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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8508761 No.8508761 [Reply] [Original]

I pose a question, /jp/. How many of us truly want to be the little girl? That is, how many of us have gender dysphoria?

And why? Also, why are we such a loud minority here? This really all seems like a recent trend.

>> No.8508772

Disclaimer: Everyone who claims not to have gender dysphoria is from /a/ or /v/

Now proceed with the thread

>> No.8508770

I don't know about being a little girl, but I'd love to be a cute shota for the rest of my life.

>> No.8508787

I would have loved being born as a girl and living my whole life as one, but I don't feel like I'm a woman in a man's body and I don't want to become a woman (mostly due to the fact that HRT doesn't really make you become a woman... just some kind of half man/half woman monster).

>> No.8508786

And what about those who want to become man? It works with opposite side too.

>> No.8508814

I only want to be the 2D little girl who never ages. All other options are only marginally superior or outright inferior to my current self as a healthy adult male.

>> No.8508841

I want to be a shota.

>> No.8508853

I want to be a 2D, eternal little girl, and I wont settle for being a grown ass man posing as a girl, or transgender bullshit.

I'm going to live this life as a man, and then when I go to Gensokyo, I'll have my two dreams fulfilled.

>> No.8508864

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.8508865

and i'll be right up there with you to enjoy some of the purest love together~

>> No.8508871

If I could choose to be anything, i would choose to be a cute little girl (9 years old or so) with a huge cock and magical powers.
This post is serious.

>> No.8508869

Same here

>> No.8508886

I love cocks, specially mine, too much. Everything else is better in little girls, but the cock must stay. It is the pinnacle of everything, I'm so glad to have one. That's why I would find very hot to suck and stroke big fat flying cocks and swallow their semen even though I'm not gay.

>> No.8508890


Well, HRT certainly isn't worth it if you'll never pass.

If you can, though...well, let's just say that strangers don't need to know what is in your pants.

>> No.8508895

Hmm the cock isn't needed but magical powers and living in Gensokyo + drinking tea and wearing cute dresses.

>> No.8508898

I dream with tenderly loving a transgendered anon ;_;

>> No.8508902

Isn't that just sad? Right now I know I'm probably gonna end up dying alone, but if I really wanted to change, I could most likely go and meet someone and live my life with someone by my side.

As a transgender, you're stuck with the fetishists and will most likely never find someone who will truly accept you. You're pretty much either fated to die alone or to go with someone who's with you just because of his fetish. All of your seduction attempts will fail as soon as they see what you really are.

>> No.8508908

You'd be surprised to see how big the trans gender community is. Still you got a point

>> No.8508911

This. I definitely have a tendency toward being a girl, not so much a woman though. So I don't really entertain the idea of HRT or SRS too much.
My girlfriend has gender dysphoria and plans to do it all, though. She's a massive moe-otaku, as well, and crossplays Miku like a boss.

>> No.8508932


You're pretty much right. But I don't really care for relationships so this problem probably won't apply to me.

>> No.8508948

Can't really say I do. I like the, ah, various aspects of maleness a bit too much to truly wish to be the little girl.

Doesn't mean I don't think about it sometimes, though. Certain situations, stuff like that.

>> No.8508983

I'm >>8508911
and I can tell you that my attraction to my girlfriend is in no way fetishistic. To the contrary, the physical male attributes are what I find hardest to accept, although I can because I am also bi. My point is though, you don't have to go into relationships thinking it's just some weird guy who likes you because he has a kink for traps.

>> No.8509024


I'm not the guy, but I want to say something.

Sure, people like you do exist, but we are mostly sexualized by everyone else. Just go most of the imageboards that center around transgenders such as TranChan and the transgender board on 420chan and you'll find that those are just oozing with perverts and sexuality. What is worse is that the transgender people there either seem to be fetishists themselves or willingly cater towards them for attention. This is really bad for us.

>> No.8509029
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I want to love and protect the little girls. They are all for me and only myself.

Love = personal little fuck dolls

>> No.8509032
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>You will never be the eternal little girlwith your best little girl friend and go on adventures

>> No.8509033

Just visit /soc/ and you see the equivalent of those people but straight. AKA Attention Whores.

>> No.8509035

It's funny because what most peopleforget to mention is that they don't just want to be a girl, they want to be an attractive girl.
But they don't take in to consideration the time and effort girls put in to appearing attractive.
If /jp/ was a girl, it would be a fat ugly one.

>> No.8509038

I want to be the futanari loli.

Pitching not catching.

>> No.8509039

If /jp/ was a girl it wouldn't appreciate it in any way.

>> No.8509041

I don't think you really browse /jp/.

>> No.8509046
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So do I. When it works it works too.

I've spoken to a TG trap before. They said it is hard to get past the idea everyone seems to have that all traps are sluts. There are a lot of people into it just because of fetishism and ultimately it can be very lonely.

>> No.8509049

You look below average as a man, you'll probably look worse as a woman. With the disadvantage of having all the extra maintenance and expenses, and being a lot more awkward when filling in job applications not knowing what to put in the "Gender" field.

>> No.8509059
File: 369 KB, 1024x556, female859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about that. Look at this transition.

>> No.8509083

As soon as the surgery phones up about my registration (I moved recently), I'll make an appointment to talk about it and hopefully do something about it.

>> No.8509093


A lot of his/her improvement is a better haircut and clothes. This can vastly improve how someone looks, either gender.

>> No.8509117


>and being a lot more awkward when filling in job applications not knowing what to put in the "Gender" field.

you can legally have your gender changed

>> No.8509122
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>recent trend

>> No.8509129
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>mfw people who would love me live hundreds of miles away

>> No.8509161

These retarded pictures are why so many commit suicide. HRT doesn't magically change you into a girl.

Go change your hair and clothes. Looking like girl yet? Not even slighty? Then you will end up as an extremely ugly man after this is done.

>> No.8509255

Agreed. Going to live as a healthy normal man.>>8509033
like this tripfag

>> No.8509283


Won't it all just fall apart as they get old?
I'm not expert on the subject but, maintaining looks as you get in to middle age is very difficult for people in their natural gender.
I presume it will be even more difficult for a trans.

>> No.8509287

I don't want to be a girl, I want to be a trap. I'd rather not have a vagina or breasts. I know I could never be a trap though, so I won't even bother trying.

>> No.8509298

All joking and bullshit aside. I really wish I was pretty enough to wear dresses and nice clothes. I would spend so much time and money on different clothes and fashion items just to see how they look and feel.

>> No.8509335


All I would care about is staying skinny and still having long hair.

>> No.8509338

Touhoufags dreaming of Gensokyo.

>> No.8509369

What transition? They looked like an ugly girl to begin with. The only transition is into a hipster.

>> No.8509372

I'm a very pretty guy that can wear dresses and look much better than a lot of women I see so I'm pretty happy. Not interested in being a girl. They have a lot of disadvantages physically and it wouldn't change how I look anyway.

>> No.8509374


HRT is a double edged sword because that does happen, sure. But there are trannies who still don't pass while on it but don't care because it still gives them peace, but they in turn get all sorts of shit from other people in society, so they eventually commit suicide from that, too.

Even the ones that do pass aren't entirely safe from this.

>> No.8509383
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My idea of the perfect body is a bit different from the norm.

I do not want to be female. I want to turn every single male in existence into women.

>> No.8509388

I suppose that is why so many end up trying to get attention on the net. Kind of sad really.

>> No.8509550
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>> No.8509895

I'm going to be honest here for once, and say I'm probably one of the few who purely want to be a girl. Ever since I was a little kid, I've wanted to do things that girls do. As lame as it must sound now, I wanted to play with doll houses, and watch girl shows, etc, but I was a boy, so everyone would look down on me if I did. (Hell if I did try my parents would probably just pull me away from it all). I've always fantasized about wearing dresses, bras, and other womenly wear. In this male body I was born with charming looks, according to people. I've also got intelligence, a good home, and mental stability. The irony is that even with all those good qualities, it's worthless to me if I'm a man. I cry to myself often every night, knowing what I won't have. I would love everything about being a woman, even the periods I would enjoy more than an existence as a man. A thread I've seen on /jp/ a while ago inspired me though. I will perfect the process of brain transplantation. I'll start a new life as a girl, as young as possible, and I'll enjoy every moment of it. After countless times of praying to God for help, if he's even out there, with no response, the idea of brain transplants gave me a new hope. I don't want a normal gender change, as it would be very imperfect. I'd still have Y chromosomes, and a penis, and my features would still resemble that of a man's for the most part. Even if I do get a vagina, my reproductive system would be screwed over. I'll only settle for the real deal. All my birthdays I can remember, I've secretly wished to be a girl, while lying and saying I wished for riches or something like that. I could go on for ages but I think I'll just end this post here. Good night /jp/.

>> No.8510014

I wish a was born a girl but I don't want to become a woman, or even a little girl, if that was possible. At best it's be possible to become a man that looks like a woman and that's something I definitely do not want. I would not be satisfied with anything short of being reborn as a girl but then would I even be me anymore?

Basically this >>8509895 except I still wouldn't be satisfied if I had the memories and experiences of a boy/man. The fact I was originally born as a boy would haunt me forever and I would probably be extremely confused about my gender, identity and sexual orientation.
