi in english?
Only VN I've read before this is Divi Dead.

>> No.8519929

I have to say I loved the six-tweet-long autistic rant about japanese people using always the same set expression to describe how they felt about the game.

>> No.8519936

He did something like this? Let me see

>> No.8519944

No one can. Because it doesn't exist.

>> No.8519948

Hahaha, it was pretty autistic for sure.
Though it seems like he only wrote this retarded wall of text just to state that he thinks WA2 is a kusoge at the end.

Though honestly I don't see how anyone could think that, disliking the genre I can understand but anyone who isn't a complete moron can see that WA2 is really well made.
It's probably just some hipster thing.

>> No.8519961 [DELETED] 

Oh, okay. Are there any other good VNs about true love that is available in english?

>> No.8519973

Moogy has gone beyond the hipster thing now.
He's right now the clown of the english speaking VN "community".

>> No.8520007
File: 60 KB, 1383x600, Ohwow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better not post shit insulting some shitty game,guys!

>> No.8520011

Do you guys really have to react to everything this guy says on twitter/irc/whatever? This is getting tiring.

>> No.8520017

Fuck off. Moogy-sama is our saviour.

>> No.8520020

This. People giving attention to that retard makes me wonder if it's Moogy posting about himself on /jp/.

>> No.8520024

That's Moogy-dono to you.

>> No.8520034
File: 34 KB, 485x352, olbermann-oreilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8520050

For the people who read it in Japanese, what did you guys think of FSN?

I recently reread it in Japanese, first time was in english years ago and while it was much more agreeable to read that way and pretty much a completely different experience, honestly the only route I kind of liked was HF.

Maybe it was because I did Dies Irae+KKK before which had pretty much everything I wanted from this genre or maybe it's some sort of unconscious backlash that force me to downrate it.

>> No.8520059
File: 48 KB, 640x480, keepgoing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished watching Koihime Musou, all 3 seasons a while ago. Should i give the VN a go? I was debating with myself heavily if i was going with the VN first or anime adaption first.

I hope i didn't screw up.

>> No.8520066
File: 566 KB, 687x463, seafood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop fapping to this.

>> No.8520088

No need to post screenshots of that silly board.

>> No.8520140
File: 17 KB, 159x147, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love and encouragement is silly?

>> No.8520170

That's my opinion on it too.
HF was good, but that's about it, DI is just a lot better.
FSN would be better if it balanced better plot, characters and fights. there are like 2-3 good fights in the whole thing.

>> No.8520223

Have the KKK OST been ripped yet?

>> No.8520237

Can anybody tell me some VN's like Doki Doki Oyako Lesson ~Oshiete ♪ H na Obenkyou~ ?
Teacher Heroines, Mothers, so on and so forth. I can barely find any.
Thanks in advance.

>> No.8520399

>Teacher Heroines, Mothers
>I can barely find any.
The world of Nukige sure as hell isn't lacking in this department. Nobody should help you because you are just stupid.

>> No.8520417

That are in english (or a least that have a patch out since I can't read kanji), that should've been obvious. Also, I've played most of them, but since you're a retard, you fail to follow a simple train of thought.

>> No.8520460

Nukiges don't need translations, fuck off.

>> No.8520477

Translating nukige is a waste of time, only official publisher touch that shit.

>> No.8520483

Also, Nukige isn't what I'm looking for, I couldn't give to shits about the amount of sexual content in it, I want mature heroines rather than highschool students which most of you want; I don't want cute, I want sexy.
Now fuck off, since you clearly have no idea what you're on about.

>> No.8520484

So eroge with only 15 year olds in a highschool setting can?

>> No.8520493

So normal eroge that mostly always has the same fucking setting and stereotypes can be translated but nukige that has a different ages of characters and settings cant, cool. How are you guys not fucking sick of eroge already, its the same highschool shit over and over again.

>> No.8520499


Beggars can't be choosers. Just learn Japanese if it's a problem. You can use a text hooker if you can't read kanji. Complaining will not get you anything.

>> No.8520504
File: 23 KB, 638x360, 1261663996529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so you're not looking for nukige? I'm sorry. I can't tell because you mentioned that game. That, or any bullshit Dark Translations ever touched.

>> No.8520507

>Fuck you all for not translating games with MY fetish.
Crawl back to your rock.

>> No.8520512

>I want mature heroines
I hope you aren't who I think you are, again. On the off chance you're serious, Yu-no has a couple of adult heroines and even the student ones feel older because of the old artsyle. Dunno much else with teachers or adult heroines in english.

>> No.8520516

90% of eroge market is over-saturated with nukige that was made cheap, sold cheap and barely anybody gives a shit about. It's the nukige shit we should be sick of, not the tame eroge.

>> No.8520519

dont you dare call the stuff drak translation translated bullshit.

More like im tired of the same shit that i cant even read normal eroge with being bored to death. I want to fucking play as a man getting actual women not a fucking 14 year old who i could care shit about. this is why remember 11 was good, because it didn't use at least high school students, even college students are better then that shit.

>> No.8520525
File: 43 KB, 640x480, gfs_89421_2_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember her?

>> No.8520528

Its better than reading the same shit over and over again about high school drama. Its like watching 18 and pregnant for 30 hours.

>> No.8520531

Still trying, still no luck.

>> No.8520532

>dont you dare call the stuff drak translation translated bullshit
Oh boy. Suddenly it all becomes clear.

>> No.8520537
File: 32 KB, 320x442, canvas2dvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The teacher route is nothing exceptional though.

>> No.8520541

Milf autist

>> No.8520544

Why are you getting mad at us, anyway?

It's not like we're financially supporting the developers of that kind of eroge.

>> No.8520550

boring high school shit drone eater.
You dont have to suffer like i do, you have no idea the pain i go through wishing for a eroge were i can married older women.

>> No.8520555

Haha, it's this guy again.

>> No.8520556

ELF games=Problem solved

Too bad you'll never read Highschool shit like Subarashiki Hibi,amirite?

>> No.8520573

Did we really need to finish the thread in two days?
At least I finished chapter 2 of Asairo, which was amazing.

>> No.8520574

Obviously not painful enough or you would suck it up and learn to read japanese instead of whining on anonymous image boards.

>> No.8520585
File: 19 KB, 150x158, 1264732547105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont you dare call the stuff drak translation translated bullshit

>> No.8520601

>Did we really need to finish the thread in two days?
It's not like it matters, we don't have a regular schedule or anything, if it maxes out we make another

>> No.8520639
File: 61 KB, 249x238, 1303239993013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont you dare call the stuff drak translation translated bullshit
The only thing I agree with you is that Remember 11 is an amazing game (at least much better than the likes of MLA or Type moon stuff that get discussed over an over in all boards).Other than that, you´re acting retarded

>> No.8520810

You're that insane mature loving anon again. Haven't you gotten tired of this?

>> No.8520972

Finally finished all 5 routes of Galaxy Angel 1.
Was a pain to complete all the battles, I ended up reading Yakitate Japan whilst letting the battles play out.

>> No.8521051 [SPOILER] 
File: 52 KB, 800x598, asairo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's it, finished Asairo.
It was incredibly well done and written, especially loved how this scene played out, so well brought with the whole story I could only think about how beautifully done it was.

>> No.8521111

Glad you liked it, it's pretty excellent.
Too bad it got a bad reputation when it was released due to the lack of routes

>> No.8521137

I didn't even mind it, all the characters were really well developed and relationships with half of the girls would have made no sense at all Harutsuge is not the kind to be into incest and Waka had her issues
Also I liked how Jin and Nobuo were trying to improve themselves for Araragi and Harutsuge in the end.

>> No.8521147
File: 946 KB, 1386x886, abeld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally done with the Abel section in my chart.

>> No.8521161

I cried when that started to zoom out. So nicely played.

>> No.8521359

A bit late but Hiyoko Strike is finally out.
All the versions released before were fake, this one took its sweet time

>> No.8521489

What is it about?
The summary in vndb doesn't say much

>> No.8521511

I have the same problem as the person who recommended it to me, explaining what it's about without spoiling it leaves you with what you can find in vndb.
It's a lot more than what it looks at first glance, that's for sure. Also really well done thematics.

>> No.8522002
File: 492 KB, 1280x720, 1328279479851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8522099
File: 63 KB, 800x600, 45646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with 無限煉姦 because I liked the look of the main heroine. Is this supposed to be fucking awesome because I've been glued to the screen the whole day for some reason. It's been a while since I've read something this interesting.

>> No.8522253

I still have to read this, I liked Extravaganza and I heard this was even better

>> No.8522535

Everyone's favorite hater is back!

>> No.8522669

Dammit, I was going to post this in the new thread.

>> No.8522678

Hmm... this month doesn't look so great. A lot of sequels/fandiscs to stuff I don't care about/don't like. At least Shiny Days looks good. (sasuga overflow).

>> No.8522860

This month has Exodus, a sequel to an atmospheric game about quantum physics, very relaxing and enjoyable game that was tragically incomplete, leaving on an incomprehensible string of events and an even more incomprehensible ending which utterly ruined the whole thing, making what would have been a respectable game entirely into shit.

However, however, if the sequel finishes the story and is more of a sequel than a fan disk, I think it'll be really worth playing. The theme of Distortion was definitely interesting enough to me.

Also Navel Plus. Asuka is my wife. I fucking love that woman. My only beef about this is that while Jackson is milking, there's no gaurantee or indication that he's working on his next game, which i am very excited to get to play if it is ever released.

>> No.8523204
File: 77 KB, 771x552, schattenlove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, finished trample schatten - damn Kawashima Rino gave me awesome chills as a hot-blooded character. The main story imo, is decent, and if anything, the shortfall comes from having any routes at all - 3(4) were utterly throwable (very obviously), very much an after-thoughts.

Probably tackle either asairo, evolimit, or grisaia next. Going to toss a few coins to decide.

>> No.8523215

Passion Star Stream is all I care about.

>> No.8523367

On a related note can someone tell me what the difference between Passion Star Stream and Starlit Brave Xtream is? I know one of them is all-ages but is it only a different version of the same game or are they different games with different stories?

>> No.8524137

new> >>8523233
