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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8505775 No.8505775 [Reply] [Original]

What do you dream about /jp/?
Tell me about your favorite dream!

>> No.8505777

Having a meaningful relationship with another person.

>> No.8505786

What about our relationship? You don't consider that meaningful?

>> No.8505803

I'm genuinely confused by this. Internet relationships can be a lot more fulfilling and are a lot more honest.

>> No.8505804

But we see each other every day, Anonymous... I'm always watching you.

>> No.8505799

Come on on, Anonymous, you know what I mean. I mean another REAL person, not on the internet.

>> No.8505807

Problems and issues of humanity. Every night. Tonight i dreamed that my drinking buddy sent me a text message "i want to fight."
Saddly i cannot remember my favorite dream.

>> No.8505814

seducing young men into becoming magical girls

>> No.8505809
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99% of the time I just have nightmares or chronic anxiety dreams. Always recurring themes, always blatantly obvious Freudian shit. My mind is not a subtle creature.

Once or twice a year I will sometimes have euphoric dreams that are very full of color and sensations. They're not sexual but there's a similar feeling, I guess euphoric is the right word. I wake up feeling amazing instead of stressed or terrified. They get increasingly rarer with time.

>> No.8505816

I don't remember anything about my dreams.

>> No.8505843

How do I find one like that then?

>> No.8505869

working at Winn-Dixie with Willem Dafoe

>> No.8505899
File: 38 KB, 300x429, 342468-onepiece_luffy_new_super_large_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To find One Piece!

>> No.8505896

I dream about a lot of action stuff. My favorite dream is probably the one where I'm breaking out of a Chinese prison with Kenshiro.

>> No.8505902

What kind of problems?

>> No.8505925

My favourite dream is a really vivid dream where i end up sucking Sakuya's futa cock.
When i woke up i could have sworn i could still taste it in my mouth.

I blame /jp/ for this dream.

>> No.8505933

Violence, hatred, judging, war... Plus many things i really don't know word for.

>> No.8505930
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I often have nightmares about being eaten by various creatures, when I was a kid it was big cats. Lately it's been bears. Nightmares related to my anxiety problems. Pets dying.

Last dream that I remember was someone stealing my boots, then I got them back but someone had stolen my coat. I remember waking up in a panic.

I once had a dream that I was in a house full of Yakuis, the bathroom smelled of vomit. I was sick in a sink. I don't think I've ever felt happier and more content than I did then.

>> No.8505983

Well almost all my dreams begin well, I am trying to do something or helping someone and creatures appear out of nowhere trying to ruin what I did, from then on I wake up and give a fuck

>> No.8506000

That sounds awesome.

>> No.8506008

My dream recall has gotten really terrible, I barely remember. It went to shit just about the time when I stopped lucid dreaming regularly.

>> No.8506025
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I have a lot of fav-lewd dreams from lucid dreaming.

Half the time i end up dreaming about being a super slut and the other half i end up staring a monster in the eyes for hours before it ends, a total nightmare.

>> No.8506032

Last night I dreamt that zombies were attacking. I had a rifle of some sort, but only two magazines. I managed to lead some people to a rescue helicopter without any trouble, but while sitting inside the helicopter, I saw Byakuren and a bunch of other people running from a bunch of zombies. I shot a bunch of the zombies, but they got Byakuren and the others. I ended up shooting zombie Yuyuko and zombie Yukari in the head. Then we left.

>> No.8506035

Damn, you guys always talk about how easy lucid dreaming is. I could never get it to work, personally. Maybe I just didn't stick with it long enough.

I tried the WILD technique for about two weeks straight to no avail. I guess it can't be helped.

>> No.8506043
File: 207 KB, 2388x2384, LucidDreamingguideVERSION2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I understand, WILD is a poor technique for beginners.

Have a guide from /x/. It's probably been updated since I saved it, so perhaps you'd do well to ask there.

>> No.8506061

Righto, thanks anon. I got as far as getting to sleep paralysis, but I had no idea how to actually get into the dream.

>> No.8506078

Usually its just being at some school that is mixture of previous three i went to...then somehow I have a girlfriend or wife who keeps getting herself into trouble.. fighting some bad guys or monsters with my superpowers... it might sound exciting but at the end of it I always feel bad somehow and never get laid with ladies.

>> No.8506083


These, every night. Nightmares are the dreams when the guy I'm in the relationship with dies or gets sick/is dieing.

>> No.8509058

I traveled to another world where there was a civil war between two kingdoms and there was a dragon and living statues and shit.

>> No.8509640 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 270x300, thor_god_full-270x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream that I was the daughter of Thor and I had all of his godly strength. In order to free my people, I had to kill a king. First I seduced him, then I assassinated his son. When his resolve shook upon hearing the news, I cut off his head and take it to my brethren.

>> No.8509644
File: 15 KB, 270x300, thor_god_full-270x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream that I was the daughter of Thor and I had all of his godly strength. In order to free my people, I had to kill a king. First I seduced him, then I assassinated his son. When his resolve shook upon hearing the news, I cut off his head and took it to my brethren.

>> No.8509646

I can lucid dream so 8/10 times my dreams are exactly what I want. But those two times lucid dreaming doesn't work out I have horrible nightmares and wake up freaked out.

>> No.8509651
File: 58 KB, 573x515, wonderfulyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone want to hear about my dreams?

>> No.8509655

>when the guy I'm in the relationship with

Your only relationship should be /jp/

>> No.8509660

A friend of mine and his girlfriend having sex. It is horribly awkward every time.

>> No.8509700

In my dream I fucked you're mom.

>> No.8509721
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, 1282792516566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had one the other night that scared the fuck out of me.

I got separated from my flight, I don't remember how, but I do remember diving for the deck from 10,000 feet or so to get away. A 109 followed me and I couldn't get him off my ass, and that's when it got scary.

You know those dreams where something horrid is chasing you? Some monster that's going to rip you apart, tear you, and you know it's going to hurt, and you scream and flee but you can't get away and he catches you anyways and you wake up with a head full of fuck? It was like that.

And then I got mad. Not angry, no, I mean "mad" as in "so angry I was effectively bugfuck insane roid raging." I entered a max-performance turn right above the ground, pulling right till I hit stall buffet, which means you're on the razor edge of stalling and plowing into the fucking ground. Imagine those falling dreams where your whole body surges and tingles with that rush of FUCKING TERROR, except it's more like you're balancing on something very very tall and about to fall to a horrid death and still feeling that terror anyways. That's what it was like. Except I was also so fucking mad I also felt like Satan Prime or some shit.

I caught the bandit, and I shot him, and when my 20mm fired it punched through the side of the plane and I heard a BAMF and the cockpit was instantly covered with blood. And then I felt like a fucking murder.


>> No.8509725

my dreams are pedo dreams, all the time..

>> No.8509741
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>> No.8509756

Fantasy nightmares with demons. War nightmares with bombs and people dying everywhere. Erotic dreams where I'm genderswapped. Sometimes they mix together. Yeah, that's about all I dream about.

>> No.8509761

Normally I don't dream at all. But when I do, most of them are pleasant/normal dreams.
Sadly I can't lucid dream, nor have I visited Gensokyo in my dreams ;_;

But today, I may experience nightmares, played SPC087 without knowing what it was.

It's going to get me /jp/!!, help me!! fuckfuckfuckfuck!!

>> No.8509785

All of my sex dreams involve oral sex with a loli. She never does anything to me. Instead, it's always me licking her.

>> No.8509860

Does anything actually happen in that game?
Or is it just a stair simulator?

>> No.8509875

Around floor 40-50 something scary happens.
