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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 68 KB, 300x300, alcoholism_zun_ahe_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8503078 No.8503078 [Reply] [Original]

Who needs portals when you have alcohol?

>> No.8503085

I'm drunk now.

>> No.8503107

I'm getting drunk now.

>> No.8503109

Alcohol gets boring after a while. I prefer DXM induced portals.

>> No.8503126

I want to drink with you /jp/-san...! ;_;

>> No.8503134

Why wouldn't you just frow Psychotria Viridis and B. Caapi? It is a much better trip.

Any other drunks want to have a yarn in Gikopoi?

>> No.8503131

Alcohol is cheap, medical supplies are not.

>> No.8503132
File: 643 KB, 2125x2750, 1326740111300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm high right now, but I'm going to make a trip down to the liquor store in an hour or two and buy some beer.

>> No.8503136

Not where I live.

>> No.8503137

Some onion beer I bet...

>> No.8503145

Why is mugen mising two fingers?

>> No.8503143

/ /    ヽ :: \
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      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ

>> No.8503142

the fuck is onion beer?

3 seconds on google reveals nothing.

>> No.8503149

He lost them in a onion smuggling accident a few years ago.

>> No.8503160


>> No.8503228
File: 17 KB, 704x396, oishi kuraudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slamming beers down at the moment, trying to get a decent buzz going. Zun knows what's up.

If anyone's wondering about the /jp/ drinking game board I was working on, it'll be another week or two seeing as my computer broke down and I need to replace it. I am not very rich, and I don't get a lot of opportunities to use a computer at the moment, so the project is postponed for now. Can't wait to have a drinking party with /jp/ though, keep a look out for me

>> No.8503251

>/jp/ drinking game

You mean drink every time someone shitposts?

>> No.8503254

So we could shitpost AND drink at the same time? Sounds amazing.

>> No.8503253

Stupid secondary scum.

ZUN is never drunk because he drinks responsibly and enjoys it.

>> No.8503271

I find nothing more annoying than people bragging about getting drunk or high. Leave that shit on Facebook.

Unless you want to talk about the quality of fine liquor.

>> No.8503277

Wouldn't want anyone to get hurt.

>> No.8503284

Just wait and see. It's a board game. There was a thread or two on this two weeks or so ago.

>> No.8503288

Nobody on /jp/ would brag about getting drunk. It is more like "I got a 5 bottles of vodka delivered to my house, I'm going to drink them and fap to kids" while crying to anime OPs.

>> No.8503315


people who have truly drank for a long term understand that there is nothing to brag about, the only people who brag about the actual act of drinking or smoking are kids who just discovered it.

>> No.8503318


does anyone know how often ZUN actually drinks?

>> No.8503320

Woke up a little while ago....just about to start off the day with a pint of some random german import then get some food stamps.

Alcohol certainly makes going out of the house and interacting with society much easier.

>> No.8503338

While ZUN is not an alcoholic, I have seen him drunk on live stream before. There is even a video where he is so drunk that he can hardly sit straight and talk.


>> No.8503418

TAkaya taKAya takaYAAA

>> No.8503481

You guys get drunk and listen to this while crying right?


I'm not the only one, even on /jp/, right?

>> No.8503723



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp3acWyAaA8 too

>> No.8503744

>While ZUN is not an alcoholic
The fuck? If I know an alcoholic, it's ZUN.

>> No.8503761

I mean, he's even named after a vessel for sake

>> No.8503768

What about your father? ownd4lyfe[\spoiler]

>> No.8503789

You clearly don't what an alcoholic is. ZUN is a casual drinker, you stupid shit. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have an addiction or dependency on alcohol. No need to project.

>> No.8503791

It seems like he believes people who are alcoholics are incapable of ever becoming drunk. I'm not sure where such a misunderstanding may have come from, but that's the only explanation I can think of for his ridiculous post.

>> No.8503797

ZUN is just pretending to be drunk to show you the dangers of alcohol!

>> No.8503824

>It seems like he believes people who are alcoholics are incapable of ever becoming drunk.
Haha, wow. You must clearly be drunk or retarded to somehow come to that conclusion. Here is a hint: look up ``alcoholism'' on Wikipedia, you fucking idiot. Read the first sentence.

>> No.8505065 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 439x600, セックスしたい.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8506914 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 400x236, 1317582703229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8506921 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 800x473, 1317589789243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please respond
