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File: 83 KB, 460x450, mokoubetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
850553 No.850553 [Reply] [Original]

With the new pyro expansion pack comming out for team fortress 2 only hours away, can it be Mokou time now?

>> No.850558

Pyro expansion?

>> No.850561
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Keine approves this thread.

>> No.850562
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>> No.850565
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>> No.850574
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>> No.850569

expansion pack? wut?

>> No.850570


>> No.850571


the pyro is getting a new set of weapons, including long range flamethrower, a twin directional (back and forth) flamethrower, and an axe which makes critical hits so long as the enemy is on fire

>> No.850580
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>> No.850577

I'm surprised there are no teamfortress 2 touhous

>> No.850578

>long range flamethrower


>> No.850579

The hell, twin directional? How does that even work.

>> No.850581

>>team fortress


>> No.850584
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>> No.850586

Pyro - Mokou
Heavy weapons - Marisa
Engineer - Nitori
Spy - Sakuya
Soldier - Reimu
Reisen - Sniper
Suika - Demolitions
Aya - Scout
Erin - Medic


>> No.850591


left click is normal flamethrower
right click is reverse flamethrower (kills backstabbing spys easily)

The non-reversible flamethrower can now blow enemies away with compressed air and knock soldier rockets back at them if you right click

>> No.850593


I'd like to get that only so I can shout tasukete eirin or some other weeaboo shit.

>> No.850596

What he was trying to say is it does more damage to enemies you shoot from behind.

And the "long range flamethrower" is a flaregun to replace the shotgun, that lights things you hit on fire. Isn't really a flamethrower.

>> No.850597


suika the black, scottish, one eyed oni?

>> No.850605
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Reimu pwns you MAGET!

where's my rocket jumping miko?!

>> No.850616

Busty Raymoo is busty.

>> No.850621
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Zat vas Erin assisted homicide!
Anosa successful proceedure!

>> No.850628
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is this a lewd thread?

>> No.850639
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It seems to be now.

>> No.850714

The Backburner isn't a flamethrower that fires backwards, it auto-crits when you hit someone from behind with it. It also gives you 50 extra health. Basically, it's the normal flamethrower with back-burns on top.

The standard flamethrower gets an "Air blast" ability that can deflect projectiles and people.

>> No.850729


flandre should be demo, she blows up more shit than any other touhou

>> No.850754

But Suika has grenade-like danmaku, and she's drunk all the time.

>> No.851723

>Spy: Sakuya

That reminds me. Who would win in a fight? The spy or Sakuya?

>> No.851733

The spy would disguise as Remilia and backstab Sakuya when she's pouring some tea.

>> No.851738

Spy be sappin' my maid.

>> No.851741


Where is civilian?

>> No.851742

Reisen should be spy. Works better.

furthurmore, how is bloating the Pyro with abilities not fucking TF2's balance in the ass?

>> No.851754

>>TF2's balance
TF2 didn't have any balance to begin with.

>> No.851793

they are gonna do new weapons for each class.. eventually. and pyro was so shitty anyway.

>> No.851807

Always thought Cirno would make a better Heavy. But I guess it wouldn't be Touhou without Marisa somewhere.

Civilian - Kaguya

>> No.851827
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>> No.851833

Wait. So today's update:
- Gives a significant buff to the worst class in the game
- Nerfs two of the most broken combat classes (soldier and demoman)
- Effectively bolsters the usefulness of the engineer and heavy (two low-tier combat classes)

and you're saying that this HURTS balance?

>> No.851861

I haven't played TF2 in months. It seems like a good time to start playing again.

>> No.851865
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Pic related to OP

>> No.851872

Pic related to SAGE

>> No.851876

If the medic pack was any indication, you'll want to not play for a few days.

>> No.851886

Cirno sucks and is weak as hell, why the fuck would she be heavy?

>> No.851899
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Kaguya would make a better sniper. NEET sitting at home shooting after the other team. Same with Patchu

But the real prize taker as sniper is...

Also demoman = Alice and her suicide dolls.

>> No.851903

Because he's probably a hivemind "CIRNOS THE STRONGEST XD!!!!" faggot.

>> No.851904
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I mean, why the hell would Reisen be snoiper? The only reason would be that she shoots suppositories. This is a way better option.

>> No.851911
File: 149 KB, 320x403, thestrongest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably the same fag doing it these days.

And Cirno isn't the strongest anyway. Pic related.

>> No.851928

>And Cirno isn't the strongest anyway
We know this

>> No.851932

>Cirno sucks and is weak as hell

You just described a heavy without a medic affixed to his testicles. And even with a medic, you usually only need a crit to take him down.

>> No.851937

>>851932 You just described a heavy
Hahaha, wrong.

>> No.851940

>You just described a shitty heavy
I could kill at least 5 guys using a heavy without a medic. You must suck.

>> No.851949

Patchouli Knowledge HAS to be the sniper.

>> No.851954

Why? Just because there's a fanart of her as one?

>> No.851957

There is? Then share.

Otherwise it does not exist.

>> No.851961

The Heavy has the highest HP in the game. To put that in perspective, the Heavy has more than TWICE as much HP as half the classes in the game. The Heavy is the only class in the game that can survive a crit rocket, and without a crit a soldier needs to hit with every single rocket if he wants to kill the heavy with a single clip.

The minigun tears everything to ribbons at close range, and the heavy is the best close-range combat class in the game, hands down. However, he sucks at mobility and he's snipebait if he ever goes outside while spinning the minigun. He's not intended to be offensive. Treat him like a sentry with feet, not a Pyro on steroids.

>> No.851964

I can't find it but it exists. I used to have a TF2 folder for Touhou but I don't know what happened to it.

>> No.851968

>>851961 TWICE as much HP as half the classes in the game.
>and the heavy is the best close-range combat class in the game

>> No.851970

Patchouli Knowledge is the name of a well-known European member of Team Weeaboo, 4chan Party Van, and Team Loli, and he plays exclusively as sniper. And yes, there is fanart, going into the 4chan Party Van's Steam chat right now to get it.

>> No.851984
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>> No.851985
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>> No.851988

Patchu is not only sniper.

Also hello European Extreme.

>> No.851991
File: 199 KB, 800x790, Touhou Fortress 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.851997


>> No.852007

And so you proved me right!

>> No.852013
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>> No.852016

Oh, gee, I don't know what to say. But yes, I think Patchy should be sniper.

>> No.852019

GB2European Extreme

>> No.852020

in b4 cry some more, ze.

>> No.852025

>Max Points: 35
>Max Kills: 21

>> No.852032

Well I might just do that then.

What is this Team Loli you speak of? I'm a member of the other groups though, and /v/idya too, but i only really use their servers. Their chat sux.

>> No.852040

>in b4

as if

>> No.852043

Hey Patchu, where do you chat now?

Haven't joined any chat for months, now I just talk with Veng only.

>> No.852044

Uh, a scrim with some other /a/ssholes and /v/irgins against some CAL team. I guess it was a one time thing and you disbanded afterwards!

>> No.852046

chillaxin' ITT W/ my Weeabuddies


>> No.852059
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>> No.852060

Partyvan or Team Weeaboo usually.

Oh yeah, that was just mailorder's idea seeing as in scrims the other team usually expects us to wear some form of tags. I think our best one was *grabs dick*

Clans are too much effort and stuff anyway. They're also mostly filled with thirteen-year-olds who like to call themselves "pro gamers" and use names like... fuck, I'm not opening up charmap to give an example.

>> No.852065

Hey guys. Arguing with myself has been fun, but sure would be nice if some other people started posting!

>> No.852069
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>> No.852068

I haven't seen you around in awhile. Get out of here.

>> No.852074
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Five minutes in tripper+ does not an authentic replica create.

>> No.852078
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>>65 (as Sniper)
>>36 (as Sniper)

>> No.852087

I used to play on the party van as TRAVIS TOUCHDOWN and I sucked.

>> No.852093
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>> No.852091

I never really enjoyed playing on Orange X/mariokart 24/7. Also good luck getting 30 points without dying on a server like idorts.

>> No.852096

I don't think this word means what you think it means.

>> No.852099

>Clans are too much effort and stuff anyway. They're also mostly filled with thirteen-year-olds who like to call themselves "pro gamers" and use names like... fuck, I'm not opening up charmap to give an example.

I remember back in CS 1.5 I was part of a "clan" that went CAL, our objective each match was to see how fast we could TK each other. Then we moved on to stuff like piling glocks and such. I remember one match where we actually had a tea party with the other team, it restored my faith in CAL and its participants.

Also, when tactical shields and stuff came out we had fun with that.

>> No.852100

Bitches don't know about my servers

>> No.852101

>>tactical shield


>> No.852106

Ha, this sounds like fun. I remember Fuzzy actually wanted to do something like this (along with a serious team) but then when the rules everyone was like "too much work don't want to take screenshots and uninstall my skins"

>> No.852128
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Open Server browser
Shit bricks

I have a tourneyfag team in TWL, but only because they aren't as batshit about rules as CAL. sv_pure 2 or whatnot disables custom skins and stuff, although most people forget it takes a mapchange to come into effect.

>> No.852142

I'll shit brix later, right now I feel like rewatching Nanoha.

>> No.852165

For the other /v/ server. Usually it's just the idort's waiting room, but mudkip got some new admins and it was a blast to play on last night. Hope it stays that way.

Also, anyone find it odd theres a TF2 thread on /jp/ and a touhou thread on /v/?

>> No.852188

>a touhou thread on /v/?

A thread about a series of games? On a board dedicated to games? NO WAI!

>> No.852191
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>> No.852196

You're forgetting that Sakuya can stop time. Sakuya would only get raped if she wanted to get raped.

>> No.852206

Sounds like some speedhax there.

Actually, playing spy with speedhax is outrageously fun. 60-second cloak and 3 second recharge ftw.

>> No.852220

I believe you mean timer hax

>> No.852247

No, speedhax. You can have the client report false stats to the server for cloak drain, cloak recharge, uber charge, cap time, walking speed, firing speed, and sniper rifle charge.

Also, crits.

>> No.852257

notice the part where she's totally fucking enjoying it

>> No.852266

Notice the part where I wasn't referring to the actual picture but Sakuya getting raped in general. Or being killed by a spy.

>> No.852269

>Sakuya would only get raped if she wanted to get raped.
did you miss something here?

>> No.852293

demo is best class

>> No.852307

>>852293 demo is easiest class

Also Alice and her suicide dolls for demo.

>> No.852312

I suck with demo.

>> No.852326

Class expansions ruined it.

>> No.852387
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>> No.852399

Team Fortress was never, ever good.

And as awful as they were, even Counterstrike and Day of Defeat were better.

>> No.852407

And you're an awful troll.

>> No.852418

>>852399 ZUN !barYV1VtIA

>> No.852429


>> No.852430

Why does Mokou have to wear her pants nigger style?

>> No.852452


>> No.852474
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>> No.852497


>> No.852510

I wonder if the reason they're tied together is simply red pants + suspenders.

>> No.852548
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>> No.852677
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>> No.852704


>> No.852708
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>> No.852707

Just kidding

>> No.853945

Oh hell, they jew'd up the rockets.

Way to include two nerfs in a single update without waiting to see how either of them affected balance, Valve.

Oh, and I just had to restart TF2 for the second time since the update because it was impossible for me to respawn; apparently Valve thinks that putting a gun on your spectator HUD constitutes spawning.

>> No.855684

Rockets don't seem any different. Care to clue me in?
